Invasion America
Invasion America was America's first animated, prime-time sci-fi mini-series. It was originally 13 half hour episodes, but was condensed to six longer ones. The story follows David Carter, the half-human son of an alien king, as he tries to stop the Dragit's plots to conquer Earth.
The Legend [1.1, 1.2]
- [David is speeding on Jim's motorcycle]
- Jim Bailey: Uh…how about bringing it down to Mach 1, okay? Personal favor?
- [Upon learning and disapproving of the Dragit's plans]
- Rafe: Treason!
- Dragit: Revolution.
- Rita Carter: I'm Rita. Oh, uh- you put your hand in mine, and then up, and down. It's this little custom we have on Earth.
- Cale Oosha: Yosh. I have read of this.
- Rita: You really are from out there!
- Rafe: Let's go while there's time.
- Rita: Go where? You can't go back to your spaceship; do you have a back-up plan? …Any plan?
- [Cale hands Rita orb]
- Cale: Keep this. It is your path to me.
- Rita: How?
- Cale: You'll know when the time comes.
- [telling Rafe to stay behind]
- Cale: They need you. Serve them as you served me. Protect them as you protected me. And, Rafe...teach him, as you taught me. He is our future.
- Gen. Konrad: Your lab work is outstanding Major Stark. Think of it- a species not of this Earth- and the tabloids got it right for a change.
- [looking at a museum exhibit]
- Jim: Mmm…I love these things.
- David Carter: Didn't think you liked history.
- Jim: Oh, I don't. Ask me how I feel about topless native women.
- David: In one day my world has been taken from me- my home, my mom- my life. Why? Why is this happening to me?
Assault [1.3, 1.4]
- David: Where did my father go?
- Rafe: To lead the fight against the Dragit.
- David: Who’s Dragit?
- Rafe: A warlord who plans to invade Earth.
- David: Invade Earth? Why?
- Rafe: He claims he’s saving Tyrus. The Ooshati- those who follow your father- disagree.
- Rafe: We call it the Exotar- the symbol of sovereignty, eight hundred of your ancestors have worn it. We called your father Cale-Oosha, our lawful ruler. As you will be someday. Put it on.
- [Exotar glows, molds to David’s hand]
- David: Did you see it? It changed to fit me!
- Rafe: When its sensors identified your genetic code, it adjusted to you. If you were not the son of Cale, it would have crushed your hand.
- [about an attacking Tyrusian soldier]
- David: He looks American.
- Rafe: So do I.
- [David grabs Rafe's second gun]
- Rafe: Do you know how to use that?
- David: I go to the movies.
- Major Phil Stark: I do not like being shot at.
- [while planning attack on underground base]
- Suta: What if they release the manglers?
- Rafe: Then…they win.
- [watching Rafe]
- David: What is it, Halloween?
- Rafe: Tyrusian war paint. Black represents the darkness within, grey the spirit of the warrior. [applies green]
- David: What’s that represent?
- Rafe: Nothing. I like the color.
- Konrad: How much longer to arm the destruct sequence?
- Tyrusian 1: A minute, sir, maybe less.
- Konrad: Seal off the core, release the manglers.
- Tyrusian 1: But sir, our men are in there.
- Konrad: Do it.
- Tyrusian 1: No, sir, we can’t.
- [Konrad shoots Tyrusian 1]
- Konrad: [pointing gun at Tyrusian 2] You do it.
- Pilot: You can’t fly this thing!
- David: Watch me.
- [targetting an enemy ship]
- David: Just like a video game…
- Konrad: [pointing gun] What? No heroics? No super acts of courage? I’m disappointed in you, Rafe. But I’ll get over it.
- David: I’m half human, half alien, and altogether alone. But I will never stop fighting.
Renewal [1.5, 1.6]
- Stark: I’d like to speak to the general.
- Gen. Gordon: So would we. [2 men carrying a covered stretcher pass in foreground] But it’s gonna take a real high clearance.
- [While wandering, lost, in the Utah desert]
- David: I didn’t know…how long, how far I wandered. Hours, miles…it didn’t matter. The sun was always right on top of me. I had to contact the Ooshati, the freedom fighters loyal to my father. But the only transmitter was back on Maple Island, and that meant finding my way out of a million square miles of kitty litter.
- [hallucinating from heat exhaustion]
- David: The visions lasted for hours. I saw Mom [tries to hug Rita but she vanishes]…Rafe…[Rafe mirage morphs into Cale] …and my father. I’d never known how to imagine him before. In my dreams he was never a face…just a deep voice I could never understand, or a strong arm around my shoulders. I tried to tell myself he was there to help me, to give me the strength and courage to survive. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past forty-eight hours [Cale mirage crouches] is that things are never what they seem. [Cale turns into mangler] This vision was real.
- [after being rescued from mangler]
- David: [panting] Thanks, I owe you one.
- Doc: Huh. You owe me a freezer full of good meat.
- Sergeant Angie Romar: Something’s not right.
- Stark: You getting spirit messages now?
- Romar: My gypsy heritage.
- [being pursued by a sheriff]
- David: He’s gaining on us.
- Doc:Well, what do you want me to do, kid? Fly? Turn invisible? This heap didn’t even come with air conditioning!
- [Doc is hauling a motorcycle out of hiding]
- Doc: Figured I might need something faster than that truck someday. It’s yours if you want it. I put a few gimmicks on it might come in handy. It can do most anything you ask it to…dern near fly.
- David: I can’t take this from you.
- Doc: Take it. Like I said, I’m no hero…but maybe you are.
- David: There were two obstacles: police everywhere looking for me…and I was starving. I never thought I’d risk my life for a cheeseburger.
- David: What’s going on?
- Man 1: One of them meteors!
- Man 2: It’s…coming straight at us!
Capture [1.7, 1.8]
- Jim: Okay. Let me get this straight. You’ve just driven 72 hours straight on a motorcycle that hovers so that you can use a glove that glows to stop evil Tyrusians from destroying Earth by launching meteors at it from the dark side of the moon. Right?
- David: [sighs] When you put it that way it does sounds kind of wild.
- Jim: Wild? What have you been smoking?
Final Mission [1.11, 1.12, 1.13]
- Doc: I couldn't stop the meteor launch, so I reversed it.
- David: You what?
- Doc: It seemed like a good idea at the time.