Kirsten Dunst
- It's important to me that I don't get trapped in the whole teen scene because I feel that you can get lost in those kind of movies, and they aren't really about the actors; they're about the selling of the concept, and how much money it makes. So I just try to choose the scripts that have the best characters for myself, or would be the most challenging, or fun.
- Interview in The Guardian (14 October 2000)
- Being an actress doesn't make you popular in school. I was always leaving to make a movie then coming back in.
- Interview in The Guardian (14 October 2000)
- You need your family in this business. It's one of the most important things to keep you grounded. You come home and your mom's like, "Clean the kitty's litter box." It's not like it's all about me.
- Interview in The Guardian (14 October 2000)