Inspector Gadget
Inspector Gadget is an animated television show produced by DiC Entertainment, which the titular character serves as the mascot for.
Inspector Gadget
- Go, go, Gadget...!
- Wowsers!
- (Reading) 'This message will self destruct.'
- Don't worry, Chief, Inspector Gadget is always on duty.
- Am I right? Inspector Gadget is always right.
- This car is acting funny. Ah, of course, the emergency brake is on.
- Go Go Gadget mini suit! Go Go Gadget mini shoes and mini hat!
- Wowsers! It's the top secret Gadget phone. (Talks into hand) Is that you, Chief? You're where? Right away.
- An air show? Now why would anybody want to pay to see air?
- All work and no play makes Gadget a dull boy.
- (Falling) Go Go Gadget 'Brella!! (Hand delivers flowers) Go Go Gadget Copter!! (Another useless Gadget) GO GO GADGET ANYTHING!!
- Now I'll prove to you that Martians are just an image of your figment. Uh, I mean a figure of your sensation. Well you know what I mean.
- Be careful, Brain, those are probably priceless fake artifacts.
- I haven't seen this much snow since that episode in the Arctic.
- I'd better get a new rubber duckie. This one is too mean.
- This place is as empty as a graveyard on Halloween.
- No one gets away from Inspector Gadget and gets away with it.
- When I'm following someone, I hate being followed!
- You never know what might happen with Uncle Gadget.
- Gosh.
- Wowsers!
- I better call Brain.
- So that's it.
- You better follow Uncle Gadget.
Dr. Claw
- I'll get you next time, Gadget! Next time!
- Eyyy, Mad Cat?
- This nasty Transylvanian atmosphere is good for my health.
- You may have stopped my MAD robots, but you will not escape my flashing ball.
- Gadget!? All the Gadgets are still alive!!!
- Penny: Uncle Gadget, lunch is ready.
Gadget: (wearing ear muffs) School? I'll give you a ride as soon as I'm finished shoveling snow.
Penny: But it's Saturday.
Gadget: Why would Penny want to go to school on Saturday?
- Gadget: I'm on an assignment. I have to find out who's stealing those mansions.
Penny: I think the Chief meant that someone's stealing things from the mansions, Uncle Gadget.
Gadget: No, no, Penny, the Chief said mansions were being burglarized.
- Dr. Claw: Well, Mr. Spectrum.
Dr. Spectrum: Doctor Spectrum.
- Chief Quimby: Congratulations, Gadget, I don't know how you did it.
Gadget: Thanks, Chief. Uh, what did I do?
- Gadget: Say, when will your shop be open again so I can come by and get a new trench coat?
LaPoof: (getting arrested) Uh, in about 20 years.
- Gadget: Penny, finish the breakfast and off to school. I don't want you to be late.
Penny: But, it's Saturday.
- Penny: I think that nice little magician is a M.A.D. agent. Maybe we shouldn't go, Uncle Gadget?
Gadget: Nonsense, Penny. This should be a great fun.
- Penny: Do you really think Dr. Claw is behind this?
Gadget: Of course not, Penny.
- Gadget: I must head to Everest Island for the secret mission.
Penny: Can we come along?
Gadget: It may be dangerous.
Penny: Brain and I just play on the beach.
Gadget: And I complete my mission. Well, okay. We all go.
Penny: Horray!
- Penny: Gosh. Scotland is beatiful, Uncle Gadget.
Gadget: It certainly is, Penny. This is where they make Scotch tape, ya know.