Hulk (comics)
Hulk is a comic book superhero in the Marvel Comics universe, with many manifestations in other media.
Issue #455
- Henry Gyrich: Mrs. Banner, your father's waiting for you. I understand it's a shock -
- Betty Banner: (tears of rage)An empty grave?
- Henry Gyrich: Sorry?
- Betty Banner: You lost my father's body. For two years I was putting flowers on an empty grave?
- Henry Gyrich: Mrs. Banner, to be blunt - you're the Hulk's wife. The Hulk's wife. As a matter of national security, no-one is going to tell the Hulk's wife, "Sorry lady, we lost your dad's body." An angry Hulk is bad enough. Egged on by an angry wife...?
- Betty Banner: And you knew? You kept this from me?
- Henry Gyrich: (snapping his fingers) You're shocked by a government cover-up? We're the government! That's all we do! Don't you watch the X-Files?
- Betty Banner: Save the sarcasm, Gyrich. I saw my father die. You have no idea what I went through. No idea -
- Henry Gyrich: (beginning to lose his temper) My father had Alzheimer's, lady. I took a year off work so he wouldn't be cared for by strangers that my crummy salary couldn't afford in the first place. I bathed him, cleared up after him. And his last words, as I held his dying body, were "Who the hell are you?". You've just been handed a miracle, Mrs. Banner. So go in there and say hello to your father and don't you dare accuse me of heartlessness.
"Planet Cho"
- Amadeus Cho: So you killed him.
- Reed Richards: No. No one kills the Hulk. He's alive. The only question is where...
- Amadeus Cho: He's a hero. He may hate us puny humans but he saves us anyway. And you have to wonder if there wouldn't be fewer dead folks out there in your little civil war if you'd launched yourselves into space instead of him.
- Reed Richards: Tony. Bruce isn't where we sent him.
- Tony Stark: That's... bad.
- Reed Richards: It's worse. Because Bruce... the Hulk... has friends... and God help us if they find him before we do.
Issue #92
- Imperial Governor: We're all impressed by your ability to remain upright after passing through the life-draining energies of the great portal. So your ship will go to our scientists for further study. And you'll learn how to serve your emperor. Let's begin with lesson one: on your knees.
- Hulk: Always somebody yelling. You want the ship?
- [The Hulk throws his crashed ship at the governor and his soldiers]
- Hulk: It's yours. But the Hulk doesn't kneel!
- [The Hulk leaps at the governor, who shoots him with a tranquilizer dart. The Hulk lands facedown at his feet]
- Imperial Governor: Close enough.
- [After surviving a gladiatorial fight, at which point they would have been free]
- Miek: No hmpfing! The Red *kik* King to pardoning us now.
- Hulk: Red King?
- Miek: The Emperor. His planet. We just living here.
- Hulk: He runs this stupid world?
- Miek: As much as he grabbing anyway.
- [The Hulk leaps at the Red King's seat]
- Hulk: Finally. Hulk knows who to smash.
Issue #93
- Primus Vand: Twenty-two have entered this field. Only seven will leave it.
- Ronan Kaifi: This...This is insane. I'm a citizen of the Empire--an elected representative in the community congress! Does the law mean nothing? I demand to know what I'm charged with! I demand a trial! I demand-
- [Primus Vand shoots Ronan Kaifi with a laser pistol, vaporizing him on the spot]
- Primus Vand: Fight or die.
- [At a feast after the Hulk's team of gladiators defeats a group of wildebots]
- Primus Vand: Skee. You've been chosen.
- Lavin Skee: For what?
- [Primus gestures at a group of women, who are watching Skee and giggling.]
- Lavin Skee: Well.
- Elloe Kaifi: Well, indeed.
- Lavin Skee: I...ah...might be able to get word to your father's allies...
- Elloe Kaifi: Oh, just go.
- Aide: ...and that community representative Kaifi continues to protest the increase in tribute.
- Red King: Kill him.
- Aide: Oh, wait. Here's an updated note... we already have.
- Red King: Heh. My will be done.
Issue #94
- Korg: So this is it. Three rounds and we're free.
- Lavin Skee: You really believe that?
- Korg: Thousands of people are watching. Even the Emperor would hesitate before breaking his word before a crowd this big.
- [An Imperial Dreadnaught comes into view over the arena, with bomb bays open]
- Lavin Skee: What do you say now?
- Korg: Lord, forgive us our cracks.
- [The Dreadnaught drops a single deathfire bomb into the arena]
- Hulk: (to Korg) Shield the others.
- Korg: Wait, Greenskin! It's too much. Even you can't...
- Hulk: Sure I can.
- [The Hulk jumps into the air and grabs the bomb]
- Hulk: I'm the Hulk.
- Death's Head Guard 1: Enemy: down.
- Death's Head Guard 2: Enemy: down.
- Death's Head Guard 3: Enemy: down.
- Hulk: No.
- [The Hulk emerges from the smoke generated by the bomb, all of his hair burned off, and tears a Guard in half]
- Hulk: Enemy: mad!
- Death's Head Guard 1: Enemy: mad.
- Death's Head Guard 2: Enemy: mad.
- Death's Head Guard 3: Enemy: mad.
Issue #95
- [After the Hulk breaks the Silver Surfer's obedience disk]
- Silver Surfer: You...broke the disk. I'm...free. Thank y--
- [The Hulk repeatedly punches the Silver Surfer into the ground until he falls unconscious]
- [After the Silver Surfer uses his power cosmic to destroy every obedience disk in the arena]
- Korg: Free.
- Miek: Huh. What *kik* now?
- Hulk: Whaddaya think? We tear this mother down.
Issue #96
- [After a wildebot kills someone near a group of Imperials and a pair of Imperial soldiers]
- Civilian: Help us!
- Soldier: Sorry! You'll have to file a request through your local community representative!
- Miek: Two-hands... what saying you?
- Hulk: Why ask me? You know what you want. You brought us here to get it.
- Miek: But what... what would you doing?
- Hulk: I'd never stop making them pay.
Issue #98
- Caiera: You've lost the stone man and your Shadow. Your strength and strategy. You lead an army of angry children.
- Hulk: Angry's worked pretty good for me so far.
- Caiera: He'd kill millions to get to you.
- Hulk: He'll kill 'em anyway.
- Caiera: Maybe. But if I kill you first, at least they'll have a chance. I challenge you. By the ancient laws of savage Sakaar. Individual combat.
- Hulk: What do I get out of this?
- [Caiera lunges forward and stabs the Hulk in the shoulder]
- Caiera: A fight.
- Hulk: Cute.
Issue #101
- [Caiera and the Hulk are standing on top of a starship deflecting missiles]
- Caiera: We could be riding inside, you know. These missiles can't hurt the stone starship of the Shadow people.
- Hulk: Yeah... but this is more fun.
Issue #102
He calls himself Worldbreaker because he knows that one day, his rage will burn this planet clean. But today the planet burns him. Sears him to the very bone. But he will not let her go. Today the Worldbreaker unbreaks his world.- Red King: Impossible...
- Caiera: He... he shifted the very plates...
- Korg: Of course he did. He's the Hulk.
- Caiera: But you said he couldn't--
- Korg: I was just making him mad. He seems to work best that way. Right Greenskin?
- Korg: Took the words right out of my mouth.
Issue 1
- [After Black Bolt uses his voice to blast the Hulk]
- Hulk: I didn't come here for a whisper. I wanna hear you scream.
- Hulk: Puny humans. I've come to smash.
- Hulk: Now this city will fall. You have twenty-four hours to evacuate. When I return, I want to see Mr. Fantastic, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange. And if they're not here...
- [Hulk holds up Black Bolt's bloodied, unconscious body]
- Hulk: I'll do this... to your whole stinking planet.
- Firefighter: Who exactly is this Black Bolt guy again?
- Spider-Man: Well, before I saw what the Hulk did to him, I thought he was the second most powerful guy in the galaxy.
- Firefighter: So now I guess he's the third?
- [Upon seeing Iron Man in hulkbuster armor when expecting the Sentry]
- Spider-Man: Aw nuts.
- Iron Man: That's not exactly the effect I was going for.
- [After the Hulk is blasted by missiles, triggering the memory of Caiera being vaporized in the blast that destroyed Sakaar, while fighting Iron Man]
- [The Hulk leaps at Iron Man]
- Iron Man: Oh, hell.
Issue 5
- Hulk: You don't want this fight, Sentry.
- Sentry: Yes. God help me, I do. Because you're the only one I can hit...
- [Sentry punches the Hulk in the stomach, knocking him several blocks away]
- Sentry: ...like THIS.
- Hulk: Stupid... They can call you whatever they want... Savior... Destroyer... all that matters... is what you choose.
- [To Iron Man, after becoming so angry that his strength is tearing the world apart]
Hulk vs Wolverine
- [After being force fed a grenade by Deadpool]
- Hulk: Talking man hurt Hulk! Hulk rip off talking man's head!
Wolverine and the X-Men
- [Wolverine is being beaten up by Hulk, and sees Wendigo sneaking up.]
- Wolverine: Hulk, behind!
- "Hulk SMASH!!"
- "Hulk is the strongest one there is!"
- "Hulk just wants to be left alone."
- "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets!"