Keeping Up Appearances
Keeping Up Appearances, British sitcom.
(Bystander) "In wartime, a man would get a medal for that, he would."
- Workman: Yes, Mrs. Bucket.
- Mrs. Bucket: It's Bouquet.
- "But I thought your friends liked your lilac car ..."
- Elizabeth: Well, my watch says 4:30!
- Hyacinth: Oh, that watch. Yes, I expect it would ...
- "I've come to help out with church cleaning for that dishy vicar!"
- "What a silly little voice!"
- "Beautiful day, isn't it? Completely conducive to contemplating cozy charismatic country cottages."
- "The Bouquet residence, lady of the house speaking. (Pause) Oh, it's you Daisy".
- "It's my sister Violet, the one with the Mercedes, sauna and a musical bidet. Classical, of course.".
- "It's my sister Violet, the one with the Mercedes, sauna and room for a pony."
- (about the clergyman) "Rings his own bells? How democratic".
- "My next door neighbour, Elizabeth, you met her at one one of my candle light suppers, she drops things".
- (after coming out of a garden, surprised) "I thought I heard a Willow Warbler! One of my favourite songbirds".
- "Oh, Richard!"
- "But is it a large tear in his flamenco frock?"
- "I once caught Richard playing with a frisbee, he said he found it, but I wasn't sure."
- "I'll be up there, looking for icebergs and growing a beard."
- "I'll have to have the Vicar's confirmation that this is Angel Gabrielle blue."
- "They are my family and I love them dearly, especially at this time of year, when it gets dark early."
- "The one thing that distinguishes us from other people is the absence of vulgar noise"
- "Now listen horse, I'm not a person to be trifled with."
- "I do apologise, Vicar, I must answer my white, slimline telephone with last number redial facilities, it's bound to be someone important."
- "I do hope you're not going to spoil things with lower middle class humor"
- "Oh no dear! I couldn't let you loose as a Roman again!"
- "Home, Richard! I will not share my throne with these impostors!"
- (while searching for Iron Age remains) "According to the book, we should find the remains of barrows somewhere around here. I expect they carried rocks and things around!"
- (Onslow, after Hyacinth is startled into the hedge by his barking dog) "A little less noise you daft bitch! That goes for the dog, too... ha ha ha!"
- (Onslow, after ascertaining that neither Daisy or Rose have bought him any more beer) "Look at me, sitting here, completely surrounded by no beer!"
- Its a matter of complete indifference to me whether the milks pasteurized, immunized, sterilized or privatized! I will not share my milk bottles with strangers"
- Vicars wife after spotting Rose standing beside the road: "Oh damn, it's the vampires sister - turn around!"
- Hyacinth while talking to the vicar: "What is the missionary position in China these days?"
- (Hyacinth) "Richard, I've been offered a job at Frosticles."
- (Richard) "Take it, Hyacinth"
- (Hyacinth) "I couldn't do that dear, you'd be so bored at home without me."
- (Hyacinth is harrassing a bystander, trying to commandeer his phone-booth)
- (Richard, Yelling) "Get in the car, Hyacinth!"
(Bystander) "In wartime, a man would get a medal for that, he would."