Joss Whedon

Joseph "Joss" Hill Whedon (born June 23, 1964) is a writer, director, executive producer, and creator of several television series, most notably Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly.


  • The first thing I ever thought of when I thought of "Buffy: The Movie" was the little...blonde girl who goes into a dark alley and gets killed, in every horror movie. The idea of "Buffy" was to subvert that idea, that image, and create someone who was a hero where she had always been a victim. That element of surprise...[and] genre-busting is very much at the heart of both the movie and the series.
    • Joss Whedon, Welcome to the Hellmouth DVD Commentary

  • Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn.

  • I believe we are the only sentient beings in the universe, and I believe that 500 years from now, we will still be the only sentient beings around.

  • I'm working on 'Buffy: Deep Space Nine. It will be dark and badly received.
    • Entertainment Weekly Angel TV Preview (Published in issue #727-728 Sep 12, 2003)

  • You can either watch TV or you can make TV.
    • Underground Online, interview by Michael Patrick Sullivan

  • The network called up and said 'We piggybacked you on the deal for another show,' I'm like 'Okay, so what you're saying to my writers is that they weren't picked up when they thought they were and now that they are it was because of something that has nothing to do with them. Okay. Great. Stop calling'.
    • Underground Online, interview by Michael Patrick Sullivan
    • Note: This is in reference to the WB network announcing that Angel had been confirmed for a full fifth season of 22 episodes, when Mutant Enemy Productions had already assumed that to be so.

  • My visions of the future are always pretty much standard issue. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and there are flying cars.
    • TV Guide, 27 December – 2 January, 2004
    • Foreword to Fray

  • The English Language is my bitch. Or I don't speak it very well. Whatever.

      • Let freedom ring, unless it's on vibrate.

          • If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
            • From Angel. Also mentioned in the DVD commentary for the Firefly episode, Objects in Space.

          • SENTINEL: Is dead Buffy actually a robot?
          • Joss: Um, no. Dead Buffy's a Buffy. But a dead one.
            • From the Orlando Sentinel, May 24, 2001

          • Get out of my BRAIN!
            • From "The Green Clan" on Serenity (film)

          • There is nothing more painful in the world than Aly when she makes her big eyes. She makes her big hurt eyes, there's nothing you can do. She just kills you.
            • Joss Whedon, commentary for Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode 2-14 "Innocence"

          • I think that people need two kinds of fulfillment—one in which you give and one in which you hold back. Part of fulfillment is need, is longing, is being unfulfilled, that’s the nature of tragedy and a lot of drama. Very often, what the fans want, they get. But very often, what they want, they can’t quite have, because we want them to feel the way our characters felt...

              • Q: So, why do you write these strong female characters?
                A: Because you’re still asking me that question.

                • Attributed

                  • Actually, I really did copy the entire script of Outlaw Star. I really didn't do any of that, I'm sorry I deluded so many people into thinking I'm not a sham.

                  • I'd rather have a show that a hundred people need to see than a thousand people like to see.

                  • Quiet on the set... unless yer poultry.

                  • You take people, you put them on a journey, you give them peril, you find out who they really are. If there's any kind of fiction better than that, I don't know what it is.

                  • Plans for the series, lessee. New member? Hell yes. The team? Roadtrip to end all roadtrips. The core concept? Ain't even gonna go there.
                    • Referring to Runaways

                  • Always be yourself, unless you suck.

                  • Every day is a negotiation, and sometimes its done with guns.

                  • Hello, I'm the writer and director. Now take your clothes off and get on top of Morena.
                    • Words reportly said on the set of Serenity to Phillip Sternborg on his first day of filming.
                    • DVD commentary of Firefly boxset.

                  See also

                  • Angel
                  • Astonishing X-Men
                  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
                  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992 film)
                  • Firefly
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