Loonatics Unleashed
Loonatics Unleashed is a cartoon television series about a group of superheroes based on the Looney Tunes. They fight criminals and save the city. It is placed in the year 2772 in Acmetropolis.
(the Adolpho's traductor is off. and he trys to talk)
(Tech is looking up the guy that disappeared with Slam and Duck.)
Pilot. Loonatics on Ice [1.1]
- Tech E. Coyote: [Rev got a pizza for Tech and the pizza is frozen] Now that's cold.
- [Tech takes a bite out of the pizza]
- Tech E. Coyote: Where'd ya get it? Iceland.
- Rev Runner: Actually no. I just picked it up at a pizza joint in downtown which I must say isn't really cold this time of year. But if you really like the pizza in Iceland, I could go get some and be back in 4.2 seconds, but of course that's just an estimation because you really don't know about traffic...
- [Tech pushes a piece of pizza in Rev's mouth]
- Tech E. Coyote: That would be one of those questions that didn't require an answer.
- Tech E. Coyote: Hey, Ace.
- Ace Bunny: On it, Tech.
- [Ace zaps the frozen pizza with his laser power]
- Tech E. Coyote: Extra crispy. Pizza, Duck?
- Danger Duck: Are you kidding? I've already had my protein shake. It's virtually important to maintain a superhero diet because you can't be to flappy when you're The Duckinator!
- Ace Bunny: Yesterday you were calling yourself Super Duper Duck.
- Danger Duck: Yeah well, wasn't quite rolling off the tounge. Besides I need a name that will fit the costume.
- Ace Bunny: How about... eh... Duck.
- Danger Duck: Very funny.
- [Door opens and Lexi comes out dancing.]
- Lexi:[Removing earphones] Tech did you order more than one pie?
- Tech: No, why?
- Lexi: Because Slam is in the house.
- Zadavia: Loonatics, we have a problem.
- Ace Bunny: You got that do right, Zadavia. I see we got a serious problem.
- Ace Bunny: Eh, what's up , Zadavia? Definitely not the temperature.
- Zadavia: I don't have to tell you what will happen if the temperature keeps dropping.
- Danger Duck: I knew it. We're gonna lose cable again.
- Zadavia: OK, maybe I //do// have to tell //you//.The entire world will be facing a major ice age.
- Ace Bunny: I think we can handle one iceberg.
- Zadavia: Acmetropolis is counting on you to take care of it. Zadavia out.
- Lexi: When she goes out, where does she go? The movies?
- Ace : Tech, we might need some toys for this one.
- Tech: Uh, excuse me Chief. There are not toys. There are "hand-crafted precision alloy instruments".
- Ace: We'll take those too but first the toys.
- Ace: Boy, are you guys lost.What's up, Doc?
- Gunnar the Conqueror: We're here to take over your world!
- Ace Bunny: No, you won't!
- Gunnar the Conqueror: Yes, we will!
- Ace Bunny: No, you won't!
- Gunnar the Conqueror: Yes, we will!
- Ace Bunny: Yes, you will!
- Gunnar the Conqueror: No, we not conquer your world!
- Ace: Have it your way.
- Gunnar: Oh, how I would enjoy crushing you, rabbit.
- Ace: Oh yeah, like that's ever going to happen.
- Ace: You've outdone yourself, Tech.
- Tech: You can say it. I'm a genius.
- Gunnar the Conqueror: Let's put this city on ice.
- Danger Duck: DareDevil Duck thanks you.
- Lexi Bunny: Pick a name already!
- Rev Runner: Would you look at that thing? It's gotta to be the biggest iceberg I've ever seen. I've seen some before. Did you think we should have put some more juice in the blasters? Not like I doubt your expertness. But that is one giant...
- Ace Bunny: Rev, watch where you're talking!
- Danger Duck: [watching Slam melt the ice berg] Glorified zamboni. Chipping ice isn't a superpower. Quacking is a superpower. Observe!
- [Danger Duck teleports himself into the ice and gets stuck]
- Danger Duck: You can stop observing now!
Attack of the Fuzz Balls [1.2]
- Ace: You realize, of course, this means war!
- Lexi: Uh, there's a party going on in your backpack, Duck.
- Lexi: Professor Zane, you may not know this, but you might be in danger.
- Professor Zane: It's feeding time!
- Danger: I salute you, Wonder Fluff! You've been a brave soldier. I also fear you, but let's not go there now!
The Cloak of Black Velvet [1.3]
- Danger Duck: This is ridiculous. It's the 28th century. We've got jetpacks, hovercrafts, computer-synchronized laser makers, but I still can't get a good cell signal on the 134th floor!
- Slam: Hubba hubba! *whistles*
- Lexi Bunny: She's not that pretty!
- Ace: Nope. Slams right. She's hot.
- Lexi: Keep your eyeballs in your head.
- Danger: See what happens when you rely on technology... utter chaos! I am so going to win this bet.
- Zodavia: Duck... pay attention!
- Danger: Yes m'.
- Danger: [about AcmeTech] It's the homeland of geeks, dweebs, and brainiac nerds.
- Tech: I went to school here.
- Danger: You know, you're all despicable!
Weathering Heights [1.4]
- Tech: My Porto-Lab! It never hurt anyone!
- Ace: Wow, he really needs to get out more.
- Duck: Could you please sign this?
Going Underground [1.5]
- Lexi Bunny: Did you hear something?
- Danger Duck: How can I hear anything with this racket? You'd have to have superhearing to... Oh, right.
- Ace: Eh, what's up, rock?
- Lexi Bunny: So, what were those things?
- Danger Duck: Reminds me of some of the guys who keep calling you, except the rocks have more personality. Ha ha!
- Tech E. Coyote: [while he tries to start the digging machine again] Come on! Ugh, all right then [he then gets fried] There has got to be more then one way to be super hero.
The Comet Cometh [1.6]
- Duck: Mayor, your life has been saved by Danger Duck!
- Mayor: [A branch breaks and falls on the Mayor.] Tha-a-a-anks! [He falls over with a thump.]
- Duck: ...Kinda.
- Ace: Uhh, Tech, why did it sound like the engines just stopped?
- Tech: Uhh, well that would be because the engines just stopped.
- Tech: Rev, fetch the Neutron Cannon!
- Rev: You didn't say you wanted the Defracting Neutron Cannon, the Ion-Splitting Neutron Cannon, or the one that goes "Gah-gah-gah-gah-gah-gah-gah-gah"
- Rev: [thinking] I'm faster now, and I can't fail. [speaking] You don't have to dock my pay, this time, Cookie.
- Ace: Uh, Rev? Who's Cookie?
- Rev: Huh? Who? I mean Ace!
- Duck: [scoops up a diaper out of the pool] Another treasure from the deep.
The World is my Circus [1.7]
- Lexi: Well look on the bright side,it can't get any worse than this.
- Ace: Who's got Slam's power?
- Lexi: Oh, hey that would be me!
Stop the World I Want to Get Off [1.8]
- Massive: I am Massive. This is a robbery. So I'd appreciate your full cooperation.
- Man: Hands up.
- Massive: That's not what I call co-operating.
- Kid: Hey! That's mine!
- Massive: Aw, I'm sorry. But every little bit helps.
- Zodavia: Team, we have a problem.
- Duck: [groans] Can't it wait 'til halftime?
- Zodavia: Now, Duck.
- Lexi: A thief? Isn't that beneath us supertypes?
- Ace: Not if it's a super thief. Let's jet!
- Ace: Okay, doc, step away from the egg.
- Massive: Now for a hero sandwich.
- Massive: Time for a trip to the moon, can't you see the cost of being heroes is rising?
- Massive: There's massive amounts of quasarlinium and massive amounts of me.
- Duck: Hey, what's with the roast duck? I'm one of the good guys!
- Ace: Yo, mean and green! Didn't your mother ever tell you that money can't buy you happiness?
- Massive: Oh, she did. That's why I'm stealing!
- Duck: Oh yeah! The duck has landed.
- Lexi: Score one for the home team!
- Lexi: Did you get him, Duck?
- Duck: That would be a 'no'.
- Duck: Okay, it's official. I'm gonna be sick.
- Ace: Are you okay Tech?
- Tech: Define okay.
Sypher [1.9]
- Sypher: I always wanted to meet the hottest superhero in town.
- Lexi: What?
- Lexi: Reports? Since when do we write reports?
- Tech: Or exercise?
- Ace: 36km per hour?
- Tech: 18, I doubled it to be nice.
Time After Time [1.10]
- Ace: Huh, strange.
- Lexi: Ace, toast is not strange. Unless Duck makes it. Then... watch out!
- Duck: Not the Trolbot 9000! Anything but the Trolbot 9000! Wait, what's the Trolbot 9000?
- Rev: Just saving you time. Isn't that what you wanted?
- Tech: Hold... that... thought...
- Lexi: Hello? You mean like every morning?
- Dr. Fidel Chroniker: I've been trying to call you for the last five days.
- Ace: Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?
- Lexi: I was already thinking it yesterday.
- Lexi: And I thought this day would never end.
- Ace: And I didn't know you were gonna say that.
Menace of Mastermind [1.11]
- Mallory: I'd love to stay and chat, but I must be...heading out. *laughs*
- Duck: Methinks this place is empty.
- Lexi: Chill, Duck. Methinks there's somebody thinking louder than any of us. We're not alone.
- Tech: And for the last time, I'm not a dog! I'm a coyote!
- Mallory: So sensitive.
Acmegeddon (1) [1.12]
- Duck: Hey, who stashed a spitball?
- Duck: Gee Rev, have you ever heard the phrase, "Who asked you?"
- Duck: Fear not! I shall track down those criminin-inals and serve up justice duck style - with a side of melted cheese.
- Massive: All right! Let's party Loonatics!
- Mastermind: Master villains -- 1. Superheroes -- 0.
- Ace: Hey, craniac, ever get premonitions? Cause here comes a psychic flash!
- Ace: Didn't know it was time for a hare cut.
- Sypher: No touching. I know.
- Duck: Um... go fish?
- Duck: Hey! Wait up! You're just a sidekick!
- Rev: Want a little superspeed...dude?
- Duck: Can't a guy recover from an injury?
- Ace:: That's it? Mastermind's locker combination?
- Tech: From a locker we shared back in college. It's a long story.
- Slam: Ewwww!
- Sypher: Relax, weather girl. I'm handling it. [gets hit] See?
- Weathervane: Never let a boy do a weathergirl's job.
- Lexi: I'm having personal space issues.
- Duck: Ahem -- first floor, fresh air, toys. Ladies' undegarments.
- Zodavia: I'm not surprised. After all... he is my brother.
- Lexi: Well, every family has its problems.
Acmegeddon (2) [1.13]
- Octomatus: We must use this power to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations.
- Lexi: [About Ace's apparent death] He was the best leader. There's nothing left...
- Ace: Hey, who you calling nothin'?
- Lexi: [Hugs him] Ace! We thought we'd lost you!
- Ace: Hey, careful! You'll wrinkle the space suit!
- Lexi: [Hits him] Uh... you scared us!
- Zadavia: Thank you Loonatics. You have saved me, and Acmetropolis. You are all heroes, my heroes.
- Duck: Just for the record, she's talking about me!
- Optimatus: How does Zadavia put up with you?
- Duck: Well for one thing, I'm very good at parties!
A Creep in the Deep [2.15]
(the loonatics arrive to the prision of acmetropolis. in the scene appear main villains)- Adolpho:You can't do it to me! i will going go out of there and...!
- Ace:this will going to serve
(the Adolpho's traductor is off. and he trys to talk)
- Duck: Sorry, I don't speak fin!
I am Slamacus [2.16]
- Duck: Well, that makes sense. Send a bird to catch a cat!
(Tech is looking up the guy that disappeared with Slam and Duck.)
- Tech: According to this he's Pierre LePew, the head of the illegal Extreme Ultimate Intergalactic Only One Fighter Comes Out Of It Alive Federation.
- Rev: [Gasps] Not the E.U.I.O.O.F.O.O.A.F.?
- Tech: The rumours about those fights are awful. They fight until... well, until...
- Rev: The loser kicks the bucket, buys the farm, takes a big dirt nap, meets his maker, cashes in his chips?