Ian Smith
Ian Douglas Smith was a farmer and politician who served as Prime Minister of Rhodesia from 1964 to 1979. Smith took the decision to issue a 'Unilateral Declaration of Independence' from the United Kingdom in 1965 and led the rebel unrecognized government for the next fourteen years. He strongly believed that Rhodesia should continue to be ruled by its European-descended minority, but was forced to concede a power-sharing government when support from South Africa and Portugal ended.
- Today is not such a tremendous day for us Rhodesians. We made our decision to become a Republic quite a long while ago, and this is simply the process of formalizing it. Our Independence Day is the great day. Rhodesia did not want to seize independence from Britain. It was forced upon us.
- BBC News 'On this day', March 2. "Smith recalls era of savages in skins", The Times, March 3, 1970, p. 8.
- At a press conference on March 2, 1970, when Rhodesia declared itself a Republic.
- Let me say it again. I don't believe in black majority rule ever in Rhodesia, not in a thousand years.
- Nigel Rees, "Sayings of the Century", Unwin paperbacks, 1984, p. 247
- Radio broadcast, March 20, 1976.
- All the soul of man is resolution, which in valiant men falters never, until their last breath.
- Ian Smith, "Bitter Harvest".
- I would be dishonest if I did not state quite clearly that the proposals which were put to us in Pretoria do not represent what in our view would be the best solution to Rhodesia's problems.
- Michael Knipe, "Mr Smith agrees to majority rule coming within two years", The Times, September 25, 1976, p. 1.
- Statement (September 24, 1976) on negotiations in South Africa which proposed a phased transition to majority rule.
- I am satisfied it has strengthened my hand tremendously. Nobody but a fool would disregard the kind of result we witnessed today.
- BBC News 'On this day', August 31.
- Reaction to the 1977 general election in which his government was re-elected overwhelmingly.
- Pushing people forward simply because of their colour, irrespective of merit, would be most unfortunate and would of course lead to disaster. It would mean that Rhodesia would then develop into a kind of banana republic where the country would in no time be bankrupt.
- BBC News 'On this day', June 1.
- On the end of white minority rule in 1979.
- To those who say derogatory things about colonialism, I would say colonialism is a wonderful thing. It spread civilization to Africa. Before it they had no written language, no wheel as we know it, no schools, no hospitals, not even normal clothing.
- The Great Betrayal: The Memoirs of Ian Douglas Smith, Africa's Most Controversial Leader
- First published in June 1997
- Ian Smith was a formidable opponent, but he lacked any vision. We offered him much better terms at the Fearless and Tiger talks than anything he is going to get now. He held out too long, for too much, and is going to end up with nothing.
- Harold Wilson, former British Prime Minister, interviewed by the BBC in 1979. While passing through Heathrow airport, Wilson had a chance encounter with Smith en-route to Lancaster House. The two had coffee together, and Wilson's comments were made after their meeting.
- Life's greatest lessons have come to me so late ... that a country can have political independence while its people are not free.
- Joshua Nkomo (On the UDI)
- If Smith was a black man, I would say that he was the best Prime Minister that Zimbabwe ever had.
- Morgan Tsvangirai, Leader of the Movement for Democratic Change, 1999
- Smith had many fine qualities as a political leader. However, he was very much a creature of his background. His life revolved around the cricket team, the whites only school, the RAF, the country club and the company of other gentleman farmers. He never escaped from this or saw beyond it.
- Peter Hain, Foreign Office Minister in Tony Blair's British government, The Observer, 1999