Kyo Kusanagi

Kyo Kusanagi is a video game character in the King of Fighters series.

KOF '94

  • (vs. Brazil): "My fists are burning."
  • (vs. China): "Cheap tricks won't work!"
  • (vs. England): "Impressive, but I saw it coming!"
  • (vs. Italy): "We'll be the champions!"
  • (vs. Japan): "That's the fate of a fraud!"
  • (vs. Korea): "My fists are hard to beat!"
  • (vs. Mexico): "This is the end of Kyokugenryu!"
  • (vs. USA): "This is too easy!"

KOF '95

  • "So long, weenie king. We won't meet again."
  • "Burn in the fury of my flames, you worthless weakling!"
  • "That's it? Well, I'm not angry. Just disappointed."

KOF '96

  • "Stop moping around and butch up, you weenie!"
  • "Wow! Back to the gym for you. You're really pathetic."
  • "Eat my flames of fury, wimp! Grovel before the Kusanagis!"

KOF 2000

  • (Win) "Resistance is flammable! No one can snuff my flame!"
  • (Lose) "I don't have time to fail like this!!!"

KOF 2001

  • "Victory was predestined. I'm not in your bush league!"
  • "It's all experience. Fight on, dude!"
  • "This ain't what a real battlefield should be!"
  • (vs. Hero Team): "Business with NESTS? I'll introduce you personally!"
  • (vs. NESTS Team): "As you've been so nice, I've returned your favors!"
  • (vs. Goro Daimon): "You still got it! Haven't had so much fun recently."
  • (vs. Iori Yagami): "Follow me no more...."

KOF 2002

  • "That's the pepper! That's the stuff! Oooh yeah!"
  • (vs. Orochi clan members): "Will you never learn? Or must I show you more punishment?"
  • (vs. NESTS members): "You gotta use it or lose it. That's the best you can do?"
  • (vs. Iori Yagami): "You're weighing me down! It's the kiss-off, losers!"
  • (vs. Kusanagi): "You may have my old looks, but you ain't got my old stuff."

KOF 2003

  • "It's a law of history: I don't lose so easy."
  • "Like raging flames of the sun. That is the fists of Kusanagi!"
  • "What?! I guess KOF without me just isn't KOF, right?"
  • "What miraculous stamina! Taking such a basting!"
  • (vs. Ash Team): "Hmm. You got the look down. But you lack the substance."
  • (vs. Benimaru Nikaido and Goro Daimon): "You never change. That's why you always lose."
  • (vs. Shingo Yabuki): "A year sabbatical's being lazy? ...Well, ya got stamina, kid!"
  • (vs. Iori Yagami): "You never evolve.... That's what you're all about!"


  • "Out of my way, punk! You make me sick, so you'll get no mercy from me!"
  • "Getting up again, I admire your spunk. But, you've already lost."
  • "What gives?! Where's that old spirit gone?!" (vs. Terry/Ryo)
  • "I must incinerate you completely. Flammable trash is the world's trash!" (vs. Shen)
  • "Just how many clones of me are left? I could make a baseball team out of me!" (vs. himself)
  • "Do you plan to grovel your whole life? Show a little backbone will you?"
  • "You lack devotion. Steady effort is what counts. Me? I'm the exception to the rule!"
  • "You don't think it's over, do you? I don't like tormenting losers - but you I will." (vs. Ash)

    • (vs. Ash Crimson)
  • Kyo: "Ash...Crimson..."
  • Ash: "Ahahaha! You sure you'll be able to beat me with that?"
  • Kyo: "Why you...!!!"

SNK vs. Series

  • "You know that I didn't try my hardest, but did you?"
  • "I didn't want you to feel cheated, so I let you play a little longer this time!"
  • "Teamwork? I don't care about that. I alone am the true winner!"
  • "I fan the eternal flame of victory!"
  • "You should be thankful. I showed you the error of your ways!"
  • "Come on...the level of this tournament is way too low, isn't it?"
  • "You've just felt the flame of the famous Kusanagi clan!!"
  • "Haven't you heard the expression of dancing too close to the flame...?"
  • "So, tell me. How does it feel to be charcoal?"
  • "What's the deal? Not cooked enough, eh?"
  • "This reminds me of a joke. Aw, come on, hear it out. You got time, right?"
  • "Remember the pain of my fist. That is my power!"
  • "Haven't you come to grips with reality yet? You can't touch me, Yagami." (defeating Iori)
  • "Got the picture now? Your 'good wind' that blows only fans my flames!" (defeating Goenitz)
  • "That's not what I'd call even close to kickboxing. Just what is that anyway?" (defeating Sagat)
  • "Yagami! I'm telling you to chill, you punchy pinhead!" (defeating Orochi Iori)
  • "Oh, how boring. School's funner."
  • "Victory's talent... Effort's squat."
  • "One bozo, well-done!"
  • "I am hot! I can't lose!"
  • "So you want to be a real fighter? OK!"
  • "You Lack the fire."
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