Freakazoid! is an American animated television series featuring a madcap superhero named Freakazoid. It was created by Steven Spielberg and Warner Bros. Animation.
Indianapolis, Indiana,
And Columbus is the capitol of Ohio--
[A large e-mail window appears]
Opening song
- Super-teen extraordinaire!
- Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
- Runs around in underwear!
- Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
- Rescues Washington, D.C.
- Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
- Unless something better’s on TV!
- Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
- His brain's overloading!
- It has a chocolate coating!
- Textbook case for Sigmund Freud!
- Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
- Check out Dexter Douglas, nerd computer ace;
- Went surfing on the internet and was zapped to cyberspace!
- He turned into the Freakazoid! He’s strong and super-quick!
- He drives the villains crazy, ‘cause he’s a lunatic!
- His home-base is the Freaka-lair!
- Freakazoid! Fricassee!
- Floyd the Barber cuts his hair!
- Freakazoid! Chimpanzee!
- Rides around in the Freak-mobile!
- Freakazoid! Freaka-zoo! (sometimes 'Free kazoo!')
- Hopes to make a movie deal!
- Freaka-me! Freaka-you!
- He’s here to save the nation,
- So stay tuned to this station!
- If not, we’ll be unemployed!
- Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
- Freakazoid!!!
Five Day Forecast/Dance of Doom/Handman [1.1]
- Announcer: Terror grips a peaceful city. Terror that wears a loin cloth. His real name is Royce Mumphy, but police in five states know him as Cave Guy. Yes, Cave Guy: hostile, powerful, but also highly intelligent.
- Cave Guy: I subscribe to The New Yorker. (laughs snootily)
- Announcer: Only one hero can track down Cave Guy. Only one hero has the heart to fight this fiend. That hero is... (silhouette of Batman appears on the screen) on another network. Thus, we have no choice but to turn to this fellow. A teenage nerd, or is he...?
- Freakazoid: [in tough guy voice] Nothing will stand in my way!
- Cosgrove: Hey, Freakazoid! Wanna get a mint?
- Freakazoid: [in normal voice] OK!
- Freakazoid: Low Bridge! Everybody Down, Low Bridge! Cave guy's underwear is brown!!! Brown, Brown, brown! Now...! Stop ya singin now, everybody singin songs! (In quite voice) Bring it down, bring it down...(The people come down) Everybody "Shh, Shh" On this side of the room.
- People: Shh Shh Shh...
- Freakazoid: Everybody Down!
- Jeepers: You want to see something strange and mystical?
- The Lobe: No one can save you this time, Freakazoid!
- Freakazoid: That's where you're wrong, Lobe! My new sidekick will save me.
- The Lobe: Oh yeah? Well, where is he?
- Handman: I'm right here!
- Freakazoid: Handman! You've come in the nick of time!
- Handman: I wouldn't let you down, Freakabazaal! Oh, I'm sorry, it's Freakazee. Uh, Freakabee.
- Freakazoid: No. Freakazoid.
- Handman: Freakazoy.
- Freakazoid: No. Freakazoid.
- Handman: Freakazee! Freeballoo! Meemalar!
- Freakazoid: No. Say it with me. Frea.
- Handman: Frea.
- Freakazoid: Ka.
- Handman: Ka.
- Freakazoid: Zoid.
- Handman: Peterson! No! Freakazoid! Freakazoid. [kisses up to Freakazoid]
- Freakazoid: Hey, stop it! Pardon me, my mouth is a bit parched. [drinks a glass of water while Handman makes gulping noises] Aaaaaahhhh! Thank you. That was a-very refreshing!
- The Lobe: Oh, just stop!
- Freakazoid: What?
- The Lobe: This is stupid.
- Freakazoid: You're calling my sidekick stupid?
- The Lobe: That's not a proper sidekick; that's just your hand.
- Freakazoid: No it isn't.
- The Lobe: Yes it is!
- Freakazoid: No it isn't!
- The Lobe: Yes it is! It's just your hand, you simpleton!
- Handman: No, take a closer look. [The Lobe does so] Closer... Closer still... Hold it right there. [punches The Lobe, knocking him into his artillery]
Candle Jack/Toby Danger in Doomsday Bet/The Lobe [1.2]
- [Freakazoid keeps trying to take flight to no avail.]
- Freakazoid: Uhg! Hng! Up! UP! GO UP! FLY!
- Steff: Freakazoid, you don't fly.
- Freakazoid: Oh, right.
- Boy: The scariest thing in the world would be if all the air in the world turned to WOOD!
- [The children gasp]
- Girl: OK like the scariest thing in the world would be if like you went to grab something and it wasn't there!
- [The children stare blankly]
- Girl: .... Because it turned to WOOD!
- [The children gasp]
- Freakazoid: The scariest thing in the world would be if they gave Sinbad another T.V. show! [All the children scream and flee in terror.]
- [Later]
- Other Kid: You don't really believe in that stuff, about Sinbad getting another T.V. show, do you Buzz?
- Buzz: Nah, the broadcasting industry has all sorts of safe guards to prevent that sort of thing.
- Buzz: The guy you want to look out for is Candle Jack.
- Other Kid: Candle Jack? Who's that?
- Buzz: He's the Boogeyman. Y'know, the for-real one. He snatches kids from their bed and takes them away.... and they never come back.
- Other Kid: Why does he do that?
- Buzz: Because he's a nut.
- Other Kid: Well, how does he get you?
- Buzz: That's the thing. He can't, as long as you don't say his name. So just don't say it, okay?
- Other Kid: Okay. Good night!
- [They lie down and go to bed]
- Other Kid: Hey, we did say his name!
- Buzz: Well... maybe he didn't hear us.
- [Candle Jack rises up from between them]
- Candle Jack: Hello, boys!
- Girls: Look! It's Candle Jack!
- Candle Jack: I'm gonna need more rope.
- Paul Harvey-type announcer: I think there's a thuuuumbtack under my fanny.
- [All the Dangers gasp when looking upon a photo of the villian.]
- "Dash" O'Pepper: I knew it! It's some guy in a helmet!
- Freakazoid: Well, if it isn't...
- Steff and kids: NO!
- Freakazoid: What? I was just gonna say...
- Steff and kids: NO!
- Dr. Hanker: Don't say it!
- Freakazoid: Don't say what?
- Steff: Don't say his name!
- Freakazoid: You mean "don't say Candle Jack"?
- [quick cut to Freakazoid now tied up]
- Steff: Freakazoid, why did you say his name?!
- Freakazoid: 'Cause I-I wanted to do one of those funny things, like on - you ever watch F Troop? - where Agarn says "There's no way I'm wearin' a dress! Absolutely not! No dress!" And Forrest Tucker's like, "Yeah, you're wearing that dress! You're gonna wear that dress!" And they wipe - blblblblblblblb - and Agarn's wearin' a dress!
- [quick cut to a clip from F Troop of Agarn in a dress]
- Candle Jack: Oh, I love that bit!
Mo-Ron/The Sewer Rescue/The Big Question/The Legends Who Lunch [1.3]
- Announcer: We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you this special report from The WB Network.
- Freakazoid: What exactly is The WB? Can someone tell me this? What's it mean, The WB? The Water Bucket? The Wimpy Boy? The Wet Bananas?! I don't know!! What, the Weird Butt?! What? I'm asking!!
- Announcer: This has been a special report from The Weird Butt Network. We now join Freakazoid! already in progress.
- Lord Bravery: [talking to his mother-in-law] Most people your age die. Why won't you?
- Freakazoid: Now, now, ladies, there's plenty of me for everybody - if not, I'll just have 'em draw me bigger.
- Alien: I have traveled many millions of lightyears across forty billion galaxies to come here for the answer to a vital question that concerns the entire universe.
- Bill Clinton: And what is that question?
- Alien: Please tell us - that doll Barbie... what's the name of her little sister?
- [Freakazoid and Clinton look at each other, puzzled]
- Bill Clinton: I think it was Pebbles.
- Freakazoid: Lemme handle this. It's Skipper!
- Alien: Skipper? Hmmm. [walks back inside his ship] Hey everyone, it's Skipper!
And Fan Boy Is His Name/Lawn Gnomes: Chapter IV - Fun in the Sun/Freak's French Lesson [1.4]
- Freakazoid: I said, give me another one. Curse your tiny paper hat!
- Freakazoid:If I wanna blitz myself into some papaya-induced hallucination that's MY business!
- Fan Boy: I've studied everything about you! Like you like to drown your sorrows in Papaya juice whenever you lose a sidekick!
- Freakazoid: That's because I'm allergic to cranapple!
- [pan shot of the Freaka-lair]
- Fan Boy: Where are we?
- Freakazoid: My Freaka-lair!
- Fan Boy: I didn't know you had one!
- Freakazoid: Yeah, we're trying a bunch of new stuff this week. Tryin' to see what sticks.
- Freakazoid: Please! Please leave my alone! I'll give you anything, anything you want if you'll just go away! How about the just written script of Batman IV?
- Fan Boy: Plucked it off the internet last night.
- Freakazoid: An autographed photo of Stan Lee?
- Fan Boy: Who's that?
- Freakazoid: No idea.
- Fan Boy: Marrrrrrkk...... Hamillllll...
- Freakazoid: Why settle for a mere sidekick, when Jedi Knighthood awaits?
- Fan Boy: Yes! The Force is strong in this one!
- [slowly approaching Mark Hamill]
- Fan Boy: Luke! Join me!
- Mark Hamill: Come again?
- Fan Boy: Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as Fan Boy and son!
- Mark Hamill: No! I'll never join you!
- Fan Boy: It is your destiny!
Foamy the Freakadog/Office Visit/Ode to Leonard Nimoy/Emergency Broadcast System [1.5]
- Fanboy: Leonard Nimoy, Leonard Nimoy
- Dear Mister Spock, oh golly gee boy
- It sure would make me smile and laugh
- If I could have your autograph
- If I don't get it, I'll be blue
- But then I know what I will do
- I'll call you up on the telephone
- And bother you when you're at home
- You hang up, the line goes dead
- But then a new idea pops in my head
- I'll visit you right where you live
- I'll ring on the doorbell and ask if you'll give
- That autograph I've been waiting for
- You give it to me, and so much more
- Oh thank you, thank you, Mister Spock
- Now please call Bones; I need a doc.
- Lord Bravery: What kind of superhero would call himself Lord Smoked Meats and Fishes?
- Mr. Snarzetti: Ah. One who wants to use the element of surprise.
The Chip (Acts I - III) [1.6]
- Jack Valenti: We've put together a little motion picture about Freakazoid's origin. It's filled with action and adventure and even features a scene with a man wrestling a bear for no reason.
- Business Man: A Freakazoid? What's that?
- Roddy MacStew: That's just what it sounds like Mr. Fancy Man sitting in your chair!
- [Roddy is thrown from the top of a building.]
- Guitierrez: Now, how did that happen? [He begins to chuckle, then pauses at the silence of his colleagues.] Laugh with me!
- Announcer: We interrupt this program to increase dramatic tension. Thank you. And now back to our program.
- Roddy MacStew: Oh I'm his uh.. (thinking) WHAT SHOULD I SAY! I CANT THINK! SHE'LL NEVER BUY IT! CRUD! CRUD! (out loud) I'm his insurance agent.
- Mrs. Douglas: Insurance agent? But he's only 17.
- Roddy MacStew: (thinking) CRUD! I BLEW IT! I BLEW IT!! (out loud) Oh no, I meant his driving instructor. It's time for his lesson.
- Mrs. Douglas: On Christmas Day?
- Roddy MacStew: He's a very bad driver.
- Roddy MacStew: You'll never get away with it Guitierrez!
- Guitierrez: Get away with what? I haven't said anything yet.
- Roddy MacStew: Yeah you're right. Sorry, I jumped the gun. My fault.
- Mrs Douglas: Dexter? Is that you? How bad a driver are you, hon?
The Chip (Act IV)/Freakazoid is History [1.7]
- Roddy MacStew: At least let the boy go!
- Guitierrez: No, I cannot.
- Roddy MacStew: Why?
- Gutierrez: Because he tasks me! He tasks me! 'round the moons of Snivia, I chuckle at thee. Beyond the Corpian clouds I chuckle more at thee. Revenge is a dish best served with pinto beans and muffins! Kirk, old friend, I... Oh, sorry. [He fixes his tie.] Good-bye.
- Dexter: No! This can't be happening... I'M FREAKING OUT!
- [changes into Freakazoid]
- Freakazoid: [in Groucho Marx voice] I think he just said the secret word!
- Roddy MacStew: [voice-over] When you want to change into the Freakazoid, just say "Freak Out." When you want to change back into Dexter, say "Freak In." You're a good lad. I'll be seeing you around.
- Freakazoid: [crying] That made water come out my eyes.
- Freakazoid: Hey, what is this place? Palm Trees. Hula girls! Pineapples. Hula girls! Surfboards. Hula girls! Hula girls! Hula girls! Of course, it all adds up! I've somehow landed in Norway!
- Voice Over: One day, while saving Air Force One, teen super hero Freakazoid was unexpectedly swept into both a time warp vortex and a T.V. show parody. From that point on and until the segment ends, Freakazoid is lost in time. He is... Quantum Freak!
- [Freakazoid views the world he altered.]
- Freakazoid: Good heavens. It's Rush Limbaugh. He's become a real bleeding-hard liberal and look! Euro Disney is packed! Cold fusion works! No Chevy Chase movies!
- Freakazoid: ...And then I got sucked into the Internet, and well, here I am.
- Cosgrove: Y'know what you should do with your powers?
- Freakazoid: What?
- Cosgrove: I'd become a superhero, but that's me.
- Freakazoid: Naaaah.
- Cosgrove: You could fight crime.
- Freakazoid: Naaaah.
- Cosgrove: Uphold the truths.
- Freakazoid: Naaaah.
- Cosgrove: Impress the ladies.
- Freakazoid: OKAY!! I'll do it!
Hot Rods From Heck/A Time For Evil [1.8]
- Dexter Douglas: I wish I was at home reading funny stories in binary.
Relax-O-Vision/Fatman and Boy Blubber/Limbo Lock-Up/Terror Palace [1.9]
- Fatman: I've got a stitch in my side, and I've lost my freshness!
- Cave Guy: Now, it's our turn. [he and Kid Carrion laugh maniacally]
- Freakazoid: BLABLABLABLABLABLABLAAAA! [lunges towards them as Relax-o-Vision cuts in] [later, after Cave Guy and Kid Carrion were defeated]
- Freakazoid: I probably blew the animation budget for the WHOLE season on that one fight
- Freakazoid: [dazed] Anybody for loosemeat sanwiches?
In Arms Way/The Cloud [1.10]
- Store clerk: What's Oops Insurance?
- [Arms Akimbo knocks over jar]
- Arms Akimbo: Oops.
- Hans: I am Hans. We will take the sky buckets to the observatory. The professor is waiting for you there. Now, come. We mustn't linger. It is not safe here at night.
- Freakazoid: It's day.
- Hans: Well then, I suppose we can linger for a moment.
- [Freakazoid and Hans are riding "sky buckets" to the top of a mountain]
- Freakazoid: It's just like at Disneyland!
- Hans: Not anymore, I'm afraid.
- Freakazoid: What?
- Hans: At Disneyland. Zee sky buckets, they are gone, kaput. And zee ride where zey shrink you down tiny, nicht. (German for not, implying that the ride was removed)
- Freakazoid: Oh no, well, at least they still have the little motorboats!"
- Hans: [He hangs his head and grits teeth, indicating they removed the motorboats as well; sad music plays in background.]
- [Freakazoid opens a door, expecting a evil villain outside. When he opens the door, there stands Cosgrove.]
- Cosgrove: Hey Freakazoid, wanna go build a Go-cart?
Next Time, Phone Ahead/Nerdator [1.11]
- Steven Spielberg: Fade to black. The End. What was that other plan, exactly?
- Paul Rugg: Well, we'd end the show early to show some more Animaniacs reruns.
- Steven Spielberg: Oh! I like that. Let's do it. (cuts to the final verses of the Animaniacs theme song)
- Freakazoid: So AT&T, MCI, & Spint fought a pitched battle to see who'd provide service. (showing stock footage of armored tanks fighting in a warzone) Finally, Bo-Ron chose a winner(showing Bo-Ron with lipstick imprints on his face while Candace Bergen is attracted to Bo-Ron), and we called home.
- Bo-Ron: AAAHHHH! It's ringing. (They reached an answering machine in Bo-Ron's primitive language addressing "We're not here right now. Please leave your message after the beep")
- Bo-Ron: I got the machine. It's ALWAYS on. Hello? You're there. I know you're there. PICK UP! COME ON!!! PICK UP!!!
- Bo-Ron: Large Cakes!
- Freakazoid: Diane Sawyer acts sincere, but she's really faking it.
- Bo-Ron: Duuuuhhhh! Faking it.
- Bo-Ron: DUUUHHHH! Piece of the gross(then smiles with chewed up Oreo cookies in his teeth, while having milk & Oreo cookies on his plate)
- Freakazoid: STAY OUT OF YOUR FATHER'S UNDERWEAR DRAWER! Trust me on this one.
- Bo-Ron: Duh, underwear drawer, no no.
- Dexter Douglas: O-O-O-O-O-O-OH, FREAK OUT!(melts into the ground and resolidifies as Freakazoid)
- Freakazoid: Is it me or am I showing up later & later in each episode? (then talking like Jerry Lewis) OH, LOOK AT ALL THE NERD PEOPLE MAKING THE FUNNY JERKING MOTIONS WITH THEIR SILLY HEADS!!!
House of Freakazoid/Sewer or Later [1.12]
- [Freakazoid is at a recent crime scene committed by Cobra Queen. He notices a piece of shedding from one of her snakes.]
- Freakazoid: Ah-ha, looks like one of Cobra Queen's little pets. [turns to the officers, and says this with poor lip sync] Or maybe it was a tourist who got too much sun, I'm never sure.
- [Flips to blue screen with only Freakazoid showing]
- Freakazoid: Please, lets watch the lip sync okay?
- [A giant set of lips sinks into the ocean]
- Freakazoid: I thank you.
- Freakazoid: I'm not going down there it smells like Poo-gas!!!
The Wrath of Guitierrez [1.13]
- Cosgrove: Y'know, I like jousting so much I wish I could marry it.
- Freakazoid: (finds a small bowl hidden behind a torch) A bowl! I found a bowl! GOOD FOR ME!
- Freakazoid: (grumbling about Guitierrez) He's such a weenie.
- Guitierrez: (shouting dramatically) I am not a weenie! YOU ARE THE WEENIE!
Dexter's Date [2.1]
- Debbie Douglas: (waving goodbye to Dexter from the car) Have a good time, now!
- The Lobe: Don't touch that dial. For the next 40 minutes, I'm in control.
- (The Lobe is watching Seinfeld)
- Newman: C'mon, Kramer, give me the donut!
- Cosmo Kramer: Never!
- The Lobe: (laughs) The whole key to this show is Newman.
- The Lobe: Now, with just a flick of the switch, my video-zapper will steal every movie, every program, every broadcast ever produced! Not only will I be able to flood the market with counterfeit cassettes - thus crippling the entertainment industry - but I'll never have to program my VCR again!
- (Freakazoid breaks into a room to stop the Lobe - destroying a wall full of TV monitors in the process)
- Freakazoid: Hello? Lobe? Is this the right room?
- The Lobe: Freakazoid! Look what you've done!
- Freakazoid: Sorry. I'm in a hurry.
- The Lobe: There's a door not ten feet away. A fine invention. You should try it.
- Duncan: Aawww! What's the matter? Am I ruining your date?
- Mr. Douglas: Duncan! Mind your apples, huh!
- Freakazoid: FREAK IN! (while shifing back into Dexter, he still is Freakazoid) Uh-oh? (he then comes out of the stall as Oprah Winfrey) ZOIDS! I'M OPRAH WINFREY! OH, FREAK OUT! Okay, let's not PANIC! Let me try it again. FREAK IN! (shifting in as David Letterman) David Letterman?! Oh, FREAK OUT!
- The Bus Boy: Come, she awaits. (While passing every pillar in the restaurant, Dexter changes into Michael Jackson, Barney the Dinosaur, and The Skipper from Gilligan's Island)
- The Bus Boy: I have your date.
- Steff: That's not my date.
- The Bus Boy: Well, of course he is? (gasps) "Skipper" Alan Hale!
- Freakazoid: Oh, no. (in Alan Hale's voice) GOODBYE, LIL' BUDDIES!
- The Bus Boy: Here! I've found him.
- Steff: That's still not my date.
- The Bus Boy: Well, of... (gasps as he sees Freakazoid as Judge Lance Ito) Your Honor, I'm so sorry.
- Freakazoid: (depressedly) Me too. See ya.
- Freakazoid: (very depressed in a monotone way) Freak In. (shifts into Bette Milder) Oh, freak out. (shifts back into Freakazoid)
- Medulla: That is one happy man.
The Freakazoid [2.2]
- Neighbor: Hey! What are you doing!?
- Freakazoid: I'm fulfilling your request; I'm mowing your lawn.
- Neighbor: While the Lobe's attacking everybody?! Go get him already! What are you, wacko?
- Wakko Warner: No, I'm Wakko! [starts singing]
- Baton Rouge, Lousiana
Indianapolis, Indiana,
And Columbus is the capitol of Ohio--
- Freakazoid: HEY! Wakko, what are you doing here? We're kind of in the middle of something.
- Wakko: Oh, it's OK! Steven loves it when we do stuff like this. After all, Animaniacs is his favorite.
- Freakazoid: Uh, sorry to break this to you, Wakko, but if I'm not mistaken, Freakazoid! is Steven's favorite show. We got a memo.
- Brain: Ahem. I believe you're both mistaken. It is the sophisticated wit and charm of Pinky and the Brain that has captured Steven's heart, as well as making it the breakaway hit of the WB's schedule.
- Freakazoid: Well, why don't we just go find out?!
- [Later, at the Amblin Entertainment building, they continue to argue.]
- Steven Spielberg: QUIET!!! Now what's this about?
- Freakazoid: First of all, Steven, thank you very much for taking the time to meet with us. We realize you're very busy, and--
- Brain: Oh, just ask him!
- Freakazoid: We were just wondering... who's your favorite?
- Steven Spielberg: Who are you people?
- Freakazoid: Oh, we've been at this all day! I hate this.
- Cosgrove: I know, kid, but it's tradition. No superhero can refuse any request on their birthday.
- Freakazoid: Cosgrove, are you postive that's a superhero tradition?
- Cosgrove: What, ya think I'm fibbing? I'm a fibby-boy? I heard it somewhere. Talk to the other superheroes if you don't believe me.
- Freakazoid: I can't. They're all away at some conference.
- Cosgrove: I'm wearing blue socks.
- Freakazoid: If you put baking soda and vinegar together, they make a little volcano!
- The Lobe: Well, what about [the Superhero Codebook]?
- Freakazoid: There isn't any such thing as a Superhero Codebook, is there?! You made it all up! You made up all those rules! YOU FIBBED! YOU'RE A FIBBY-BOY!
- The Lobe: [chuckles] Freakazoid, really, you're completely delusional. Whatever gave you a silly ridiculous idea like that?
- Freakazoid: THIS! [holds up scrap of paper from the book] "Copyright Lobe Industries"!
- The Lobe: I knew I shouldn't have put that on there! Dumb, dumb, dumb!
Mission: Freakazoid [2.3]
- Announcer: [if the show hypothetically ended short] Since this week's episode ended early, I'll recite some of my favorite naughty limericks. I'm sure you'll find them pleasing and saucy. There once was a woman from Bristow...
- Cosgrove: I want a can of hash and some coffee.
- Roddy MacStew: Ay, that's the master chip. If I can disconnect it, the system will be as helpless as a man with big apples for feet!
Virtual Freak [2.4]
- [Cosgrove is trying to put on his VR Helmet when a gamer helps him]
- Gamer: There man, like, you were all fouled up, and now you're cool, in the butt, haha, awesome.
- Cosgrove: You're saying strange things. Stop it.
- Cosgrove: You're not a failure kid. It's just that your ideas are silly and dumb. By the way, there a heavy pillar rolling at you, I'd take care of that if I were you.
- Freakazoid: I can handle a pillar.
- Freakazoid: Don't let me fall into nothingness! I won't be happy there!
- Cosgrove: Few people would.
- The Lobe: Freakazoid! Why's it taking us so long to fall?!
- Freakazoid: 'Cause it's funny!
- The Lobe: No it's not, it's just stupid! It's as dumb as that Handman episode!
Hero Boy [2.5]
- [Guitierrez tries to find Freakazoid's weakness, so he pulls a green rock out of his cloak]
- Guitierrez: Behold, the purest Kryptonite. Feeling weak, my friend, oh so weak?
- Freakazoid: That's Superman's weakness, not mine!
- Guitierrez: Really?
- Freakazoid: Yeah, duuuuuuhhh!
- Guitierrez: Oh, that stupid man at the store! Well then, how about this! [pulls out a yellow pad of paper, and holds it in front of Freakazoid's face] Does the yellow hurt your eyes, my friend? Getting weak, oh so very weak?
- Freakazoid: That's the Green Lantern!
- Guitierrez: Oh, shoot! [throws it down] Then how 'bout some... [picks up a glass of water and throws it in Freakazoid's face] water in your face! Are you melting, melting, my friend?
- Freakazoid: That's the Wicked Witch!
- Guitierrez: Oh, we're wasting time. What is your weakness?
- Freakazoid: Well...
- [scene switch to Freakazoid in a cage]
- Freakazoid: Dumb, dumb, dumb! Never tell a villain how to trap you in a cage!
- Gutierrez: You probably shouldn't have helped us build it, either.
- Freakazoid: I know! Dumb!
- Guitierrez: So... graphite bars charged with negative ions. That is your weakness, eh?
- Freakazoid: That, or poo gas.
- Guitierrez: You know, it's a funny thing. Nobody likes poo gas, my friend. Blagh!
A Matter of Love [2.6]
- [Left alone at a "Gulliver" show.]
- Professor Jones: Freakazoid? Where are you?
- [pause]
- Professor Jones: Oh, the pain, the pain.
- Freakazoid: HUGGBEES!!!
- The crowd: HUGGBEES!!!
- Cosgrove: Hey, Cut it Out!
Statuesque [2.7]
- Woman: It was awful! Awful! JUST AWFUL!!!
- Freakazoid: Can you be more specific?
- Woman: It was like having to watch Waterworld for a month.
- Freakazoid: Anything else?
- Woman: (screaming in fear) AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
- Freakazoid: I think we handled that pretty well?
The Island of Dr. Mystico [2.8]
- Leonard Maltin: Hi, I'm Leonard Maltin. Y'know, many consider "The Island of Dr. Mystico" one of the most pointless Freakazoid! adventures ever made. Interestingly, critics first loved the episodes, but that changed when they found out it wasn't European. However, today's episode does contain some interesting performances. See if you can spot Emmit Nervend in a walk-on role as a salty dance hall shaunteuse. Also-- [an oranguman barges onto the set and abducts him] No! For the love of humanity! Aaaahhhh!
- Freakazoid: Wheeee-hee-hee-heee! I'm flying a plane! I'm flying a plane! Boy, being a pilot's really neato!
- Cosgrove: You're doing real good, ki-- plane.
- [Freakazoid and Cosgrove swerve to avoid oncoming plane.]
- [Later on...]
- Cosgrove: Blimp.
- [Freakazoid and Cosgrove swerve to avoid oncoming blimp.]
- [Later on some more...]
- Cosgrove: Brando.
- [Freakazoid and Cosgrove swerve to avoid a huge copy of Brando.]
- Steph: 'Dat was a quite a jolt, Freak!
- Freakazoid: To our right is the right wing
- everyone: Ooohhhh!!!!
- Freakazoid: And at the left is something very special
- Lobe: Where?, I don't see anything.
- Freakazoid: Booga-booga-booga!!!!!!!
- Lobe: Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!
- Freakazoid: What's wrong?
- Cosgrove: I just remembered. I don't know how to fly.
- Freakazoid: Can't see! Sun in eyes! Must talk like this!
- Candle Jack: Excuse me Freakazoid, is there anything I should do?
- Freakazoid: Why don't you stay here and... scare the professor!
- Candle Jack: Marvelous. [Heads off screen. Professor Jones is then heard screaming loudly]
- Dr. Mystico: They called me mad! Insane! WENDELL!
- [Jumping onto table and yelling]
- Dr. Mystico: They barred me from the universities until I had no choice but to flee here to conduct my research. Well who's crazy now? Hmmmm? Who's mad now? Hmmmmmmmm?
- [Jumping back into his seat and speaking normally]
- Dr. Mystico: Try the casserole, Freakazoid, before it gets cold.
- Dr. Mystico: I'll build a private army of super apes and take over Cleveland!
- Cosgrove: Don't you mean the world?
- Dr. Mystico: I meant the world, yes... What did I say? Cleveland? I always do that.
- Freakazoid, Cosgrove, Professor, and Villains: Ooooh!
- Dr. Mystico: Now who wants to go first...
- Freakazoid, Cosgrove, Professor, and Villains: [all pointing at each other] He does!
- [Sparkle meows into Dr. Mystico's ear.]
- Dr. Mystico: Why didn't you do that before we got down here? I'll deal with you all shortly. Sparkle has to tinky.
- Freakazoid: Who are you? What have you done with the others?!
- Dr. Mystico: There'll be time for questions later.
- Freakazoid: No there won't; the show's over in ten minutes!
- Dr. Mystico: Well, if you hadn't wasted all that time in the plane!!
Two Against Freak [2.9]
- Cosgrove: [walking through sewers] What do they call "poo-gas" in Scotland?
- Roddy MacStew: "Crud-vapors".
- Cosgrove: Crud-vapors. I like that.
- Roddy MacStew: From what ya tell me, it sounds like you can only use your telekinetic powers when you're really angry!
- Freakazoid: Then I'll only use them when I'm really angry!
- Roddy MacStew: That's what I just said!! Can you hear me or is there a wee goblin in your head eatin my words!?
- Freakazoid: I... don't think there's a goblin in there...
- Freakazoid: Why do I have to learn to move things with my mind?
- Roddy MacStew: Strength and speed will only take you so far, lad.
- Freakazoid: It got me a second season.
- Roddy MacStew: You can't count on that! Networks are fickle, they can drop you like a man with big oak fingers!
- Roddy MacStew: A vast river of woe is heading our way!
Freak-A-Panel/Tomb of Invisibo [2.10]
- Cave Guy: I think it was a big mistake to run in [this sci-fi convention]; this is frightening behavior in adults. I hope none of them touches me.
- [Cave Guy bumps into someone cosplaying a Klingon (actually Freakazoid in disguise)]
- Cosplayer: [Says something in Klingon]
- Cave Guy: Go away!
- [Cosplayer looks confused, then understands and hands Cave Guy a 'Klingon to English' dictionary]
- Cave Guy: Oh dear, a Klingon-to-English dictionary. You, made up a little language based off a TV show. That's not right!
- Cos-player: [Says another phrase in Klingon while buddying up with Cave Guy]
- [Cave Guy runs out of the convention screaming and leaps into a manned police car]
- Cave Guy: Take me to jail, please! A Klingon is after me.
- Announcer: Of course, this whole fight is just busy filler because our main episode came up short on footage. Great planning around here, huh?
- Freakazoid: Joe, what are you doing?!
- Announcer: I'm tired of trying to cover for other people's mistakes!
- Freakazoid: You've been getting a real attitude lately.
- Announcer: Big deal!
- Freakazoid: You could be replaced by an intern, or maybe the announcer from Earthworm Jim!
- Announcer: Oh?
- Freakazoid: Yeah. Now stop buttin' in and stick to the copy!
[A large e-mail window appears]
- E-mail client: You've got some nice e-mail!
- Freakazoid: Mail, for me? [Presses button, then reading] To Freakazoid, from Mandy Triceratops of Columbia University. My question concerns Pearl Jam. When will they appear on your show? Sincerely, Mandy. P.S. I am majoring in all the knowledge ever acquired throughout history. [Hauls window off-camera]
- Cosgrove: Those Columbia kids are pretty smart.
- Freakazoid: Huh, they sure are! Mandy, not to rain on your girlish hopes but Pearl Jam will never appear on this program because they would want money.
Normadeus [2.11]
- Freakazoid: One: Norm Abram is missing. Two:...
- Cosgrove: We don't have a two.
- Woman: They took Norm! They kidnapped Norm Abram! AND I WAS NEXT!
- Freakazoid: Don't do it, Guitierrez! Remember when you were a nice guy.
- Guitierrez: I was never a nice guy!
- Norm Abram: YOU'RE AN EVIL MAN! (last line of the series)
- Paul Rugg - Freakazoid
- Edward Asner - Sgt. Mike Cosgrove
- Craig Ferguson - Roddy MacStew
- Tracy Rowe - Steff
- David Kaufman - Dexter Douglas
- Jonathan Harris - Professor Jones
- Joe Leahy - Narrator/Announcer
- David Warner - The Lobe
- Jeff Glen Bennett - Cave Guy, Candle Jack
- Tress MacNeille - Cobra Queen
- Ricardo Montalban - Armando Guitierrez
- Jeff Bennett - Candle Jack
See Also
- Animaniacs
- Pinky and the Brain
- Tiny Toon Adventures
- Histeria!
- Road Rovers