Kurt Tucholsky

Kurt Tucholsky was a German journalist, satirist and song text writer.


  • Da gab es vier Jahre lang ganze Quadratmeilen Landes, auf denen war der Mord obligatorisch, während er eine halbe Stunde davon entfernt ebenso streng verboten war. Sagte ich: Mord? Natürlich Mord. Soldaten sind Mörder.
    • Translated: For four years, there were whole square miles of land where murder was obligatory, while it was strictly forbidden half an hour away. Did I say: murder? Of course murder. Soldiers are murderers.
    • From Der bewachte Kriegsschauplatz, published 1931 under the pseudonym Ignaz Wrobel; compare http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soldaten_sind_M%C3%B6rder.


  • If elections changed anything, they would be forbidden.
  • The cruelty of most people is lack of imagination, their brutality is ignorance.
  • The opposite of "good" is "good intention"
  • I do not want to think about the Church; there is no use discussing with a religion if its point of view has been protected by the penal law. (about the fact that in Germany critics of the two major churches are usually prosecuted based on a law which prohibits this in public)
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