George Verwer
George Verwer is an American and the founder of Operation Mobilisation (OM), a Christian organisation of short-term missions. Verwer has written several books on various Christian themes. He is a passionate advocate of radical discipleship as the only legitimate option for people who believe in Jesus.
- If you are not being criticized it means you probably aren't doing anything!
- If at this moment you are not walking with God and doing God's will, then you are in fact hindering God's great program.
- People overreact to extremism and end up in the deep freeze of tradition, judgementalism, legalism, dead orthodoxy and inaction.
- Without faith and love your Christianity will be a hollow thing, no matter what its intellectual credibility.
- Prayer is at the heart of the action and a world-wide prayer movement must run parallel with any kind of world-wide mission movement.
- God can use anyone who loves Jesus.
- What we need are tasks in which we can see a combination of the possible and the impossible;. We want to be filled with faith and be realistic.
- We are God's chosen people, not frozen people. Let's pray for a defrost!
- Prayer is the Christian's vital breath: without it you can't move.
- Once we begin to really obey God and hence see fruit in our lives, then we gain a greater assurance.
- My greatest help in Christ is that moment by moment I can pass my distress over to him.
- Without faith and love your Christianity will be a hollow thing, no matter what its intellectual credibility.
- Most Christians want all of the privileges and none of the responsibilities.
- We who have Christ's eternal life need to throw away our own lives.
- Grace without discipline will lead to disgrace
- Anything less than absolute dedication must be considered insubordination to our Master, and mockery of his cause
- There isn't such a thing as too much enthusiasm [for Jesus]
- God wants to use weak, ordinary people to do great things for Him
- Everyone is either a missionary or mission field