Freddy vs. Jason
Freddy vs. Jason is a slasher film. Directed by Ronny Yu, the film, released in 2003, pits Jason Voorhees (of the Friday the 13th horror series) and Freddy Krueger (of the Nightmare on Elm Street horror series) against each other.
Freddy Krueger
- "Being dead wasn't a problem, but being forgotten?! Now that's a BITCH!! I can't come back if no one remembers me! I can't come back, IF NOBODY'S AFRAID!!"
- "He may get the blood, but I'll get the glory."
- "Make them remember me, Jason. Make them remember what fear tastes like!" - Freddy disguised as Jason's mother
- "Got your nose!" [cuts off Kia's nose in her dream]
- The only thing to fear is fear himself.
- (After Jason kills Gibb before Freddy could) "Noooooo! She's mine! MINE! MINE!
- (Referring to Jason after revealing himself) "Now, it's time to put this bad dog to sleep... FOR GOOD!"
- "Penny for your thoughts, chief? [Jason grabs him and pushes his throat to the machete] Oh, scary."
- "Tilt."
- (Referring to Jason in a fight) Why won't you DIE?!
- (After Jason won't attack due to his fear of water) "Aaaah... so you are afraid of something after all."
- "It's not my fault this bitch is dead on her feet!"
- "I should warn you, princess: The first time tends to get a little... messy."
- "Welcome to my world bitch!"
- "Mmmm, how sweet, dark meat."
- "Man the torpedoes!"
- (to Jason) Hey, asshole! up here!
- "Welcome to MY nightmare..."
- I've always had a thing for the whores that live in this house." [Refering to teens that lived in his old house in previous films]
Bill Freeburg
- (referring to Jason and his habit of killing people) "Dude, that goalie was pissed about something."
- (Possessed by Freddy) "Let me handle this, bitch!"
- (Right before he tranquilizes Jason, while being possessed by Freddy) "These are MY children, Jason. Go back where you belong!"
- Deputy Stubbs: I think we're dealing with a copycat here.
- Charlie Linderman: No. No. No, no, no. He's not a copycat. I've seen what he can do. He's the real Jason.
- Deputy Stubbs: That's impossible, Linderman. Jason is dead.
- Bill Freeburg: Yeah, well, you better start thinking outside your little box, dude, 'cause somebody's definitely breaking the fucking reality rules, OK?
- Robert Englund - Freddy Krueger
- Ken Kirzinger - Jason Voorhees
- Monica Keena - Lori Campbell
- Jason Ritter - Will Rollins