Hook is a 1991 film that tells the story of Peter Banning, a middle-aged business man who returns with his family to London, and the orphanage where he was raised. While there, his children are kidnapped and a note is left signed by "J. Hook, Captain". Wendy, the woman who raised Peter, tells him that the Peter Pan stories are true, and that he, Peter Banning is actually the boy who said he would never grow up. Peter must return to Neverland and find his forgotten childhood in order to save his family.
What if Peter Pan grew up? Taglines
- Directed by Steven Spielberg. Written by J. M. Barrie (books/play), Nick Castle (screen story), Jim V. Hart (screen story/screenplay), and Malia Scotch Marmo (screenplay).
Peter Banning/Peter Pan
- [trying to rationalize why he can see Tinkerbell] You're a... you're a complex Freudian hallucination having something to do with my mother and I don't know why you have wings, but you have very lovely legs and you're a very nice tiny person and what am I saying, I don't know who my mother was; I'm an orphan and I've never done drugs because I missed the sixties, I was an accountant.
- [to a pirate who admires his boots] I think you can get them at Armani.
- Hook, you let those kids out of that net in less than one minute or you better get an attorney and hope to God he's better than me.
- Don't mess with me man, I'm a lawyer!
- [after Rufio draws his sword] All right! Okay, show's over, you *put* that thing away! Now put it down before you poke somebody's eye out!
- [unearthing his cell phone] Wow. [opens it and holds it to his ear] Brad! Hi! ...you been holding this long? ...Uh huh. ...Neverland. Lost Boys. Jim Hook, duel to the death, I'll tell you about it later. Listen, I'd love to chat... but I gotta climb a drain pipe right now. "Why?" Because I ran out of fairy dust, if not I would've flown up. [hangs up] Pssh, "Why?"
- It's Hook or me this time.
Captain James Hook
- No amount of clapping, will bring you back from where i will send you.
- Revenge is Mine.
- He'll crow. He'll fight. He'll fly. And then... he'll die.
- Oh, I hate being disappointed, Smee. And I hate living in this flawed body. And I hate living in Neverland. And I hate, I hate, I hate Peter Pan!
- [the pirates are playing baseball, and the catcher shoots the runner stealing second] No-no-no! Now stop it! We're playing this game by Master Jack's rules. Bad form! Sit down, now. Let's resume the game. [to the lady next to him] Very violent sport, isn't it, baseball?
- Are you ready for me, Peter? Come on. Humor the Hook!
- You know you're not really Peter Pan, don't you? This is only a dream. When you wake up, you'll just be Peter Banning - a cold, selfish man who drinks too much, who's obsessed with success, and runs and hides from his wife and children.
- What would the world be like without Captain Hook?
- [In a suicidal funk] There's no stopping me this time, Smee. My finger is on the trigger. This is it! Don't try to stop me this time, Smee! Don't try to stop me this time, Smee! Don't you dare try to stop me, Smee, try to stop me. Smee, you'd better get up off your ass. Get over here, Smee. This is not a joke! I'm committing suicide! [Wrestles for the gun with Smee. Gun goes off, sinking a model ship.] Don't ever frighten me like that again.
- Fools, James Hook is Neverland! [corners Peter and prepares to impale him with his hook] Whenever children read, it will say "Thus perished Peter Pan."
- (last words) I want my mummy!
Granny Wendy/Wendy Darling
- So, Peter, you've become a pirate.
- [Maggie says that Jack told her Wendy is not the "real" Wendy] Ahh. Well, do you see where Jack is? That is the same window and this is the same room where we made up bedtime stories telling about Peter, Neverland, and scary old Captain Hook. But did you know that Mr. Barrie... well, Sir James, our neighbor, he loved our stories so much that he wrote them all down in a book... oh dear me... eighty years ago.
- Maggie: You're really old.
- Wendy: That's very true.
- The stories are true! I swear to you! I swear to you on everything I hold dear! And now he's come back to seek his revenge. The fight isn't over for Captain James Hook. He wants you back. He knows that you'll follow Jack and Maggie to the ends of the earth and beyond. And by heavens, you must find a way. Only you can save your children. Somehow, you must go back. You must make yourself remember.
- Peter: Remember what?
- Wendy: Peter, don't you know who you are? [turns the page of a storybook to reveal an illustration of Peter Pan]
- [Peter remembers the last time he came for Wendy] Peter, I can't come with you. I've forgotten how to fly. I'm old, Peter. Ever so much more than twenty. I grew up a long time ago.
Mr. Smee
- Smee, Smee. What About Smee? Smee! Smee! Smee. Smee. What about Smee? Smee's me. What about me?
- [ringing bell] If there's anybody not fighting, get here quick.
- [A man sweeping garbage in a London park looks suspiciously like Mr. Smee]
[to Peter] Hello. Having trouble with the Mrs.? Well you will have by the time you get home.
- Good morning, Neverland! Tie down the main mast, mateys, because here he is! The cunning kingfish! The bad barracuda! A man so deep, he's almost unfathomable. [Silence, as they fail to understand] A man so quick, he's even fast asleep! [Laughter] Now let's give him a big hand - 'cause he's only got one. I give you, the steel-handed stingray, Captain James Hook!
- Tootles: Lost. Lost. [to Peter] I've lost my marbles.
- Tootles: Have to fly, have to fight, have to crow, have to save Maggie, have to save Jack. Hookie's back.
- Moira Banning: Your children love you, they want to play with you. How long do you think that lasts? Soon Jack might not even want you to come to his games. We have a few special years with our children, when they're the ones that want us around. After that you're going to be running after them for a bit of attention. It's so fast Peter. Just a few years, and it's over. And you are not being careful. And you are missing it.
- Tinkerbell: You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.
- Pockets: [pressing on Peter's face to see if it's really him] Oh, there you are, Peter!
- Rufio: Rufi-o-o-o-o!
- Lost Boys: [repeatedly] Bangarang!
- Peter Banning: What's the deal? Where's the real food?
- Tinkerbell: If you can't imagine yourself being Peter Pan, you won't be Peter Pan, now eat up.
- Peter Banning: Eat what? There's nothing here. Gandhi ate more than this.
- Peter Pan: I remember you being a lot bigger.
- Captain Hook: To a ten-year-old I'm Huge.
- Thud Ball: I remember Tootles.
- Peter Pan: How could you remember Tootles?
- Thud Ball: He was a lost boy. These are his marbles. [hands Peter a bag] These are his happy thoughts.
- Peter Pan: [laughs] He really did lose his marbles, didn't he?
- Thud Ball: [laughs with Peter] Yeah, he lost them good.
- Peter: I want to speak to a grown-up!
- Rufio: All grown-ups are pirates.
- Peter: Excuse me?
- Rufio: We kill pirates.
- Peter Pan: I'm not a pirate. It so happens, I'm a lawyer.
- Rufio: Kill the lawyer!
- Lost Boys: Kill the lawyer!
- Peter Pan: I'm not that kind of lawyer!
- Peter: No-no! Please stop! Why are you doing this to me?! [falls in the flower garden]
- Tinker Bell: Rufio, you're the best with a sword. Please teach him. We gotta make him remember.
- [A daffodil sniffs at Peter's face. Other sunflowers are now sniffing at Peter. More daffodils sniff at his crotch.] Excuse me! [Hits the daffodil, it sneezes.]
- Peter and Lost Boys: Help me!
- Peter and Lost Boys: Not you! [Peter Pan with arrow shot by rear end]
- Peter Banning: Substitute chemistry teacher!
- Lost Boy: C'mon Rufio, hit him back!
- Rufio: Mung tongue!
- Peter Banning: Math tutor.
- Rufio: Pinhead!
- Peter: Prison Barber.
- Rufio: Mother lover!
- Peter: Nearsighted gynecologist.
- Rufio: In your face, camel cake!
- Peter: In your rear, cow derriere!
- Rufio: Lying, crying, spying, prying ultra-pig!
- Peter: You lewd, crude, rude, bag of pre-chewed food, dude!
- Kids: Bangerang, Peter!!!
- Smee: I've just had an apostrophe.
- Captain Hook: I think you mean an epiphany.
- Smee: Lightning... just struck my brain.
- Captain Hook: That must've hurt.
- Peter Banning: [climbing up a rope ladder] Someone give me a hand.
- Captain Hook: I already have.
- Captain Hook: Peter Pan, prepare to meet thy doom.
- Peter Pan: Dark and sinister man, have at thee.
- Peter Pan: [to the lost boys] Let's get ready to show them the white light we're made of, boys.
- Captain Hook: [to the pirates] Remember the fires of hell that forged you, charge!
- Captain Hook: Peter. I swear to you wherever you go, wherever you are, I vow there will always be daggers buried in notes signed James Hook. They will be flung into doors of your children's children's children, do you hear me?
- Peter Pan: What do you want, old man?
- Captain Hook: Just you.
- Peter Pan: You've got me, James Hook.
- Rufio: [dying after being stabbed by Hook] Do you know what I wish?
- Peter: What?
- Rufio: I wish I had a dad... like you.
- Captain James Hook: Hear me, men. For reasons of good form, I have decided that this so-called Pan will return in three days to commit the arbitrament of the sword. Smee, translate.
- Smee: In three days, we're gonna have a war! A battle between good and evil to the death!
- Tootles: I've forgotten how to fly.
- Inspector Good: Yes, well... one does.
- Peter Banning: Uh... [whispers in Hook's ear]
- Captain Hook: I beg your pardon?
- Peter: [whispers again]
- Captain Hook: You must be joking. [to other pirates] [laughing] Peter Pan has a real problem with heights.
- [last lines]
- Wendy Moira Angela Darling/ Granny Wendy: So... your adventures are over.
- Peter: Oh, no. To live... to live would be an awfully big adventure.
- Hook: I want to die.
- Smee: Oh, captain...
- Hook: There's no adventure here.
- Smee: (Motioning to Hook's flintlock pistol) You call THIS no adventure?
- Hook: Death is the only great adventure I have left.
- Robin Williams — Peter Banning/Peter Pan
- Dustin Hoffman — Captain James Hook
- Julia Roberts — Tinkerbell
- Bob Hoskins — Smee/Garbage Sweeper
- Maggie Smith — Granny Wendy/Wendy Moira Angela Darling
- Caroline Goodall — Moira Banning
- Charlie Korsmo — Jack "Jackie" Banning
- Amber Scott — Maggie Darling
- Dante Basco — Rufio
- Arthur Malet — Tootles
- Raushan Hammond — Thud
- Isaiah Robinson — Pockets
- Laurel Cronin — Liza (housekeeper)
- Glenn Close - Male Pirate that doubted Hook (cameo)
- Phil Collins - Police Detective (cameo)
- Carrie Fisher and George Lucas- Couple kissing in distance when Tinkerbell takes Peter to Neverland