Khaled Hosseini

Khaled Hosseini is a physician and author of the best selling novel, The Kite Runner.

A Thousand Splendid Suns

  • Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman.-Nana

  • What good is it? All this, what good is it? -Mariam

  • I dream of you too, Mariam jo. I miss you. I miss the sound of your voice, your laughter. I miss reading to you, and all the times we fished together. Do you remember all the times we fished together? You were a good daughter, Mariam jo, and I cannot ever think of you without feeling shame and regret. -Jalil's letter

  • Regret...when it comes to you, I have oceans of it. -Jalil's letter

  • Women have always had it hard in this country, Laila, but they're probably more free now,f under the communists, and have more rights than they've ever had before. -Babi

  • *Mariam is having a flashback*
  • Jailil: Ah yes. Of course. Well then, without further ado...
  • (a gold pendent with stars and moons hanging from it)
  • Jalil: try it on, Mariam jo.
  • Mariam: What do you think?
  • Jalil: I think you look like a queen.

  • And I wrote to you, Laila. Volumes. -Tariq

  • Mariam: I can't beleive what you are now, if you were a Benz before.
  • Laila: A jeep? Maybe a jumbo jet?

  • Nana (to Mariam): When I'm gone, you'll have nothing in this world. You are nothing!

  • Nana (to Mariam) : A man's heart isn't like a woman's womb, Mariam! It won't bleed, it won't make room for you. A man's heart is a wretched, wretched thing. I'm all you have in this world, Mariam and when I'm gone, you'll have nothing. You are nothing!

  • Laila (at fourteen years): What would your mother say when she saw you smoke?
  • Tariq: She doesn't know
  • Laila: That could change
  • Tariq: Who's going to tell her? You?
  • Laila: Tell your secrets to the wind but don't blame it for telling the trees.

  • Tariq: I do it for the girls
  • Laila: What girls?
  • Tariq: They think its sexy

  • Giti: Nobody ever came for my hand.
  • Hasina: That's because you have a beard, my dear.

  • Tariq (meeting Laila after ten years): It's good to see you, Laila.

  • Mullah Faizullah: It wasn't your fault,Mariam. Don't think this way. This will destroy you, my girl. It wasn't your fault.

  • Laila: It isn't fair.
  • Mariam: No, it is fair. I killed our husband, Laila. I deprived your son of a father. Even if we escape, I...I won't be able to look at him without shame. No, it's my fault. Take care, Laila jo.

  • Tariq: For you, Laila, I'd go all over the world
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