Flatliners is a 1990 film about five medical students experimenting with near-death experiences and life after death.
Some lines shouldn't be crossed.
- Directed by Joel Schumacher. Written by Peter Filardi.
Nelson Wright
- [after his friends said he didn't have the balls to do the experiment] You bring the equipment, I'll bring my balls.
- Today is a good day to die.
- [doing CPR] One one thousand, two one thousand . . . what comes next?
- Philosophy failed. Religion failed. Now it's time for medical science to try.
- Everything matters, everything we do matters.
- Somehow we've brought our sins back physically. And they're pissed.
- C'mon, Billy Mahoney. C'mon... Gimme your best shot. I dare ya. I fuckin' dare ya.
- Hello, I'm nice, he's nice, we're both fucking lunatics. Can I come in, please?
- [talking to the tombstone of Billy Mahoney] Wake up you little shit, you got company!
Randy Steckle
- [talking about the experiment] I did not come to medical school to murder my class mates no matter how deranged they might be.
- [dictating a diary entry into his tape recorder] Halloween morning. Rotting pumpkins. Burning leaves. Black cats mating like rats in the alley. It was as if . . . it were as if we felt no fear, as if we were already dead and had nothing to lose by dying. Or perhaps it was because we had lived life so well, and loved life so much, that we fancied ourselves immortal, overwhelming the powers that be with the force of our passion for science. [long pause] Or maybe we were just fucked in the head.
- Good thing I didn't flatline. My 350-pound babysitter would be chasing me for the half-eaten pastrami sandwich I stole from her.
- David Labraccio: [about his death experience] It's like being paranoid without the fear. Like being watched.
- David Labraccio: Die to be a hero someday if you want to, but don't die to be a celebrity.
- Rachel: [as she's about to "flatline" in their experiment] See you soon.
- Winnie Hicks: [the little girl in his mind to David Labraccio] Hey, fellatio! Got a match? Well, I do. Your face and my ass. Your breath and a buffalo fart. You don't know jack SHIT! BUTT-WAD, NEEDLE-DICK, COCK-BITE, JACK-OFF, LIMP-WRIST, BANANA-BREATH, SHIT-BIRD, BIRD-TURD, TURD-FACE, KISS-ASS, BROWN-NOSE, MACHO-WIMP, LIMP-DICK! What's the matter? Gonna cry? Cry-baby Davie. Cry Cry Cry! SHIT-FACED, RAT-TURD, ASS-LICKING, SON-OF-A-BITCH.
- Joe Hurley: This is not the kind of shit I want on my transcript.
- Joe Hurley: Excuse me, I don't want to ruin anybody's evening, but are we in the room with a dead man?
- David Labraccio: [screaming at a religious stained-glass portrait] I'm sorry.. we trespassed on your… fucking territory. God! I'm sorry!
- Hurley: Why should Nelson get all the glory? We should all do it. We'll be famous!
- Labraccio: Yeah, they'll build monuments to you about this high that read "Rest in Peace"!
- Joe Hurley: I don't know. Not thinking about the past or the future. I don't know it's difficult to explain, maybe impossible.
- David Labraccio: [showing his skepticism] Yeah, dying is funny that way.
- Joe Hurley: I came back from the dead tonight.
- Waitress: Doesn't surprise me, we had Elvis in here last night.
- Randy Steckle: [while David Labraccio is flatlining] What is it that hangs in the air, palpably? Is it hope? Is it fear? Is it the musky mist of death?
- Joe Hurley: Shut up, Steckle.
- Randy Steckle: No, you shut up.
- David Labraccio: You should have told us, Nelson.
- Nelson Wright: You wouldn't have done it.
- David Labraccio: At least we would've had a choice!!!
- David Labraccio: [telling everyone what Nelson whispered] He said ... he said it wasn't such a good day to die.
- Nelson Wright: Thank you.
- Kiefer Sutherland - Nelson
- Julia Roberts - Rachel Mannus
- Kevin Bacon - David Labraccio
- William Baldwin - Joe Hurley
- Oliver Platt - Randy Steckle
- Kimberly Scott - Winnie Hicks
- Joshua Rudoy - Billy Mahoney
- Benjamin Mouton - Rachel's Father
- Hope Davis - Anne Coldren