George Aiken
George David Aiken was an American politician from Vermont. A Republican, he served as Governor of Vermont from 1937 to 1941 and as a U.S. Senator from 1941 to 1975.
- Today the Republican Party attracts neither the farmer nor the industrial worker. Why not? To represent the people one must know them. Lincoln did. The Republican Party leadership does not. The greatest praise I can give Lincoln on this his anniversary is to say he would be ashamed of his party's leadership today.
- 1938 radio broadcast from New York City marking Abraham Lincoln's birthday, quoted in Vermont Today, Vermont's Great Moments of the 20th Centuryhttp://www.vermonttoday.com/century/topstories/gaiken.htm
- If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon.
- The best policy is to declare victory and get out.
- Discussing the Vietnam war
- True conservation provides for wise use by the general public. The American people do not want our resources preserved for the exclusive use of the wealthy. These land and water resources belong to the people, and people of all income levels should have easy access to them.
- People are people the world over. Some are good, some bad, some greedy and some generous. Nations are like people and act the same way.
- We cannot go back to the days when we graded apples by the number of wormholes, picked potato bugs by hand, and milked by hand in the lantern light.