Igor Pak
Igor Pak is an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Minnesota, working in combinatorics and discrete probability. He is best known for his bijective proof of the hook-length formula for the number of Young tableaux, and his work on random walks.
- It turns out we can do this not only practically but also theoretically.
- Anything that doesn't fit in one blackboard just doesn't seem right.
- I'm just going to tell you the answer, because I can't compute this quickly in public.
- You may not like this polytope, but it exists.
- When n is... well, that's the smallest number (thinks)... ah ha! one!
- Who understands [this paper]? Raise your hand...one person. That's actually the author.
- There is some money being exchanged, so it's a real story.
- It sort of reminds me of the Blue Man Group.
- My heart bleeds when you have the correct answer but incorrect work in the true/false section and I have to give you full credit.
- One over one million is zero, so one over infinity is even zeroer
- Oh, Please!