Franz Werfel
Franz Werfel was an Austrian-Bohemian novelist, playwright, and poet who wrote in German.
- Magnify the divine mystery and the holiness of mankind.
- Preface to Das Lied Von Bernadette [The Song of Bernadette] (1941)
- Zwischen zu früh und zu spät, liegt immer nur ein Augenblick.
- Between too early and too late, there is never more than a moment.
- Jacobowsky und der Oberst : Komödie einer Tragödie in drei Akten (1945), p. 52
- Between too early and too late, there is never more than a moment.
- Der sicherste Reichtum ist die Armut an Bedürfnissen.
- The safest wealth is the poverty of needs.
- Zwischen oben und unten (1946), p. 315
- The safest wealth is the poverty of needs.
- For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.
- As quoted in Philippine Studies (1953) by Ateneo de Manila, p. 269; also in Everest : The Mountaineering History (2000) by Walt Unsworth, p. 100
- Happiness is ... the grace of being permitted to unfold ... all the spiritual powers planted within us.
- As quoted in Journey to New Beginnings : Finding Peace Within (2006) by Debbie Ziemann, p. 167
- Dass es die Todesstrafe gibt, ist weniger bezeichnend für unsere Gesittung, als dass sich Henker finden.
- The existence of the death penalty is less instructive on our morality than the possibility of finding executioners.
- Müßiggang ist allen Geistes Anfang.
- Idleness is the beginning of all mind.