Gattaca is a 1997 science fiction film.
There Is No Gene For The Human Spirit.
- Written and directed by Andrew Niccol.
Vincent Freeman
- For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess I'm suddenly having a hard time leaving it. Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving... maybe I'm going home. [A reference to the opening monologue of the play The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds]
Jerome Eugene Morrow
- I got the better end of the deal. I only lent you my body - you lent me your dream.
- [Vincent's parents are planning a second child, and are shown four candidate embryos]
- Geneticist: We want to give your child the best possible start. Believe me, we have enough imperfection built in already. Your child doesn't need any more additional burdens. Keep in mind, this child is still you. Simply, the best, of you. You could conceive naturally a thousand times and never get such a result.
- Vincent's mother: What will happen to the others?
- Geneticist: [smiles] These are not babies, Marie. Merely human possibilities. Smaller... than grains... of sand. [sets petri dish on the table] See?
- [Vincent is looking at a picture of a 12-fingered pianist]
- Irene: You didn't know?
- Vincent: Oh, yes. Yeah.
- Irene: Wonderful, wasn't it?
- Vincent: Twelve fingers, or one, it's how you play.
- Irene: That piece can only be played with twelve.
- [at the classroom]
- Anton Freeman: Vincent. My God you have changed. Has it been so long, you don't recognize your own brother?
- Vincent Freeman: Are we brothers?
- Anton: Our parents both died thinking they'd outlived you. [Pause] I had my doubts.
- Vincent: What are you doing here Anton?
- Anton: I should ask you that question. I have a right to be here. You don't.
- Vincent: You almost sound as if you believe that. I committed no murder. You must be disappointed.
- Anton: You committed fraud. [Pause] Listen, you're in a lot of trouble Vincent. I can get you out of here-
- Vincent: Do you have any idea what it took to get IN here?!
- Anton: You've gone as far as you can go. You come with me now!
- Vincent: There is still a few million miles left to go..
- Anton: It's over..
- Vincent: Is it the only way you can succeed is to see me fail?
- Anton: I'm telling you.....
- Vincent: MY GOD, EVEN YOU ARE GOING TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN'T DO NOW!? In case you haven't noticed, I don't need any rescuing, but you did once. Well.. you've got all the answers, how do you explain that?
- Anton: You didn't beat me that day. I beat myself.
- Vincent: Who are you trying to convince?
- Anton: Do you want me to prove it to you?
- Vincent: It's not important Anton. It's forgotten.
- Anton: I'll prove it to you. YOU WANT ME TO PROVE IT TO YOU?! I'LL PROVE IT TO YOU!
- Vincent: I do.
- [Prior to launch, Vincent is confronted with an unexpected urine test without one of Jerome's samples]
- Vincent: What's this?
- Dr. Lamar: New policy. What's the matter? Flight got you nervous?
- Vincent: Well, there's a problem Lamar...
- Dr. Lamar: I never did tell you about my son, did I? He's a big fan of yours.
- Vincent: Just remember that I was as good as any, and better than most...
- Dr. Lamar: He wants to apply here.
- Vincent: I could've gone up and back and nobody would've been the wiser.
- Dr. Lamar: unfortunately, my son's not all that they promised. But then, who knows what he could do. Right? [test reveals Vincent as an invalid] For future reference, right-handed men don't hold it with their left. It's just one of those things. [Lamar overrides the results with Jerome's valid ID] You don't want to miss your flight, Vincent.
- Text at the conclusion of the film in a scene available on DVD
- In a few short years, scientists will have completed the Human Genome Project, the mapping of all the genes that make up a human being. We have now evolved to the point where we can direct our own evolution.
Had we acquired this knowledge sooner, the following people may never have been born:
Abraham Lincoln — Marfan Syndrome
Emily Dickinson — Manic Depression
Vincent Van Gogh — Epilepsy
Albert Einstein — Dyslexia
John F. Kennedy — Addison's Disease
Rita Hayworth — Alzheimer's Disease
Ray Charles — Primary Glaucoma
Stephen Hawking — Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Jackie Joyner-Kersee — Asthma
Of course, the other birth that may never have taken place is your own...
- Ethan Hawke - Vincent Freeman
- Uma Thurman - Irene Cassini
- Jude Law - Jerome Eugene Morrow
- Gore Vidal - Director Josef
- Xander Berkeley - Dr. Lamar
- Jayne Brook - Marie Freeman
- Elias Koteas - Antonio Freeman
- Ernest Borgnine - Caesar
- Alan Arkin - Det. Hugo
- Loren Dean - Anton Freeman