Kenan & Kel
Unidentified Episodes
- Kenan: Who loves orange soda?
- Kel: Kel loves orange soda!
- Kenan: Is it true?
- Kel: Mm-hmm! I do! I do, I do, I do-oooh!
- Kel:"Who loves Orange Soda? Kel and Michle Jackson love Orange Soda. Is it true?"
- Both Mike and Kel:"Mmm hmm, we do, we do, we do, we doooooooo!"
- Kenan: WHY!?!
- Chris: I have a radio in my car.
- Kenan: He knew I had a crush.
- Chris: Who?
- Kenan: Kel.
- Chris: You have a crush on Kel?
- Kenan: No man, don't be gross!
- Chris: They just stank so good.
- Kel: Aww man, i knew we shoulda went to school.
- Chris: I have to go pick up mother at the car wash.
- Chris: I haven't had a home cooked meal since mother left to lumberjack school.
- Kel: I'm not psychic, I can't predict the future, I'm still confused about the past!
- Kenan: Would you quit blubbering?
- Kel: I need to blubber.
- Kel:"Help! Can anybody hear me? I'm trapped down here with a can of tuna fish! Kenan!"
- Kenan:"What'cha doing in the bag, Kel?"
- Chris:"You're letting us down, Kel. Rigby's is going to lose and it's gonna be all your fault!"
- Kenan:"Kel! You're not supposed to put yourself in the bag, kooky!"
- Kel:"I think I'm dreaming or something."
- ???:"Kel! Kel!"
- Kel:"Who are you?!"
- Bottle of Orange Soda:"I'm Orange Soda! And you'll never drink me again!"
- Kel:"AAHH! NO!"
- Angus:"Hi Kel, it's Angus. You can't even win this contest in your dreams! *laughs evily* LOSER! LOSER! KEL'S A LOSER!"
- Kel:"I can handle this myself!"
- Kenan:"You can't even handle cartoons by yourself!"
- Chris:"Wait a minute! Are you trying to tell me that we beat Angus through trickery and deceit?!"
- Kenan and Kel:"Yeah...we're sorry...I guess...I'm terribly sorry..."
- Chris:"...I LOVE YOU GUYS!"
- Kenan's Mother: Here, take some of this home to your mother.
- Chris: Oh, thank you, Mrs. Rockmore. Mother will gum these right down!
- Chris: Kenan, this is coming out of your paycheck! Now, clean up these puffs, pronto! (to Kel) Kel, you're fired!
- Kel: I don't work here.
- Chris: Well, see to it that you don't!
- Kel: (to the audience) On tonights episode, Tommy and Chuckie lose Angelica's hair-scrunchy.
- Kenan: Uh, Kel, aren't you thinking of another show?
- Kel: No, no, no. See, it says it here in TV Guide monthly [takes out a TV Guide, clears his throat, and begins to read] "Tommy and Chuckie lose Angelica's hair-scrunchy".
- Kenan: Man, you lookin at the wrong show. See, that's the Rugrats.
Ending Random Items Gag
"welcome to goodburger, home of the goodburger... can i take your order?!"- At the end of every episode, a discussion following this template takes place:
- Kenan: Kel, grab (At this point, Kenan lists several items, usually with no logical relation, such as a cow, a sandbag, a television and a pound of butter) and meet me at the (Kenan names a random location). Now come on, (some weird nickname e.g. Skippy!)
- Kel: But where do I find those things? (Kel then makes several complaints regarding the items). KE-KENAN!! Awww, here it goes!
- Kenan: All we need is some raccoon juice.
- Kenan: Kel, get a bucket of glue and meet me at the church.
- Get me some bread, some sticks, and some bread sticks.
- A waffle iron, and an octopus, and meet me at the library.
- A jump rope, a walrus and one of those round sticky things and meet me where I'm going. Come on Stuffy!
- A handful of dirt, 2 dozen donuts, an aardvark and meet me at the gymnasium.
- A spicerack, a spice girl and a spicy burrito and meet me at the ice rink. Come on Froggy!
- A pony petunia and a big ball of twine and meet me at the dairy farm.
I'm gonna need you to grab 900 hard boiled eggs, a slingshot, and a chainsaw, and meet me on the roof. Come on Tiddilywink....child.
- Something, something else, a third thing, and meet me there. Come on Nickname!
- Cheddar cheese, swiss cheese and macaroni and cheese and meet me in the audience.
- A tarantula, a drum set and a mannequin and meet me at Bill's house.
- A seal, some Aveel, and Shaquille O'Neal, and meet me down at the Ferris Wheel. To Be Real!
- A handkerchief, 12 lbs. of ice and a knockwurst and meet me at the blood bank.
- A pound of butter and meet me in Mt. Fuji. Now come on, Hiroshima!
- Some cheerleaders, some cheerleaders, and some cheerleaders, and me at the pool. Come on, Shifty! Cheerleaders and the poo-- nevermind.
- Kenan! What are we going to do with all those cheerleaders?! Ke-Kenan.... wait a minute.... [thinks, smiles] AW, HERE IT GOES! (The only time Kel actually enjoyed one of Kenan's plans)
- Some porridge, a surfboard, and some box springs, and meet me at the secret hideaway. Now come on, Punchy!
- A tortilla, some beans and a pound full of Guacamole, and meet me at Dr. Frank's House of Waffles. That's Dr. Frank's House of Waffles... when you're in the mood for some delicious waffles, just open your mouth and say ah. *takes off jacket revealing a Dr. Frank's House of Waffles logo on his undershirt*
- A door, a talkin cow, and a throat lozenge and meet me at the frozen yogurt shop. Come on, Fishy!
- A bunch of weird stuff and meet me later so we can get into... some kind of trouble?
- A oyster, a bicycle pump, a white picket fence, a magic flute, one of them little bitty blue things, a pound of butter, a pattymelt, a lawnmower, Bryant Gumbel, and a bunch of assorted cookies and other things we can snack on and meet me at the circus. Come on, Spicy! I'm the man!
Main characters
- Kenan Rockmore - Kenan Thompson
- Kel Kimble - Kel Mitchell
- Kyra Rockmore - Vanessa Baden
- Roger Rockmore - Ken Foree
- Sheryl Rockmore - Teal Marchande
- Chris Potter - Dan Frischman
Recurring characters
- Sharla Morrison - Alexis Fields
- Marc Cram - Biagio Messina
- Mrs. Quagmire - Doreen Weese
- Principal Dimley
Category:Television shows
Category:Nickelodeon shows