Josefa Vosanibola
Josefa Vosanibola is currently (June 2005) Fiji's Minister for Home Affairs.
Miscellaneous quotes
- "I fear God and if He is there for me, who else can be against me." (10 June 2005, Explaining his refusal to have police protection or bodyguards, despite threats to the lives of some of his cabinet colleagues).
Thoughts on Christianity
- "It was the scriptures that urged the people of this land to be tolerant and forgiving of others, even though they disagreed with their values and ways of life."
- "Instead we tell the church to shut its mouth and even condemn it when at times it chooses to illuminate issues on a spiritual and moral basis, when it points to the need for tolerance, repentance, forgiving and sharing — the same principles it professed in the early days that chartered the course of modern day."
- "Indeed all people of this country owe a vote of gratitude to the church for what it has done to this country in the course of our civilisation. I urge us to recognise this and offer our thanks to the church for its part in shaping the course of our history."
- "Repentance, tolerance, forgiveness and sharing to name a few, are some divinely empowered words and processes without which it is difficult to see, how we could be here today as an active member of the international community."
Thoughts on the chiefly system
- "Fijians understand that unless their sovereignty is reinstated their status is subject to the manoeuvre of politicking. They feel that their status is devoid of its proper authority and spirit. When Fijians continue to feel this way, its impact on the longer term stability and security of our country is a matter that should be addressed and resolved amicably."
Comments on the Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill
Source: Fiji Live, 22 November 2005- "We welcome constructive criticism and will abide by our commitment to address the concern of the community at large on the issue."
- "Peace, reconciliation and unity are sentiments meant not only for the person next door but for all people."