Guinevere Jones
Guinevere Jones is a children's television show created by Elizabeth Stewart.
Episode 1.2: Psyched
- [Karen Jones is possessed by a Demon]
- Karen Jones: Evil is a river running through time.
Episode 1.5: Weird Sisters
- [The new English teacher, Patrick O'Leary, has arrived at the drama club and sees Wind, Fire, and Reine]
- Patrick O'Leary: So you must be fire, wind, and rain.
Episode 1.6: Dybbukkin
- [Josh is distracting Reine so Gwen can erase her memory]
- Josh Myers: I wouldn't go out with you if you were the last girl on Earth.
Episode 2.6: Easy Money
- [Money has just been stolen from the "New Sage Shop"]
- Detective Perkins: The facts don't lie
- [Katie, trying to exonerate Gwen]
- Katie Dawson: The facts don't lie.
- [Gwen, when finding who has been framing her]
- Gwen: Sometimes, the facts do lie.
- [Gwen and Reine have just fough each other]
- Reine Davidson: You're just jealous that someone else has powers.
- Gwen Jones: It just bugs me that you have power.
Episode 2.13: Rebellion
- [During the final battle with Reine]
- Gwen: Gadowain, I never thought I'd be glad to see you.
- [Gwen has just found out that O'Leary is her father]
- Gwen: So what should I call you? Dad?
- O'Leary: Eventually I'll be proud to be called that. Just as I'm proud of you.
Unknown episodes
- [In the ARC, Reine has just entered]
- Tasha Myers: And the loser convention is over there. And it looks like you're late.
- [Said in order, every opening credit scene]
- Merlin: We all have many lifetimes. We first met when you were Arthur's queen. Your destiny is magic, Guinevere. Your task is to fight evil.
- Gwen: I told you, my name is Gwen.