Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II is a role-playing video game developed by Square Enix, partly published by Buena Vista Games, and directed by Tetsuya Nomura. Kingdom Hearts II is the follow-up to the 2002 PlayStation 2's Disney Interactive/Squaresoft RPG Kingdom Hearts, and its 2004 Game Boy Advance sequel, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. The story centers around a group of heroes searching for lost friends, and trying to decipher and defeat the mysterious Organization XIII, along with a large cast of characters from both Disney and Square Enix properties.
You'll find him. Trust me.
place up.
(Jafar has Jasmine hostage in chains)
(Sora, Aladdin, and the others appears)
(Jafar sees the traitor Iago)
(Jafar is about to shoot Iago, but instead he's shoot at Aladdin)
(Iago gets hit by the magic blast)
(Sora and the others encountered Sephiroth)
(Sephiroth pulls out his sword)
(Cloud arrives at the Dark Depths)
(Cloud and Sephiroth fights)
(Suddenly his body is shining with light)
(They jump in the air and suddenly they've disappeared)
(Tifa leaves)
(Cloud and Leon are surrounded by Heartless)
Leon: Think you can handle this many?
Cloud: Well, might be tough if one more shows up.
Leon: Then that'll be the one I take care of.
Cloud: What, you're fighting, too?
(Riku points to Sora's heart)
Sora: This?
- Here I come!
- And Sora...about that friend of yours, the one you're looking for...
You'll find him. Trust me.
- There's gotta be a way...
- This is my story, and you're not part of it.
- I'm no hero... I'm just an...Auron
- It seems we were fated to meet. Maybe you need a guardian?
- All my life, I've been protecting others... But now, there's no one left to protect. Maybe... It's time I shaped my own story.
- Thanks for meddling.
- Know your place!
- No wonder no one wants to die.
- The Underdrome. Fiends of the Underworld once clashed there---battle after battle. But Zeus didn't like the senseless violence, so he locked the
place up.
Axel (アクセル, Akuseru)
- Roxas, alright. Fight, fight, fight!
- It's me. You know. Axel.
- Talk about blank with a capital B. Man, oh man, even the Dusks aren't gonna crack this one.
- Number XIII, Roxas. The Keyblade's chosen one.
- Look at what it’s come to. I’ve been given these icky orders to destroy you... if you refuse to come back with me.
- The Roxas that I know is long gone. Fine. I see how it is...
- You really do remember me. I'm so FLATTERED! But you're too late!
- Burn, baby!!!
- You won't forget this!
- Got it memorized?
- Let's meet again... in the next life...
- Silly. Just because you have a next life...
- My thoughts exactly! If you have a dream, don't wait. Act. One of life's little rules. Got it memorized?
- Way to fall right into their trap.
- C'mon, it's a setup by Organization XIII. Xemnas is using you to destroy the Heartless. That's his big master plan.
- The guy you just saw. He's their leader. X-E-M,-N-A-S. Got it memorized?
- Man, you're slow. Every Heartless slain with that Keyblade releases a captive heart. That is what the Organization is after.
- Bingo. The name's Axel. Got it memorized?
- Look... about Kairi, I'm sorry.
- Don't stop moving, or the darkness will overtake you!
- Hey, do I ring any bells yet?!
- I think I liked it better when they were on my side.
- Nah, I can handle these punks. Watch this.
- That's what happens when you put your whole being into an attack. Not that Nobodies actually have beings, right? Anyways, I digress. Go, find Kairi.
- Oh, almost forgot. Sorry for what I did to her.
- Nah, think I'll pass. My heart just wouldn't be in it, ya know? Haven't got one.
- I wanted to see Roxas. He was the only one I liked. He made me feel like I had a heart. It's kind of... funny. You make me feel the same...
- You get on their bad side and they'll destroy you!
- [After Roxas says no one would miss him] That's not true! I would....
- This town is his creation, right? Which means we don't have time for a Q&A, you're coming with me, conscious or not, then you'll hear the story.
- Be careful. He messes with your head... Makes you think darkness is the only way.
- Shut up!
- Once I get rid of you, the darkness will go away!
The Beast
- I've had enough of strength... There's only one thing I want...
- Xaldin! ...that's his name.
- GET OUT!(When using his Limit, Twin Howl)
Demyx (デミックス, Demikkusu)
- Run! Run away!
- Hey, you guys are looking lively.
- Ah, you! Wait a sec... Roxas! Roxas...! Oh, it's no use.
- Let's see here: "If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition." Right... Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one.
- Roxas, come back to us!
- You shouldn't judge anyone by appearance!
- Oooh... I told them they were sending the wrong guy...
- Oh, we do too have hearts. Don't be mad...
- Silence, traitor.
- Aaaah... NO WAY!!!!!!!!!
- Now that's just plain rude!
- Fight
- Dance water, dance!
- C'mon, keep to the beat!
- Like it!?
- Oh... whupped again...
- You like it?
- Ain't it a blast?
DiZ (ディズ, Dizu)
- His heart is returning. Doubtless he'll awaken very soon.
- It's been too long, my friend.
- It's the fate of a Nobody.
- He holds half of Sora's power within him. In the end, he'll have to give it back.
- Naminé... hurry.
- Roxas wasn't the only one who was never meant to exist.
- There's no knowledge that has the power to change your fate.
- A Nobody doesn't have a right to know. Nor does it even have the right to be.
- To half of Sora, of course. You reside in darkness. What I need is someone who can move about the realm of light and destroy Organization XIII.
- I am a servant of the world. And if I'm a servant, then you should consider yourself a tool, at best.
- You should share some of that hatred with Sora. He's far too nice for his own good.
- Sora and Riku are together. We have no part to play here.
- I am to blame. When I met Riku for the first time, he still had the appearance of a boy. Probably because he had such a strong heart. I asked him to find a young man named Roxas from Organization XIII, and bring him to me. When I told him it would help Sora awaken from his slumber, Riku left without a word. He fought Roxas. And I can only surmise Riku lost that fight. Riku must have realized then: to fight in the realm of darkness, he would have to immerse himself in that same darkness. And when he did... you saw what became of him. When Riku brought Roxas back to me, he was introducing himself... as Ansem. If that was what it took to awaken his friend, he was ready to live in darkness. Riku was the victim of my revenge.... Oh, how my heart ached. I could only laugh to hide my shame.
- Well, let's see. Some feller named Ansem, who wasn't really Ansem, turned into a Heartless. Didn't a Nobody get created when that happened too?
- Looks like a diagram or something.
- He's got to be the thief!
- It's sort of gloomy, don'tcha think?
- Hey! Does anybody else recognize that?
- Gwarsh!
- Gwarsh your majesty, I get bumped on the head all the time!
- Barly?
Jack Skellington
- Season's Greetings from Jack, the PUMPKIN KING!
- Sandy Claws!
Captain Jack Sparrow
- Then she's long gone. The Black Pearl is nigh uncatchable.
- Not yet! We wait for the opportune moment.
- Anyone that invokes "Parley" must not be harmed until negotiations are complete.
- No mate, they're bringin' 'em flowers!
- They're making us pirates look like proper gents!
- Oy! Zola!
- Hold a moment! I see no profit in it for me!!
- A ridiculous imitation, and yet, I'm flattered.
- Are not!
Kairi (カイリ, Kairi)
- Maybe... waiting isn't good enough.
- Starts with an S...Right Sora?
- No! Sora's in danger... because of me....
- This time... I'll fight. You know Sora's completely hopeless without us. C'mon, Riku!
- You and Riku never came home, so I came looking for you.
- I do. More than anything, but not with you around.
- Riku, don't go!
- [Confirming that it's actually Sora after hugging him.] This is real....
- We'll be together every day. Right, Sora?
- Hey, let's go home!
- Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: Starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky -- One sky, one destiny.
- Well, you're not acting very friendly!
- What's his name...? I just... just can't think of it....
- You're home.
Luxord (ルクソード, Rukusōdo)
- The first to run out of time is the loser.
- I'd rather we just skip the formalities.
- Don't squander your time!
- A challenge, is it?
- You play the game quite well....
- How could you... Roxas...?
- Parley!
- Do you know the rules?
- The darkness in men's hearts drawn to these cursed medallions, and this Heartless... a veritable maelstrom of avarice...
- I wonder, are they worthy to serve Organization XIII?
- Look who's on top of the game!
King Mickey Mouse
- Sora! I'll help ya!
- Ya gotta get up!
- You've gotta board the train and get outta here. The train knows the way.
- They'll pay for this!
- Light, give me power!
- Xehanort! Ansem's apprentice!
- The leader of Organization is Xehanort's Nobody!
- Well, the guy in the picture is definitly the one who tried to take over Kingdom Hearts; the one you fellas defeated. But, what you guys actually fought was his Heartless. You see, he wasn't really Ansem, he just went around telling everybody that he was!
- Kingdom Hearts. The worlds have given us this doorway. They want us to be the guardians of their destiny.
- There's been a rumor going around in the Imperial City about a man in black lurking in the mountains.
- Could the Captain have a vacation please?
- For China!
Naminé (ナミネ, Namine)
- You.... You were never supposed to exist, Roxas.
- I'm sorry.... I guess some things... really are better left unsaid.
- Bad, or good, I don't know. They're a group of incomplete people who wish to be whole. To that end, they're desperately searching for something.
- Roxas. Nobodies like us are only half a person. You won't disappear! You'll be whole!
- No, you won't disappear! You'll--
- Roxas! We will meet again. And then we can talk about everything. I may not know its you, and you may not know its me. But we will meet again. Someday soon. I promise!
- See? We met again, like we promised.
- I always thought Nobodies were doomed to fade back into darkness.
- So... we can be together again!
- Kingdom Hearts.
Riku (リク, Riku)
- Come on, Sora. You've got to pull it together.
- I didn't want to be found.
- Xemnas was the one who found Roxas. He could use the Keyblade because he was your Nobody. That's why Xemnas brought him into the Organization. But Roxas betrayed him. After that, I fought him because I thought it'd help you wake up. I lost, but the next time we met, I made sure I was the stronger one.
- Maybe I didn't need to fight him after all. I think he left the Organization because... he really wanted to meet you.
- Once we go through, there's no turning back. It’s victory... or oblivion. So, Sora, are you ready?
- Don't worry. You're all still you.
- Is that all you've got?
- You're gonna lose it all!
- This world is perfect for me. If this is what the world really is, just this, then maybe I should fade back into the darkness.
- 'Cause I'm not a total sap like you.
- If the world is made of light and darkness... we'll be the darkness.
- I had given in to the darkness. How am I gonna face everyone?
- Why? Why do you have the Keyblade!??
- You're right. Light and Darkness are eternal. Nothing probably goes on forever too.
- Remember me Sora?
Roxas (ロクサス, Rokusasu)
- Another dream about him...
- Who are you talking to? Me? Or Sora?
- We're... best friends, right?
- Was that...? Was that supposed to be a joke? 'Cause I'm not laughing!
- How could you say that, even if it were true?
- No! My heart belongs to me!
- Sora... you're lucky. Looks like my summer vacation is... over.
- Riku? I defeated a Riku once...
- Tell me... Tell me why he picked you!
- You make a good Other.
- You said we'd meet again, but when we did, we might not recognize each other... I think I understand. I see myself the way you remember me. And you see yourself the way I remember you.
- Yeah, but you and I didn't. We got to meet our original selves.
- Right. Any time Sora and Kairi are together.
- What is a Nobody?
- Well, that's interesting.
- [In the 358/2 Days Trailer] I will disappear from this world in 181 days.
- I'm dreaming. But which parts... were the dream?
- Namine... What's happening to me...?
- I guess I would like to know. What do you know about me... that I don't?
- No one would miss me.
- I dunno. Maybe it's destiny.
- Don't call me and then lock me out...
- What's going on?
Saïx (サイクス, Saikusu)
- True... we don't have hearts. But we remember what it was like. That's what makes us special. We know all too well how to injure a heart.
- Do you want to end up like Riku?
- Is she really that important to you? [Sora nods] Show me how important.
- Are you angry? Do you hate me? Then take that rage and direct it at the Heartless.
- Pitiful Heartless, mindlessly collecting hearts. And yet they know not the true power of what they hold. The rage of the Keyblade releases those hearts. They gather in darkness, masterless and free... until they weave together to make Kingdom Hearts. And when that time comes, we can truly, finally exist.
- The Heartless ally with whoever is the strongest.
- If I had a heart, this is where I would die of laughter.
- Thanks to you, we've collected countless hearts. Can you hear their euphoria?
- Different name, same fate.
- Kingdom Hearts... where... is my heart?
- Fight
- Do you feel it, the moon's power?
- Moon, shine down!
- I want to see you die fighting.
- I misjudged you...
- All shall be lost to you!
- Heart...if I had a heart...
- That was undeniable proof that we totally owned you lamers! Not that we need ______ ("photos") to prove that you're losers.
- If you get on your knees and beg... maybe I'll let it slide.
- Kneel, loser!
- Don't leave me hanging now.
- [Mockingly] Isn't this romantic?!
- I don't feel like cooperating with destiny.
- Hey, chicken wuss!
- That's not Vivi. Thrash 'im.
- Why does looking at you always tick me off?
- We totally owned you lamers
Sora (ソラ)
- A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory. A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream. I wanna line the pieces up--- yours and mine.
- Nobodies.... They don't exist.
- Alright. I guess I can give you a hint-- starts with an "S!"
- Tough talk for someone who stood on the sidelines while his Nobody flunkies did the fighting!
- I guess you think you can psyche me out by saying really random stuff!
- Guy's a broken record.
- And then, we can go see Santa! Erm... but first, the Heartless!
- You used to be fearless. You would have given your life to save Belle. Don't you know what that meant to us? You gave us all courage. Hmph, maybe you should have kept some for yourself.
- Don't mess with street rats!
- You can't be... Riku?
- [About Malecifent] What a hag.
- What's going on? Everything's black and white.
- My... Nobody?! But that's crazy, I've never been turned into a Heart--.... Oh, right. [Realizes that when he stabbed himself with the Keyblade Possessed Riku used, he became a Heartless]
- Roxas... I wish I could meet him, too...
- Get ready, Xemnas. It all ends here!
- We can take him on our own!
- You can come here and see me anytime. I'll always be right here. [points to Pooh's heart]
- You're coming back with us, right?
- It's Riku. Riku's here! I looked everywhere for you!
- You got what you deserved!
- We did it!
- It's not over. It's just not.
- The other side... the realm of light is safe now. Kairi, the King and the others are there.
- W--- We're back.
- [Reading Kairi's letter] Thinking of you, wherever you are.
Winnie the Pooh
- Thank you very much, dear somebody.
- Hello Somebody-I-Don't-Know!
Xaldin (ザルディン, Zarudin)
- Who could ever love a beast?
- You don't know when to quit...
- I've come to take something you hold very dear.
- Yes, let your anger grow...
- So Beast...you came after all. You had me worried. I was afraid you'd given up for good.
- Once Kingdom Hearts is ours, we will exist fully and completely.
- So you see Beast...that's why we need your Heartless and your Nobody!
- Gladly, but I'd rather travel light. What shall I leave behind? [Motioning to Belle and the rose in his arms.] Belle, or the Rose?
- UUF!
- Where's the fun in this?
- Wind, guard me!
- Sora!
- C'mon!
- Taste THIS!
- Beware the Winds of Despair!
- Is this...the END?
Xemnas (ゼムナス, Zemunasu)
- I have been to see him. He looks a lot like you.
- How long has it been since I abandoned that name?
- I am all that's left. Or maybe, I'm all that ever was. What about you? Do you remember your true name?
- I know nothing of any Kairi. As for Riku, why don't you ask your king?
- Hearts are the source of all power!
- So... it seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
- Kingdom Hearts... ruined. Warriors of the Keyblade, go forth and bring me more hearts!
- Hearts are power. Nothingness... is eternal.
- Embrace nothing.
- Sora, are you certain that you can trust Riku?
- Riku, are you sure that you're not jealous of Sora?
- Anger and hate are supreme.
- Indeed.
- You shall go together!
- Why don't you... vanish?
- Can you spare... a heart?
- Cursed... Keyblade....
- There's no such thing as light.
- Cursed... fools!!
- Darkness is... Eternal!
- Hear me, Kingdom Hearts! It seems that we must begin anew. Ah, but know this: I will give to you as many hearts as it takes. Mark my words! You can no more be complete without me than I without you. Heed me, Kingdom Hearts! Lend me your power, so that we may be complete! The power to erase the fools that hinder us...Hearts quivering with hatred...Hearts burning with rage...Hearts scarred by envy...
- That fool Ansem said the heart's true nature was beyond his understanding, but it's not beyond mine! Hearts are the source of all power!
- Why do you hate the darkness? you accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing; we, who were turned away by both light and darkness, never given a choice? What other choice might we have had?
Xigbar (シグバール, Shigubāru)
- Whoopsie daisy....
- Now, do you think that's polite...? Shutting me down like that.
- As if!
- See, that would work if I was just any old dude. 'Cept I'm not. I'm with the Organization, nothing "any old" about me.
- Why don't I remind you how tough the crowd you're dealing with really is?
- That's right! He used to give me that exact same look!
- Be a good boy now!
- Gee, I just don't know....
- Nope, never heard of him.
- You can talk all you want, but that won't change a thing.
- Have you been a good boy? Oh, it sounds like you haven't.
- You really put Organization XIII in a pickle.... That must be why the Keyblade chose you.... But, man, did it choose a dud this time. You don't look like you're half the hero the others were.
- All I'm trying to tell you, traitor, is that your time is up!
- Wouldn't you like to know....
- Fight
- You really shouldn't have betrayed us.
- Gotcha now!
- Clever little sneak!
- Arms Reload!
- Arfereto!
- Sora!
- Roxas!
- Oh YEAH?
- Let's see how you dance!
- I lost...Me?
- Welcome to the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee!
- Hey, you guys!
- I think Tron's been hanging around those guys too much.
- Daisy Duck: Donald! You forgot our date again!
- Jiminy: [Reading the only entry in his journal at the start of the game.] "Thank Naminé."
- Phil: Get up on the Hydra's back!
- Timon & Pumbaa: Hakuna Matata!
- Chip: Try not to crash into anything!
- Dale: Sora! Watch out!
- Raijin:Seifer's... not feeling so hot, y'know !
- Fuujin: Tournament decides.
- Vivi: How did I get here?
- Fuujin: Cakewalk!
(Jafar has Jasmine hostage in chains)
- Jasmine: Just wait, Jafar! You'll get exactly what's coming to you!
- Jafar: Indeed I will, Princess. All of Agrabah will belong to me, while you... You, my queen, shall weep at my side for all eternity!
- Jafar: Oh, please. Right about now... your precious Aladdin is whispering your name, with his last breath.
(Sora, Aladdin, and the others appears)
- Aladdin: What was that you were saying, Jafar?
(Jafar sees the traitor Iago)
- Jafar: You dare defy me! You useless bird!
(Jafar is about to shoot Iago, but instead he's shoot at Aladdin)
- Iago: Al!
(Iago gets hit by the magic blast)
- Goofy: Iago!
- Jafar: You'll all be joining him... VERY soon!
(Sora and the others encountered Sephiroth)
- Sephiroth: What is Cloud doing?
- Sora: Beats me.
- Sephiroth: Hmph. By the way, you three... Who are you?
(Sephiroth pulls out his sword)
- Goofy: I'm not sure we should tell ya.
- Sephiroth: Well... That's an interesting sword you're carrying.
- Donald: It's the Keyblade!
- Sephiroth: I see... So that's a Keyblade. And I suppose you must be its chosen wielder.
- Sora: So what if I am?
- Sephiroth: I wonder if it won't change its mind-- once I defeat you.
- Sora: How'd you like that?
- Sephiroth: I admit you're very skilled... But apparently, Cloud is the only one who can eliminate me. Tell Cloud to come here. Tell him Sephiroth is looking to settle things.
- Sephiroth: Did you give him my message?
- Sora: Maybe.
- Cloud: Sorry to keep you, Sephiroth!
(Cloud arrives at the Dark Depths)
- Sephiroth: Cloud... You'll never let go of the darkness...
- Cloud: Shut up.
- Sephiroth: You'll never let go of your past...
- Cloud: Shut up!
(Cloud and Sephiroth fights)
- Sora: Cloud! Get him!
- Sephiroth: Absurd. Defeating me is meaningless. You know that more than anyone, Cloud. No matter how many times I fall, your darkness keeps calling me back!
- Tifa: Wrong!
- Cloud: Tifa! Stay back!
- Tifa: How can I? I wanna help you.
- Sephiroth: You can't. He'll never let go of the darkness.
- Tifa: He doesn't have to. He just needs someone to surround him with light. The darkness will be there, Sephiroth-- but in a place you can't reach.
- Sephiroth: Is that right? Let's see what this light of yours can do.
- Cloud: No!
- Sora: Look out!
- Tifa: Cloud, you can have my light.
- Sephiroth: The light doesn't suit you.
- Cloud: I just... don't know.
(Suddenly his body is shining with light)
- Sephiroth: Stop!
(They jump in the air and suddenly they've disappeared)
- Sora: Huh?
- Goofy: Where'd they go? Do ya think they made it back to their own world?
- Sora: They went somewhere else... Cloud went to fight a great battle-- to defeat the darkness inside him.
- Tifa: Gone again.
- Sora: What will you do now?
- Tifa: Guess I'll keep looking.
- Sora: Got any leads?
- Tifa: Don't worry... Light is easy to find. I gotta go. Here. This is for helping me out.
- Sora: But wait-- when did we help?
(Tifa leaves)
- "Timeless River" Pete: Hit the road! I gotta go find the little runt what stole my boat!
- Tron: Comencing executables! (when using his limit "Complete Compliment")
- Pence: Oh no! They're gone! Our (photos) are gone! [Puts his hand on his throat for his inability to say "photos")
- Hayner: All our (photos), gone? [Hayner does the same thing as Pence]
- Ollette: You can't say (photos)! Why not?
- Pence: But you do understand what I'm saying, right? Our (photos) are gone!
- Roxas: Stolen. And not just the (photos), the word (photos)! They stole it too!
- Fuujin: Thieves.
- Raijin: That was low, y'know?!
- Hayner: Oh, yeah?
- Seifer: Nice comeback there, blondie.
- Hayner: What'd ya say?!
- Seifer: You can give us back the (photo) now.
- Raijin: Yeah! You're the only ones who would take it, y'know?
- Seifer: That was undeniable proof that we totally owned you lamers! So what did you do? Burn it? Heh, not like we need some (photos) to prove that you're losers.
- Fuujin: Replay.
- Seifer: [laughs] Now you're talking!
- [Seifer's group and Roxas's group prepare to fight]
- Seifer: I guess if you get on your knees and beg, maybe I'll let it slide.
- [Roxas walks forward and appears to get on his knees, causing Seifer's group to start laughing]
- Seifer: Roxas.
- [Roxas sees three clubs and picks one up, preparing to fight Seifer]
- Pence: Roxas, focus!
- [Roxas and Seifer begin to fight]
- Seifer: Come on. Quit playing around and fight!
- [Roxas and Seifer continue fighting and if Seifer is defeated, he falls to one knee]
- Raijin: Seifer's not feelin' so hot, y'know?
- Fuujin: Tournament decides.
- Axel: Roxas, alright! Fight fight fight! [Walks forward, waiting for a reply.] You really don't remember? It's me. You know, [Takes off his hood] Axel.
- Roxas: Axel?
- Axel: Talk about blank with a capital B. Man, oh man, even the Dusks aren't gonna crack this one. [His chakrams appears in flames and he catches them.]
- Roxas: Wait a sec, tell me what's going on!
- Axel: This town is his creation, right? Which means we don't have time for a Q and A. You're coming with me, conscious, or not. Then you'll hear the story. [Gets ready to fight, but a strange presence flies around Roxas.] Uh-oh.
- Roxas: [Looks around and at his Keyblade in frustration.] What's going on?! [He throws the Keyblade on the ground, but it reappears in his hand in a flash of light.]
- Axel: Number XIII. Roxas. The Keyblade's chosen one. [Gets ready to fight.]
- Roxas: [Roxas hesitates for only a second before readying himself.] Okay, fine! You asked for it!
- Flashback
- Riku: Why?! Why do you have the Keyblade?.
- Roxas: Shut up! [Strikes Riku.]
- Roxas: Stop fooling around!
- Riku: Come on Sora, I thought you were better.
- Roxas: Get real. Look which one of us is winning!
- Riku: You really are his Nobody...I guess DiZ was right after all.
- Roxas: What are you talking about?! I'm me! No one else!
- Roxas: How many times do I have to beat you?
- Riku: All right. You've left me with no other choice.
- Roxas: What?
- Riku (taking off blindfold): I have to release the power in my heart—the dark power that I've been holding back. Even...if it changes me forever.
- "Ansem": I have accepted it.
- Noticing DiZ's arrival, "Ansem" dons his hood.
- "Ansem": DiZ...he could feel Sora.
- DiZ: Oh, he told you how he "felt," did he? Ridiculous. A Nobody cannot feel anything.
- "Ansem": If he had met Sora, things might have been different.
- Axel: [Mockingly] Simply amazing, Roxas.
- Roxas: Axel....
- Axel: So you really do remember me this time. [Sarcastically] I'm SO FLATTERED! [Walls of fire ignite from Axel's anger] But you're too late!
- [Roxas pulls out the Oathkeeper and Oblivion, and puts on a battle stance.]
- Axel: Two?! [Summons his chakrams, and looks up at Roxas with a grin.]
- Hayner: What do you want?!
- Sora: Uh, nothing. Just wondering what was back here.
- Hayner: Now you know. This is our spot.
- Pence: [walking up to Sora] Um...
- Sora: What?
- Pence: You're... new around here, right? I'm Pence.
- Hayner: Hayner. Nice to meet you, but we've got stuff to do, so catch ya later. [leaves]
- Olette: My name's Olette. Hey, did you finish up the summer homework yet? Independent studies are the worst, huh?
- Sora: Homework?! [looks to Donald and Goofy, who just shrug]
- Pence: Hey, what are you names?
- Goofy: Oh, sorry. We're Sora, Donald, and Goofy.
- Sora: Hey there.
- [Pence and Olette look at each other in surprise]
- Olette: Sora, Donald, Goofy... we just met someone who was looking for you.
- Pence: He sure seemed in a hurry. He had a black coat on, so I couldn't see his face, but he had these big, round ears.
- [Sora, Donald and Goofy think for a bit]
- Donald: The King!
- Sora: Where'd you see him?
- Pence: At the station.
- Sora: The station! Thanks!
- Olette: Well, we'd better get back to that assignment.
- Pence: Later! [Pence and Olette leave]
- Donald: Oh, boy! The King's trying to find us!
- Sora: Yeah, let's get to the station!
- Yuffie: I see you're still in top form.
- Sora: What'd you expect? You look like you're doing okay.
- Yuffie: Well, what did YOU expect?
- Sora: Hey, Yuffie. We're looking for Riku and the King. Have you seen 'em?
- Yuffie:[walking away] Nope... but I had a feeling I'd see you guys again!
- Sora: We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other.
- Yuffie: Is that supposed to be Leon?!
- Donald: What's the big idea?!
- Xigbar: Oopsie daisy!
- Sora: Move!
- Xigbar: Now, do you think that's polite... shutting me down like that?
- Sora: I said get out of the way!
- Xigbar: As if! You can talk all you want, but that won't change a thing.
- Donald: Then we're gonna make you move!
- Xigbar: See, that would work if I were just any old dude. 'Cept I'm not. I'm with the Organization. Nothing "any old" about me.
- Sora: Ha... Tough talk for someone who stood by the sidelines while his Nobody flunkeys did the fighting!
- Xigbar: Oh dear. I think you got the wrong impression.
- Sora: You gonna cry?
- Xigbar: As if! Why don't I remind you how tough the crowd you're dealing with really is?
- Sora: Remind me?
- Xigbar: [Laughs] That's right! He used to give me that same exact look!
- Sora: I guess you think you can psych me out by saying really random stuff!
- Xigbar: Gee... I just don't know... [After a long silence, he puts his hand at his sides and slightly waves, almost like a salute.] Be a good boy now! [Dissappears]
- Donald: Wait! Nuts... he got away.
- Sora: Weird. Who gave him the same look?
- Xaldyn: The Hero of Light seemed quite shocked. A child like that is too young to weild the Keyblade.
- Xigbar: That's good for us. Now he'll just be a good boy in the long run. Just like someone of the light.
- Saïx: If he doesn't, then he is of no use to us.
- Luxord: Then he may be worth the entertainment. [Takes out his cards] Pick a card.
- Demyx: Give me a good one! If you want to be go for it quick, we'll be fine!
- Xigbar: Well, aren't you the cocky one. So whatever happens, you'll handle it?
- Demyx: Huh? Me?! You know heavy labor ain't my thing...
- Xaldyn: Stop that! Acting like you have a heart is self deception. We feel nothing.
- Luxord: How dull...This is no fun.
- Saïx: Those who forget our true goal will be eliminated.
- Xemnas: My comrades...The wielder of the Keyblade resumes his journey. Let us show him the way to his destination. Now go.
- [A fight has just broken out in the encampment.]
- Ping: [In normal voice] Please!
- [Everyone stops]
- Ling: "Please"?
- Yao: What a girl!
- Ping: [Goes back to "manly" voice.] Uh, knock it off!
- Yao: Knock what off?
- Sora: You punched me!
- Donald: Cutting in line!
- Ling: What a shrimp!
- Mushu: [Pops out from Ping's uniform.] Hey, who you callin' a shrimp, panda lips?! I'm a bonafide guardian dragon!!
- [Sora, Donald, and Goofy enter the dungeon in Beast's castle.]
- Sora: There's no one here.
- Donald: Aw... you mean there's nobody to rescue?
- Lumiere: Did somebody say "rescue?"
- Cogsworth: Shhh! Keep quiet! It might be them!
- Mrs. Potts: Oh, they look like nice boys to me.
- Goofy: We are nice! We're your friends.
- Sora: Belle sent us to find you.
- [Cogworth opens his eyes, and the servants go toward the boys. Donald picks up Cogsworth.]
- Cogsworth: Uh, please! I am self-winding sir!
- Sora: I'm glad you're alright.
- Lumiere: It is we who are glad to see you!
- Goofy: Have you been cursed, too?
- Cogsworth: That's right! You've heard? It was the enchantress.
- Lumiere: It seemed so long ago....
- Mrs. Potts: It was a cold winter's night. An old beggar woman came to the castle asking for shelter.
- Cogsworth: The master of this castle, that is, of course, the prince-- [Donald messes with the pendalum inside Cogsworth, then slams the case.] Stop that! Put me down this instant!
- Auron: This is my story. And you're not part of it.
- Hades: Did you forget who you're talking to? I am the Lord of the Dead!
- Auron: No wonder no one wants to die.
- Hades: You are FIRED!
- Pete: See there? I knew it! Those are the punks I was tellin' ya about.
- Sora: Who're you calling punks? It's Sora, Donald, and Goofy to you! And don't you forget it!
- Barbossa: That we won't. And we'll engrave it on your tombstone, to be sure.
- Pete: Whoa I like your style.
- Sora: [Upon seeing Will and Elizabeth embracing.] Good for them.
- Goofy: Sora, how come your face is all red?
- Sora: What?! It is not red!
- Donald: Ah, I know who you're thinking about!(Donald is refering to Kairi).
- Sora: Y'know... for a minute there, I thought we were going to lose Donald to the curse of the treasure.
- Goofy: Me, too!
- Donald: WHAT?!?!
- Sora: They're definitely not with us. But Donald, Goofy, and I can get rid of them for you. And then, we can go see Santa! [Donald and Goofy look at him disapprovingly.] But first, the Heartless!
- [The Party come up with a strange way to say goodbye to Ariel: singing.]
- Sora, Donald, and Goofy: Even though we're hitting the road, our worlds are all connected-
- Sora: [Spoken] -which means-
- Sora, Donald and Goofy: [Sung] We are free to come and go-
- Donald: [Spoken] -and sing!
- Sora, Donald and Goofy: [Sung] So don't be sad and always know we'll come back soon to say hello!
- Ursula: [Singing] This witch is back to bring her wrath upon the sea. Triton can't be rid of me, not that easily. And like all who dare defy me, he will learn his lesson well. Never toy with a girl like me.
- Sora: You got what you deserved!
- [Sora, Goofy, and Donald dive underwater.]
- Ursula: Flotsam and Jetsam! [Singing] Loyal darlings, strong as the tide. Sweetest poopsies, hasten by my side. Right now! Mommy needs you. Crush those stupid fools, make them writhe!
- Sora: I don't think so! [Sora defeats Flotsam and Jetsam.] All right!
- [Ursula swings her trident some more while Eric swims over to the boat.]
- Ursula: [Singing] What a feeble human. No, I can't believe my eyes! Such a stubborn royal who is fighting for his prize. Without your precious mermaid, now you're crazy with revenge. I suppose I sympathize. [Swipes the trident at Ariel, but misses, as Ariel dives underwater in the nick of time.]
- Eric: I'm not gonna lose her!
- Sora: Right! We're with you all the way!
- Ursula: Flotsam and Jetsam! [Singing] Loyal darlings, strong as the tide. Sweetest poopsies, hasten to my side. Right now! Mommy needs you. Smash those stupid fools, make them writhe!
- Sora: [Emerges from underwater, with a most unusual announcement.] Sorry, "Mommy," your poopsies are toast!
- [In a fit of enrage, Ursula swipes at Sora and company a few more times, but they manage to escape.]
- Ursula: [Singing] This is not the end, my dears. I swear I've just begun. It's not over until Ursula has won! [Ursula has the trident knocked out of her clutch by Sora's Keyblade, and Eric stabs her.]
- [Barbossa's crew rise after Sora and company fail to defeat them as humans.]
- Bo'sun: You'd best be sayin' your prayers!
- Pete: Hey, watch out! They can see ya! Stay away from their magic!
- Bo'sun: What for?
- Pete: Weren't you listenin' to me before?
- Sora: Hey, Pete, thanks for the tip!
- [Sora and company successfully defeat the pirates.]
- Saïx: I have told Sora. I told him to keep fighting the Heartless.
- Xemnas: Well done. You have not just injure him, but threw his heart into confusion as well. Yes, we shall recieve many hearts indeed. Now Sora is confused and hesitant. And from those depths of confusion, shall he begin to hate even himself and by attempting to ignore his plight, he will sally forth with greater determination. Towards OUR future.
- Saïx: One thing does concern me.
- Xemnas: Axel? That compassionate fool. He contines with to decieve himself with a friendship he can't even feel and still believe he can regain what he lost...Why don't you give him something to really worry about?
(Cloud and Leon are surrounded by Heartless)
Leon: Think you can handle this many?
Cloud: Well, might be tough if one more shows up.
Leon: Then that'll be the one I take care of.
Cloud: What, you're fighting, too?
- Sephiroth: I understand that you've been looking for me.
- Cloud: Yeah. Once I defeat you, the darkness will go away.
- Sephiroth: Can you do it? That darkness comes from your own dark memories. Do you think you erase your past?
- Cloud: Shut up!
- Sephiroth: Face it - you turn your back on the present and live in the past. Because the light of the present is too much.
- Cloud: You don't know me!
- Sephiroth: I know... because I am you.
- Goofy: Look out! [pushes King Mickey out of the way and gets struck in the head by a giant boulder, which everyone now assumes he is dead]
- Donald, Sora: Goofy!
- King Mickey: No...
- Donald: Goofy, you're the King's Captain! You gotta get up!
- Sora: Come On, Wake Up!
- Donald: Goofy, I'm sorry about the ice cream!
- [Goofy lays unresponsive]
- King Mickey: Goofy?
- Donald: [sobbing] Oh, Goofy...
- Sora: This cannot be happening. It can't happen. It can't....
- King Mickey: They'll pay for this. [casts off his Organization XIII robe and runs into battle]
- Sephiroth: What is Cloud doing?
- Sora: Beats me.
- Sephiroth: Hmph. By the way, you three... [Points his sword at Sora.] Who are you?
- [Sora jumps back and brandishes the Keyblade, while Donald and Goofy stumble backwards.]
- Goofy: I'm not sure we should tell ya.
- Sephiroth: Well, that's an interesting sword you're carrying.
- Donald: It's the Keyblade!
- Sephiroth: I see. So that's a Keyblade. And I suppose you must be its chosen wielder.
- Sora: So what if I am?
- Sephiroth: I wonder if it won't change its mind... once I defeat you.
- Sephiroth: Did you give him my message?
- Sora: Maybe.
- Cloud: Sorry to keep you, Sephiroth!
- Sephiroth: Cloud... you'll never let go of the darkness....
- Cloud: Shut up.
- [Both raise swords.]
- Sephiroth: You'll never let go of your past....
- Cloud: Shut up!
- [Cloud attacks Sephiroth]
- Sora: Cloud! Get him!
- Sephiroth: Absurd. Defeating me is meaningless. You know that more than anyone, Cloud. No matter how many times I fall, your darkness keeps calling me back!
- Tifa: Wrong!
- Cloud: Tifa! Stay back!
- Tifa: How can I? I wanna help you.
- Sephiroth: You can't. He'll never let go of the darkness.
- Tifa: He doesn't have to. He just needs someone to surround him with light. The darkness will be there, Sephiroth. But in a place you can't reach!
- Sephiroth: Is that right? Let's see what this light of yours can do.
- [Sephiroth tries to attack Tifa]
- Cloud: No!
- Sora: Look out!
- Tifa: [Cloud jumps in front of Tifa and protects her.] Cloud, you can have my light.
- Sephiroth: The light doesn't suit you.
- Cloud: I just.... I don't know.
- [Cloud starts to glow with light.]
- Sephiroth: Stop!
- [Sephiroth lunges at Cloud but Cloud glows more light.]
- Jack Sparrow: Throw him overboard!
- Sora: Aye aye!
- Luxord: Parley!
- Jack Sparrow: 'Scuse me?
- Goofy: Barley?
- Jack Sparrow: It's a bit of a pirates' code. Anyone who invokes "parley" must not be harmed 'til negotiations are complete.
- Sora: This is no time for rules!
- Jack Sparrow: True, but as we're honorable pirates, we should always stick to the code. All right, you. Out with it!
- Luxord: I surrender the chest with my humblest apologies.
- Jack Sparrow: Rather accommodating of you, mate. And for that you want...?
- Luxord: Just a few souvenirs... for the memories. [Grabs four medallions.]
- Jack Sparrow: Huh?
- [Luxord throws the medallions into the air and several Gambler Nobodies appear and snatch them away.]
- Will Turner: They'll hurt the townsfolk?
- Jack Sparrow: No, mate, they're bringin' 'em flowers!
- [Axel and Sora are surrounded by a large group of Dusks.]
- Axel: I think I liked it better when they were on my side.
- Sora: [Grins] Feeling a little... regret?
- Axel: Nah... I can handle these punks. Watch this! [Does a kamikaze-like attack that wipes out all of the Nobodies. Sora looks around to see all of the Dusks gone and runs to Axel lying on the floor.]
- Sora: You're... fading away....
- Axel: Well, that's what happens when you put your whole being into an attack. Not that Nobodies actually have beings... right? Anyway, I digress. Go find Kairi. Oh, almost forgot.... Sorry for what I did to her.
- Sora: When we find her, you can tell her that yourself.
- Axel: Think I'll pass. My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? Haven't got one. [Axel chuckles weakly.]
- Sora: Axel, what were you trying to do?
- Axel: I wanted to see Roxas. He... was the only one I liked.... He made me feel... like I had a heart. It's kind of... funny. You make me feel... the same.... Kairi's in the castle dungeon. Now go. :[Axel opens up a passage to the World That Never Was, then fades away.]
- Sora: Axel...
- Xigbar: Looks like we're getting alot more free seats here. I did find Axel's little show interesting, but still...He just went and died like that.
- Luxord: Perhaps he was satsified. He may have gained something from placing his life in danger like that.
- Xigbar: Hey, we don't exist! What life is there to put in danger? That goes against the rules of gambling.
- Luxord: Indeed, Axel put something non-existent on the line...and most likely won. He obviously cheated.
- Saïx: It doesn't matter. Nothingness is that that he had. Axel couldn't stand to live any longer without a heart and was destroyed by getting close to one. He was weak.
- Xemnas: However...Something is stiring because of that weakness. Can you not see? Axel has touched Sora's heart. While he was with Sora, perhaps HE has awakened too.
- [As Sora and Roxas lock Keyblades with each other]
- Sora: Who are you?!
- Roxas: Someone from the dark.
- [The two continue fighting as Roxas begins to use two Keyblades]
- Sora: You can't be... Riku?
- Roxas: Riku? I defeated a Riku once.
- Sora: You what?!
- Roxas: Tell me... why did he pick you?
- [Roxas and Sora start continue fighting with their Keyblades, then Roxas jumps up and floats in the air looking at Sora.]
- Roxas: I see. That's why.
- [Roxas comes down and knocks away Sora's Keyblade, and pins it down with Oathkeeper and points Oblivion at Sora]
- [Sora extends his hand and calls his Keyblade to him]
- Roxas: What?!
- [In one swift strike, Sora defeats Roxas, causing him to drop his Keyblades. The scene fades to Roxas finding himself at Twillight Town's Clock Tower.]
- Axel: Finally woke up?
- Roxas Axel!
- Axel: Nope, maybe you're going to sleep. I won't even be able to talk to your conciousness like this soon.
- Roxas: I... I'm going back to how I was.
- Axel: I've been thinking about it a lot. Namine said the same thing. Roxas... you have a heart, don't you? Whereas me and Namine... We don't really have hearts, do we?
- Roxas: I... I don't know, either.
- Axel: Yeah, Ithought as much.
- Roxas: But the heart's not something you can see. I've started to wonder if it's something you can't feel, either... If that's true, then... No, never mind.
- Axel: Hmm? What were you about to say?
- Roxas[looks up, smiling]: I'm sure Sora'll find the answer. Because... he's me.
- Axel[smiles, looking away]: Yeah, I guess so. [offers Roxas a sea salt ice cream] This really takes me back, do you remember? We met on the same day you got your new name, and we sat here and ate sea-salt ice cream while watching the sunset.
- Roxas: Yeah, this is where I came from. Hayner, Pence, Olette, I hope they're doing okay.
- Axel: You can go see them sometime, looking for your answer.
- Roxas: Hmm. I guess I should go. Sora's waiting for me.
- Axel: Yeah, I guess so. [takes bite of the ice cream and turns his head away from Roxas] Jeez, this really IS salty!
- [light begins to fill the screen, signaling Roxas "going to sleep" and Axel's consciousness disappearing]
- Roxas [smiling, turns to look at Axel]: See you, Axel.
- Axel [smiles back sadly]: See you, partner.
- [light completely fills the screen as a tear drops onto the tower, and dissolves. The scene changes back to Roxas faltering as he walks past Sora, causing his hood to fall off, exposing his face]
- Roxas: You make a good other.
- [A group of Heartless attack Sora, and he struggles to get them off his back.]
- Sora: Get off! [Gets up and looks around the room to see Riku and Kairi fighting some Heartless on the second level of the room.] What's going on?
- [An Organization member fires a bullet near Sora. Sora looks up and sees a barrage of bullets coming towards his way. The bullets end up destroying all of the nearby Heartless.]
- Xigbar: Have you been a good boy?
- Sora: Show yourself!
- Xigbar: Oh, it sounds like you haven't. Sora! Roxas!
- Sora: Roxas? Hey, did he just call me Roxas?
- Xigbar: You really put Organization XIII in a pickle. I guess that must be why the Keyblade chose you. But man did it pick a dud this time. You don't look like you're half the hero the others were.
- Sora: Are you done rambling?
- Xigbar: Rambling? As if! All I'm trying to tell you, traitor, is that your time is up! [Takes his two guns]
- "Ansem": I'm no one---just a castaway from the darkness.
- Kairi: Sora, come here. Say something to him.
(Sora walks over, confused. Kairi takes his hand) Here. You'll understand. (She places his hands together with "Ansem"'s) Close your eyes. - Sora
- Riku... It's Riku. Riku's here..
- Sora: I looked for you!
- Riku: C'mon, Sora. You've got to pull it together.
- Sora: I looked everywhere for you!
- Riku: I didn't want you to find me.
- Saïx: Only you could have made it this far in one piece, Roxas.
- Sora: That's really getting old!
- Donald: Yeah, he's Sora!
- Saïx: Different name, same fate.
- Saïx: Why... Kingdom Hearts... Where is my heart?
- Sora: I don't get it. Why has everyone been calling me Roxas?
- Riku: Because, Sora: Roxas is your nobody.
- Sora: My...NOBODY?! But that's crazy! I never turned into a heart- Oh.
- Kairi: It was when you came to rescue me, remember?
- King Mickey: Ansem?
- Ansem: [Laughs] I'm a fool. I've spent years studying the workings of the heart. Yet it seems I still haven't learned a thing!
- King Mickey: What d'ya mean?
- Ansem: The process of encoding hearts is incalculable. The inhabitants of my Twilight Town were data created from real hearts. I was convinced that they would think and behave the way I had invisioned but I couldn't have been more wrong. A heart is so much more than any system. I saw it when Roxas and Kairi crossed paths. I knew, but I was too stubborn to accept it. It's always the same. I try to wrap my mind around things my heart already knows, only to fail. While I was trying to bring Sora back, I had so many plans in store. But once Sora was an acting force, they fell apart. All my research amounted to nothing, compared with that one boy's heart.
- [Ansem's device starts to short-circuit.]
- King Mickey: Ansem! The machine!
- Ansem: All the more proof that hearts cannot be contained by data. Run, my friend! It's going to self-destruct, and anything could happen!
- King Mickey: But...
- [Sora and the others come.]
- Sora: Your Majesty!
- Ansem: Sora, the rest is up to you... And Roxas, I doubt you can hear me, but... I am sorry.
- King Mickey: Ansem!
- Ansem: My heart is telling me what I must do. Please allow me to do what it says!
- King Mickey: No! [Riku trys calms him down.] Riku!
- Riku: His heart's decided. We can't change that.
- [Xemnas appears]
- Xemnas: I was wondering who would dare interfere with my Kingdom Hearts. And look, here you all are. How convenient for me. Ansem the Wise... you look pathetic.
- Ansem: Have your laugh. I deserve as much for failing to see you for the fool you are.
- Xemnas: Students do take after their teachers. Only a fool would be your apprentice. After all, none of this would have happened without you. You are the source of all Heartless. It was your research that inspired me to go further than you ever dared.
- Ansem: I admit... my disregard brought chaos to more worlds than one, but what were you seeking? You erased me from the world, only to take my name and continued research better left forgotten... Is this the answer that you've been looking for?
- Xemnas: All that and more. I'm carrying on what you yourself began, and I'm creating a brand new world, one heart at a time. I thought you'd praise me, but all you ever do is hold me back. I understand, though. Unlike me, you have a heart, and you're powerless to control it. Consumed, by the jealously you feel toward the student who surpassed you.
- Ansem: Xehanort. Foolish apprentice of a foolish man. You have surpassed nothing, only proved how little we both know. We may profess to know the heart, but its essence is beyond our reach. We're both ignorant, as oblivious as when we began. I'm afraid that any world you try to create... any world of yours... would be an empire of ignorance. That is why you and your creation are destined to fall! :[Electricity surges through and around the device.] We've said enough. Riku, you know what to do! King Mickey, my friend, forgive me. Farewell!
- [The machine explodes, and Riku veils everyone from the explosion.]
- Kairi: Sora! Riku! [Points to Heartless]
- Riku: There's gonna be no end to this!
- Sora: Don't worry. Together, we can take 'em! Huh?
- [Maleficent and Pete appear]
- Maleficent: Leave now! We'll take care of this!
- Pete: But there's no way we can take 'em all.
- Maleficent: I will be sending them after Xemnas, unless you would rather fight them yourself?
- Pete: [Thinks for a second] Frankly, my dear, I'd rather run!
- Maleficent: Off with you then.
- [Pete sneaks off but notices King Mickey]
- Pete: Well, if it ain't the boat boy king.
- King Mickey: It's time to set anchor, Captain Pete.
- Pete: What, you mean like abandon ship? I don't think so.
- Maleficent: Sora, "Your Majesty," go and know that this castle shall be mine!
- Pete: Now, lookie here, opportunities like this don't come every day, you know. [Joins Maleficent] Bring them on!
- [Pete and Maleficent go to fight the Heartless.]
- King Mickey: Sora! Let's go!
- Sora: But...
- King Mickey: They are doing as their hearts command! We can't interfere.
- [Sora agrees and the group goes off to challenge Xemnas.]
- Xemnas: [Collapses] I need more rage. I need more hearts.
- Sora: Xemnas. There's more to a heart than just anger or hate. It's full of all kinds of feelings. Don't you remember?
- Xemnas: Unfortunally, I don't.
- Riku: I have given in to the darkness.
- Sora: Riku!
- Riku: How am I to face everyone?
- Sora: Like this? [makes a ridiculous face, causing Riku to burst out laughing]
- Xemnas: Heroes from the realm of light, I will not allow it to end this way. Not yet. If light and darkness are eternal, then surely we nothings must be the same.... Eternal.
- Riku: You're right. Light and darkness are eternal. Nothing probably goes on forever, too. But guess what, Xemnas?
- Sora: That doesn't mean you're eternal.
- Xemnas: [Chuckling] No more eternal than that radiance of yours.
- Riku: What I said back there... about thinking I was better at stuff than you... To tell you the truth, Sora... I was jealous of you.
- Sora: What for?
- Riku: I wished I could live life the way you do. Just following my heart.
- Sora: Yeah, well, I’ve got my share of problems, too.
- Riku: Like what?
- Sora: Like... wanting to be like you.
- Riku: Well, there is one advantage to being me... Something you could never imitate.
- Sora: Really? What’s that?
- Riku: Having you for a friend.
- Sora: Then I guess... I’m okay the way I am. I’ve got something you could never imitate, too.<
- Riku: Nothing's changed, huh?
- Sora: Nope. Nothing will.
- Riku: What a small world.
- Sora: But part of one that's much bigger.
- Riku: Yeah.
- Sora: Hey Riku...what do you think it was---the door to the light?:
(Riku points to Sora's heart)
- Riku: This.
Sora: This?
- Riku: Yeah. It's always closer than you think.