Joanna Newsom
Joanna Newsom is an American singer-songwriter. She plays the harp, as well as the piano and the harpischord.
The Milk-Eyed Mender (2004)
- We sailed away on a winter's day
With fate as malleable as clay
But ships are fallible, I say
And the nautical, as all things, fades.- Bridges & Balloons
- And a thimble's worth of milky moon
Can touch hearts larger than a thimble.- Bridges & Balloons
- And all that we built, and all that we breathed
And all that we spilled or pulled up like weeds
Is piled up in back and it burns irrevocably
And we spoke up in turns 'til the silence crept over me.- Sadie
- Go to sleep, you stunning sky, gently creep, cunning by
A quiet hum is amplified by your thumb that you suck dry
A hundred raging waters snare the lonely sigh
Hold your breath and clasp at Cassiopiea.- Cassiopiea
- I killed my dinner
with karate
kicked him in the face,taste the body, shallow work is the work that I do.- The Book of Right-On
Ys (2006)
- Emily, I saw you last night by the river
I dreamed you were skipping little stones across the surface of the water
Frowning at the angle where they were lost, and slipped under forever
In a mud cloud, mica-spangled, like the sky'd been breathing on a mirror.- Emily
- Then the slow lip of fire moves across the prairie with precision
While, somewhere, with your pliers and glue, you make your first incision
And, in a moment of almost-unbearable vision, doubled over with the hunger of lions
'Hold me close', cooed the dove, who was stuffed now with sawdust and diamonds.- Sawdust & Diamonds