Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo is a 2003 computer animated movie by Pixar. It concerns the adventures of an agoraphobic fish living on the Great Barrier Reef who must venture out into the wider ocean when his son is abducted by deep-sea divers.
There Are 3.7 Trillion Fish In The Ocean. They're Looking For One.
Peach: That's the shortest red light I've ever seen!!!
Bloat: Now what?
Gill: He's over there!
[Nemo pops out her bag]
- Story and Screenplay by Andrew Stanton. Directed by Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich
- I just can't afford anymore delays and you're one of those fish that cause delays. Sometimes it's a good thing. There's a whole group of fish; they're called delay fish.
- No, of course I like you. It's because I like you, I don't want to be with you. It's a complicated... emotion.
- If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny! And I know funny! I'm a clown fish!
- It's like he's trying to speak to me, I know it!
- No! I didn't come this far to be breakfast!
- [Yelling to Dory, when they are being 'swallowed' by the whale] No you can't, you think you can do these things but you can't, Nemo! [stops and gasps]
- Look, you're really cute, kid, but I don't know what you're saying! Say the first thing again!
- I'm dead. I'm dead, I'm dead, I died, I dead.
- There, there, there. It's okay, Daddy's here, Daddy's got you. I promise I will never let anything happen to you... Nemo.
- [to Bob the seahorse] Don't tell me to calm down, Pony-Boy!
- [in a sing-song voice] I'm gonna swim with you. I'm gonna be your best friend! [sees the angler fish] Good feelings gone.
- Alright, we are excited. First day of school, here we go! We're ready to learn and get some knowledge!
- You just paddle little tail right back here, Nemo. That's right, you are in big trouble, young man! Do you hear me--? Ohh!
- Hey, Mr. Grumpy Gills.
- [singing] Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim, swim.
- Will you quit it?! I'm trying to swim here. Isn't this ocean big enough for you or something? Have you got a problem, buddy? Huh? Huh? Do you, do you, do you? You want a piece of me? Yeah, ooh, I'm scared now.
- Are... Are you my conscience?
- I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine. And he shall be my Squishy. [touches "Squishy"] Ouch!!! Bad Squishy!!! Bad!
- [singing] No eating here tonight, no eating here tonight, no, no, no, eating here tonight, you're on a diet!
- No. No, you can't. Stop! Please don't go away! Please? No one's ever stuck with me for so long before! And if you leave, if you leave... I just, I remember things better with you! I do! Look! P. Sherman, forty-two... forty-two... I remember it, I do! It's there, I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it. And-and I look at you, and I... I'm home! Please. I don't want that to go away. I don't want to forget.
- Hey, look. "Es-CA-pay". I wonder what that means? That's funny, it's spelled just like the word "escape."
- P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney, P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney...
- Got it. Trench: through it, not over it... Hey, hey, hey, wait up I have something important to-- whoa, nice trench.
- What is it with men and asking for directions?
- Mo-o-o-o, we-e-e-e ne-e-e-e-ed to-o-o fi-i-i-nd his so-o-on. Can you gi-i-i-ve us directio-o-o-ns? [whale swims away] Come ba-a-a-a-a-ck!
- Wow, I wish I could speak whale.
- I see...I see a light.
- I want to touch it. [light moves when she does] Oh! I'm gonna getcha, I'm gonna getcha.
- I suffer from short-term memory loss. [Marlin: Short-term memory loss? (Dory nods) I don't believe this!] No, it's true! I forget things almost instantly. It runs in my family! Well I mean... at least... I think it does. Hum... Where are they? ... Can I help you?
- That's a funny thing to promise. If nothing ever happens to him, then nothing will ever happen to him.
Dory's alternative names for Nemo
- Your son, Chico?
- He's lost his son, Fabio.
- His son, Bingo-
- Poor Rocko.
- We're going to find Maximo!
- Not much fun for little Harpo.
- Bye, Elmo!
- (In special feture. Speaking to Marlin and Nemo) Carlin, Burrito.
Dory's unconscious mutterings
- …you gonna eat that?
- …careful with that hammer…
- …sea monkey took my money…
- …yes, I'm a natural blue…
- (The remaining mutterings are outtakes from the DVD.)
- …Klaus…Klaus, the piñata's drooping…
- …no…E = mc²…and you know it as well as I do…
- …you have a bad haircut, Alfie…
- …who's there?… Banana who?
- …uh, aren't you glad?
- …big money!…no whammies…
- Dad? I don't hate you.
- Love you, Dad.
- [while comes scuba diver] Oh, AAAAAH! Daddy, help me!
- I can't go with that girl, I have to get back my, Dad. Oh-aah! Daddy, help me!
The sharks
- Fish-Friendly Shark Pledge: I am a nice shark. Not a mindless eatin' machine. If I want to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends. Not food.
- [Bruce has rediscovered his taste for blood—and fish.]
Chum, Anchor: Intervention! - Bruce: Now there's a father looking for his little boy. [whines] I never knew my father! [cries]
- Bruce: He-e-e-e-e-e-ere's Brucey!
- Bruce: I'm havin' fish tonight!
- [meeting Nemo] Hi there. From my neck of the woods, eh? Sorry if I ever took a snap at ya. Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat.
- Reckon somebody oughta help the poor guy. [The other pelicans just sit there] Well, don't everyone fly off at once.
- Alright, Gerald, what is it? Fish got your tongue? [Marlin and Dory are revealed in Gerald's mouth] Love a duck!
- [To seagulls] Would you lot just shut up! You're rats with wings!
- [whispering to Marlin and Dory] Don't make any sudden moves. Hop inside my mouth, if you want to live.
Crush the Turtle
- Oh, I saw the whole thing, dude! First, you were like, whoa! And then we were like, WHOA! And then you were like, whoa. [Marlin: What are you talking about?] You, Mini-Man! Takin' on the jellies. You got serious thrill issues, dude.
- Oh, man. Hey, no hurling on the shell, dude, okay? Just waxed it.
- It's awesome, Jellyman. Little dudes are just eggs, we leave 'em on the beach to hatch, and then — koo-koo ka-choo! — they find their way back to the Big Ol' Blue.
- Grab shell, dude!
- [while surfing the tide of the Eastern Australian Current] Righteous! Righteous!
- Now give me some fin (high fives Squirt), noggin (bangs heads with Squirt), dude!
- Dude, Mister Turtle is my father. Name's Crush.
- [introducing Marlin and Squirt] Jellyman, offspring, offspring, Jellyman.
- You never really know. But when they know, you'll know. You know?
- Maine Lobster: And he goes all the way down into the dark, it's like wicked dark down there, you can't see a thing—how's it going, Bub?—and then…
- Bubbles: Bubbles! My bubbles!
- Gurgle: Curse you, Aqua-Scu-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-m!
- Gill: All drains lead to the ocean.
- Deb: [about her reflection] Don't listen to my sister. She's nuts.
- Sheldon: I'm H2O intolerant.
- Pearl: Awwww! You guys made me ink!
- [Nemo has just made a daring approach to a boat.]
- Nemo's Classmate: Oh, my gosh! Nemo's shwimming out to shea!
- Tad: He touched the butt!
- Seagulls: "Mine!" or perhaps "Mate!" [the only line they say, repeated over and over] There is much controversy over whether they actually say mate... or mine some people think one or the other or perhaps even both combined. the exact line is not known.'
- [The dentist has just rather painfully yanked out a tooth.]
The Dentist: Oh, well, that's one way to pull a tooth! Darn Kids! Well, its a good thing I pulled the right one eh, Prime Minister? - Gurgle: Don't you people realize that we are swimming in our own--
- Peach: Shhh! He's coming!
- [The fish have escaped from the tank.]
Peach: That's the shortest red light I've ever seen!!!
Bloat: Now what?
- [Nemo meets their teacher, Mr. Ray.]
- Mr. Ray: Well, Nemo — all new explorers must answer a science question.
- Nemo: [worried] Okay.
- Mr. Ray: You live in what kind of home?
- Nemo: [confidently] An an-ne-me-ne-mo-nem-ee! [not so confidently] A-nem-mo-ne-men… me-ne-mo-nee!
- Mr. Ray: Okay, okay. Don't hurt yourself.
- Phil: I had a tough time when my oldest went out on the drop off.
- Marlin: They just gotta grow up some--the drop off?! They're going to the drop off?! What-what-what are-what are we, insane?! Why don't we just fry 'em up now and serve 'em with chips?!
- Bob: Hey Marty, calm down.
- Marlin: Don't tell me to calm down, Pony-Boy!
- Bob: [pause] "Pony-Boy"?
- Phil: Ya know, for a Clownfish, he really isn't that funny.
- Ted: Pity.
- Pearl: See this tentacle? It's actually shorter than all my other tentacles, but you can't really tell. Especally when I twirl 'em like this.
- Sheldon: I'm H2O intolerant. [sneezes, getting blown backwards]
- Tad: I'm obnoxious!
- Nemo: [sees a boat] What's that?
- Tad: I know what that is! Oh! Oh! Sandy Plankton saw one, he calls-he said it was called a--a butt!
- Pearl: Wow, that's a pretty big butt.
- [Gurgle is frantic about the filthy aquarium.]
- Gurgle: Don't you people realize we are swimming in our own sh...
- Peach: Shhhh! Here he comes!
- Marlin: Look! Already it's half empty.
- Dory: Hmm. I'd say it's half full.
- Marlin: Stop that! It's half empty!
- Marlin: How many stripes do I have?
- Nemo: I'm fine.
- Marlin: Answer the stripe question!
- Nemo: Three.
- Marlin: No! See?! Something's wrong with you! I have one, two, three? That's all I have?
- Marlin: No no no, he's my son. He was taken by these divers.
- Chum: Humans! Think they own everything.
- Anchor: Probably American!
- [Nemo are dead in his bag, Gill and Bloat see him for the first time in a few minutes.]
- Bloat: [Murmers] He's dead.
- Gill: [Horrified] Sharkbait!
- Darla: Yeah! Fishy, fishy, fishy!
- Denstist: He-he-he-he-he, must've left your present in the car, sweetie. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
- Darla: Awww...
- Dentist: I'll go and get it.
- Gill: Oh, he's still alive!
- Peach: He's not dead.
- Bloat: What's happening? Why is he playing DEAD?
- [The dentist appears to be carrying Nemo towards the bathroom.]
- Gill: He's gonna get flushed down the toilet, he's gonna get outta here!
- Deb: Yay!
- Bloat: He's gonna get flushed.
- Gurgle: What a smart little guy!
- Gill: Oh no, not the trash can!
- Bubbles: Nemo, NO!
- Nigel: Hey-hey, I found his, Dad.
- Marlin: Where's Nemo, where is he!?
- Bloat: Dentist! Dentist!
Gill: He's over there!
- Marlin: What's a dentist, what is that? Ooh, Nigel, get in there!
- Nigel: I can't go to there.
- Marlin: Oh yes, you can. CHARGE!
- [Too late, the dared you Marlin help Nigel's gags to crashed her table.]
- Darla: [start screams]
- Dentist: What the--!?
- Nigel: Aaah!
- Dentist: Aaaah!
- Nigel: Naah--?
- Dentist: Darla, sweetie. Look out!
- [Crashed over the table with the drill whirring.]
- Bruce: Fish are friends, not food.
- Anchor: Except stinkin' dolphins!
- Chum: Dolphins! Yeah, they think they're so cute! "Oh, look at me, I'm a flippy little dolphin, let me flip for you!"
- [Marlin and Dory are swimming in the dark.]
- Dory: Aaaah! Something's got me!
- Marlin: That was me, I'm sorry.
- Dory: Who's that?!
- Marlin: Who's that? Who could it be?! It's me!
- Dory: Are--are you my conscience?
- Marlin: [sighs, exasperated] Yes. Yes, I'm your conscience. We haven't spoken for a while. How are you?
- Dory: Meh. Can't complain.
- Marlin: Huh. Good. Tell me, Dory, do you see anything?
- [A dim light gradually appears.]
- Dory: Yeah, I see a light.
- Marlin: A light?
- Dory: Yeah. I see a light. Hey conscience, am I dead?
- Marlin: No, no, I see it too.
- [They swim toward it, mesmerized.]
- Dory: It's so... [hypnotised] pretty...
- Marlin: [also hypnotised] I'm feeling... happy. Which is a big deal... for me.
- Dory: I want to touch it...
- [She does; the light bobs quickly away.]
- Both: Ooh...
- Marlin: Hey, come back. Come on back here. I'm gonna get you.
- Dory: Come here.
- Marlin: [singing] I'm gonna swim with you...
- Dory: I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you.
- Marlin: [singing] I'm gonna be your best friend...
- [The light is attached to a terrifying angler fish, which looms into view.]
- Marlin: Good feeling's gone.
- Dory: Woah. Nice trench. [echoing] Hello. Okay, let's go.
- Marlin: No, no. Bad trench. Come on, we're going to swim over this thing. [starts to swim over]
- Dory: Woah, woah, partner. Little red flag going up. Something's telling me we should swim through it, not over it. [Marlin comes back]
- Marlin: Are you looking at this thing? It's got death all over it!
- Dory: I'm sorry, but I really, really, really think we should swim through.
- Dory: How about we play a game?
- Marlin: All right.
- Dory: Okay, I'm thinking of something orange, and it's small...
- Marlin: It's me.
- Dory: Right!
- [Later]
- Dory: I'm thinking of something orange and small...
- Marlin: It's me.
- Dory: All right, Mr. Smartypants...
- [Even later]
- Dory: ... It's orange and small, and white stripes...
- Marlin: Me. And the next one - just a guess - me.
- Dory: Okay, that's just scary.
- Dory: [swimming upside down] C'mon! You gotta try this!
- Marlin: Will you just stop it?!
- Dory: Why? What's wrong?
- Marlin: We're in a whale, don't you get it?!
- Dory: A whale?
- Marlin: A whale! Because you asked for help, and now we're stuck here!
- Dory: [looking around her] Wow. A whale. You know, I speak whale--
- Marlin: No, you're insane! You can't...speak...whale! I have to get out! [bumps into the whale's baleen] I have to find my son! [bumps again] I have to tell him...[keeps bumping]...How...old...sea...turtles...are!
- Dory: [the whale speaks to her] Okay, that one was a little tougher. He either said "We should go to the back of the throat", or "he wants a root-beer float".
- Marlin: Of course he wants us to go there! That's eating us! [rubs his tail on the whale's tongue] How do I taste, Moby? Do I taste good?! [to Dory] You tell him I'm not interested in being lunch!
- Dory: Okay. He-e-e-e--
- Marlin: Stop talking to him!
- Dory: He (the whale) says, "It's time to let go!". Everything's going to be all right!
- Marlin: How do you know? How do you know something bad isn't gonna happen?!
- Dory: I-I don't!
- Gill: From this moment on, you shall now be known as Sharkbait.
- Bloat, Gurgle, Bubbles: Sharkbait! Hoo ha ha!
- Gill: Welcome, Brother Sharkbait!
- Bloat, Gurgle, Bubbles: Sharkbait! Hoo ha ha!
- Gill: Okay, enough with the Sharkbait.
- Gurgle: Sharkbait! Hoo...boop pa doo.
- Marlin: But, but, dude how do you know when they're ready (to go out into the real world)?
- Crush: Well, you never really know you know, but when they know you'll know, ya know?
- [Marlin and Dory see a fish that they don't know.]
- Dory: Ooh, there's somebody. Hey. Excuse... [Marlin stops her]
- Marlin: Dory, Dory! Okay, now it's my turn. I'm thinking of something dark and mysterious. It's a fish we don't know. If we ask for directions, it could ingest us and spit out our bones!
- Dory: What is it with man and asking for directions?
- Marlin: Look, I don't wanna play the gender card right now. [looks at the fish] You want to play a card? Play the "Let's not die" card!
- Dory: You want to get out of here, don't you?
- Marlin: Of course I do!
- Dory: Well, then. How are going to do that unless we give it a shot and hope for the best? Hmm? Hmm?
- Marlin: Dory. But Dory, I really, really don't understand.
- Dory: Come on, trust me on this. [Marlin stops, while he looks at the scars on Dory's side]
- Marlin: [sighs] All right.
- Dory: Excuse me! Whoo-hoo! Little fella? Hello! [to Marlin] Don't be rude, say hi.
- Marlin: Heh, hello.
- Dory: His son Bingo...
- Marlin: Nemo.
- Dory: ...Nemo was taken to...
- Marlin: Sydney.
- Dory: ...Sydney, yeah. And it's really, really important that we get there as fast as we can, so can you help us out? C'mon, little fella. C'mon! [claps her fins playfully]
- Marlin: Dory, I'm a little fella. I don't think that's a little fella.
- [The fish turns out to be a whale and makes a sound].
- Dory: Oh, a big fella. Big... A whale... Okay, maybe he only speaks whale. [imitating the sound a whale makes] Mwo-o-o! We-e-e-e ne-e-e-e-d...
- Marlin: Dory.
- Dory: ...to-o-o fi-i-nd hi-i-i-s so-o-o-o-n-n-n--
- Marlin: What are you doing? Are you sure you speak whale?
- Dory: Ca-a-a-a-a-n you-u-u-- gi-i-i-i-ve us-s direction-n-n-n-n-n-s?
- Marlin: Dory, heaven knows what you're saying!
- [The whale swims off.]
- Marlin: See? He's swimming away.
- Dory: Come ba-a-a-a-a-a-ck!
- Marlin: He's not coming back. You offended him!
- Dory: Maybe a different dialect.
- [She makes random whale sounds.]
- Marlin: Dory, this is not whale. You're speaking, like, upset stomach.
- Dory: Maybe I should try Humpback.
- Marlin: No, don't try Humpback!
- [Dory makes a new set of "whale" sounds.]
- Marlin: Okay, you actually sound sick!
- Dory: Maybe louder, huh? Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
- Marlin: Don't do that!
- Dory: Too much Orca. Didn't that sound a little Orca-ish?
- Marlin: It dosen't sound like Orca! It sounds like nothing I've ever heard! [sighs] Oh, just as well. He might be hungry.
- Dory: Don't worry. Whales don't eat clownfish. They eat krill.
- [A school of terrified krill swims past as the whale looms into view behind them.]
- Krill: Swim away!
- Dory: Oh, look! Krill!
- [Marlin and Dory turn around and see the whale.]
- Marlin: Move, Dory, move!
- [The Tank Gang is watching the dentist at work.]
- Deb: What have we got?
- Peach: Root canal, and it's a doozy.
- Bloat: Dam and clamper installed?
- Peach: Yep.
- [The dentist drills and the patient screams.]
- Peach: Now he's using the Schilder technique.
- Bloat: He's been favoring that one lately. He's using a Hedstrom file.
- Gurgle: That's not a Hedstrom file, that's a K-flex.
- Bloat: It has a teardrop cross section, clearly it's a Hedstrom.
- Gurgle: No, it's a K-flex.
- Bloat: Hedstrom!
- Gurgle: K-flex!
- Bloat: Hedstrom!
- [Bloat inflates.]
- Bloat: Oomp. There I go. A little help over here?
- Deb: [sighs] I'll go deflate him.
- Dory: Have you seen an orange fish swim by? It looks just like him.
- [She points at Nemo.]
- Nemo: But bigger!
- Crab: Yeah, I saw him, Bluey. But I'm not telling you where he went! And there's no way you're gonna make me.
- [Dory holds Crab out of water for the seagulls to see.]
- Seagulls: Mine! Mine! Mine!
- Crab: AAAH! All right! I'll talk! I'll talk! He went to the fishing grounds!
- [The whale departs after taking Marlin and Dory to Sydney.]
- Marlin: Tha-a-a-a-a-a-nk you-u-u-u, si-i-i-i-i-i-i-r-r-r!
- Dory: Wow. Wish I could speak whale.
- [Hundreds of seagulls are surronding Marlin and Dory]
- Seagull: Mine.
- Nigel: [quiet and controlled] Okay. Don't make any sudden moves. Hop inside my mouth, if you want to live.
- Marlin: Hop in your mouth, huh?! And how does that make me live?!
- Nigel: Because I can take you to your son.
- Marlin: Yeah, right.
- Nigel: No! I know your son! He's small and orange, he has a gimpy fin on one side--
- Marlin: [jumping up] That's Nemo!
- [Seagulls attack]
- Bloat: Nemo! Newcomer of orange and white! You have been summoned to the top of Mt. Wanna-hock-a-loogie to join with us, in the fraternal bonds... of tankhood.
- Nemo: Huh?!
- Peach: We want you in our club, kid.
- Nemo: Oh, cool!
- Bloat: If you can survive... The Ring... of... Fire!
- [Nothing happens.]
- Bloat: Come on, the Ring of Fire! The Ring of Fire!
- [Jacques suddenly comes to attention.]
- Jacques: Sorry!
- Bloat: You said you could do this!
- [Bubbles explode out of the top of the "volcano".]
- Gill: Bloat! Ring of Fire!
[Nemo pops out her bag]
- Dentist: What? All the animals have gone mad-- Oof!
- Gurgle: Smack her in the head!
- Bloat: Go! Gill! Go!
- Darla: Fish in my hair!
- Nemo: Uh, Gill!
- Gill: Sharkbait, tell you dad. I said, hi. Go get 'em!
- [Nemo flushed down the toilet are gone]
- [After Marlin leaves Dory, newly escaped Nemo comes across her.]
- Nemo: Hey, what's the matter?
- Dory: I don't know what's going on! I don't know where I am! I know I'm supposed to be looking for someone, but I just can't remember! Can't remember...
- Nemo: Hey, it's okay. I'm looking for someone too. Maybe we could look together?
- Dory: I'm Dory.
- Nemo: I'm Nemo.
- Dory: Nemo?! [long pause] That's a nice name.
- Nemo: I wanna go home. Do you know where my dad is?
- Peach: Honey, your dad's probably back at the pet store.
- Nemo: Pet store?
- Bloat: Yes, I'm from Bob's Fish Mart.
- Gurgle: Pet Palace.
- Bubbles: Fish-O-Rama.
- Deb: Mail order.
- Peach: eBay.
- Gurgle: So, kid, what is it?
- Nemo: I'm from... the ocean.
- Gurgle: Ahh, the ocean--the ocean?! Aaaargh! He hasn't been decontaminated yet! Jacques!
- Jacques: Oui?
- Gurgle Clean him!
- Jacques: Oui.
- [Dory remembers Nemo.]
- Dory: Aaaaah! Nemo! It's you! Aaaaaah! You're Nemo!
- Nemo: [muffled] Yes! Yes! I'm Nemo!
- Dory: Oh! You're Nemo! [gasps] You were dead! I saw you! And then I..., here you are! I found you! You're not dead! And your father...! [gasps] Your father!
- Nemo: My father!? You know my father!? Where is he!?
- Dory: This way! He went this way! Quick!
- Nemo: Daddy?
- Marlin: Oh, thank goodness.
- Nemo: Dad? I don't hate you.
- Marlin: No, no, no. I'm so sorry, Nemo. Hey, guess what?
- Nemo: What?
- Marlin: Sea turtles? I met one! And he was a hundred and fifty years old.
- Nemo: Hundred and fifty?
- Marlin: Yep.
- Nemo: 'Cause Sandy Plankton said they only live to be a hundred.
- Marlin: Sandy Plankton? Do you think I would cross the entire ocean and not know as much as Sandy Plankton!?
- Nemo: [laughs]
- Marlin: He was a hundred and fifty! Not one hundred! Who is this Sandy Plankton who knows everything?
- Nemo: Love you, Dad.
- Marlin: I love you too, son.
- Nemo: Oh, Dad, you can let go now.
- Marlin: Sorry! Now go have an adventure!
- [Last lines. The Tank Gang escapes, albeit in tied plastic bags.]
- Gill: Come on, Peach!
- Deb: Hurry!
- Gill: You can do it!
- Bloat: Yeah, that's it! You can do it!
- Gurgle: Just a little further!
- Peach: That's the shortest red light I've ever seen!
- Bloat: Come on, Peach!
- [Peach falls into the ocean.]
- All: Yay! We did it! Ha ha ha ha ha!
- [Long pause]
- Bloat: Now what?
- Bloat: Oh...Darla!
- Nemo: What, what's wrong with her?
- Gurgle: She wouldn't stop shaking the bag.
- Bubbles: Poor Chuckles.
- Deb: [crying] He was her present last year!
- Bloat: Hitched a ride on the porcelain express.
- Peach: She's a...fish killer!
- Nemo: I can't go with that girl. I have to get back to my dad. Oh-aaah! Daddy, help me!
- Gurgle: [What is wrong for the Nemo's stuck when the Gill appears.] Oh, he's stuck!
- Gill: Nobody touch him! Nobody touch him.
- Nemo: Can you help me?
- Gill: No, you get yourself in there, you can go yourself out.
- Peach: Gill!
- Gill: I just wanna see him do it, OK? Calm down, alternate wiggling your fins and your tail.
- Nemo: I can't! I have a bad fin!
- Gill: Never stopped me... Just think about what you need to do.
- Nemo: Unh!
- Bloat: C'mon.
- [Nemo pops out of the filter]
- Gill: Perfect.
- Marlin: Ohh, Nemo! What do you think you're doing? You gonna get stuck out there and I'll have to get you before another fish does. Get back here, I said get back here...now! Stop, You take one more move mister. Don't-don't you dare, if you put one fin on that boat, are you listening to me? Don't touch the bo-- Nemo!
- Tad: [whisps] He touched the butt.
- Marlin: You just paddle your little tail right back here, Nemo. That's right, you are in big trouble young man! Do you hear me--? [he stunned in the diver] Ohh!
- Nemo: Mm-ooh, aaaah! Daddy, help me!
- Marlin: I coming, Nemo!
- Mr. Ray: Get under the kids!
- Nemo: Ah, oh, no, uh, dad! Daddy-eeeeeeeeeee!
- Dentist: Gotcha! Keep down!
- Marlin: Nemo!
- Nemo: Daddy?
- Nigel: Naah--?
- Dentist: Out with 'ya, and stuaan!
Voice cast
- Albert Brooks - Marlin
- Ellen DeGeneres - Dory
- Alexander Gould - Nemo
- Willem Dafoe - Gill
- Barry Humphries - Bruce
- Geoffrey Rush - Nigel
- Eric Bana - Anchor
- Bruce Spence - Chum
- Brad Garrett - Bloat
- Vicki Lewis - Deb
- Austin Pendleton - Gurgle
- Allison Janney - Peach
- Stephen Root - Bubbles
- Joe Ranft - Jacques
- Andrew Stanton - Crush
- Bob Peterson - Mister Ray
- John Ratzenberger - Charade fish school
See also
- Toy Story in 1978
- A Bug's Life in 1981
- Toy Story 2 in 1982
- Monsters Inc. in 1984
- The Incredibles in 1987
- Cars in 1988
- Ratatouille in 1989
- WALL-E in 1991