Larry Ellison
Lawrence J. Ellison CEO and founder, Oracle Corporation
- "When I started Oracle, what I wanted to do was to create an environment where I would enjoy working. That was my primary goal. Sure, I wanted to make a living. I certainly never expected to become rich, certainly not this rich. I mean, rich does not even describe this. This is surreal."
- "I hate the PC, with a passion."
- Source: Triumph of the Nerds, 47"00
- "The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women's fashion. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I have no idea what anyone is talking about. What is it? It's complete gibberish. It's insane. When is this idiocy going to stop?"
- Source: Oracle OpenWorld 2008 speech
- "If an open source product gets good enough, we'll simply take it. [...] So the great thing about open source is nobody owns it – a company like Oracle is free to take it for nothing, include it in our products and charge for support, and that's what we'll do. So it is not disruptive at all – you have to find places to add value. Once open source gets good enough, competing with it would be insane. [...] We don't have to fight open source, we have to exploit open source.
- "If the Internet turns out not to be the future of computing, we're toast. But if it is, we're golden."
- "Winning is not enough. All others must lose."
- "It's Microsoft versus mankind with Microsoft having only a slight lead." March 4, 1997
- "Sometimes I get my tenses mixed up: We have shipped, we will ship..." Wall Street Journal