God of Thunder
The following quotes are from God of Thunder
- You find a shovel...With your face. - Odin, when Thor finds a shovel in a dark level
- Sorcery & Such
- Our 33rd year of going out of business
- Odin: You’ve found a child’s doll. Put it under your shirt…and P-L-E-A-S-E don’t let anyone see you carrying it!
- WILL YOU PUT THAT AWAY! What would Hercules think if he saw you playing with that? -Odin, on use of the doll
- Thor: What's with the doll
- Hermit: Miss Muffy is NOT a doll!
- Thor: What's with the doll
- Hermit: Shhh... She might hear you!
- Thor: What's with the doll
- Hermit: She's my only friend
- Thor: What's with the doll
- Hermit: It's a personal matter
- Thor: What's with the doll
- Hermit: Mind your own business!
- Relg: Hi and welcome to Relg’s TV and Bridge Repair. We can fix ABSOLUTELY ANYYTHING.(As long as it’s a TV or a bridge.)
- Relg: Which bridge needs fixed?
- Thor: My dental bridge
- Relg: Dammit Thor, I’m a TV and bridge repairman, not a dentist!
- Thor: London bridge
- Relg: Sorry, we only work in a fifty mile radius
- Odin: You have found Nognir’s Lair, my son! He is very powerful, but if you are patient and do not panic you will defeat him!
- Welcome to Ken’s House of Wonders. If you survive your trip, it will be well worth it! -Hermit outside
- Child: If you’re entering town, watch out for the Red Guards. They will throw you in jail for almost anything! You sure don’t want to end up there…or do you?
- Sign Outside Lokisburg:Have a pleasant stay, but remember these few rules:
- No cussing
- No smoking
- No spitting
- No Jaywalking
- No speeding
- No rebellions
- No kissing your Mother or Father ‘goodbye’
- No Golden Apple Selling
- No Door-to-door sales
- No Drinking
- No Unlicensed Pets
- No Unauthorized Opinions
- No People taller than Sixteen Pixels
- No Bad, Inside Jokes
- No Dropping Ice Cream on the Governor’s Foot
- And especially,
- NO Red haired Thunder Gods!
- Child: Do ya think that the Force will be with us since we’re the Rebels?
- Woody: Here at Woody’s we have everything you need for the home, office or local rebellion.
- Woody: What can i get for ya?
- Thor: Hammer
- Woody: Sorry, we're sold out of that
- Thor: Chisel
- Woody: Sorry, we're sold out of that, too
- Thor: 'C' clamp
- Woody: Sorry, we're sold out of that, also
- Thor: Screwdriver
- Woody: Sorry, we're sold out of that, also too
- Thor: Tonic & Gin
- Woody: You don't catch on very quick, do you?
- Thor: Electric Saw
- Woody: This just might be your lucky day! I think I have one of those left ............ Ah yes, here it is, But I don't know where you're going to plug it in.
- Odin: Use your Electric Saw! I will power it with my…uh…my…Omnipotent Odin-ness!
- Odin: You found A Mystic Mushroom. It could probably be used to cast magic spells…But not by you.
- Odin: {Thor tries to use Mystic Mushroom} You chant the ancient spell you heard as a child. Fleegad…Hepturk…Seepwon…Zraxik…Hike! Nothin’.
- Man in Lokisburg: {Hears his wife told him to get some food from the pantry while she gathered firewood} WHAT! Well, what does she expect me to eat….a couple of pop-tarts? I’m a meat and potatoes man! Keep the silly key, I need REAL food!
- Andy’s Armor Repair
- You scuff ‘em, we buff ‘em
- Thor: How many licks does it take?
- Surtur: Let’s find out. A one…Ta-whoooo…{Eats the sucker}I guess the world will have to wait a while longer for that one.
- Thor: Why can’t you tickle yourself?
- Surtur: I don’t know. And that IS the correct answer to your question.
- Odin- {Thor kills someone in Part One} My son, I know it is fun to shoot people but if you kill all the good guys you’ll never complete your mission. You lose points, too!
- Odin- {Thor kills someone in Part Two} Didn’t I tell you not to shoot your friends…back in Part I…Remember?
- Odin- {Thor kills someone in Part Three} Ok, have it your way, kill all your friends. Then you’ll probably have to order a hint book to finish the game.
- Child- You’re my hero! They should make a comic book about you!