Jerry Brown

Jerry Brown was formerly Governor of California, ran for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, was currently Mayor of Oakland, California, and is currently Attorney General of California.


  • There's nothing wrong with being an anarchist.
    • Speaking to the International Transpersonal Association Conference in Santa Clara, California, 10 June 1995

      • We are in a degenerate state of self-government. In fact, even to use the words self-government, is not only an exaggeration, it's a lie. It's a big lie!
        • Speaking to the International Transpersonal Association Conference in Santa Clara, California, 10 June 1995

          • I've been in office and I've been out of office. And if I were to choose, I'd rather be in office.
            • "Capitol Journal", Los Angeles Times, 19 January 2004

          • I'd shrink government in a minute, if I could shrink GM, Bank of America, and all these immoral corporations that operate by an undemocratic code, with no soul and no conscience.
            • From an unspecified KPFA-FM radio show program

              • The U.S. incarceration binge is not tied to crime. It's a strategy to control the surplus population in a capitalist system that is breaking down.

                • About Brown

                  • Jerry Brown was just a nut.
                    • James Carville, All's Fair: Love, War, and Running for President (1994), pp. 89-90


                  • Clinton is not going to get the nomination. […] You can put that in your tape recorders and ask me about it in a couple months.
                    • Capital Times, unspecified article/page, 28 March 1992

                  • It doesn't matter what I say as long as I sound different from other politicians.
                    • Oakland Tribune, unspecified article/page, 6 September 2005

                  • The power of the individual to be free of government influence should include preventing intrusions in our bedrooms, our blood-stream, our hair and our urine.
                    • Orlando Sentinel, unspecified article/page, 23 January 1992

                  • A high-class casino would bring in a lot of money a billion and a half goes to South Lake Tahoe from the Bay Area and we could capture a significant amount of that money, and much of it could go to Oakland.

                  • A little vagueness goes a long way in this business.
                    • Newsweek, unspecified article/page, 31 May 1976

                  • Vitriol can irritate, but it is often the price of freewheeling discussion and the discovery of important stuff.
                    • from his blog

                  • Protect the Earth, serve the people, and explore the universe
                    • Campaign slogan in the 1980 U.S. presidential primary campaign

                  • There is a refreshing note to all of this.
                    • Reflecting on the recall election that ousted Governor Gray Davis

                  • [Schwarzenegger] ran against special interests, said he'll do right by the people and has shown unprecedented goodwill with bi-partisan appointments to his transition team.

                  • Reelection upon reelection of the same incumbents occurs at the expense of new ideas, new energy, and honest representation.
                    • Announcement speech, 21 October 1991

                  We the People programs

                  The following quotes are supposedly from the archives of We the People Radio Network, but the site no longer seems to include these programs.
                  • Look at the whole criminal correction game, which is a big piece of our economy. It's just an invention. Crime is being invented to put people to work.
                    • "Jerry Brown Speaks Out on Welfare Reform", We the People Radio Network archives, February/March 1995

                  • We're being ripped off and screwed by a bunch of liars, thieves, crooks, and criminals, and they're not the folks below. Don't look in the streets; look in the corporate suites!
                    • "Jerry Brown Speaks Out on Welfare Reform", We the People Radio Network archives, February/March 1995

                  • The conventional viewpoint says we need a jobs program and we need to cut welfare. Just the opposite! We need more welfare and fewer jobs.
                    • "Jerry Brown Speaks Out on Welfare Reform", We the People Radio Network archives, February/March 1995

                  • Here the system is creating an industry around the drug issue when it does nothing to stop the corrupt military that moves the drugs, and the big banks that are all in cahoots with the President and the big shots in the Congress.
                    • "Jerry Brown on Drugs and State Power", We the People Radio Network archives, August/September 1995

                  • When I say the U.S. Government is taking another step down the road to totalitarianism, I'm not just saying that for rhetorical effect. There is a systematic movement to extinguish the liberties of the American people.
                    • "Jerry Brown on Drugs and State Power", We the People Radio Network archives, August/September 1995

                  • The big lock-up is about drugs. Here's the real scam. The drug war is one of the games to get more convictions and prisoners.
                    • "Jerry Brown on Crime Control", We the People Radio Network archives, October/November 1995

                  • But the dark evil geniuses who run this country have figured out another use for these surplus people — arrest them in the war on drugs or the war on crime and put them into prison, adding to the gross domestic product!
                    • "Jerry Brown on Crime Control", We the People Radio Network archives, October/November 1995

                  • So we are being systematically trained to fear this false ‘rising crime' tide. This is all part of a system to lock up more people, and impose more control and surveillance.
                    • "Jerry Brown on Crime Control", We the People Radio Network archives, October/November 1995

                  • A lot of street crime is horrible, but in terms of the dislocation, the undermining of the family — the corporate criminals, many of whom reside in Congress and the White House — are getting away literally with murder.
                    • "Jerry Brown on Crime Control", We the People Radio Network archives, October/November 1995

                  • That's another step forward in creating a nation of sheep in a totalitarian state, saying, "Yes sir, yes sir! Is that what you want? Do it to me again!" By the time they graduate, kids won't even know they have rights. They'll be little stooges for a fascist state.
                    • "Paolo Soleri interviewed by Jerry Brown", We the People Radio Network archives, 8 December 1995

                  • Okay, so what we really have to recognize and own as Americans is that our way of being is itself perhaps the greatest threat to the continuation of civilization.
                    • "Paolo Soleri interviewed by Jerry Brown", We the People Radio Network archives, 8 December 1995

                  • The corporation is an out-of–control Frankenstein.
                    • "Jerry Brown on Corporations and Jobs", We the People Radio Network archives, December 1995/January 1996

                  • The corporation is not a person; it is a legal fiction backed up by guns and police and jail cells and taxing authorities and the regulators called government.
                    • "Jerry Brown on Corporations and Jobs", We the People Radio Network archives, December 1995/January 1996

                  • The sovereignty of America has just been eroded in plain daylight by Clinton and the Congress, who take an oath to the Constitution. Those criminals continue to destroy this country and the world itself.
                    • "Jerry Brown Speaks Out on Corporate Power", We the People Radio Network archives, February/March 1996

                  • The execution of William Bonin was not the traditional gas chamber of the past. That has been ruled cruel and unusual. Instead, we have something that seems very kind and benign and technical; the injection of chemicals, Nazi-style.
                    • "Jerry Brown Speaks Out: That's the Way I See It", We the People Radio Network archives, April/May 1996

                  • The great danger of humane punishment is that people will come to accept state murder as something sanitary. I don't think bureaucracy should ever be entrusted with that kind of power.
                    • "Jerry Brown Speaks Out: That's the Way I See It", We the People Radio Network archives, April/May 1996

                  • Let's draw the boundary early not wait until it's obvious like Hitler's Germany and insist that the state shall never, never, take the life of a person!
                    • "Jerry Brown Speaks Out: That's the Way I See It", We the People Radio Network archives, April/May 1996

                  • …not to mention the CIA which should be, I think, dissolved, it's of no use — a great source of mischief — I don't see any point to the FBI…
                    • "Gore Vidal: We the People Radio Interview with Jerry Brown", We the People Radio Network archives, 8 July 1996

                  • The war on drugs is really no war at all — it's a business!
                    • "Jerry Brown on the Drug War and Government", We the People Radio Network archives, April/May 1997

                  • The drug war isn't what purports to be. If you look at the whole operation and the tie-in between the American intelligence agencies, these so-called "assets", the spies on the payroll of the CIA, and drug dealers. Don't let members of Congress and the media get away with this complacency and distortion!
                    • "Jerry Brown on the Drug War and Government", We the People Radio Network archives, April/May 1997

                  • The CIA was revealed to be spying in France, not for military purposes, but for corporate purposes. So this $30 billion spook agency is now at the disposal of these oligarchic corporate structures run by the 1%.
                    • "Jerry Brown and Charles Reich Discuss 'The System'", We the People Radio Network archives, May 1997

                  • That's why we have to look at the death penalty as part of a larger pattern that is inhuman.
                    • "Jerry Brown and Mike Farrell on the Death Penalty", We the People Radio Network archives, October/November 1997

                  • We've got to back up here and say it's not okay. It's not okay even to kill guilty people.
                    • "Jerry Brown and Mike Farrell on the Death Penalty", We the People Radio Network archives, October/November 1997

                  • Banning capital punishment takes us to a higher state of consciousness.
                    • "Jerry Brown and Mike Farrell on the Death Penalty", We the People Radio Network archives, October/November 1997

                  • Some of the same rhetoric used by the law-and-order crowd has been used by authoritarian states over and over again.
                    • "Jerry Brown and Mike Farrell on the Death Penalty", We the People Radio Network archives, October/November 1997

                  • Then once you get people locked up, it's an incredibly inhuman system.
                    • "Jerry Brown and Mike Farrell on the Death Penalty", We the People Radio Network archives, October/November 1997

                  • The way people are treated in them [prisons] is very similar to gulags.
                    • "Jerry Brown and Mike Farrell on the Death Penalty", We the People Radio Network archives, October/November 1997

                  About Jerry Brown

                  • That man [Jerry] is like 500 pounds of Jello.
                    • Willie Brown, former Speaker of the California State Assembly, former Mayor of San Francisco
                    • The San Francisco Chronicle, unspecified article/page, 6 July 1976

                  • [Jerry Brown] is the most self-serving, inept politician that I have ever met in my 35 years in politics.
                    • John Burton, former President Pro Tem of the California State Senate
                    • Los Angeles Times, unspecified article/page, 17 November 1990

                  • I don't think you can take much of what he says seriously.
                    • Bill Clinton, New York Times, unspecified article/page, 16 March 1992

                  • [Jerry Brown is] a desperate man.
                    • Hillary Clinton, Los Angeles Times, unspecified article/page, 17 March 1992

                  • He is by an order of magnitude the most self-absorbed politician I have ever dealt with.
                    • John Emerson, Brown counsel in 1982 U.S. Senate race
                    • New York Times, unspecified article/page, 2 April 1992

                  • I do not believe he believes what he is saying.
                    • John Emerson, New York Times, unspecified article/page, 2 April 1992

                  • I listened, and I've come to the conclusion I just don't trust him.
                    • Marcela Howell, former Chair of the National Abortion Rights Action League
                    • The Los Angeles Times, unspecified article/page, 31 January 1989

                  • Jerry has given hypocrisy a bad name.
                    • Mickey Kantor, manager of Brown's 1976 Presidential and 1982 U.S. Senate campaigns
                    • Los Angeles Times, unspecified article/page, 17 March 1992

                  • Jerry has no political or ideological anchor.
                    • Mickey Kantor
                    • New York Times, unspecified article/page, 30 March 1992

                  • Oftentimes Jerry will run for an office and not want to do the things that are part of that office.
                    • Richard Katz, former State Assemblyman
                    • New York Times, unspecified article/page, 2 April 1992

                  • He's totally into power.
                    • Richard Maullin, Brown's campaign finance director for 1974 Gubernatorial campaign
                    • The San Francisco Chronicle, unspecified article/page, 24 March 1992

                  • Jerry is perceived by most legislators as very selfish.
                    • Leo McCarthy, former Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the California State Assembly
                    • United Press International, unspecified article, unspecified date, 1978

                  • The governor is the worst administrator ever to come down the pike.
                    • Lou Papan, former State Assemblyman
                    • The Sacramento Union, unspecified article/page, 26 December 1982

                  • He's very ambitious and will do anything to be in power.
                    • Stanley Sheinbaum, former Brown appointee to the University of California Regents
                    • New York Times 2 April 1992

                  • I don't know who Jerry Brown is anymore. There's been so many evolvements.
                    • Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party
                    • The Sacramento Bee, unspecified article/page, 28 March 1998

                  • I don't like to talk about Jerry Brown. I don't like him.
                    • Carmen Warshaw, former Democratic National Committee member
                    • New York Times, unspecified article/page, 2 April 1992

                  • I don't think Jerry Brown is committed to anything but Jerry Brown.
                    • Shirley Wechsler, former Vice President of Americans for Democratic Action
                    • Penthouse, unspecified article/page, October 1979
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