Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Olin Graham is an American politician from South Carolina. A member of the Republican Party, he is the senior United States Senator from that state as of 2007. He serves on the Armed Services and Judiciary Committees.



  • Let's just get to the political heart of the matter, No matter what you want to call it, beyond border enforcement, a lot of people, particularly on our side, don't want to have a debate about this. Even if you debate it, you're wrong. Even if you're open-minded about compromise, you're wrong. It's a very simple answer to a complex problem. Send them all back. End of discussion, end of debate. Now that to me is not a realistic approach to a real problem.
    • On immigration.

  • Our footprint will be here for a long time. We’re a long way from being able to leave with honor.
    • Of a visit he made to Iraq in February 2005.

  • The more you drink, the better you’re able to cope in Washington.
    • January 05, 2005
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