Koila Nailatikau
Adi Koila Mara Nailatikau is a Fijian politician and the daughter of the former President, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara.
Unless otherwise stated, the following quotes were all gleaned from the Fiji Times Online.
Nailatikau, Adi Koila
Nailatikau, Adi Koila
Category:Living people
Unless otherwise stated, the following quotes were all gleaned from the Fiji Times Online.
Senate speech, 30 May 2003 (excerpts)
- "These (prostitution, pedophilia, and child abuse) are of concern to us and it is important that while we advertise tourism, we should also educate our people in keeping a close vigil on what is happening as the side effect of tourism."
- "The absence of all these values (marriage commitment, parental authority, and grandparent-grandchild relationships) is one of the main reasons for why our societies are faced by these violent criminal offences. As legislators, our primary role is to ensure the freedom and rights of every citizen of this country are protected."
On her boycott of the "Fiji Week" reconciliation ceremonies
- "I feel that the rule of law must be upheld. I simply will not accept any apology until justice is done." (October 2004)
Senate Speech, 22 October 2004 (excerpts)
- "As long as those responsible are still lurking in the shadows and this culture of silence remains, then certain sections of the community will remain insecure, intimidated and live in fear."
- "True reconciliation must incorporate the righteous elements of forgiveness and justice. Therefore, real meaningful forgiveness will only arise when firstly, we have to identify the aggrieved party and the wrongdoer must then ask for forgiveness for a specific wrong done. Once forgiveness is achieved, then the process of justice must take place and punishment given according to law. Only then, will true reconciliation begin."
- "Reconciliation cannot eventuate or materialise until the proper legal procedures have been followed, that is without interference from external forces."
- "If we succumb to pardoning these men, then we are sabotaging and undermining our own ability to act without fear or favour. We reap what we sow. We will sow a culture of coups for our children. We must therefore, uphold the Rule of Law and Justice."
Senate Speech, 28 October 2004 (excerpts)
- "I believe that Fiji is at the cross roads. We should all be proud of our traditions and our rich multi-cultural heritage."
- "As leaders of Fiji ... we should emulate our most distinguished leaders of the past, such as the Turaga Bale na Tui Lau, Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna, na Turaga mai Naisogolaca, Ratu Sir Edward Cakobau, na Turaga Bale na Vunivalu, Ratu Sir George Cakobau, na Turaga Bale na Tui Cakau, Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau and recently the Turaga Bale na Tui Nayau, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara and the Marama Bale na Roko Tui Dreketi, Adi Lady Lalabalavu Tuisawau Mara."
On the government's proposed Reconciliation and Unity Commission
Nailatikau is known as an implacable opponent of the government's controversial legislation to establish a commission empowered to compensate victims and pardon perpetrators of the coup d'état which deposed her father from the Presidency, and in which she herself was kidnapped and held as a hostage for 56 days. The following quotes are taken from statements she has made to the media.7 May, 2005
- "For all I know this has come very late in the day and it's a bit too late ... Had my father been here, I believe he would have respected and upheld the rule of law." (7 May 2005)
- "(Unless all coup perpetrators) are brought before the courts, Fiji cannot put to rest the ghosts of the coup." (7 May 2005)
21 July, 2005
- "The Bill is slanted towards the perpetrators of the coup and not the victims ... This Bill is lenient towards the perpetrators while the victims get nothing." (21 July 2005)
- "I spoke on this in Senate and I'll say it again — why wasn't this Bill brought about when my parents, the late Tui Nayau and Roko Tui Dreketi, were still alive?" (21 July 2005)
- "I have one question for the Government, why can't it function without the coup perpetrators?" (21 July 2005)
24 July, 2005
Excepts from a statement made on behalf of herself and her siblings.- "I recall what the late Tui Nayau said at his last Lau Provincial Council meeting on Ono, Lau, in October 2000: 'There can be no reconciliation or peace until the coup investigations are completed and the rule of law is upheld'."
- "Regrettably, this Bill appears to remove everything that the late Tui Nayau worked for, that is respect for the rule of law and everything he stood for unity, tolerance and peaceful co-existence."
- "Personally, I feel that if the Lau Provincial Council votes for this Bill it means that they are supporting the amnesty clause, which is what the whole Bill is about. Do they understand that what they are actually doing is agreeing in principle to the removal of the late Turaga na Tui Nayau and condoning the coup perpetrators who were the very thugs who removed the Tui Nayau and brought anarchy to Fiji in the year 2000."
- "Why weren't the victims involved in the consultations prior to the formulation of this Bill?"
- "The amnesty period from May 2000 to March was the very period in which the late President was removed."
26 July, 2005
- "To put it in simple English, you break the law, you commit a crime, you do the time."
Senate speech, 24 August, 2005 (excerpts)
- "We all need to embrace broad principles that accommodate the rights and aspirations of all the people of Fiji. Only then will peace and harmony prevail."
- "If the chiefs as leaders are going to earn and maintain the respect of the people of Fiji and preserve the uniqueness of the traditional and cultural structures they need to also recognise that the differences that exist between us all cannot and should not be ignored."
- "We must speak with fairness, responsibility and goodwill toward all ethnic groups."
Quotes about Adi Koila Nailatikau
- Jioji Kotobalavu, chief executive in the office of the Prime Minister: "What kind of question is that?" (21 July 2005, in reaction to Nailatikau's accusation that the government was incapable of functioning without perpetrators of the 2000 coup).
Nailatikau, Adi Koila
Nailatikau, Adi Koila
Category:Living people