Judy Garland

Judy Garland born Frances Ethel Gumm, was an American film actress and singer.


  • I was born at the age of twelve on a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lot.
    • As quoted in The Observer (18 February 1951)

  • You are never so alone as when you are ill on stage. The most nightmarish feeling in the world is suddenly to feel like throwing up in front of four thousand people.
    • LIFE magazine (2 June 1961)

  • I've never looked through a keyhole without finding someone was looking back.
    • Interview NBC TV (16 March 1967)

  • I'm just an Irish biddy
    • Press Confrence, Sydney Australia (13 May 1964)

  • Go and tell that nasty, rude little princess that we've known each other for long enough and gabbed enough in ladies' rooms that she should skip the ho-hum royal routine and just pop over here and ask me herself. ... Tell her I'll sing if she christens a ship first.
    • Garland's annoyed response to a note from Princess Margaret "commanding" her to sing at a party in 1965, as quoted in Princess Margaret : A Biography (1977) by Theo Aronson.

Quotes about Judy Garland

  • My mom was a phoenix who always expected to rise again from the ashes of her latest disaster. And in spite of her self-doubts, she had a very strong sense of who she was. She had a sense of self-worth. She loved being Judy Garland. Did she secretly long to be Frances Gumm Somebody, Minnesota housewife? Are you kidding? She'd have run off with a vaudeville troupe just the way my grandfather did.
    • Lorna Luft, in Me and My Shadows : A Family Memoir (1999), p. 222
    • Also paraphrased as: "My mother was a phoenix who always expected to rise from the ashes of her latest disaster. She loved being Judy Garland."

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