Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (2004-2009) is an American animated television series created and produced by animator Craig McCracken, who also created The Powerpuff Girls.
(Mac) "Clearly."
"Mac: Bloo Wait!
"Mac: (Laughs after seeing this on YouTube) Hahaha. Works every time.
"Frankie: Come On Mac Let Go
"Mac: See You Later Bloo Light Off Right?
"Bloo: Ow
"All Foster: Water Park! WOOOOOO!
"Bloo: {Crying}
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo
- "Turkey Coma..."
- "It is Hot in Topeka!"
- "I'm a Hot toe picker."
- "Showers in Spokane"
- "Now we all know that none of us are a match for this perfect specimen of manliness, especially not Mac."
- "My hiccups are invincible!"
- "People don't care about endings! As long as everything else is awesome, you don't need an en..." (Episode ends with title card reading "THE END")
- (In response to Mac wondering why there are no friends in the annual photo besides Frankie and Madame Foster) "Galactic overlord."
- "The movie is supposed to be about friendship. I like that, but what about instead of everybody being friends, we make everybody enemies?"
- (Addressing hundreds of Bloo clones) "I am Bloo, and you are my minions! Alone, you are all just knockoffs of a really cool guy, but together, we are stronger than any army! (Clones cheer) I think you know what we must do. (Clones stare at Bloo) That is right! We must all sing the theme song from the Ice Charades in 100 part harmony!!!"
- (When Mac won't give him any of his Coco trading cards) Aw, come oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!
- "But Mac, I LOOOOVVVEEEE celery!!"
- "AW! Worst road trip ever!"
- "Best.Road Trip.Ever" (after coming home from stealing the bus)
- "Don't you get it? I'm in a tu-tu and tu-tu's are for GIRLS!
- "You have an answer for everything don't you? Whats the capitol of Pittsburgh?!"
- (when Frankie sees his clones and asks if he has been playing with Mac's chemistry set again) Yes, Frankie, yes I have. But that's not where these handsome devils came from.
- Unfathomable secrets are the best kind!!
- (dazed with hunger) Oh, look, it's the pizza man! Hiii, pizza man! We're really high up, and you look like an ant!
- (while admiring his cookie empire and sending everyone else back to work) And stay away from the jet, the moat of pudding, and the Bottomless Toy Chest of Wonder! Those are mine!
- (when Mac points out that he has no toenails) Well, whose fault is that?
- 'Goofball' is just another name for John, Frankie. You know, like "Jack"... or... "Melanie."
- (complaining about the upcoming Christmas because he discovered that Santa isn't real) It means I'm only get ONE CRUMMY GIFT this year! And you know it's going to be lame, 'cause it's from HERRIMAN!! He's probably gonna get me socks. Socks, Mac! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKS!!!!!!!
- Hey, Mac. Potato chip? It fell on the floor, but, 2-second rule... ... OK, 14-second rule.
- My curtains - (stifles laughter) they're gonna match everything.
- (getting everyone to chase Cheese) LET'S GET HIIIIIIIM!!!!
- So the spirits have to come all the way back from the dead, AND FIND YOUR ROOM!?!? Cut 'em some slack, Mac.
- "(During middle of a song, not paying attention, mumbling) Huh, what, who?"
- "My curtians. (Giggles) They're for the walls, I mean, windows!"
- (In response to Mac describing himself as Rex Carsalot and his hi-tech racecar) "ARRGH! AND I RIDE SHOTGUN!"
- (To Goo after Mac beats her in their imagination battle) YAR! That ye can't missy! Ye hath been owned!
- (After Frankie explains him about static electricity)"Static whozits?"
- This GAME is a DORK!!!
- AHH, BORING! When did things get boring again?
- (While in his "Orlando Bloo" disguise) (sarcastically to Mac, beneath him) "Don't mind if I do pick up a fork and eat some of the food that is on the plate on the table in front of me?!"
- (While in his "Orlando Bloo" disguise) So, did Frankie ever tell you how we met? Well, I was busy studying at millionaire school, learning how to be a millionaire--which was silly really, because I already made a gazillion dollars in the paddle ball business--I just wanted to get my degree. Anyway, Frankie was working at the local roller derby and I just happened to be attending the roller derby regionals, and I couldn't help but notice her. So, after the game, I went up to her and said, "Hey baby, I'm a gazillionaire."
- [Talking to the mirror after drawing eyebrows and a moustache on his face]
I am Pierre! (French laugh) I put ze ducks in Crystal Pond!
[draws a goatee on his face]
I am Pierre’s evil brother! I steal ze ducks from Crystal Pond!
[draws an ear on the side of his face]
I am Pierre’s third cousin! I have ze ear on the side of my face! (French laugh)
[puts on lipstick]
I am Pierre’s girlfriend! (starts kissing the mirror) Muah, muah, muah, muah, muah! [see "Dialogue" section for following conversation between Mac and Bloo] - "Rip off artist!"(kicks person in the shin and runs off)
- "Et Tu Coote?"
- (As Frankie reaches in to kiss Orlando Bloo) Orlando Bloo: "Eww, gross, you kiss your babies with that mouth!" Old Man Rivers: "Babies?! You have children?" Orlando Bloo: 64."
- "Wait, stop! I just wanna punch you!"
- (after Mac suggests the séance should be upstairs) So, you're saying the dead people have to come up to Earth and find your bedroom?
- "I didn't forget it...you forgot it...forgetter!"
- "Frankie! There's a potato chip on the floor!"
- "It's 106 blocks to Mac, I've gotta full bladder, half an idea where I'm going, it's Tuesday and I'm wearing sunglasses"
- "I'M NOT HIS (Mac's) SIDEKICK!!!!"
- (in his "Orlando Bloo" disguise) "Oh, silly me. A spoon can't pick up a steak!"
- (Responding to Eduardo) "Burrito? I'm not a Burrito!"
- "I AM A NERD!"
- "Ed, you're not naked, you're... just bald."
- "Shut up. At least the bunnies are on fire."
- "Holy haberdashery!"
- "Bloo, I'm pretty sure those people weren't abducted by a galactic overlord."
- [To Goo, yelling] "I don't like you! Don't you get it? Nobody likes you. You're annoying and weird and you talk too much, and Bloo's name is not Chester, Mr. Herriman is not a badger, that's not how you play checkers, and protein doesn't come from bananas, it comes from nuts, which you don't need to eat more of because you are nuts! You're chock full of nuts! You're so nuts you drive me nuts! (Jumps in Goo's face) Get it? Get it? Get it? Get it? Get it? Get it? Get it?! Everybody thinks you're a nuisance and they all want you to just GO HOME!"
- "Its last but not YEAST!"
- "Hi. I'm Mac."
- (commenting to Bloo as to why he knows Santa Claus is real) The REAL Santa Claus would never give someone as naughty as you anything but coal! It's undeniable proof!!
- Fleas need fur, Duh!"
- "Let's Bloo this."
- "Don't want you, what are you, CRAZY?!"
- "I've been running around trying to find a way to save the scribbles, and you're here making them do manual labor! Everyone is getting really lazy, its so stupid!"
- "Bloo, What did you do?"
- "Why didn't you slide down?"
- (after Coco smashes something with a pot) "Coco, no! That's not for smashing!"
- "You did 'Orlando Bloo' without me?!"
- "I like potatoes."
- "I am no scaredy-baby!"
- "Eduardo es un Bad Boy!"
- "Bad Perrito!"
- "Oh no! Coco es loco!"
- "Scary men? AAAAAAAHHHH!!!"
- "Azul? You no el perrito!" (Bloo? You're not the puppy!)
- [after a trap backfired and Eduardo is hanging upside down by a tree]
"Senor Mac, the sky, it is on the ground!" - [avoiding Mac and Bloo who are trying to interview him with a camcorder]
"AAAAAAHHH!!! What is that!? Get away - get away! IT STEAL MY SOUL!" - "The cannonball eat Azul."
- "Si. I just go wherever they tell me to."
- "(On the Ice Charades) I liked them before they were cool."
- "I just stand where they tell me."
- "(Balloons pops) AAH! THERE IS A BOMB! A BOMB!"
- "Oh, Nina! I have no idea what you just said but it sounded so smart!
- "Shhhhhhhh...I'm hiding from the aardvarks!"
- "WAH! Me no monstro!"
- "I'm sorry, is that okay?"
- "On the list of things that are not ok, that is REALLY not ok!"
- "(crying) I usually am forgiving but this is going to take me some time, OK!!"
- (Doing an adoption interview) "Ah, I'm not so great. You should adopt one of the other awesome friends here!"
- "You better hurry up! I mean, if thats ok with you."
- In the episode "Hiccyburp": "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the annual county Imaginary Fwiend (he meant friend) Talent Show Pa - Oops. I said 'Fwiend' instead of 'Friends'. (nervous laughter) Heh, is it getting a little warm up here? (wipes his card across his mouth and completely smears all the words) ...Welcome, Oops! I'm Sorry, that's 'welCOME'. Welcome lardies! Sorry, I mean, 'ladies'. Ladies and jestermen. I mean 'gentlemen'! Sorwry. I mean, 'sorzi'! Wait, that's not right! (full-blown panic) 'Swawry'? 'Suki'? 'Sarzi'? 'Soory'. ...'Sary'?! 'So - "(gets yanked off-stage)
- (in the woods with no food) "If it helps, I'll starve first"
- [A camera is in front of Coco with her getting very angry]
Coco coco coco coco coco coco co! (Get that Camera out of my face, you crazy camera thing!)
[Kicks camera] - [Coco is at a door wearing shades not letting Mac in blocking him with her leg]
Coco coco coco! - (Dressed up as Santa Claus) Coco? Co co co co co! Co co co co. (Coco? I'm not Coco! I'm Santa Claus.)
- Coco (Frankie)
- [angrily to Bloo] Coco Coco! (Ripoff Artist!)
- Co (No)
- [Think of a way how to get Peanut Butter out of the room] Coco coco. (Let's kill Peanut Butter.)
- [after picking up phone and Wilt asking who is she going to call] Co coco! (Ghostbusters!)
Mr. Herriman
- "No running in the halls!"
- "I'll be back." Hmpf! If I had a carrot for each time I'd heard that, I'd be a very fat rabbit!" [waddles off]
- [On the intercom]
"Ms. Frances! Toothpaste disaster in the foyer!" - "(In a debate for house president, asked what he would change) Absolutely nothing! This house is fine as it is! (someone in the crowd sneeze-coughs "Loser")"
- "A vote for me is a vote for absolutely more of the same!"
- [glaring at Bloo] "I dislike you with great intensity."
- [directed at Bloo after being annoyed with a squeeky toy] "I dislike you with great intencity."
Frances "Frankie" Foster
- "What's up?"
- "I sowwy (sorry) Mr. Hewwiman. I've been a bad girl."
- [throwing a streamer to Mr. Herriman]
"Here's your streamer, Bugs." - "You're all banned from the beach!! That's what the governor said!!"
- "Bugs 'Dummy' here screwed up the code."
- "(Cheese knocks over cereal and milk all over her) Bloo! Is this yours?!"
- "I'm 22!"
- "Hey Peter Cotton Butt!"
- "Why don't we try...SHUT UP!!!!!"
- "Surrender to the triple-chocolate goodness!"
- "I'm Punk Rock..."
Madame Foster
- [After Bloo is exclaims 'You're Alive'] "Oh, it just takes me a long time to get down the stairs and I'm old!"
- "Hello there, dearie!"
- (Madame Foster) "She stole my marbles!"
(Mac) "Clearly."
- [while counselling Mac on bowling]
"Mac, let me give you some advice...see this ball?...I want you to take it...and HIT SOME BLOOMING PINS!" - [Mac and Bloo have asked her about the weird picture. She throws the album back at Mac]
Some doors are better left closed, boys.
Her Royal Duchess Diamond Persnickety, The First, Last, and Only/Duchess
- "I should not have to open my eyelids myself! I am royal!"
- "I am a work of art!"
- "These flakes were not frosted individually!"
Goo-Goo-Ga-Ga (Goo)
- Chill out, Mr. Librarian (refering to Mac). It's talking to dead people. How loud can that be?
- Are you still here? And you? And you? And you? And you? And you? And you? And you? And you?
- (After complaining boys and girls should be treated equal) Excuse me, haven't heard of ladies first?
- Hiiiiiiiiiiiii Mac!
- Hmm... You consider a Galactic Overlord?
- No, silly! A seance is where we conjure up spirits from the Great Beyond and talk to them like normal people, except they're not normal because they're DEAD. (when asked by Eduardo why they are dead) Who knows? Could be old age-- OORRRRR they could have put a jet engine in their car-- OORRRRR they were attacked by POOOOSUUUUUUUUMMMMS!!!! Or, or maybe, or maybe they got a piece of popcorn stuck in their throat, and they were like... (falls over pretending to choke and gag)
- (when Mac observes that a séance "was supposed to be quiet") How do you think we wake them from their eternal slumber, huh?
- I like chocolate milk.
- I pooted.
- I like cereal.
- Do it again, do it again, do it again, do it again, do it again, do it again, do it again, do it again, do it again, do it again, do it again...
- (To Eduardo) I. Like. (sinister) Ceeeereeeeeeaeal.
- (To Mac) Daaaaaaaaaaaaaddyyyyyyyyy.
- (To Bloo) Broooooootherrrrrrrrrr.
- I like games!
- (raspy inhale) Duhhh, I'm a cowboy. (Later...) Here's my horse!
- Now I'm a horsey!! Baaaaaaa! (naying sounds) Baaaa, now you're a horsey! Giddy-up! (crashes into Bloo.) ...This floor tastes funny.
- Cheese (smiling to reveal that his teeth are wrapped in tin-foil): I got braces!
Mac: You found it on the ground, didn't you?
Cheese: Garbage can. - "I'm a lady." (kisses Bloo) "Now we're brother ladies!"
- Cococococococococococo!
- My commercial!
- (Giving an interview to Erin Peterson in "The Big Cheese" through the credits) I have scurvy!… I have dandruff!… I have athlete’s foot!…I have a tapeworm!… I have mange!… I have dermatitis!… I have acne!… I have anitimitus!… I have tonsillitis!
- I...FOUND...A...CARROT!!!
- Television tastes funny...
- Candy is broken.
- I LIKE the fair!
- (To Mr. Herriman) Hi kitty!
- Twinkkle Twinnkle little star how i wonder what you are!
- (To Xsaviar) Hi, birdy!
- (To mice) Hi, doggies!
- I like Potatoes.
- [From Cheese Copy Game] Tinkle tinkle in the car you should really use/Get a jar.
- I like potatoes... Potatoes smell... Like flowers...
- Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Okay!
- Beep bop boop boop booop beep boop boop bop boop boop beeep boo boop boop bee beep boooooopah!
- I LIKE RICKROLLING! (2008 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade)
- [Last lines of the series] Okay, bye doggies.
Sweetums (Bratty Daughter)
- Shut up! I like you, you're cute, I'm gonna adopt you. I'm going to call you Tiffany, you got that TIFFANY!?!
- No Fair!
Terrence (Mac's 13-year-old Brother)
- Oh Breaky!
- Bloo-fus!
- [whining] Mommy, Mommy!
- We got to go to Zingapore.
- Ooh, that's right, Singapore.
- Shut Up!
- "Um...as they say in Winsconsin...'sayonara'!"
- Mac's Mom: "You know I'm getting tired of you three fighting."
- Mac: "But it was Terrance, he always picks on me and treats me like a baby."
- Mac's Mom: "And why do you think he does that?"
- Mac: "Cause he's a jerk!"
- Mac's Mom: [Laughs)] "Is there any other reasons?" [Mac thinks] "Maybe because of Bloo."
- Mac: "BLOO!"
- Mac's Mom: "Because you're 8 years old and you still have your imaginary friend."
- Mac: "Of Course, you see imaginary friends on the streets, even in stores, you even had one when you were little."
- Mac's Mom: "Yes when I was little, but the time I was your age I didn't needed my imaginary friend anymore."
- Mac: "What are you saying?"
- Mac's Mom: [Bloo hears what they're saying through the door] "I think it's time you got rid of bloo."
- Mac: "WHAT?!?!?"
- Mac's Mom: "I'm sorry Mac, I just think it's time, you need to grow up now and say goodbye to Bloo."
- Mac: "But Mom we're good friends I mean it, I'll keep him locked in my room! MOM PLEASE!?!?!?"
- Mac's Mom: "Mac, no, stop it. This isn't about keeping Bloo locked up, the reason is you're a big boy now and you're too old for him!"
- Mac: "But-"
- Mac's Mom: "My decision is final, you've got to get rid of Bloo. I'm sorry, Mac." [Comes out of the door and accidently knocks Bloo over] "Oh, sorry Bloo."
- Bloo: [Talking to the mirror after drawing eyebrows and a moustache on his face]
"I am Pierre Schezuan!" (French laugh) "I put ze ducks in Crystal Pond!"
[draws a goatie on his face]
"I am Pierre’s evil brother! I steal ze ducks from Crystal Pond!"
[draws an ear on the side of his face]
"I am Pierre’s third cousin! I have ze ear on the side of my face!" (French laugh)
[puts on lipstick]
"I am Pierre’s girlfriend!" [starts kissing the mirror] "Muah, muah, muah, muah, muah!"
Mac: [Walks in on Bloo] "What are you doing? "
Bloo: "Nothing, nothing! What are you doing?" [Grabs towel, wipes face, attempting to hide what he was doing, smears lipstick and black makeup a little]
"Did I get it?"
Mac: "No."
Bloo: [Wipes face again, smears makeup substantially]
"How 'bout now?"
Mac: "You got it."
- Bloo: "Who said anything about love, Heather?..."
Bloo: "Really? 'Cause you look like a Heather to me."
- (Uncle Pockets arrives and everyone likes him, all except Bloo)
Frankie: "Sounds to me like someone's jealous!"
Bloo: "Not jealous, journalis...t."
- Mac: Why didn't you go to the bathroom at the gas station?
Bloo: (Wearing plungers on feet) Ew! Grody! Gas station bathrooms are disgusting!
Mac : But it's not disgusting to wear... never mind.
- Eduardo: (gulping after Goo talks about a seiance) Why es they dead?
Goo: Who knows? Old age, or they put a jet engine in their car, or they were attacked by Possoms! (Eduardo gets scared by this.) Oooooh! Maybe they had a piece of Popcorn stuck in their throat, and they were like... (She acts as if gagging. Eduardo, attempting to eat some popcorn, puts a piece back into the bowl.)
- (Mac and Bloo are stranded on the roof of Foster's and don't know how to get downstairs. Bloo ordered pizza [without realizing he had to be downstairs to get them], but he and Mac fall down a chute and somehow get back upstairs.)
Mac: (confused, frustrated) But... it's just not natural! We went down! Not up - down!
Bloo: (dazed with hunger) This place is craaaazy, it's craaaazy. I'm so hungry, I'm craaaazy! Ooooooohhhh, look, it's the pizza man! Hiiii, pizza man! We're really high up, and you look like an ant!
Mac : Wait! What did you just say?
Bloo: Ant.
Mac : No, before that.
Bloo: Uh, an.
Mac : Before that.
Bloo: Um... like.
Mac : Before that.
Bloo: Look.
Mac : No, uh... 9 words before that.
Bloo: Um, hi.
Mac : And after that?
Bloo: Pizza.
Mac : And then?
Bloo: Man!
Mac : "Hi, pizza man?"
Bloo: (still dazed) Helllooooooooo!
- Eduardo: "Azul? You no el perrito!"
Bloo: "I most certainly am not a burrito!"
- Bloo: "Here. I found these in the basement. This will help make you look cool." Mac: (looking at some magazines from 1987) "I don't know, Bloo."
Bloo: Less talking and more ripping off your sleeves."
- (about the Applebees)
Mac:"It's like they're immune"
Bloo: Well we'll just have to make them mune then, by any means necessary."
- Weather Forecaster: "As a cold front sweeps in, you can expect showers in Spokane"
Bloo: "Showers in Spokane. Spooo-Caaaahhhnn."
Weather Forcaster: "Temperatures are up there, and its hot in Topeka."
Bloo: "Its hoooooooot in Toooooo-Peeeee-Kaaaaaaahhhh. Its hot. Hot hot. Hot-hot-hot. Hot. (breathes out) Haawwwwt. Hawwwwwt. Hot-hot-hottot! Its hot in Topeka! Toe-peker. I'm a toe-pick. I'm a Hot toe picker. Pick my toe - IT'S HOT! Pick my hot toe-pick-it! Topeka's hot, my toe is hot--pick it. It's hot in Topeka. It's hot. It's hot! It's hot. It's Hot in, it's hot in, it's hot in Topeka!
- (when Bloo, Herriman, and Frankie are having their presidential debate)
Eduardo: Ooh, I have a question. OK, OK, uh... d-d-d-d-d-d-- oh, OK. This question is for Frankie. OK, what is... 2 plus 3?"
Frankie: Um... five?
Edaurdo: Señor Herriman?
Herriman: Well, of course it's five you numbskull!
Eduardo: Bloo?
Bloo: You know, Ed, my opponents say five, but I say that's not good enough! I say SIX! Or SEVEN!! Or even FORTY-TWO!!!!!!
Crowd: WHOO-HOO! (cheering)
- Bloo: "Wait a minute. I know what's happenend! Somehow, I've entered a bizarro, backward world. Quick, which way is up?"
Eduardo:"I don't know."
Bloo: "And yet Eduardo remaines completely unchanged. Interesting."
- Mac: (to Bloo) Where is everyone?
Bloo: Everyone who?
Mac: Everyone who lives at Foster's? Madame Foster, Mr. Herriman, Wilt...
Bloo: Oh, they're gone.
Mac: (In surprise) Gone?? They couldn't have just disappeared! What if they're in trouble?
Bloo: Calm down, I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation... (for everyone being gone).
Mac: "Oh, yeah? Like what?
Bloo: Meteor.
Mac: (Giving Bloo an unimpressed look)
Bloo: You know the meteor that killed off the dinosaurs? Well, this was that meteor's son and it was looking for revenge, so it crashed into the earth wiping out every living thing except YOU and ME!
Mac: Give me a break...
Bloo: Think about it! Did you see anyone on your way over here?
Mac: Yeah, I saw tons of people!
Bloo: Zombies. (Again, Mac gives Bloo an unimpressed look) Everyone knows that when a meteor hits there's a nuclear explosion and everyone knows that when there's a nuclear explosion, zombies come out! (Imitates a zombie) Warrrggh! And you and me, Mac, we've got to fight 'em! (In sing-song fashion) Zombie fighters, nah nah nah nah, nahnah NAH NAH!!! Hi-yah!
- Mac: "Hi, Bloo. Ready to go to the Ice Charades?"
Comically Deep-Voiced Bloo: "Who are you?"
Mac: (Screams and starts attacking Comically Deep-Voiced Bloo) "Who are you and what have you done with my friend?!"
Bloo: "Oh, I see you've met Comically Deep-Voiced Bloo."
- Terence: Hey, where have you been? You are soooo busted. If you haven't gotten rid of that friend, you are soooo busted. What are those? [Coco's Eggs] They better not be naughty, because if they are, you are soooo busted.
Mac: [Furious] I was nowhere and these are nothing and I took care of it! HAPPY!? [Storms off]
- Kid: (After seeing the "cool" Mac) "Hey, where'd you get the clothes, the 1987 store?"
Mac: "I got it from my friend, but maybe he got it there."
- Bloo: "So, do we get our super awesome jet cars now?"
Mr. Herriman: (Sarcastically, stretching out his head to Bloo) Oh, yes... they're in the mail.
Bloo: Yes!!!
Mac: Um, Bloo. I think he was being sarcastic.
Bloo: Oh. But who cares?? We're getting jet cars!! Jet cars, dude!!!
- Mac: (explaining to Bloo about sarcasm) "No, he was using sarcasm. He said the opposite to make it funny! Ha ha!"
Bloo: "That wasn't funny. Knock-knock jokes. Knock-knock jokes are funny."
Mac: (sarcastically) "Yeaaaah. Knock-knock jokes are hilarious."
Bloo: "That's what I'm saying!"
Mac: "No, I was being sarcastic."
Bloo: "Stop it!"
- Later:
Mac: "Frankie, explain sarcasm to Bloo."
Frankie: "What? You don't understand sarcasm?"
Bloo: "No."
Frankie: "But you use it all the time!"
Bloo: (sarcastically) "Riiiiiiight. I use it all the time."
Frankie: "See? You just used it!"
Bloo: (delighted) "I did?!" (pause) (sarcastically) "Surrrre I did, Frankie."
Mac: "You're... totally messing with us. Aren't you."
- Bloo: Mac, we've got the jet-car, let's just drive away; they can't catch us!"
Mac: (heroically) "No. This isn't just about a jet car anymore. This is about pride. And honor, and showing the world who the best charity is once and for all!"
Bloo: "Dude, what are you talking about?"
Mac: (heroically) "I don't know."
- Bloo: "What's the capital of Pittsburgh?"
Eduardo: "Potatoes?"
- Wilt: Have you lost your marbles?!
Eduardo: I no have no marbles!
[Later that day...]
Eduardo: Have you lost your marbles?!
Wilt: No, they're right here!
[hands Eduardo a jar of marbles]
Eduardo: Ooooh!
- Eduardo: "Señor Mac, which is the right answer to win the sticker?"
Mac: "There's no right answer, Ed. Just punch who you want to win."
Eduardo: "I don't wanna punch no one."
Mac: "Punch the hole on the paper next to your choice for president."
Eduardo: "Oh, OK. (Slight pause) Which one is that?"
Mac: "Whoever you want." (Walks away)
Bloo: "I'll help you out, Ed."
Eduardo: "You will? Gracias, gracias, Senor Bloo." (Hands Bloo ballot)
Bloo: "No problem. Just punch here next to Mr. Herriman."
Eduardo: "But I think I want to pick Señorita Frankie."
Bloo: "Yes, but on this, you punch who you don't want to win."
Eduardo: "Oh. [Punches Bloo and claps his hands] I like voting."
- [On a camping trip, Wilt is stuck in quicksand. A bear has just shown up.]
Madame Foster: Run for your lives, boys! I'll stave him off!
Mac: What about Wilt?
Wilt: Don't worry Mac. I'll probably sink before the bear gets me.
- Bloo: Madame Foster, you're alive! Madame Foster: Huh? Well, of course I'm alive. Whaddya think? Bloo: Well, I've just been here a few days & I never saw you so I just figured... Madame Foster: Well, it just takes me a while to get down the steps, ok? I AM OLD! Jackie Khones: [to Mr. Harriman] See?
- Madame Foster: Oh, ok. Mac: What? Madame Foster: Ok. Bloo: 'Ok' what? Madame Foster: It's ok. Mac: You mean? Madame Foster: Yeah. Bloo: Really? Madame Foster: Sure. Mac: You're kidding? Madame Foster: Nope. Mac: He can? Madame Foster: Yeah. Bloo: And I won't be? Madame Foster: Nope. Frankie: Really? Madame Foster: YES! How many times do I have to say it? Bloo can live here and he won't ever, ever, ever be adopted but only if Mac promises to visit him everyday. Is that ok, dear? Mac: Of course! Madame Foster: You sure? Mac: Totally! Madame Foster: Promise? Mac: Promise. Madame Foster: Ok. Mac: Thank you. Madame Foster: Sure. Bloo: Yeah, thanks! Madame Foster: Fuggetaboutit.
- [The friends are deciding what to do about Peanut Butter. Coco has a menacing glare]
Coco: Coco co...
Mac: Coco... I think if we did that, we'd go to jail.
[Coco continues to glare evilly]
- [Bloo meets Coco for the first time]
Coco: Coco?
Bloo: Yes.
Coco: Coco?
Bloo: Yes.
Coco: Coco?
Bloo: Yes.
Coco: Coco?
Bloo: Yes.
Coco: Coco?
Bloo: [Getting annoyed] Yes.
Coco: Coco?
Bloo: Yes!
Coco: Coco?
Bloo: Yes, yes! With marshmallows!
Wilt: No no, Bloo, this is Coco. She wasn't asking if you wanted any cocoa...all she says is Coco. [Notice that Wilt said "no", remember Where There's a Wilt There's a Way proved that Wilt can't say "no", but he says it here anyway]
Bloo: Oh. Well, what was she saying?
Wilt: "Do you want any juice?"
- Mr. Herriman: (Lecturing Mac and Bloo about Goo, stretching out his head to them) "And whenever she comes to Foster's she comes completely overstimulated and thinks and creates and imagines... willy nilly!"
(Imaginary friend Willy Nilly rolls into the room)
Willy Nilly: "No, see, my creator's name was Kevin..."
Mr. Herriman: "No one asked you, Master Willy!"
- Wilt: Who you gonna call?"
Coco: (To the tune of Ghostbusters) Co co-co!"
Wilt: Nah, they've been out of business for years.
- Bloo: Great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, chopped-up baby birdies' feet. Great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts floating in my ice creaaaaaam....and I don't got a spoooooooon.
Cheese: No spoon? AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
- Beagle-Puss Imaginary Friend: (After seeing the man in a cell phone suit go by) I've heard of a mobile phone, but this is ridiculous.
Bloo: Hey, did you see a...
Beagle-Puss Imaginary Friend: I already made the joke, son.
- (Cheese can't reach the cereal)
Wilt: Here buddy, let me help you.
Cheese: Lemme do it!
Wilt: (starts to move the cereal towards Cheese)
Cheese: No, lemme!
(Cheese bites Wilt)
Wilt: OW!!
- Bloo: See!? He's screwing everything up!
Cheese: Nuh-uh! I'm only screwing the wheel!
- Cheese: Cuh...I like chocolate milk!
Wilt: Let me go get you some.
(Wilt brings Cheese a glass of chocolate milk, but Cheese spits it out in the others' faces.)
Cheese: Nooo! Chocolate milk!
Wilt: I'm sorry, but that's what I gave you! Maybe it needs more chocolate...?
'Cheese: (points to Coco's smoothie) Chocolate milk!!
- When Mac is asked about Cheese's name:
Mac: Cheese! His name is Cheese! I didn't name him; he came with the name. Argh!
Bloo: (disbelief) CHEEEEEEEEEESE?!
Cheese: Yesss-suh.
Mac: No, not you, Cheese. (to Bloo) Yes. Cheese.
Cheese: Yesss-suh.
Mac: Not you.
- Bloo dumps Cheese off on an unsuspecting Eduardo:
Cheese: I like cereal.
Eduardo: Oh. I like potatoes!
Cheese: (breaths in) I like cereal.
Eduardo: Si, and I like potatoes.
Cheese: I... like... (sinister) ceeeeeeereeeeaaal.
Eduardo: (nervous) Si. And... I... like...potatoes?
Eduardo: (scared) I...like...potatoes?
Cheese: (threateningly) I LIKE CEREAL!!!
- (Coco at school)
Coco: Coco?
Students: Who's there?
Coco: Coco?
Students: Coco Who?
Coco:Coco coco coco coco COCO!
(All the children laugh)
Girl: Man, I never saw that coming!
- (Coco tells Eduardo to stop running and to put Mac down in her own words.)
Eduardo: Uh, sí. Gracias, Coco. Usted tiene una manera con palabras.
(Eduardo puts Mac down.)
Wilt: (patting Coco on the head) Good job, Coco. You sure have a way with words.
- Family: If we adopt you, will you promise to behave?
Duchess: If you adopt me, will you promise to be less ugly?
- Bloo: So what are we watching?
Wilt:(with mouth full) A cweacha feature.
Bloo: A "kweecha feecha"??
Wilt: Sowwy. (swallows popcorn) A creature feature.
Eduardo: (worried) A creature feature?
Wilt: It's okay Eduardo, don't worry.
Bloo: Yeah Ed, it's probably just some silly old movie about a silly old ghost and some silly old house on some silly old hill.
Commentator on TV: The Curse of the Cannibal Ghost of the Haunted House on Horror Hill!
Wilt: Good call!
- Bloo: (frantic) Where are you, little buddy? Speak to me! Tell me you're alright! Cheese!!
Cheese: (offscene) Yeah, I like potatoes.
Frankie: He was eating soap when I found him.
Cheese: Potatoes smell. ...Like flowers.
- Wilt: How did Mac get permission to go to Europe with just us anyway?
Coco: Co cocococococo co co coco co-co-co cocococococo co-co cococo co!
Wilt: that's right! what a crazy story.
- Mac: Ok, time for paint!
Bloo: Awesome! Super duper red hot rod flames!
Cheese: No, bunnies!
Bloo: Hot rod flames!
Cheese: Bunnies!
Bloo: Hot rod flames!
Cheese: Bunnies!
Bloo: Hot rod flames!
Cheese: Bunnies!
Bloo: (In a high pitched voice) HOT ROD FLAMES!
Cheese: (In a low pitched voice) BUNNIES!
Mac: QUIET!!!
(Scene goes to the hill, where the go kart is painted with flaming bunnies)
Bloo: (While pushing go-kart up the hill) I don't even know you anymore!
Mac: Shut up! At least the bunnies are on fire!
- Berry: Hi there! I'm Berry...
Bloo: Hey, you're that girl.
Berry: How sweet of you to notice.
- (Bloo and Mac are standing on the roof of Foster's. Mac is staring intensely into the distance while Bloo is looking confident.)
Mac: (Hopeless) I... I can't...
Bloo: (Sounding confident) You can.
Mac: But...
Bloo: (Still confident) Try.
Mac: The red?
Bloo: (STILL confident) No, the brown.
Mac: (Starting to see something) You mean...?
Bloo: (A little excited) Yes
Mac: (Now dawning) Oh, I...
Bloo: Good!
Mac: (Trying hard to see something) I think...
Bloo: (Getting more excited) Yes!
Mac: (Doubtful) With the chips?
Bloo: Left!
Mac: Left?
Bloo: Right!
Mac: (Confused) Right?
Bloo: No, left is right!
Bloo: Uhh, next to the...
Bloo: (Now totally excited) Yes, yes, yes, you did it! That brown corner, left of the chips sign, next to the phone-pole, is the corner of the roof of your appartment! How cool is that?
Mac: (Not the least impressed) Wow...That's...eh...real cool.
Bloo: Don't you get it? THAT is your house and you can see it from HERE!
Mac: Mhhhm
Bloo: (In a condescending tone) You're stupid. You just can't appreciate the little things in life.
Mac: (Sarcastically) Like the corners of appartments?
Bloo: (With all the seriousness in the world) Yes you are a stupid and terrible person because you have no appreciation for the corners of appartments.
- (Bloo Tube)
"Mac: Bloo Wait!
"Mac: (Laughs after seeing this on YouTube) Hahaha. Works every time.
"Frankie: Come On Mac Let Go
"Mac: See You Later Bloo Light Off Right?
"Bloo: Ow
"All Foster: Water Park! WOOOOOO!
"Bloo: {Crying}