George Chapman

George Chapman was an English dramatist, translator and poet.

The Shadow of Night - Hymnus in noctem

  • Great Goddesse to whose throne in Cynthian fires,
    This earthlie Alter endlesse fumes expires,
    Therefore, in fumes of sighes and fires of griefe,
    To fearefull chances thou sendst bold reliefe,
    Happie, thrise happie, Type, and nurse of death,
    Who breathlesse, feedes on nothing but our breath,
    In whom must vertue and her issue liue,
    Or dye for euer.
    • Line 1

  • Musicke, and moode, she loues, but loue she hates,
    (As curious Ladies do, their publique cates)
    This traine, with meteors, comets, lightenings,
    The dreadfull presence of our Empresse sings:
    Which grant for euer (ô eternall Night)
    Till vertue flourish in the light of light.
    • Line 398

  • Keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep thee. Light gains make heavy purses. 'Tis good to be merry and wise.
    • Eastward Ho., Act I. Sc. I
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