Kim Kaphwan
Kim Kaphwan is a video game character in the King of Fighters and Fatal Fury series.
^ Evil characters = Angel, K9999, Orochi Yashiro, Orochi Shermie, Orochi Chris, Iori Yagami, Riot of Blood Iori, Mature, Vice, Ryuji Yamazaki, Billy Kane, Rugal Bernstein, Kusanagi, Goenitz, Geese Howard
King of Fighters '94
- (vs. Brazil): "It's us who will go forward!"
- (vs. China): "My fists are invincible!"
- (vs. England): "You fought the wrong opponent!"
- (vs. Italy): "You have neglected training!"
- (vs. Japan): "You get stronger by training."
- (vs. Korea: "I don't forgive you, fraud!"
- (vs. Mexico): "I wanna fight you again!"
- (vs. USA): "Don't make light of Tae Kwon Do!"
King of Fighters '95
- "I can't lose! I fight for truth, justice, and the Korean way!"
- "Justice will always win. Sulk in defeat, you bad person, you!
- "I fight in the name of justice. Meet my wrath, kimchee breath!"
King of Fighters '96
- "The only enemy I have is me...and my old girlfriend.... And...
- "You can't win by luck alone. But it sure does help, huh?"
- "You need to find the true meaning of battle. Pain!"
King of Fighters 2000
- (Win): "My sons should learn to fear battle. What a rush!"
- (Lose): "Carelessness is an awesome enemy...."
King of Fighters 2001
- "Whoo hoo hoo. You can't ever defeat me!"
- "You want to beat me? Well get an army, fool!"
- "If you want power, follow me. I will make you mighty."
- (vs. AOF Team): "Kyokugen Karate is strong, but nothing to justice's might."
- (vs. NESTS Team): "Hoo, hoo. I'll make upstanding humans of you yet...."
- (vs. Sie Kensou): "Those who speak of justice are but tools of corruption."
- (vs. May Lee): "Hmm. I read you like a book. You're too weak for justice."
King of Fighters 2002
- "How about it? You'd be a champ at Tae Kwon Do!"
- (vs. evil characters^): "You never learn, do you? Time to teach you a lesson!"
- (vs. May Lee): "You've gotten better...but you're still a loser!"
- (vs. Chang and Choi): "You need work.... Maybe a crash course in combat?"
^ Evil characters = Angel, K9999, Orochi Yashiro, Orochi Shermie, Orochi Chris, Iori Yagami, Riot of Blood Iori, Mature, Vice, Ryuji Yamazaki, Billy Kane, Rugal Bernstein, Kusanagi, Goenitz, Geese Howard
King of Fighters 2003
- "Violence is not the answer. Belief soothes a lost soul."
- "Immature! So immature! Tae Kwon Do is what you need!"
- "What a tough fight.... But oh how I've matured!"
- "Strength without justice is simply violence. Got that?"
- (vs. Ash Crimson): "Your might is not right. Repent...no, I shall make you!"
- (vs. Malin): "Concealed weapons! Blasphemy! Repent while you still can!"
- (vs. Shen Woo): "You're just a brute. All the more reason to repent!"
- (vs. Kim Kaphwan): "You again? When will you stop impersonating me?"
Capcom vs. SNK
- "Tae Kwon Do is the sport of kings!"
- "We are the future!"
- "You've got guts to be a fighter! But do you have the means?"
- "Training is the best exercise for a perfect body and mind."
- "I am the wolf and you are the sheep!"
- "Didn't you realize how amazing Tae Kwon Do was?"
- "Your lack of justice is only one of your many flaws...."
- "Justice will prevail every time!"