Israr Ahmed
Dr. Israr Ahmed is the founder the Tanzeem-e-Islami, an Islamic revolutionary party in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
- The Afghans have stood firm in the face of all odds and pressures and have indeed made the greatest of sacrifices. They have sacrificed a million and a half people. They are no longer afraid of death. The truth is that when death seems far away then fear of it is magnified, but this fear disappears for those who see it close to them.For the Afghans, death is no longer something to be avoided!
Video clips
- ideological jihad explained (English)
- Jihad (Part 1 of 2)- Dr Israr Ahmed 1999, lahore, Pakistan (47 min 10 sec - Feb 23, 2006)
- Jihad (Part 2 of 2)- Dr Israr Ahmed 1999, lahore, Pakistan (47 min 10 sec - Feb 24, 2006)