Josh Groban
Joshua Winslow Groban, commonly known as Josh Groban (born February 27, 1981) is an American singer, known for his mature, dusky baritone voice. His musical style ranges from classical to pop.
"I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
And I believe in you
Although you never asked me to
I will remember you
And what life put you through"
"Per te, per te vivro'
L'amore vincera
Con te, con te avro'
Mille giorni di felicita
Mille notti di serenita
Faro' quello che mi chiederai
Andro sempre dovunque tu andrai
Daro tutto l'amore che ho
Per te"
"For you, for you, I'll live
Love will win
With you, with you, I'll have
A thousand days of happiness,
A thousand nights of serenity
All that you ask me to
I'll go everywhere that you go
I will give all the love I have for you"
---From the Denver show, in response to several people yelling things at him at once.
"We love you more!!"
"Well, we could go back and forth on this all night!" - Josh
---From the Denver show
(In a deep, sexy voice) "And I know why..." - Josh
---From the Philadelphia show, where the theater was very hot and muggy
---From the Providence show, after backing into a mic stand
---From the Columbus show
---From the Columbus show, after singing "Broken Vow"
---From the Nashville show, after a fan yelled "Josh, you rock my face off!"
---From the Syracuse show after having fans yell "I love you Josh!"
---From Radio City Music Hall in NYC
---From the summer tour show in Houston
---From the Grand Rapids show in MI after having fans yell "Josh, you rock my socks!"
---From the "Awake" tour show in 'The Point Theatre', Dublin (30-05-07), in response to a fan handing him a Guinness t-shirt.
---From show in 'The Point Theatre', in response to fans screaming after his every word.
---Las Vegas Sun, 08/13/04
---Kansas City Star, 08/16/04
---Chicago Sun Times, 11/16/03
---UK Sunday Times, 5/9/04
---Miami Herald, 4/23/04
---Miami Herald, 4/23/04
---Inside Connection, February 2004
---Inside Connection, February 2004
---Inside Connection, February 2004
---Inside Connection, February 2004
---Inside Connection, February 2004
---Florida International Magazine, January 2004
---VH1.com, 11/23/03
---UK Sunday Times, 5/9/04
---Bangkok Post-Outlook, 8/27/02
---UK Sunday Times, 5/9/04
---Teen People Video Short, 20 Teens Who Will Change the World, 2003
(Quotes are courtesy of ThatJoshGrobanGuy.com.)
- You're Still You (lyrics by Linda Thompson)
"I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
And I believe in you
Although you never asked me to
I will remember you
And what life put you through"
(From 2002's Josh Groban)
- Per Te (lyrics by Josh Groban)
"Per te, per te vivro'
L'amore vincera
Con te, con te avro'
Mille giorni di felicita
Mille notti di serenita
Faro' quello che mi chiederai
Andro sempre dovunque tu andrai
Daro tutto l'amore che ho
Per te"
- English translation:
- English translation:
"For you, for you, I'll live
Love will win
With you, with you, I'll have
A thousand days of happiness,
A thousand nights of serenity
All that you ask me to
I'll go everywhere that you go
I will give all the love I have for you"
(From 2003's Closer)
Concert Quotes
- "To me, that sounded like "monkey tree xanadu!"
---From the Denver show, in response to several people yelling things at him at once.
- "I love you guys." - Josh
"We love you more!!"
"Well, we could go back and forth on this all night!" - Josh
---From the Denver show
- "Are you guys hot?" - Josh
(In a deep, sexy voice) "And I know why..." - Josh
---From the Philadelphia show, where the theater was very hot and muggy
- "These props are kicking my butt..."
---From the Providence show, after backing into a mic stand
- "I feel goofy tonight. I had a pixie stick before the show."
---From the Columbus show
- "So don't go around dumping people. That's the moral of that story."
---From the Columbus show, after singing "Broken Vow"
- "I rock your face off? I rock your face off. I rocked someone's face off at the Grand Ole Opry. Check that off my list."
---From the Nashville show, after a fan yelled "Josh, you rock my face off!"
- "Yeah, it's hard to sing sad songs when there's so much love"
---From the Syracuse show after having fans yell "I love you Josh!"
- "I love you all...I love you all very much!!"
---From Radio City Music Hall in NYC
- "I love you more than you could ever know...I could just GAG I love you so much."
---From the summer tour show in Houston
- "You rock my socks too!"
---From the Grand Rapids show in MI after having fans yell "Josh, you rock my socks!"
- "I like my Guinness like I like my women - bitter and cold."
---From the "Awake" tour show in 'The Point Theatre', Dublin (30-05-07), in response to a fan handing him a Guinness t-shirt.
- "...Bananas!"
---From show in 'The Point Theatre', in response to fans screaming after his every word.
Sourced (from interviews)
- "I hoped to sell 50,000 records. My main goals were to sing my heart out, to challenge myself vocally, to find beautiful music that has great stories and to express what I love about the musicality of different languages. And if 10 people bought it, I'd be thrilled that 10 people listened to it. And if it was 10 million, I'd be thrilled that 10 million people listened to it. This is just beyond any dream that I could have possibly had."
---Las Vegas Sun, 08/13/04
- "I've been fascinated by music for as long as I can remember. I was the kid on the playground in the third grade who would tell other kids about Paul Simon or Depeche Mode."
---Kansas City Star, 08/16/04
- "First and foremost, I'd like to continue taking risks with my music. Everything I've done so far has been a gut reaction, honest and real. And that's who I am. That's what I want my music to always be -- honest and real."
---Chicago Sun Times, 11/16/03
- "I'm not crossing over from anything. I think of it as pop music with different influences. "When I walk in the music store, [my] album is under classical/pop/easy listening. It's hard to say what genre it is. It's genreless. I try not to define what it is. I let the audience define it. Because for me, it's just me."
---UK Sunday Times, 5/9/04
- "When I make an album I take a lot of risks. I ignore the trends of the moment and one of the things I have to think of when making an album like this is the honesty of it. To connect. It goes against the grain. It's nice to know I can go against the grain."
---Miami Herald, 4/23/04
- "I wanted to experiment with that live energy, to push myself a little. It's very much about having intimacy with the music. I love theater - and I love playing in these old theaters. It's not a Vegas stage show. It's very much just me and the music and a five-piece band and a 20-piece string section from each city."
---Miami Herald, 4/23/04
- "It's really tough to make a name for yourself without compromising and without fitting yourself into a real specific mold. When I made the choice that I would be involved in every aspect of music and not necessarily make music for radio or MTV, I was saying, 'OK, this is me. You decide who it is.' "
---Inside Connection, February 2004
- "I just have to feel it first. It can't be cerebral at all. I'm big on lyrics, a big lyric person, especially the kind of singing I do. It's hard to sound not cheesy sometimes with the voice I have with English songs."
---Inside Connection, February 2004
- "I can only say so much about how I feel. Music is what I always turned to when I was feeling a certain way. It's been my reason for everything."
---Inside Connection, February 2004
- "I try to have a real close connection with my fans. That's extremely important. They are the ones that have been there from the beginning and proved everyone else wrong."
---Inside Connection, February 2004
- "It's a nice feeling. I was not like the popular guy in high school. This is revenge for all the bullies in high school [laughter]. It's a great feeling. Maybe women sometimes are more open to romantic music."
---Inside Connection, February 2004
- "My life is an unfinished product, but instead of just saying, 'How do I top what I've accomplished,' I decided I wanted to move forward, express my growth and take a big step into the next chapter."
---Florida International Magazine, January 2004
- "The shower is my time to open up my operatic chops, because of the enormous echo. You sound five times as big in the shower, so I break into some "Nessun Dorma" [from Puccini's Turandot] or Pearl Jam. You've got to go big when you're in the shower. There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva."
---VH1.com, 11/23/03
- "I don't have a social life right now. I try to -- it's something that I miss -- but David Foster told me: 'The golden microphone is in front of your mouth. You have to sing into it or it will get passed onto someone else.' It's very lonely, what I'm doing. Even though you have a lot of people around you, they're not experiencing it first-hand. It's hard to name more than five close friends. As much as people want to understand, it's hard when you don't see someone for five months at a time, and they're like, 'C'mon, make time.' But I don't have time. My days are gone. There are a lot of firsts for me. And I'm not going to toss it off. It would be silly to say, 'No, I'd rather go see a movie.' I know there will be time for that later."
---UK Sunday Times, 5/9/04
- "I have to work hard to not look like a nerd all the time. My friends are the only people I know that don't care about my image. I need to have people who treat me just as Josh, not as Josh the singer. "
---Bangkok Post-Outlook, 8/27/02
- "I was the hopeless romantic. I had so many crushes. But not on the real obvious girls. I was into the quirky ones. I was so shy, though."
---UK Sunday Times, 5/9/04
- "No matter what your age and no matter where you come from, everyone can change the world in some way, whether it's being a mentor to someone younger than you or someone that doesn't have as much experience as you. If you're passionate enough, you can do whatever you want and definitely change the world."
---Teen People Video Short, 20 Teens Who Will Change the World, 2003
(Quotes are courtesy of ThatJoshGrobanGuy.com.)