Little Orphan Annie
Little Orphan Annie is a comic strip by Harold Gray that ran from 1924 to 1968.
- Annie: But he hates you...don't you hate him?
- Daddy Warbucks: Hate? Oh, no, Annie...it's not that I'm a Pollyanna, or so good I can't hate...But I guess I'm just too busy to have time for hate...Anyway, I've noticed that people who spend a lot of time hating seldom amount to much...I'm always aimed to amount to something...
- March 20th, 1948
- Daddy Warbucks: Money? It's the easiest thing in the world to get if you're sure that's what you really want...I'm sure! For only with money can we get the real things that count...So what's wrong with making money? Happy, prosperous people never start wars...but they win them...
- March 21st, 1948
- Punjab: But Sahib! Give Axel a trial! You can prove he is an evil man...
- Daddy Warbucks: Oh, sure...set ourselves up as judges of what is sin and what is virtue...
- Punjab: But what is right is right, Sahib...
- Daddy Warbucks: That's the way Atilla the Hun figured...He was right...All his enemies wrong...So he murdered millions...In the name of justice, of course...
- March 24th, 1948
- Daddy Warbucks: Well Axel...do you still refuse to play ball with me, to help your people to the same living level that my people enjoy...
- Axel: Bah! Who cares for the "great gray mass" of the stupid pee-pul?
- Daddy Warbucks: Eh? But don't you preach the great equality?
- Axel: Preach it? Of course! But live it? Do you think me a fool? If so, you are the great fool, Warbucks! Ha! You are the April Fool!
- Daddy Warbucks: I am? Well, well, well....If I am, I'm doing OK....How are you doing, Axel?
- April 1st, 1948
- Annie: "Armistice Day"...Gee...The end of "The war to end all wars"...Way back in 1918...What a gag...But not th' kind o' gag yuh feel like laughin' about...I hear they used to celebrate "Armistice Day"...Big parades! Well, we had lots bigger parades later on...Millions and millions o' men...Marchin' to war...A bigger war...Maybe some day the world will have peace that'll last...Maybe some day people will quit tryin' to beat their ideas into other people's heads...Maybe...That'd be a nice switch...
- November 11th, 1948