Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem, strategy and role-playing video game franchise developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo.
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu)
- "Hey, you're draggin'! Now pick up the pace!!" - Gandolf (to Aideen)
- "She's my booty! I'm takin' her back to be my wife. She's a keeper, wouldn't ya say?" - Gandolf (to Gerard, referring to Aideen)
- "You're strong, reliable, ... and slow! You're the one, hands down! Hahahaa!" - Alec (to Arden)
- "Hrmph. I can live with the strong and reliable part, but leave the slow bit out of it, ok?" - Arden (back to Alec)
- "Hey, isn't that Midale!? Come on, Midale... pull it together!" - Sigurd
- "Sigurd, I'm leaving him with you in good faith. Show him the ropes, OK?" - Alvis (referring to Azel)
- "We'll find a cozy little spot, have a little wine ... just like old times." - Sigurd (to Eltosian)
- "You pull any stunts and that lit'le brat's history." - Kinbois (to Ayra, referring to Shanan)
- "Don't let them push you around." - Shanan (to Ayra)
- "You better not double-cross me Kinbois, because I'll hunt you down and put your head to a stick! Even if it takes me to the ends of hell! Got it!?" - Ayra (to Kinbois)
- "Whoa-whoa!! Fer such a pretty face, you sure can spew some filth!" - Kinbois (back to Ayra)
- "Alright, let's do this. Anyone that gets near me is going down!" - Ayra (when a member of Sigurd's army gets near Genoa Castle) (Ayra then starts to chase members of Sigurd's army until Sigurd recruits her.)
- In Japanese: "Watashi ni chikazuku-sha ha awareta na."
- "For Shanan's sake, you must die. Now feel my Meteor Sword." - Ayra (attack quote when she first attacks a member of Sigurd's army)
- "They're makin' my auntie fight against her will! Please, you gotta help her!!" - Shanan (to Sigurd, referring to Ayra)
- "Then put down your sword. As a descendant of Baldo, the crusader of light, I will not betray you." - Sigurd (recruiting Ayra)
- "Shanan ... I'm sorry." - Ayra (death quote, if Ayra dies as an enemy)
- "Shanan be strong." - Ayra (death quote, if Ayra dies as a playable character and she is single)
- "Shanan be strong.
, I want to see you again ..." - Ayra (death quote, if she dies as a playable character and she is married) - "Wow... Sir Sigurd sure is a kindhearted man." - Oifey
- "As a knight, I can't have you sneaking around like some petty thief." - Eltosian (to Eliot)
- "That sounds like superstitious nonsense to me. No one should be forced to live like that. Diadora... we must meet again." - Sigurd
- "You're going to pay fully for making me the fool. Throw this trash in the dungeon!" - Chagall (first to Eltosian and then to the Agusty castle guards)
- "You're putting your life in peril!" - Lachesis (to Eltosian)
- "God, I can't stand conceited men like him." - Lachesis
- "It'd be nice to fight for something real for a change." - Holyn (to whoever recruited him)
- "Why do things always go Eltosian's way..." Eliot (death quote)\
- "Alvis... YOU BASTARD!!!" Sigurd (for Alvis sentencing to kill him and marrying his brainwashed, amnesiac wife)
- Levin "You talk for hours with Sigurd, but you won't even spare a moment with your son!"
Rahna (Levin's mother) "My son left me two years ago to run off to some faraway place. I don't see him anywhere."
Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword (Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken)
- "I'm done for... is this really the best I could aspire to?" - Raven (death quote)
- "So this is the Mani Katti. A blade with no equal." - Sain
- "Then choose! My sword will never lose to yours!" - Guy (to Matthew)
- "Great. Now you owe me four favors." - Matthew (to Guy)
- "I am NOT you!!!" - Kent (to Sain)
- "I am Glass! The gods fear my name!" - Glass
- "That annoying little girl...Nothing but a savage from Sacae... The Caelin throne...should be... mine..." - Lundgren (death quote)
- "But you should really fear the enemy's archers, not your own." - Wil (to Florina)
- "Eeek! Stay back! Don't get so close." - Florina (to Sain) (Florina is androphobic, and Sain is a womanizer).
- "It's time to get to work." - Matthew (to Lyn)
- "Hey, you! Yes, you, the grim-faced one!" - Farina (to Hector)
- "I am here for you. Even were I not a knight, even if you not my lady, my heart would not change."- Kent (to Lyn)
- "Craven cur!" - Eliwood
- "Big words make my head hurt!" - Bartre
- "You... must understand. I am... a man. As a child, I was often teased for my appearance, and I have never once profited from it." - Lucius (to Priscilla)
- "Not... bloody... likely..." - Matthew (to Serra)
- "Not that I'm correcting you, but I am only in my thirties. I would think "ill-hearted gentleman" more appropriate... Now, I must be off." - Oswin (to Hector)
- "Gahaa...Urrg....gaa...Is this...death? Is this..what I have...wrought so oft before?..." - Pascal (death quote)
- "Beware the Black Fang!"- a dying Marquess Santaruz, stabbed by Ephidel.
- "Yes. It's strange, isn't it? I feel as if we have known each other from birth." Fiora (In the A support conversation with Kent)
- "You kicked me... in the stomach." - Wil (B support conversation with Rebecca)
- "Ah. Of course. The first opportunity to get involved in trouble, and she jumps right in. No amount of money is worth this. Hoo..." - Erk (talking about Serra)
- "Tell me...are you afraid to die?" - Ursula
- "Oho!! I...I've been saved!" - Merlinus
- "But be of good cheer! In dying here, you will be spared the cataclysm to come! I am Uhai! The Soaring Hawk! Come!" - Uhai
- "The punishment for traitors is death." - Jaffar, then he kills Leila by Ephidel's orders.
- "You're inhuman. Your soul is black and devoid of warmth." - Jaffar (to Sonia)
- "For those who's reasoning is bent, I shall straighten it with my bow" - Rath
- "OK, let's see... Saint Elmine, praise be your graces. Please ensure that no one dies in this battle. Please grant me speed to heal my allies' wounds. And, um, what else... I want Hector to give me a lot of gold, and I want to get all the good food and only ever have to do the fun jobs, and I want a servant who does whatever I say, and everyone should worship me and give me things, and...uhh..." - Serra (praying in her support conversation with Oswin)
- "Frail? You? Serra, you have no need of any escort to protect you. Even the most hardened criminal would flee in terror after five minutes in your company. I'll return your money. Gladly. Now, will you please go on to Ostia alone?" - Erk
- "If I teach you any more than this... Then I will have to cut you down where you stand. I would cleave you in two before you could take a single breath." - Karel (to Guy)
- "In the name of the Fang, I sentence you to death. Do not blame fate, for it is your own doing..." - Lloyd
- "We do not question our orders. We are the jaw that bites." - Lloyd
- "Pray... I'll give you that much time. For all you have done up to now... Repent it, and sleep." - Linus
- "This body and this heart are constructs. Yes, as is this sorrow." - Limstella (death quote)
- "Then I'll have to break down this door and go through you." - Raven
- "Behold! A giant walks among you! My defense is impenetrable! Come! Break your weapons against me!" - Wallace
- "Hm... What a delightful expression! That settles it - I'll kill you first" - Vaida
- "Blood? Is this... my blood? Ephidel! Come to me! Your master... calls you... I am the ruler... of the... world..." - Marquess Laus (death quote)
- "Nothing is more beautiful than the suffering of men... When I'm watching, I'm afloat in a ocean of pure bliss... I will watch you for a long, long time" Kenneth
- "My lord Nergal brings me people whenever I want to kill... which is all the time, really..." Jerme
- "You're about to die. Scream if you must." Damian
- "Hm? Must be this thing called 'love', you know?" Legault (In the infamous A support conversation with Heath)
- "I will claim the mighty quintessence of the dragons. I will become stronger, and move ever closer to perfection!" Nergal
- "I am who I am. The pain of others, I do not feel. The sorrow of other does not touch me. Death feeds me. Death pleases me." Nergal
- "Ga... Not like this... I will not die... like this. With my last breath... Tremble and despair! Ha ha ha... Ha ha!" Nergal (death quote)
- "I will end you with my hands, in the name of my lost friend!" Renault (to Nergal)
- "If you covet the dark, you must enter it of your own free will. You must erase yourself and become an empty vessel. Only then will you be able to receive the dark and master it. If your disposition is weak the dark will overwhelm you. You will be… lost… oft times you will forget why you seek the power to begin with. Only a few people gain true power. To win such a prize, one’s self is a small and insignificant sacrifice. I’ve heard rumors… Bramimond, one of the eight legends, devoted himself entirely to the dark. All emotion, all memory… dissolved in a river of dark. That is how he received the power to best dragons…" Teodor To Eliwood and Hector
- "You know nothing, little lord. Nothing of Nergal's might. Nothing of his terrible power. You are ignorant, and so you hope to oppose him. You are insects railing against the heavens" Uhai To Eliwood and Hector after taking Lyn hostage
- "This is a message from Lord Nergal. 'I await you on the Dread Isle.'" -Denning
- "Take me into your bosoms and keep me safe forever!" -Merlinus (to Eliwood and Hector)
- "Now you watch that pretty mouth of yours, lass, before I turn it sideways!" -Dart (to Farina)
- "Why can't I talk to girls?" -Erk (in his support conversation with Nino)
- "You don't smile. You don't speak. And you're still creepy." -Legault (to Jaffar)
- "Thunder! Thunder, hear my cry!" -Aion
- "That little bird has escaped this island cage twice." -Ephidel to Eliwood (refering to Ninian)
- "And you call yourself the toughest axeman alive?!"-Bartre (to Dorcas)
- "... I never said that..."-Dorcas (to Batre)
- "Cut me down, Brother. I simply wanted to hear your voice before I died. Now I have. I am satisfied."-Karla (to Karel)
- "...do not grieve for me, soon, I will be with long absent friends..."-Athos (Excert from dying speech)
- "Leila..."-Matthew(death quote)
- "Matthew..."-Leila(death quote)
- "I am Sain, of the Caelin knights! That's S-A-I-N. Do not forget, my lovely!"- Sain (Support conversation with Fiora)
- "I see... fields of flowers..."- Sain (Support with Fiora)
- Nergal: Ah, Athos, see my power. I am already beyond you.
- Athos: Have you already become so blind, old friend? Then I will do my duty as a friend.
- Conversation when Athos and Nergal enter battle for the first time.
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (Fire Emblem: Seima no Kouseki)
- "Man, you can't even do anything without me! And stop crying!" - Colm (to Neimi)
- "Neimi, I'm the only one who can make you cry. For now and ever, got that?" - Colm (to Neimi in their last support conversation)
- "I see. So you're 'Son-of-the-warrior-garcia-ross.'" - Lute (to Ross)
- "Cad! Beast! Pervert! Devil! How dare you try to take advantage of me in my confused state!" - L'Arachel (to Ephraim)
- "It seems that I've fallen in love with you." - Innes (to Eirika)
- "You haven't changed, Dozla. Your ability to misread people still ruins all conversation. I am lamenting, old man! I am raging against my horrible misfortune!" - Rennac (to Dozla)
- "Say...you want to make a bet? [I bet] that you're gonna fall for me, sooner or later. I'm betting yes, personally." - Joshua (to Natasha)
- "Well, there's my monk-watching habit." - Lute (support with Ross)
- "It must be tough for a pampered castle brat like you to interact with soldiers." - Innes (to Tana)
- "If you can say something like that to your own sister, I'm more worried about you." - Tana (back to Innes)
- Hey, you! Have you seen a scary-looking woman?" - Colm (to Marisa, when in fact she is the scary-looking woman)
- "You mean Prince Innes? He's probably 100 percent stress. But I'm sure he's quite the ladies' man. I bet you have a crush on him, too. You're blushing, so I must have hit a nerve! A romance between a prince and his knight? What scandal! What intrigue!" Forde (to Vanessa)
- "I lost.." Marisa (Death Quote)
- "Yes, I think I'm about the same age you are. You know what that means? That means, from now on, you're my rival." Franz (to Amelia)
- "I won’t give up... Not here... Not in this place... I’ll keep going, even if I have to crawl..." - Innes (death quote)
- "You don't look particularly sorry. You look rather pleased with yourself." - Moulder (to Colm who has set his package on fire)
- "I've no use for these bloodless minnows... Give me prey that will sate my bloodlust... I Hunger!" - Valter
- "I am Valter! The Moonstone! And you are a corpse who does not yet know he is dead!" - Valter
- "Ah, Valter... You're a beast. You're bound to no country, you care nothing for friend or foe. Kill a man, claim a woman... You live for nothing more, you wretched beast. That's your strength, that's what makes you stronger than any man alive. A beast acts without remorse. Man's morality cannot win. That is nature's way... " - Riev
- "Heh heh heh. The young lady of Rausten... The more cruel and gruesome your death, the more that cur Mansel would weep, am I right? And that would make me so very, very happy." - Riev
- "Grr... Your eyes annoy me... Why do you not despair? Why do you not surrender?" - Riev
- "Hmm... You waste your last breath on insults, and feeble ones at that. Die then, fool of Frelia" - Caellach
- "Me? Die? Prince Ephraim, you misunderstand me. I have no intention of dying. Madness though it may be, I will be the one doing the killing today." - Selena (to Ephraim)
- "...Princess Eirika. If anyone could understand my feelings it might be you. For the one I love... I betrayed everything. My country, my lord and master... Everything..." - Orson (to Eirika)
- "...Yes, I have broken my vows, Valter. And yes, it may be I who falls when we tilt lances... But a dog like you will never see me crawl." - Cormag (to Valter)
- "Trapping me was a mistake. Failing, an expensive one. I think it's time for you to learn how expensive"." - Innes (to Pablo)
- "May the blessed light drive you from this land!" - Artur (Proceeds to attack a monster)
- "In this darkness... I will find... peace..." - Knoll (death quote)
- "There are many books in this world, and I have read most of them." - Lute
- "I don't pick fights I can't win." - Ephraim (to Valter)
- "Yeah, well... I just happened to be in the neighborhood is all."-Joshua (to Natasha)
- "What's that saying? The cooler the head, the hotter he bets?"-Joshua (in his support conversation with Innes)
- "Er, excuse me... if at all possible, uh, would you mind not stalking me like that?"-Knoll (to Lute)
- "Bah... I am in NO way inferior to this so-called Demon King."-Innes (final battle quote)
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Fire Emblem: Sōen no Kiseki)
- "Well, for all those born with nothing, there are those born with everything. Perhaps those who never notice the difference are the ones we should envy." - Ranulf
- "Hey, I was joking! J-O-K-ing." - Shinon
- "You there, in the bushes. You have until the count of five to show yourself before I start throwing sharp objects. One... two... four..." - Volke (C Level support with Bastian)
- "Dang. Should've brought more priests... or... babies..." Schaeffer (death quote)
- "Rhys? I'm a Crimean Knight! We fear neither blood, nor pain, nor terribly sharp implements being inserted into our..." - Kieran (to Rhys)
- "I figured that egg thing was a joke, but I had no idea it ever really happened... Bird tribes... Go figure." - Ike (to Janaff)
- "Now we've got you! Eat rock! Heh... eat rock... I'm pretty clever..." - Soldier (to Ike's army)
- "Mmm... I think I'll just stretch out here... Yeah... that's it. This moss is nice and squishy. Leave me alone. It's nap time." - Haar (to Jill)
- "Sure, no problem! Hmmm... I guess I'll just... sit down here and... knit... something... Ooo, look! A bear!"-Kieran (in his support conversation with Rhys)
- "You've grown quite good at hiding it. But, it's merely a matter of time before your heritage becomes... evident."-Stefan (to Soren)
- "Please, Ashnard. I can hardly wait to rake my talons across your face." - Tibarn
- "That was my name... once. But I... threw it away. The only weapon I need... is right here!" - Greil (to the Black Knight, refering to his former position as one of the Four Riders)
- "I see. Well, in that case, may your blades run red with glory." - Black Knight (to Mackoya)
- "When the time comes-- and you will know when-- ride to Grann Desert. You have friends there."-Stefan (to soren)
- "Devdan thinks that you look angry. Why are you always scowling? Small children will start to cry!"-Devdan (to Nephenee)
- "You can learn the dance of blades from me without knowing my history, can you not? What say you? Let your heart decide."-Stefan (to Ike)
- "You've grown stronger... I... commend you..."-Black Knight (death quote)
- "Make the ground... sssssoft with blood. Turn thissss plassse... into a graveyard..." - Bertram (to a soldier)
- "What!? You're not!? Phew! Hah... you had me there. I mean... just one nasty look from that face of yours could scare a man to death!"-Makalov (to Haar)
- "So you're saying I'm ugly, is that it? I look like some kind of thug to you?"-Haar (to Makalov)
- "Is that...all there is? No challenge? No... resistance?" Black Knight after he kills Greil by impaling him through the chest
- "Humans are shameless creatures that carelessly ignore any misfortune which does not befall them directly. They can--and often do--turn a blind eye to all manner of wickedness so long as it does not touch them or their kin."-Soren
- "Wh-what? WHAT?! And watch how you say my name, boy! Boy, boy, boy... Wittle boy Ike... Wittle Ikey..."-Shinon (to Ike)
- "Screw you!"-Shinon (to Ike)
- "The Dark Angel... She's found me at last... At least I can sleep now..."-Haar (Death Quote)
- "Ike? Ike! This can't... It can't... What am I... If you're not here, what am I to do?"-Soren (If Ike dies chapters 18-25 or 28)
- "Ah... This stinks. If I can't fight, what good am I? Sorry, Ike, but I'm too pretty to die... I'm backing off. Take care of things, will you? And be safe!"-Ranulf (Death Quote-Final Chapter)
- "Deceitful, lying, squinty coward!"-Kieran (to Oscar)
- "Ho, I'm fine! Don't worry about old Kieran! I just need to pull this axe out of my head here... Whooo, that's sharp!"-Kieran
- "O blessed goddess... protect these brave warriors..."-Rhys (if killed in-game)
- "The world... it grows so dark."-Nephenee (if killed in-game)
- "When our dad died, I was the one who had to care for baby Rolf... I had no clue what I was supposed to do. Oscar received a discharge from his military service and came home, but life was hard"-Boyd (Ch. 8: Despair and Hope)
- "Listen, the difference between you and me is that I'm a professional."-Boyd (Referring to Ike, Prologue: Mercenaries)
- "So your nervous little staff officer told you that did he? Has he snapped yet, he seems high-strung." -Ranulf (Referring to Soren)
- "Oof...that was...poorly done."-Soren (If killed/injured in game)
- "You can be a general, or you can be dinner. I don't really care which... But do try to show a little initiative, would you?" - King Ashnard (to General Petrine)