Lost is a television series, created by J.J. Abrams, about the aftermath of a plane crash on a mysterious tropical island somewhere in the South Pacific.
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(Jin looks, bewildered)
[Ben wakes up mid-surgery]
Hurley: Dude, I don't know about this.
Charlie: See, you're looking at this all wrong. He would want us to do this.
Hurley: He'd want us to ransack his tent and take his stash? Yeah, that sounds exactly like Sawyer.
Charlie: Well, he stole all this in the first place. I mean, people need food, they need medical supplies, they need... [Finds adult magazines] ...shocking amounts of pornography.
Charlie: How did you know? How did you know she was drowning?
Hurley: I'll tell you how he knew. That guy...sees the future, dude.
[Sawyer gets his letter out of his pocket – the one to Mr. Sawyer]
[He rips up the letter into pieces, and Sawyer attacks him, choking him with the chains around the room]
[Cooper chokes and Sawyer keeps pulling until he stops moving and kills him. He then releases him.]
[Charlie's "greatest hits" written on a sheet of paper]:
5. The first time I heard myself on the radio.
4. Dad teaching me how to swim.
3. The Christmas Liam gave me the ring.
2. Woman outside Covent Garden calls me a hero.
1. The night I met you [Claire].
[They kiss]
[Jack and Ben both stand up at the same time, staring each other down]
Ben: May I have my walkie talkie back?
Jack: What?
Ben: There's something you need to hear. Please?
[Jack gives it to him]
Ben: Tom are you there?
Tom: Yes I'm here.
Ben:[To Jack] Your plan killed seven of my people, but the ones you failed to kill are now holding your friends: Jin, Sayind, Bernard, at gunpoint.
Sayid: Jack, don't give him anything.
[Ryan hits Sayid]
Bernard: Leave him alone!
Ryan: I said shut up!
Jack: And what's to stop me from snapping your neck?
Ben: Tom unless you hear my voice in one minute, shoot all three of them.
Tom: Got it.
Ryan: I said don't move.
Ben: Bring me the phone, Jack.
Sayid: Don't negotiate with him-
Ben: Forty seconds.
Jack: No. I'm getting them all of the island. All of them!
Ben: Let me ask you something, Jack. Why do you wanna leave the Island? What is it that you so desperately want to get back to? You have no one. Your father's dead, your wife left you, moved on with another man. Can you just not wait to get back to the hospital? Get back to fixing things? It's twenty seconds now. Just get me the phone, Jack.
Jack: No.
Ben: Ten seconds. Bring me the phone.
Jack: No.
Ben: I'm not bluffing!
Jack: I WON'T DO IT!
Ben: Five. Four. Three.
Jack: No.
[Three shots are heard over the walkie talkie, Jack cringes with anguish]
Ben: I'm so sorry, Jack.
[Furious, Jack tackles Ben to the ground and beats him half to death. He then takes the walkie talkie]
Jack: Tom are you there?
Tom: Yeah, Jack, I hear ya.
Jack: I'm going to lead my people up to the radio tower. And I'm going to make a call and get them all rescued. Every one of them. And then I'm gonna come find you. And I'm gonna kill ya.
Locke:[Aims his gun at Jack] Step back, Jack.
Jack: What did you do?
Locke: What I had to. Now step back.
[The phone rings, Jack and Locke look at it]
Locke: Stay away from the phone.
[Jack runs and grabs the phone as Locke tries to shoot it]
Jack: What are you doing, John?
Locke: I don't wanna shoot you.
Ben: Do it, John! Shoot him! Do what you need to do-
[Ben is silenced as Rousseau knocks him out]
Locke: Please. Put the phone down.
Jack: No. You're done keeping me on this island.
Locke:[Thumbs back the hammer] I will kill you if I have to.
Jack: Then do it.
Kate: Jack!
[Locke hesitates then lowers the gun]
Locke:[Sadly] Jack, you're not supposed to do this.
[Locke leaves as Jack answers the phone]
Jack: [displaying the as-yet unknown obituary] I was hoping that you heard... that you would go to the funeral.
Kate: ...Why would I go to the funeral?
Jack: [after a long pause] Been flying a lot.
Kate: What?
Jack: That golden pass they gave us? Been using it. Every Friday night I fly from L.A. to Tokyo... or Singapore... or Sydney. I get off... have a drink... fly home.
Kate: ...why?
Jack: Because I want it to crash, Kate. I don't care about anyone else on board. Every little bump we hit, turbulence... I actually close my eyes, and I pray... I pray that I can go back.
Kate: This is not going to change...
Jack: No, I'm sick of lying. We made a mistake.
Kate: I have to go. He's going to be wondering where I am.
Jack: We were not supposed to leave.
Kate: Yes, we were. [she begins to leave and get in the car]
Jack: We have to go back, Kate. [the car pulls away] We have to go back!
[A plane takes off behind Jack as the episode ends]
(Locke stares at Hurley. So does Ben)
(Locke shows Sawyer his wound)
[on the phone]
[Both Jack and Ben look back down at the body, who is revealed to be John Locke]
(Jack stares at Locke's body, Ben comes up with a stretcher)
(Ben closes Jeremy Bentham's coffin)
(He gives Locke a compass)
(The sky flashes again and Richard disappears)
(The door opens, Desmond comes out and aims at Dan with a rifle)
(The sky begins to hum)
(The sky flashes and Desmond wakes up in his bed)
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Pilot, Part One [1.1]
- Jack: [about airplane turbulence] It's normal.
- Rose: Oh, I know, I just never been a really good flyer. My husband keeps reminding me that planes wanna be in the air.
- Jack: He sounds like a very smart man.
- Jack: [as Boone is trying to give CPR to Rose] Stop! Her head's not tilted back enough, you're blowing air into her stomach.
- Boone: Are you sure? That was exactly what I was doing. I'm a lifeguard, I'm licensed.
- Jack: Yeah, well you seriously need to think about giving that license back.
- Boone: Maybe we should do one of those hole things? You know, stick the pen in the throat?
- Jack: [sarcastically] Yeah, good idea, you go get me a pen!
- Boone: Hey, does anyone have a pen?
- Claire: Please help me, I'm having contractions!
- Jack: How many months are you?
- Claire: I'm only eight months.
- Kate: [as she is about to stitch up Jack's wound] Any color preference?
- Jack: Nah, standard black.
- Kate: I might throw up on you.
- Jack: You're doing fine.
- Charlie: Hey guys, is this normal? Day turning into night sort of end-of-the-world type weather? Is this... Guys?
- Charlie: I'll come with, I wanna help.
- Jack: I don't need any more help.
- Charlie: No, it's cool, I don't really feel like standin' still. Excellent.
- Charlie: [singing in a falsetto voice] You all everybody!
- Charlie: [to Kate] I heard you yell. I heard you yell 'Jack.' My name is Charlie, by the way.
- Jack: [to Kate] Are you okay?
- Kate: Yeah, I'm fine.
- Charlie: I'm fine... Charlie's fine, by the way.
- Sayid: You'd think they would've come by now.
- Charlie: What? Who?
- Sayid: Anyone.
- Shannon: [as Boone offers candy] As if I'm gonna start eating chocolate.
- Boone: Shannon, we may be here for a while.
- Shannon: The plane had a black box, idiot. They know exactly where we are. They're coming. I'll eat on the rescue boat!
Pilot, Part Two [1.2]
- Charlie: That’s French! The French are coming! I’ve never been so happy to hear the French!
- Boone: You spent a year in Paris!
- Shannon: Drinking, not studying!
- Shannon: [translating] Please... please, help me... Please, come... get me... the others, they're dead. It killed them all.
- Boone: Someone else was stranded here?
- Charlie: Guys... where are we?
- Shannon: Are you going?
- Charlie: Yep, I’m going. Are you going?
- Shannon: Yes.
- Charlie: Yep, I’m definitely going.
- Shannon: [to Boone] Shut up and stop trying to be charming.
- Shannon: I’ve just been through a trauma here!
- Boone: We’ve all been through a trauma! The only difference is that you’ve given yourself a pedicure since the crash!
- Hurley: [to Jin] What, eat that? [laughs] Look, I’m starving, but... I am nowhere near that hungry.
- Jack: Give it a break.
- Sawyer: Whatever you say, Doc. You’re the hero.
- Claire: I haven’t felt the baby move since yesterday.
- Claire: [about Boone] Is that your boyfriend?
- Shannon: My brother, Boone. God’s friggin' gift to humanity.
- Locke: [talking about Backgammon, a game he is playing with Walt] Two players, two sides. One is light, one is dark.
- Hurley: How do you know how to do all that?
- Sayid: I was a military communications officer.
- Hurley: Oh yeah? You ever see battle?
- Sayid: I fought in the Gulf War.
- Hurley: No way! I got a buddy who fought over there. He was in the Hundred and Fifth Airborne. What were you, Air Force? Army?
- Sayid: The Republican Guard.
- Kate: [to Sawyer] So you decided to join us.
- Sawyer: I am a complex guy, sweetheart.
- [Sawyer has just shot a charging polar bear.]
- Kate: Where did that come from?
- Sawyer: Probably Bear Village. How the hell do I know?
- Kate: Not the bear--the gun.
- Sawyer: I got it off one of the bodies.
- Sayid: One of the bodies.
- Sawyer: Yeah, one of the bodies.
- Shannon: People don't carry guns on planes.
- Sawyer: They do if they're a U.S. Marshal, sweet cheeks. There was one on the plane.
- Kate: How do you know that?
- Sawyer: I saw a guy lying there with an ankle holster, so I took the gun. Thought it might come in handy. Guess what. I just shot a bear!
- Kate: So why do you think he's a Marshal?
- Sawyer: Because he had a clip-on badge. I took that, too. Thought it was cool.
- Charlie: Anything?
- Jack: You keep asking if there's anything.
- Charlie: Pardon me for appearing desperate, but before the pilot was ripped from the cockpit, he did say that no one was gonna find us unless we get that transceiver working. So is there anything?
- Jack: No.
- Charlie: Ok.
- Boone: Do you think that's what killed the pilot?
- Charlie: No, that's a tiny, teenie version compared to that.
- Kate: Does anyone know how to use a gun?
- Charlie: I think you just pull the trigger.
- Sayid: Don't use the gun.
- Kate: I wanna take it apart.
- Charlie: Oh.
- Hurley: You sure he's out?
- Jack: He's out.
- Hurley: How do you know he won't wake up when you yank that thing out?
- Jack: I don't.
- Hurley: [to the unconscious marshal] Hey, guy you awake? Yo! There's a rescue plane, we're saved. Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! [pause] Yeah, he's out.
- Hurley: Uh, I'm not so good around blood.
- Jack: Then don't look.
- Hurley: Yeah, but... I'm not so good around blood...
Tabula Rasa [1.3]
- Sayid: If we tell them what we know, we take away their hope... and hope is a very dangerous thing to lose.
- Kate: So we lie.
- Jack: Three days ago we all died. We should all be able to start over.
- Sawyer: You're just not looking at the big picture, Doc. You're still back in civilization.
- Jack: Yeah? And where are you?
- Sawyer: Me? I'm in the wild.
- Marshal: [to Jack, referring to Kate] Listen to me. No matter what she does, no matter how she makes you feel, just don't... trust a word that she says. She will do anything to get away.
- Hurley: Was it a dinosaur?
- Jack: It wasn't a dinosaur.
- Hurley: If you didn't see it, how do you know it wasn't a dinosaur?
- Jack: Cause dinosaurs are extinct.
- Hurley: Oh, yeah, good point.
- Charlie: So, your, uh... your husband, was he on the flight?
- Claire: Oh, no, I'm not married.
- Charlie: Oh.
- Claire: I know. How modern of me.
- Charlie: Well, who needs men, right? Bloody useless.
- Sawyer [after shooting the air marshall] I was aiming for his heart...
- Jack: Oh yeah? Well, you missed. You pierced his lung. It's gonna take hours to bleed out.
Walkabout [1.4]
- Jack: Everyone who was in the rear of the plane is dead.
- Rose: They're probably thinking the same thing about us.
- Claire: [about the fuselage] Somebody's in there.
- Sayid: Everyone in there's dead!
- Jack: Sawyer!
- Sawyer: Right behind ya, jackass!
- Sayid: We can find food. There are plenty of things on this island we can use for sustenance.
- Sawyer: And exactly how are we gonna find this sustenance?
- [A knife is thrown into the seat next to Sawyer's head, everyone looks at Locke]
- Locke: We hunt.
- Kate: How did you get that on the plane?
- Locke: Checked it.
- Jack: You either have very good aim, or very bad aim, Mr...
- Michael: Locke. His name is Locke.
- Jack: Okay Mr. Locke, what is it that we're hunting?
- Locke: We know there are wild boar on the island. Razorbacks by the look of em. The ones that came into the camp last night were piglets, 100, 150 pounds each. Which means that there's a mother nearby. A 250 pound rat, with scimitar like tusks, a surly disposition, who'd love nothing more than to eviscerate anything that comes near it. Boar's usual mode of attack is to circle around and charge from behind so I figure it'll take at least three of us to distract her long enough for me to flank one of the piglets, pin it and slit its throat.
- Sawyer: And you gave him his knife back?
- Jack: [To Sawyer about Locke's hunting] Well if you've gotta better idea?
- Sawyer: Better than the three of us wandering into the magic forest to bag a hunk of ham with nothing but little bitty hunting knife? Hell no it's the best idea I ever heard. [Locke reveals his suitcase full of hunting knives.]
- Hurley: Who is this guy?
- Jack: [after Claire suggests he say a few things at the massive funeral service] Why me? I'm not a minister, I'm a doctor...
- Boone: Hey, guys, knock it off!
- Sawyer: Hey, Metro, why don't you just stay out of it?
- Locke: This is my destiny! Don't tell me what I can't do!
- Sawyer: [to Kate as she comes back to the beach] So the mighty huntress returns. What's for dinner, honey?
- Jack: We don't have time to sort out everybody's God.
- Charlie: Really? Last I heard we were positively made of time.
- Shannon: The ocean's full of fish.
- Boone: Hate to break it to you...the ocean's not gonna take your gold card.
White Rabbit [1.5]
- Locke: But I've looked into the eye of this island, and what I saw... was beautiful.
- Locke: I'm not a big believer in... magic. But this place is different. It's special. The others don't wanna talk about it because it scares them, but we all know it, we all feel it.
- Christian Shepherd: [to young Jack] You don't wanna be a hero. You don't wanna try and save everyone. Because when you fail... you just don't have what it takes.
- Jack: I can't.
- Locke: Why can't you?
- Jack: Because I'm not a leader.
- Locke: Yet they all treat you like one.
- Jack: I don't know how to help them. I'll fail. I don't have what it takes.
- Sawyer: [to Kate] Seeing as you're the new sheriff in town, you might as well make it official. [He tosses her a police badge]
- Sayid: [to Kate, about Sawyer] You go after him now and he'll give you nothing. But if you wait, a rat will always lead you to its hole.
- Claire: Thanks, Charlie.
- Charlie: For what?
- Claire: People don't seem to look me in the eye here. I think I scare them. The baby, it's like I'm this time bomb of responsibility just waiting to go off.
- Charlie: You don't scare me.
- Locke: [to Jack] A leader can't lead until he knows where he's going.
- Charlie: Who would you rather meet in a dark alley? Whatever's out there, or that old geezer with his four hundred knives? Now me, I only have room for two hundred knives. Three hundred at most.
- Sawyer: You're in my light, sticks.
- Shannon: Lightsticks, what the hell is that?
- Sawyer: Light, comma, sticks; as in those legs of yours.
- Sawyer: I can take an IOU. Something tells me you're good... for it.
- Jack:It's been six days, and we're all still waiting. Waiting for someone to come. But what if they don't? We have to stop waiting. We need to start figuring things out. A woman died this morning just going for a swim. He tried to save her and now you're about to crucify him. We can't do this. Every man for himself is not going to work. It's time to start organizing.We need to figure out how we're going to survive here. Now I found water. Freshwater, up in the valley. I'll take a party up there at first daylight. If you don't want to come then find another way to contribute! Last week most of us were strangers. But we're all here now. And God knows how long we're going to be here. But if we can't live together—we're gonna die alone.
- Locke: Crazy people don't know they're going crazy. They think they're getting saner.
House of the Rising Sun [1.6]
- Kate: Hey, Charlie, ask Jack about his tattoo.
- Charlie: Oh, you guys have an inside joke. How absolutely wonderful for you both.
- Charlie: You two run away fantastically. I'm glad my diversion spared you. I was only stung several hundred times.
- Sayid: Is there a reason you didn't consult us when you decided to form your own civilization?
- Kate: It's just that you... and the tattoos... don't add up. Were you one of those hardcore spinal surgeons or something?
- Jack: That's me. Hardcore.
- Charlie: If you two are done verbally copulating, we should get a move on.
- Locke: Pull yourself together, son.
- Charlie: It wouldn't be an irrational fear of bees if I could just pull myself together, would it?
- Kate: [About her T-shirt] It was, uh, it was full of bees.
- Charlie: I'd have thought C's, actually.
The Moth [1.7]
- Locke: Nice work, Charlie. You make excellent bait!
- Charlie: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been a week since my last confession.
- Priest: Go ahead, my son.
- Charlie: Last night, I had... relations with a girl I didn't even know.
- Priest: I see. Anything else?
- Charlie: Yeah. Right after that I had... relations with another girl. Then straight after that, I watched... while they had... relations with... each other.
- Walt: We should get Mister Locke.
- Hurley: Locke's out in the jungle killing stuff.
- Locke: [Talking to Charlie about a moth cocoon] You see this little hole? This moth's just about to emerge. It's in there right now, struggling. It's digging it's way through the thick hide of the cocoon. Now, I could help it - take my knife, gently widen the opening, and the moth would be free - but it would be too weak to survive. Struggle is nature's way of strengthening it.
- Kate (to Sawyer): I don't feel sorry for you, I pity you.
Confidence Man [1.8]
- Jack: [Trying to get Shannon's inhalers] You attacked a kid for trying to help his sick sister.
- Sawyer: No, I whooped a thief 'cause he was going through my stuff--
- Jack: Yours? What makes it yours?
- Sawyer: --which I had to move because everybody wants to help themselves.
- Jack: You can just take something out of a suitcase, and that makes it yours?
- Sawyer: Look, I don't know what kind of commie share-fest you're running over in cave town, but down here possession's nine-tenths and a man's got a right to protect his property.
- Jack: Get up!
- Sawyer: Why, you wanna see who's taller?
- Jack: I said get up!
- Sawyer: You've been waiting for this, haven't you? Now you get to be a hero again, 'cause that's what you do. You fix everything up all nice. (to Kate) Time to let go Freckles. We already made out. What else I got to live for? Hey, Jack, there's something you should know. If the tables were turned...I'd watch you die.
- Boone: [about Shannon's asthma] She's been embarrassed about it since she was a kid. I guess breathing isn't cool.
- Sawyer: [to Sayid while he is being 'tortured'] Splinters? Is that the best you can do? No wonder we kicked your ass in the Gulf-AAGH!
- Kate: Are you serious?
- Sawyer: Baby, I am tied to a tree in the jungle of mystery. I just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon and a genuine Iraqi. Of course I'm serious.
- Sawyer: [to Kate about the letter] I became the man I was hunting. I became Sawyer. Don't you feel sorry for me.
Solitary [1.9]
- [Hurley has laid out a golf course.]
- Hurley: Welcome to the first and... hopefully last Island Open! It's two holes, for now, three par, and no waiting!
- Jack: Hurley, you built... a golf course?
- Hurley: Rich idiots fly to tropical islands all the time to whack balls around!
- Michael: [incredulous] All the stuff we gotta deal with, man... this is what you've been wasting your time on?"
- Hurley: Dudes... listen. Our lives suck! Everyone's nerves are stretched to the max! We're lost on an island, running from boars and monsters... freakin' polar bears!
- Michael: Polar bears?
- Charlie: You didn't hear about the polar bear?
- Sayid: I'm a survivor of a plane crash. I found the wire on the beach. I followed it. I thought it might have something to do with. . . a transmission we picked up on a receiver. . . a recording — a mayday with a French woman repeating on a loop for sixteen years.
- Rousseau: Sixteen years. Has it really been that long?
- Sawyer: A doctor playing golf. Whoo, boy howdy! Now I've heard everything. What's next? A cop eating a doughnut?
- Sayid: You'll find me in the next life, if not in this one.
- Rousseau: What?
- Sayid: The writing on the back of Nadia's photograph.
- Jack: This is bad.
- Michael: Yeah. I mean, I know what I would do, but... this has gotta be your call.
- Jack: All right... give me the 7 iron.
Raised By Another [1.10]
- Hurley: So, I had an idea. I'm out here looking for some psycho with Scott and Steve, right. And I'm realizing... who the hell are Scott and Steve?
- Hurley: We just had a little incident in the valley last night.
- Shannon: An incident?
- Hurley: Yeah. Claire, the pregnant girl, you know her. She, uh, kinda got attacked.
- Shannon: What?
- Boone: She's okay?
- Hurley: Yeah. She's a little shook up.
- Shannon: I am so not moving to the rape caves!
- Charlie: I had this dream once. I'm driving a bus, and my teeth start falling out. My mum is in the back, eating biscuits. Everything smells of bacon. It's weird.
- Charlie: [imitating Claire's diary] "Dear Diary, still on the bloody island. Today I swallowed a bug. Love, Claire."
- Sayid: We're not alone.
- Hurley: Hey, can I talk to you for a second? Yeah, I know, I already talked to you. I just really wanted to get away from him.
- Hurley: We got a problem. The manifest. Jack, the census. The names of everyone who survived, all 46 of us. I interviewed everyone, here, at the beach. Got their names. One of them, one of them isn't — Jack! One of them isn't in the manifest. He wasn't on the plane.
All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues [1.11]
- Ethan: If you do not stop following me, I will kill one of them. Do you understand?
- Walt: (After Winning Backgammon) You owe me twenty thousand dollars!
- Hurley: Don't worry, you'll get it.
- Sawyer: Well, well, well. I don't know if you Islams got a concept of karma, but I get the sense this island just served you up a heaping platter of cosmic payback.
- Sayid: What do you want?
- Sawyer: Dr. Do-Right doesn't trust me with his antibiotics so I gotta hump it up here every day to get my meds. You know, a less magnanimous man than I might just be thinking he could beat the ever-living snot out of you right now without fear of reprisal.
- Sayid: You want a shot, take it. But know that I left this camp out of shame for what I did to you. It was never my intention to return.
- Sawyer: Sorry, fresh out of sweet forgiveness. If it wasn't your intention to return, then why did you?
- Sawyer: So, a tribe of evil natives planted a ringer in the camp to kidnap a pregnant girl and a reject from VH-1 has-beens. Yeah, fiendishly clever. And why am I getting the evening news from a six-year-old?
- Walt: I'm ten.
- Sawyer: Okay, then it must be true.
- Locke: You be the doctor, let me be the hunter.
- Boone: Red shirt. You ever watch Star Trek?
- Locke: No, not really.
- Boone: The crew guys that would go down to the planet with the main guys, the captain and the guy with the pointy ears, they always wore red shirts and they always got killed.
- Locke: Yeah?
- Boone: Yeah.
- Locke: Sounds like a piss poor captain.
Whatever the Case May Be [1.12]
- Sayid: [on deciphering Rousseau's notes] Some things weren't meant to be translated.
- Jack: Oh yeah? Why don't you tell that to him? [points to a deeply morose Charlie]
- [Shannon's limited command of French is not up to translating Rousseau's notes.]
- Sayid: This was a mistake.
- Shannon: Yeah. Haven't you heard? I'm completely useless.
- Sawyer: [handing over suitcase] Hope you got yourselves some jaws of life back in cave town. That's what it's gonna take to pop this bitch.
- Sawyer: I was protecting you!
- Kate: From what? Southern perverts?
- Michael: You're wasting your time, man. If you pick the lock on a Halliburton, I'll put you on my back and fly us to L.A.
- Sawyer: You better find yourself a runway, Daddy. 'Cause there ain't a lock I can't pick.
- Sawyer: [mocking Kate, in a caveman grunt] Me Kate. Me throw rock.
Hearts and Minds [1.13]
- Jack: How're you doing?
- Charlie: How am I doing? With week two of heroin withdrawal? Or how am I doing with Claire being abducted by the freak who tried to kill me?
- Jack: I gave you aspirin for the heroin withdrawal.
- Locke: Hi.
- Sayid: I didn't hear you.
- Locke: Sorry. I'm sneakier than I give myself credit for.
- Hurley: [to Jin] Are you sure you don't speak English? There's a rumor that you do... Your wife's hot!
(Jin looks, bewildered)
- Jack: What do you think his story is?
- Charlie: Who, Locke? Guy's a freak of nature. Highly disturbed. Chances are he probably killed all his mates at the post office the day his mum forgot to put a cookie in this lunch tin. That was my first impression anyway. Then he saved my life.
- Jack: Then you trust him?
- Charlie: Trust him? No offense, mate, but if there was one person on this island that I would put my absolute faith in to save us all, it would be John Locke.
Special [1.14]
- Jack: What is that?
- Charlie: Claire's diary.
- Sayid: You read her diary?
- Charlie: Yeah, I know. I'm bloody scum.
- Hurley: We're having another tournament for the last of the deodorant sticks.
- Walt: [after throwing knife at tree] Man! I suck!
- Sawyer: Good literature is kinda scarce around here.
- Charlie: [to Sawyer] You hit like a ponce.
Homecoming [1.15]
- Sawyer: Looks like ol' Steve drew the short straw.
- Hurley: Dude, that was Scott.
- Claire: I remember peanut butter. Why do I remember peanut butter?
- Charlie: It was imaginary peanut butter, actually.
- Charlie: You boys talk about Claire all you want. I'm actually going to go spend some time with her. I get the impression she might still be a tad upset.
- Jack: Do you know how to use a gun?
- Sawyer: Well, there's one polar bear that seems to think so.
- Sawyer: Winner by a knockout. Nice one, Doc. Now maybe somebody can tell me who or what this son of a bitch is. Unh-unh-unh, Jungle Boy. Not even for one second.
Outlaws [1.16]
- Charlie: Hurley, look, I appreciate the help. You don't have to. I killed Ethan, I can bury him.
- Hurley: Yeah, 'til he raises from the dead. Dude, I know how this works. This is going to end with you and me running through the jungle... screaming, crying... he catches me first because I'm heavy and I get cramps.
- Christian Shepherd: [to Sawyer] Don't let the air conditioning fool you. You're here, too. You are suffering.
- Laurence: You must be Hibbs' mate. I did a few jobs with Hibbs back in the state. Nice enough fella.
- Sawyer: He's a son of a bitch!
- Laurence: Right, indeed he is.
- [Kate and Sawyer play "I never"]
- Sawyer: I've never been in love!
- Kate: You've never been in love?
- Sawyer: I aint drinking, am I?
- [Kate drinks]
- Kate: I never had a one-night stand!
- [Sawyer drinks]
- Kate: Bottom's up, Sailor!
- Sawyer: I gotta drink for each one?!!
- [Sawyer and Kate's camp has been terrorised by the boar]
- Sawyer: I can't believe this!
- Kate: There are hoofmarks everywhere!
- Sawyer: It ate all our stuff!!
- Kate: No, it ate your stuff. Mine's fine.
- Christian Shephard: Do you know why they call Australia "Down Under"? Because it's as close as you can get to Hell without being burned.
- Christian Shephard: This... This business that you have... Will it ease your suffering?
- Sawyer: Yeah.
- Christian Shephard: Then what are you doing here?
- Sawyer: It aint that simple.
- Christian Shephard: Of course it is! Unless you want to end up like me, of course it is!
...In Translation [1.17]
- Locke: Sure, you can yell at Boone 'til you're blue in the face, but all you're doing is giving him what he wants.
- Shannon: Yeah? What's that?
- Locke: Your attention.
- Sawyer: You're pretty scared, huh? Scared, you understand scared, don't you? Huh? [Sawyer pushes Jin down.] If you ain't, you're going to be, Bruce. Folks down on the beach might have been doctors and accountants a month ago, but it's Lord of the Flies time, now.
- Sun: My husband is many things. But he is not a liar.
- Sawyer: You gonna lecture us about lying, Betty? From the look on his face even your old man here didn't know you speak English!
- Jin: [about Sun] In a good world... she would hate her father, not me.
- Jin's father: It is a good world.
- Locke: They've attacked us, sabotaged us, abducted us, murdered us... We're not the only people on this island and we all know it!
Numbers [1.18]
- Carmen (Hurley's mother): Where are you taking me? You know very well I don't like suprises.
- Hurley: Oh, you're going to like this one, Ma. I mean, after everything you've been through...like Grandpa...
- Carmen: [Crosses self, says prayer in Spanish]
- Hurley: Then at the funeral, Father Aguilar getting struck by lightning. Man, that was a freak storm. And Diego moving back home after Lisa left him for that...waitress.
- Carmen: Don't mention that whore to me!
- Hurley: You don't know?! Okay... that thing in the woods? Maybe it's a monster. Maybe it's a... pissed off giraffe, I don't know. The fact that no one is even looking for us? Yeah, that's weird. But I just go along with it, 'cause I'm along for the ride. Good old fun-time Hurley. Well, guess what? Now — I want some friggin' answers!
- Hurley: [to Sayid] She [Rousseau] says "Hey".
- Charlie: You're not the only one with baggage, you know. Do you want to know what I was doing when the plane went down? Snorting heroin, in the toilet. I was such a junkie I couldn't even take a plane trip without having a fix.
- Hurley: (in response to above) Back home I'm worth a hundred and fifty-six million dollars.
- Charlie: I bare my soul, and all I get is bloody jokes!
Deus Ex Machina [1.19]
- Jack: [on helping Sawyer] ...all I'm gonna get is a snappy one-liner, and, if I'm lucky, a brand-new nickname.
- Jack: [diagnosing Sawyer] Have you ever had sex with a prostitute?
- Sawyer: What's that got to do with my headaches?
- Jack: Maybe a lot.
- Sawyer: ...yes.
- Jack: Have you ever contracted an STD? [Sawyer is silent] I'll take that as a yes. When was your last outbreak?
- Sawyer: Go to hell, Doc.
- Kate: I know he deserved it, but...
- Jack: He needs glasses.
- Jack: You've got hyperopia.
- Sawyer: Hyperopia? That's..... What is that?
- Jack: You're farsighted.
- Hurley: [on Sawyer's new glasses] Dude, looks like someone steamrolled Harry Potter.
- Boone: [In Locke's hallucination] Theresa falls up the stairs, Theresa falls down the stairs.
- Kate: Thank you for helping him [Sawyer] I know it was probably the last thing you wanted to do.
- Jack: I didn't do it for him.
Do No Harm [1.20]
- Shannon: Oh, okay. Are you lost?
- Sayid: No, absolutely not. Those trees look really familiar. It's this way...I think.
- Shannon: Did you just say 'I think'?
- Jack: [on Charlie's scant collection of responses to the "blood type" question] You only asked four people?!
- Charlie: I asked the whole sodding camp! Nobody knows their blood type! Most don't know their blood type! I don't know my own bloody blood type!
- Boone: [between raspy breaths] I know you made a promise. I'm letting you off the hook. Let me go, Jack.
- Jack: I'm sorry.
- Boone: Don't be.
- Boone: Tell Shannon... Tell Shannon... Tell... [dies]
- Jack: He (Boone) didn't die, he was murdered.
- Kate: Where are you going?
- Jack: To find John Locke.
The Greater Good [1.21]
- Sayid: I didn't know Boone very well, and for that I am sorry. On our sixth day here a woman named Joanna died. She drowned. And Boone was the first one into the water. I didn't know him, but I remember his courage. And I know he will be missed.
- Kate: I crushed up some sleeping pills and put them in your juice.
- Jack: You drugged me?
- Kate: Yeah.
- Kate: Hey, brought you something to eat.
- Jack: What's in it, chloroform?
- Sayid: Take me to the hatch.
- Locke: What? I already showed you....
- Sayid: John! No more lies.
- Sayid: [noticing the scar where Locke's kidney was removed] What's that?
- Locke: War wound.
- Sayid: Looks more like a surgical scar.
- Locke: Like I said, war wound.
Born to Run [1.22]
- Locke: Why would Kate poison Michael?
- Hurley: Well, you know, the whole fugitive thing. [Jack gawks at Hurley] He doesn't know? [Jack shakes his head]. Well how am I supposed to keep straight who knows what around here? I mean, Steve didn't even know about the polar bear.
- Tom: No self-respecting man in Iowa goes anywhere without beer.
- Charlie: Okay, check this out...this is track two, it's called — [Claire tries to stop him from moving] sorry, it's called 'Monster Eats the Pilot.'
Exodus, Part One [1.23]
- Rousseau: You have three choices: run, hide... or die.
- Arzt: You know what? I'm going back.
- Jack: Hey. I thought you wanted to help.
- Arzt: Yeah, I wanted to help, but that was before Montand lost his frickin' arm.
- Hurley: So, Arnzt.
- Arzt: Arzt.
- Hurley: Yeah, Arnzt. Your name's hard to pronounce.
- Arzt: Well, I know a bunch of ninth graders who have no trouble saying it.
- Hurley: Fine. I'll just call you by your first name. I know it from the passenger manifest.
- Arzt: No.
- Hurley: Why not? I think Leslie's a bitchin' name.
- Arzt: Arnzt is fine.
- Sawyer: By the time you get back we'll be in the water. Guess this is pretty much goodbye, then.
- Jack: Yeah, I guess it is. Good luck, Sawyer.
- Sawyer: [pause] Jack! About a week before we all got on the plane I got to talking to this man in a bar in Sydney. He was American, too. A doctor. I've been on some benders in my time, but this guy he was going for an all time record. It turns out this guy has a son his son's a doctor, too. They had some kind of big time falling out. The guy knew it was his fault even though his son was back in the States thinking the same damn thing.
- Jack: [starts to recognize who Sawyer's talking about]
- Sawyer: See, kids are like dogs, you knock them around enough they'll think they did something to deserve it. Anyway, there's a pay phone in this bar. And this guy, Christian... tells me he wishes he had the stones to pick up the phone, call his kid, tell him he's sorry, that he's a better doctor than he'll ever be he's proud and he loves him. I had to take off, but something tells me he never got around to making that call. Small world, huh?
- Jack: [unable to hold back tears] Yeah...
- Sawyer: Good luck, Jack.
Exodus, Part Two [1.24]
- Michael: You singing Bob Marley?
- Sawyer: No. [little pause] Why? You like Bob Marley?
- Michael: Man, who doesn't like Bob Marley?
- Arzt: Did you hear about the guy who invented nitroglycerin? He blew his freakin' face off! Nitroglycerin is the most unstable substance known to man. It is extremely temperamental so you have to be..
- [Arzt unexpectedly explodes]
- Hurley: Dude...
- [Arzt is blown up]
- Hurley: That was messed up.
- Hurley: You have some...Arzt...on you.
- Sawyer: Who the hell is Hugo and how did he get a hundred and sixty million dollars to leave to his mama?!?
- Hurley: How exactly does something like this happen?
- Danielle: Are you on the same island as I am?
- Locke: Did you ever play Operation, Jack?
- Jack: Yeah. Don't touch the sides.
- Locke: I always got nailed on the funny bone. [Locke says BZZZT loudly. Jack flinches, and Locke smiles.]
- Jack: You like to play games, Locke?
- Locke: Absolutely!
Exodus, Part Three [1.25]
- Michael: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalt! No! Waaaaaaaaaalt!
- Jack: What the hell was all that about back there, John?
- Locke: What was what about?
- Jack: You asked me to let you go.
- Locke: That's right.
- Jack: That thing was taking you down the hole and you asked me to let you go.
- Locke: It wasn't going to hurt me.
- Jack: No, John, it was going to kill you.
- Locke: I seriously doubt that.
- Jack: Look, I need for you -- I need for you to explain to me what the hell's going on inside your head, John. I need to know why you believe that that thing wasn't going to...
- Locke: I believe that I was being tested.
- Jack: Tested?
- Locke: Yeah, tested.
- Jack: I think...
- Locke: That's why you and I don't see eye-to-eye sometimes, Jack -- because you're a man of science.
- Jack: Yeah, and what does that make you?
- Locke: Me, well, I'm a man of faith. Do you really think all this is an accident -- that we, a group of strangers survived, many of us with just superficial injuries? Do you think we crashed on this place by coincidence -- especially, this place? We were brought here for a purpose, for a reason, all of us. Each one of us was brought here for a reason.
- Jack: Brought here? And who brought us here, John?
- Locke: The island. The island brought us here. This is no ordinary place, you've seen that, I know you have. But the island chose you, too, Jack. It's destiny.
- Jack: Did you talk with Boone about destiny, John?
- Locke: Boone was a sacrifice that the island demanded. What happened to him at that plane was a part of a chain of events that led us here -- that led us down a path -- that led you and me to this day, to right now.
- Jack: And where does that path end, John?
- Locke: The path ends at the hatch. The hatch, Jack -- all of it -- all of it happened so that we could open the hatch.
- Jack: No, no, we're opening the hatch so that we can survive.
- Locke: Survival is all relative, Jack.
- Jack: I don't believe in destiny.
- Locke: Yes, you do. You just don't know it yet.
- Jack: If we survive this, if we survive tonight, we're gonna have a Locke problem. And I need to know that you got my back.
- Kate: I got your back.
- Hurley: Oh dude, no way...
Man of Science, Man of Faith [2.1]
- Hurley: (frightened, whispering to himself) 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.. 4, 8 we're dead 15 doomed and dead 16 23..
- Kate: Hurley, are you okay?
- Hurley: Oh, yeah, awesome. I just have to pee. (Kate moves to the hatch) Great idea, dude, go over to the burning death hole.
- Hurley: What's that thing where doctors make you feel better just by talking to you?
- Jack: Bedside manner?
- Hurley: Yeah, that. Yours sucks, dude.
- Charlie: Jack, where's Doctor Arzt?
- Jack: He.. uh.. he didn't make it.
- Desmond: Lower your gun, or I'll blow his damn head off, brother!
- Jack: You.
Adrift [2.2]
- Sawyer: [returning to the island] We're home.
- Desmond: [showing Locke an Apple II computer] Can you use this?
- Locke: I haven't seen one of these in twenty years!
- Sawyer: [after pulling a bullet out of his shoulder] You got a Band-Aid?
- Sawyer: [to Michael on the remains of the raft] What are you gonna do, splash me?
- Jin: (first speaks Korean) Others! Others!
- Michael: Well I guess I know why the shark is hanging around. Your shoulder.
- Sawyer: Oh, well I'll just stop bleeding then.
- Desmond: What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
- Locke: I don't know what you're talking about...
- Desmond: Get rid of the knife. You're not HIM!
Orientation [2.3]
- Locke: [after viewing Dharma Initiative orientation film] We're gonna need to watch that again.
- Locke: I just don't think 30 dollars are worth getting angry about.
- Moderator: Well, Francine feels like 30 dollars...
- Locke: Francine feels a little too much if you ask me. You all do. I mean, seriously: "So-and-so never called me back", "my mother stole 30 dollars from me". I never even knew who my parents were. A couple of years ago, my birth mother found me, and... She told me, I was special! And through her, I met my real father. Great news, right? Well, he pretended to love me just long enough to steal my kidney because he needed a transplant! And then he dropped me back in the world like a piece of trash. Just like he did on the day that I was born! You want your damned 30 dollars back? I want my kidney back!!!
- Desmond: So I started pushing the button too. And we saved the world together for a while, and that was lovely. Then Kelvin died, and now here I am all alone. The end.
- Locke: Why do you find it so hard to believe?
- Jack: Why do you find it so easy?
- Locke: It's never been easy!!
- Jack: Why are you running, you DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE RUNNING FROM!
- Desmond: See ya in another life brotha.
Everybody Hates Hugo [2.4]
- Jin: [in English] Hi there, Hurley.
- Hurley: Jin, you're here.
- Jin: That's right.
- Hurley: Dude, you speak English!
- Jin: No, you're speaking Korean.
- Hurley: [in Korean] I am? [A man in a chicken costume appears next to Jin.] What's he doing here?
- Jin: Everything's going to change.
- Hurley: What?
- Jin: Everything's going to change. Have a cluckity cluck-cluck day, Hugo.
- Giant Chicken: [female voice] Hurley!
- Carmen Reyes [Hurley's mom]: The only time you move is to lift a drumstick out of the bucket. Every day is the same thing, Hugo: work, TV, chicken. You have to change your life, Hugo. You think someone else will do it for you? Maybe if you pray every day, Jesus Christ will come down from heaven, take two hundred pounds, and bring you a decent woman and a new car. Yes — Jesus can bring you a new car!
- Hurley: Maybe I don't wanna change. Maybe I like my life.
- [the telephone rings in the next room, offscreen]
- Carmen: Oh! That must be Jesus! [she leaves the room and answers the phone] Hola? Momento. [shouting to Hurley] It is Jesus! He wants to know what color car you want!
- Charlie: [to Hurley] I'm sorry, I must have confused it with the 900 trillion I am worth myself. And this baby's made of chocolate lollipops. So if you'll excuse us, I'm going to flap my wings and fly off this island.
- Michael: Everything is cool. We had a talk and they believe we were on the plane too.
- Sawyer: Swell. I guess we can all sue Oceanic together.
- Ana-Lucia: You do what I tell you. When I say, "move" you move. When I say "stop" you stop. When I say "jump", what do you say?
- Sawyer: You first.
- Bernard: Back where you guys came from. Is there a woman named Rose.
- Sawyer: Black chick, In the 50's.
...And Found [2.5]
- Hurley: Dude, dogs will eat anything. When I was a kid, my dog, Buster... I had this drawer where I'd throw in all my change, right... and I guess there were some Smarties in there... so, like, the next day, Buster craps out a $1.35 in nickels.
- Sun: Did you see me?
- Locke: Saw you ripping apart your own garden? No.
- Sun: (Smiles)
- Locke: Sometimes I wish I had a garden to rip apart.
- Locke: I heard you have lost your wedding ring.
- Sun: Yes. I have been looking for it everywhere.
- Locke: You know, I have once lost something valuable to me. Luckily, I found it later.
- Sun: How?
- Locke: By finding it the way everything gets found.
- Sun: (Staring at Locke)
- Locke: I stopped looking.
- Sawyer: So what's your name anyway?
- Mr. Eko: Mistereko.
- Sawyer: Mr. Eko
- Mr. Eko: (Smiling) Yes.
- Sawyer: Whats that like Mister Ed?
Abandoned [2.6]
- Ana-Lucia: [Upon hearing the Whispers after Cindy is abducted by The Others] RUN!!!!.
- Boone: [To Shannon, at her father's funeral] Death sucks, doesn't it?
The Other 48 Days [2.7]
- Goodwin: We're not savages
- Ana-Lucia: If I were a savage I would've cut his finger off already... That's tomorrow.
- Ana Lucia: You've been waiting 40 days to talk?
- Mr. Eko: You waited 40 days to cry.
Collision [2.8]
- Jack: [after Kate persuades a semiconscious Sawyer to swallow medicine] That was good. I, uh, never learned the whole whisper-in-his-ear thing in medical school.
- Sayid: [to Ana-Lucia] Almost 40 days ago on this very island I tied a man to a tree and tortured him. I tortured him as I've tortured many men... men whose voices I still hear in the night. Should you kill me? Maybe you should. Maybe you were meant to.
- Sayid: What would be the use in killing you if we're already dead?
- Sayid: She has no plan! She only has her guilt, and her gun!
What Kate Did [2.9]
- Hurley: So... Rose's husband is white. Didn't see that one comin'.
- [Kate fears that she's hallucinating.]
- Kate: Do you see that?
- Sawyer: If you mean the big-ass horse standing in the jungle... then, uh, yeah.
- [Sawyer thinks they've finally been rescued, Kate helps him outside into the jungle]
- Sawyer: Son of a bitch!
- Eko: Don't mistake coincidence for fate.
- Diane: I made my bed Katherine.
- Kate: Your bed's gone ma.
- [They chat in the computer system]
- Walt:Who is this?
- Michael:This is Michael. Who is this?
- Walt:Dad?
- Kate: I'm sorry.
- Jack: Are you?
- Kate: Yeah I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I'm not as perfect as you, I'm sorry that I'm not as good!
- Jack: What's going on with you?
- Kate: Just forget it
- Jack: No, don't walk away from me.
- Kate: Let go of me!
- [Kate struggles in Jack's arms and begins to cry]
- Kate: Don't! I can't!
- Jack: It's okay! It's okay! Hey...
- Kate: I can't. This place, this place is crazy! I can't - it's driving me nuts!
- Jack: I know, it's okay, it's all right, okay?
- Kate kisses him
The 23rd Psalm [2.10]
- Charlie: What are you gonna do, beat me with your Jesus stick? I find it kind of ironic that your scripture stick has dried blood on it. What kind of priest are you?
- Charlie: Most people, when they see a monster made of black smoke, they run!
- Eko: How many of the statues do you have? The Virgin Mary statues?
- Yemi: I have 300.
- Eko: I will take all of them. I guess we are both sinners now.
- Yemi: Perhaps we are. But God will forgive me Eko.
The Hunting Party [2.11]
- Jack: [to Sawyer] Hey, what are you doing?
- Sawyer: What's it look like? (arming self) I'm coming with ya.
- Jack: You're still on antibiotics.
- Sawyer: It's a good thing I'm travelling with my doctor then.
- Sawyer: [to Jack] What'd she do to you?
- Jack: What?
- Sawyer: Kate. What'd she do?
- Jack: She didn't do anything.
- Sawyer: Right. Yellin' at her because she wanted to help get Mike back makes a lot of sense.
- Jack: Why don't you go back and see if I hurt her feelings?
- Sawyer: I'm just sayin'...
- Jack: Yeah. I know. You love her.
- Sawyer: [to Locke] Oh, I don't know, Mr. Clean, I probably would have gone around Mt. Vesuvius.
- Locke: Why'd you choose that name?
- Sawyer: Aint it obvious, all you need is an ear-ring and a mop.
- Hurley: So what do you think is the story with that Libby chick?
- Charlie: Story?
- Hurley: She's kind of cute, right? You know, in an I've-been-terrorized-by-the-Others-for-forty-days kind of way?
- Charlie: Yeah, there is that.
- Hurley: I think I have a chance with her. I mean, it's a classic desert island scenario.
- Sawyer: [to Locke] Well, yeah, there's my favorite leaf. How could I forget this place?
- Locke: [to Jack] Who are we to tell anyone what they can or cannot do?
- [The hunting party is talking to Mr. Friendly.]
- Mr. Friendly: [to Jack] Let me ask you something. How long have you been here on the island?
- Jack: 50 days.
- Mr. Friendly: Fuuh! 50 days. That's about two whole months. Tell me, when you go over to man's house for the first time, do you take off your shoes? Do you put your feet up on his coffee table? Do you walk to the kitchen and eat food that doesn't belong to you? Open doors to rooms you got no business opening?
- [Jack, Sawyer and Locke stare silently]
- Mr. Friendly: You know, somebody a whole lot smarter than anybody here once said, since the dawn of our species, man has been blessed with curiosity. [to Jack] You know the other one 'bout curiosity, don't you Jack?
- [Jack stares silently]
- Mr. Friendly: This is not your island. This is our island and the only reason that you're livin' on it, is because we let you live on it.
- Jack: [to Ana Lucia] How long would it take to train an army?
- Sawyer: [to Mr. Friendly] You and me ain't done Zeke.
Fire + Water [2.12]
- Locke: Are you using again?
- Charlie: Kate sees a horse. Pretty much everyone has seen Walt wandering around in the jungle, but when it's Charlie, it must be the bloody drugs!
- Locke: It's funny you didn't answer the question.
- Eko: Do you know what baptism is?
- Claire: It's what gets you into heaven.
- Eko: It is said that when John the Baptist baptized Jesus the skies opened up and a dove flew down from the sky. This told John something -- that he had cleansed this man of all his sins. That he had freed him. Heaven came much later.
- Charlie: Who the Hell are you, John? You're not Aaron's responsibility! Where were you when he was born, where were you when he was taken? You're not his father, you're not his family!
- Locke: Neither are you, Charlie.
- Locke: You've given up the right to be believed!
The Long Con [2.13]
- Jack: What are you doing?
- Sawyer: Shh I'm like this close to getting the high score on Donkey Kong.
- Sawyer: Hate to interrupt whatever the Hell it is you're doing. What are you doing?
- Locke: I'm alphabetizing.
- Sawyer: Oh, sure. Sun gets attacked in the jungle and you figure it's a good time to start the damn Dewey decimal system. Good thinking!
- Sawyer: You even made Locke take a swing at you. Hell, that's like getting Gandhi to beat his kids.
- [Sawyer reveals to the survivors that he now has possesion of the guns.]
- Sawyer: So how about you listen up...'cause I'm only gonna say this once. You took my stuff. While I was trying to get us help...get us rescued...you found my stash and you took it. Divied it all up. My shaving cream...my batteries...even my beer! And then something else happens, y'all have decided that these two boys here [to Jack and Locke] are going to tell you what to do and when to do it. Well I'm done taking orders. And I don't want my stuff back. Shaving cream don't matter. Batteries don't matter. Only thing that matters now... are guns. And if you want one, you gonna have to come to me to get it. Oh! you wanna torture me don't ya?? [to Sayid]. Show everybody else how civilized you are? Go ahead...but I'll die before I give them back. And then you'll really be screwed, won't ya?
- Kate: [finding an article]: Alright, 10 Ways To Tell If He's A Sensitive Man.
- Sawyer: This ought to be good.
- Locke: [passes by] Morning.
- Kate: Morning, John.
- Sawyer: Now there's a sensitive man.
- Kate: Not everyone is like you, Sawyer.
- Sawyer: I guess that's why old Jacko and Ana-loo-loo didn't ask me to join their revolution. What, you didn't hear about their little army?
- Sawyer: There is a new sheriff in town boys! Y'all best get used to it.
- Sawyer: [to Charlie] I'm not good person, Charlie. Never did a good thing in my life.
- Sawyer: No it's not. This one's black. Different weave. It's all in the details. And they're wrong.
- Sawyer: [to Kate] You couldn't get away. You versus Sun -- hot oil death match -- my money's on you, Sheena.
- Kate: Thanks for your vote of confidence.
- Kate:Jack, how well do you know Ana-Lucia? It's just... the Others. I was out there with you. I heard that man say that if we stayed away they would leave us alone. And we've left them alone. So why would they attack us a few days later?
- Jack: Well if it wasn't them, who was it?
- Kate:Like I said. How well do you know Ana-Lucia?
- Jack:Where were you today?
- Ana-Lucia: A lot of places.
- Jack: During the rainstorm?
- Ana-Lucia: You think I had something to do with Sun getting grabbed? Now where would you get an idea like that?
- Cassidy: A little bit.
- Sawyer: Well here's the good news baby. Everyone's scared. And the thing they're scared of most, is missing an opportunity.
- Sawyer: [To Cassidy]Remember when you said I was all you ever wanted? Well now you know better.
One of Them [2.14]
- Rousseau: Sayid, for a long time he will lie.
- Rousseau: He is one of them.
- Sayid: [to Henry] I was 23 years old when the Americans came to my country. I was a good man. I was a soldier. And when they left, I was something different. For the next six years, I did things I wish I could erase from my memory, things which I never thought myself to be capable of. But I did come to learn this. There is a part of me that I'm always capable of. You want to know who I am? [pause] My name is Sayid Jarrah...and I am a torturer.
- Sayid: [Shouting at Henry] YOU WOULD REMEMBER HOW DEEP! YOU WOULD REMEMBER EVERY SHOVELFUL, EVERY MOMENT! You would remember what it felt like to place her body inside. You would remember if you buried the woman you loved... YOU WOULD REMEMBER, [quiets and sobs] if it were true!
- [four minute warning alarm is sounding]
- Jack: [to Locke] Open the door.
- Locke: Let go of me Jack.
- Jack: Or what? You wanna push the button? Open the door.
- [one minute warning alarm blares]
- Jack: It's under a minute now John, you better think fast.
- Locke: You wouldn't.
- Jack: What? I "wouldn't" what?
- Locke: If we don't... you would risk everyone's lives?
- Jack: You talked me into pushing that button once John, but it's yours now. You're the one who won't risk it. You. Me? I don't think anything's going to happen when we get down to zero.
- Locke: [struggling] Jack-
- Jack: You wanna see what's gonna happen? Let's just SEE what's gonna happen!
- Sawyer: Why don't you shut up, Hammo. Or your ranch disorder's going to be the new lead item on the coconut internet.
- "Henry Gale": What do you want?!
- Sayid: [punches "Henry"] I WANT YOU TO TELL ME THE TRUTH!
- Sayid: But there's no way that I could explain this to Locke and Jack for they have already forgotten.
- Charlie: Forgotten what?
- Sayid: That you were strung up by your neck and left for dead. That they kidnapped Claire and she was gone for weeks during which God only knows what happened to her. That these people, these Others are merciless and will stop at nothing to get what they want. So, tell me Charlie, have you forgotten?
Maternity Leave [2.15]
- Locke: [to Eko] If the alarm goes off, don't tell [Henry Gale] what it's for.
- Eko: ...What is it for?
- Jack [to Locke]: Well, John, let me ask you this: we don't have a long term plan for the button, but we keep pushing it, don't we? Look, until we know who he is - whether or not he's telling the truth - we have to keep doing what we're doing. If you've got a better idea, let's hear it.
- Gale [faintly, from his cell]: Why don't you let me go?
The Whole Truth [2.16]
- [Ana-Lucia is questioning Henry, though the cell is silent.]
- Jack: How do we know he hasn't snapped her neck?
- Locke: How do we know she hasn't snapped his?
- Ana-Lucia: Sayid, can I talk to you?
- Sayid: Of course.
- Ana-Lucia: Alone?
- Sayid: Whatever you need to say, you can say it here.
- Ana-Lucia: It's about the hatch.
- Charlie: Oh, you mean the guy locked in the closet there?
- Sayid: Do Jack and Locke know about this?
- Ana-Lucia: Jack and Locke are a little too busy worrying about Locke and Jack.
- Charlie: You looking at my bum?
- Ana-Lucia: No, I'm looking at your gun.
- Charlie: My what?
- Ana-Lucia: Maybe you should give the gun to somebody who knows how to use it.
- Charlie: Maybe I will. As I recall, the last time you had a gun you murdered someone.
- Anna Lucia: [to Sayid] People don't like me. [Pauses] I tried to get them to, most of my life.[Pauses] I guess I just, gave up a while back. I mean, I am what I am. But you, you've got a good reason to hate me. [Pauses] I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did.
- "Henry Gale"Men reject their prophets and slay them, but they love their martyrs and honor those whom they have slain. [to Jack] So what's the difference between a martyr and a prophet?"
- Jack: "Either way, it sounds like you end up dead."
- Kate: [to Sun] You're preganant.
- Sawyer: [to Jin] Hey, daddy-o.
- [Henry is eating cereal]
- "Henry Gale": Course if I was one of them - these people that you seem to think are your enemies - what would I do? Well, there'd be no balloon. So I'd draw a map to a real secluded place, like a cave or some underbrush, good place for a trap. An ambush. And when your friends got there, a bunch of my people would be waiting for 'em. Then they'd use them to trade for me. [jokingly] I guess it's a good thing I'm not one of them huh?
- [Jack and Locke stare at Henry]
- "Henry Gale": You guys got any milk?
- [In Korean]
- Sun: Oh yes, I was trying to trap the son of a fisherman.
Lockdown [2.17]
- Sawyer [to Jack]: How about you put your mangos where your mouth is?
- Sawyer: Wanna play real stakes? Name 'em!
- Jack: It's a pile of fruit, man.
- Sawyer: And I want it back.
- Kate: Should I go get a ruler?
- Jack: So, what's done is done.
- Sawyer: When I asked you what you wanted for stakes, why didn't you ask for the guns?
- Jack: When I need the guns, I'll get the guns.
- Locke: Who are you?
- Gale: My name is Henry Gale. I'm from Minnesota and I crashed on this island just like you.
- Anthony Cooper: I killed myself off because there are two men out there who were going to beat me to it.
- Locke: Oh, what did you do, steal their livers?
- Ana-Lucia [sitting below the balloon]: Why isn't it raining here?
- Charlie [looking at parachute]: What the bloody hell is that?
- Locke: [to Helen] Will you marry me?
- Kate: Should I go get a ruler?
- Locke: Thank you Henry. Thank you for not leaving me.
- Sayid [to 'Henry Gale']: We did find your ballon, Henry Gale. Exactly as you described it. We also found the grave you described. Your wifes grave. The grave you said you dug with you own bare hands. It was all there. Your whole story. Your alibi. It was all true. But still I did not believe it to be true. So I dug up that grave... And found not a woman inside but there was a man, a man named Henry Gale.
Dave [2.18]
- [Hurley is in a mental institution, about to take his medication]
- Dave: Dude, if you wanna get out of here with me, don't take the horse tranquilizer.
- Dave: You know what tastes even better than freedom? Cheeseburgers.
- Charlie: Any of you guys see a plane last night?
- Sawyer: Yeah I saw it Tattoo. I just decided not to tell anyone.
- Sawyer: You're like locusts! How about a little order here?
- Charlie: Shouldn't we make someone trustworthy take care of this?
- Sawyer: Oh, like you Baby Napper?
- Libby: OK, hey, guys, guys: How about no-one's in charge, OK? I'm sure everyone can manage to just take what they need
- Sawyer: Great plan, Moonbeam. After That we can sing "Kumbaya" and do trust falls.
- Sawyer: I've got enough food now to open a chain of mini marts. Hey, you think Sayid needs a job?
- Kate: So he just attacked you, huh?
- Sawyer: Try to contain yourself, Freckles
- Kate: What? I'm worried. You look like you got your ass kicked.
- Sawyer: Don't you got an adventure to get to? I think Timmy fell down a well over that way.
- Libby: That's a lot of peanut butter.
- Hurley: Well, I'm going to need a lot of protein where I'm going.
- Libby: And where are you going?
- Hurley: Back to the caves. No one lives there now. So I won't bother anybody. I'm going to live alone and be one of those guys. You know the crazy guys, with no clothes, and the big beard... who's naked and throws doodie at people.
- Hurley: Look, you cant help me, ok? Nobody can.
- Hurley: I like that I have a good relationship with my mom. I like making my Grandpa Tito laugh. I like... chicken
- Dr. Brooks: Well, that last one wasn't about you, Hugo.
- Hurley: I like that I like chicken?
- Dr. Brooks: Dave isn't your friend, Hugo. Because Dave doesn't exist.
- Dave: When you do wake up, come find me. I'm sure I miss you.
- Henry: God doesn't know how long we've been here, John. He can't see this island any better than the rest of the world.
- Henry: I never entered the numbers, I never pushed the button.
- Locke: You're lying.
- Henry: No. I'm done lying.
- [Charlie sees Eko sawing wood]
- Charlie: What are you makin'?
- Mr. Eko: Hold that end.
- Charlie: Is it a Starbucks?
- Hurley: Did either of you see a guy run through here...in a bathrobe...with a coconut?
- Charlie: No... I saw a polar bear on rollerblades with a mango.
S.O.S. [2.19]
- Bernard: Have you all forgotten that we crashed on this island? It's like none of you want to go home again!
- Bernard: [To Eko] I liked you better when you just hit people with your stick!
- Charlie: (Looking at Eko after Bernard left) I like you just the way you are.
- Kate: I'm sorry I kissed you.
- Jack: [pause] I'm not.
- Sawyer : [About Jack] Oh happy day, here comes Dr. Giggles.
Two For the Road [2.20]
- Locke: Why would your own people want to kill you?
- Henry: Because the man in charge... He's a great man, John, a brilliant man... but he is not a forgiving man.
- Henry: I was coming for you, John. You're one of the good ones.
- Locke: [trying to get Sawyer to give them the guns] Where are they, James?
- Sawyer: You too, Brutus?
- Sawyer: [After he and Ana-Lucia have sex] I guess that takes cuddlin' off the table.
- Michael [staring at the gun]: I'm sorry.
- Ana-Lucia: For what?
- (Michael shoots Ana-Lucia. Libby appears)
- Libby: Michael?!
- (Startled, Michael shoots Libby. He then opens the gun vault, aims the gun at Henry, then shoots himself in the left shoulder)
? [2.21]
- [Eko is chopping wood]
- Ana-Lucia: What are you building?
- Eko: Well, hello Ana.
- Ana-Lucia: Hello yourself. So are you going to tell me? What is it?
- Eko: I'm building a church.
- Ana-Lucia: (folds arms) Now why in the hell would you wanna do that?
- Eko: Because I was told to.
- Ana-Lucia: Told to by who?
- Eko: I was just told. I think it was in a dream.
- Ana-Lucia: A dream like this one? (Ana-Lucia is shown bloody from when Michael shot her)
- [Eko looks scared/upset]
- Ana-Lucia: You need to help John.
- Yemi: [to Eko] You must help John, he has lost his way. You must make him take you to the question mark.
- Eko: The question mark, John; where is it?
- Locke: You know what? You keep chasing after your own shadow.
- Eko: I know you don't want to show me, but you must.
- Locke: No, I don't have to show you anything.
- Eko: Then I'm sorry.
- [Eko knocks Locke out.]
- Locke: You're lost already?
- Eko: Your map is inexact.
- Locke: No kidding.
- Eko: Your map is inexact. These landmarks... is this a river?
- Locke: No, it's a wavy line. I didn't draw it, I just transcribed it. I told you, I don't even know if it is a map.
- Eko: Let's assume it is.
- Locke: What's the axe for?
- Eko: I don't know yet.
- Kate: I'm curious about something.
- Sawyer: Yeah, what's that?
- Kate: How did Ana-Lucia get your gun?
- Sawyer: I don't know, she must have lifted it off me.
- Kate: She pick-pocketed your gun? How'd she do that?
- Sawyer: Well, if I knew how she did it, she wouldn't be able to do it, now would she?
- Locke: Boone. Boone made it fall. Then he died. A sacrifice that the island demanded.
- Eko:What?
- Locke:Nothing.
- [after viewing the orientation film for The Pearl]
- Eko: Do you want to watch that again?
- Locke: No... No, I've seen enough.
- Locke: What are you doing?
- Eko: I'm taking this back with us.
- Locke: Why?
- Eko: Because they may be important.
- Locke: Important? I'm sorry, weren't you watching the same thing I was?
- Eko: Yes, and I believe the work you have been doing is more important now than ever.
- Locke: Work?
- Eko: Pushing the button.
- Locke: That's not work! That's a joke. Rats, in a maze, with no cheese.
- Eko: We are being tested.
- Locke: Tested?
- Eko: The reason to do it, pushing the button, is not because we are told so in the film.
- Locke: Well, then what is the reason, Mr. Eko?
- Eko: We do it because we believe we are meant to. Isn't that the reason you pushed it, John?
- Locke: I was never... meant to do anything! Every single second of my pathetic little life is as useless as that button! You think it's important? You think it's necessary? It's nothing, it's meaningless; and who are you to tell me that it's not?
- Hurley: [to an unconscious Libby] I'm sorry I forgot the blanket.
- Locke: [wakes up after being knocked down by Eko] You hit me... Why would you...?
- Eko: Because you were being difficult.
- Locke: Are you insane?
Three Minutes [2.22]
- Sawyer: So what happened out there in the jungle?
- Jack: Exactly what he said happened. He found a camp-
- Sawyer: I ain't talking about Mike. You and Freckles. Before you found him, you all were gone all night.
- Jack: We were caught in a net.
- Sawyer: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
- Jack: It means we got caught in a net.
- Sawyer: Is that what they're calling it these days?
- Michael: I hear you're a priest.
- Mr. Eko: Yes.
- Michael: I guess you believe in hell, then?
- Mr. Eko: For a brief time, I served in a small parish in England. Every Sunday after mass, I would see a young boy waiting at the back of the church. Then one day, the boy confessed to me that he had beaten his dog to death with a shovel. He said the dog had bitten his baby sister on the cheek and he needed to protect her. And he wanted to know whether he would go to hell for this. I told him that God would understand, and that he would be forgiven, as long as he was sorry. But the boy did not care about forgiveness. He was only afraid that if he did go to hell that the dog would be there, waiting for him.
- Sawyer: Who's gonna talk?
- Jack: What?
- Sawyer: The funeral. Who's gonna talk?
- Jack: I'm sure Hurley'll wanna say something about Libby.
- Sawyer: I never even knew her last name. Ana-Lucia.
- Jack: It's Cortez.
- Sawyer: Cortez. Well there you go. [silent pause] I screwed her.
- Jack: What?
- Sawyer: That's how she got my gun. Ana, she jumped me. We "got caught in a net."
- Jack: Why're you telling me this, Sawyer?
- Sawyer: Cause you're about the closest thing I've got to a friend, Doc. And cause she's gone- Well at least now we get to kill somebody.
- Mr. Friendly: [after Michael spits in his eye] I expected that. Don't do that again.
- Ms. Klugh: [coldly, after Michael demands to see Walt] You have three minutes.
Live Together, Die Alone [2.23]
- Desmond: [to Jack] But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji was it, no... No it was here, this... this island. And you know why?
- [Jack shakes his head]
- Desmond: Because this, is it. This is all there is left. This ocean, and this place here, we are stuck in a bloody snowglobe!
- Military Officer: [to Desmond about the Dickens book] Enjoy your sodding book.
- Sayid: [to Desmond] I need your boat.
- Desmond: I wouldn't waste your time. There's nothing out there pal.
- Sayid: I'm not going out there. I need to get to the north shore of the island, and quickly.
- Desmond: Off to see the hostiles are ya?
- Sayid: The what?
- Desmond:You know what? Ignorance is bliss.
- Sayid: [To Sun] I'm sorry if what I said was unclear. But I asked Jin to come.
- Sun: You need someone to translate. And you also need at least two people who know how to sail.
- Sayid: Desmond managed on his own.
- Sun: And look where he ended up.
- Locke: What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
- Desmond: "Smells like carrots."
- Locke: Hello, Desmond.
- Desmond: "Hello" yourself, box man.
- Hurley: Did that bird just say my name?
- Sawyer: Yeah it did, right before it crapped gold.
- Sawyer: When the Doc told me you all got caught in a net, I thought he meant, er- something else.
- Kate: Since when did you and Jack start talking about me?
- Sayid: (about the "foot") I do not know what is more disquieting---the fact that the rest of the statue is missing, or that it has four toes.
- Penelope: What are you running from, Desmond?
- Desmond: I have to get my honor back. And that's what I'm running to.
- Charlie: John! Eko is very upset, John!
- Charlie: John, look, seriously, you are about to be detonated!
- [Eko is about to detonate the dynamite inside the hatch to blow open the blast door]
- Charlie: Eko, wait. Just wait a second. I-I don't think it's a good idea, Eko. We're in a very confined area. [Eko lights the fuse, and ducks behind the wall] Oh, bollocks!
- Locke: [to Desmond] The Pearl is a psychological station, full of TV monitors. And uh, two men sat in viewing chairs and filled notebooks, with observations on what happens in here. And then they put the notebooks in pneumatic tubes, sent 'em back to their headquarters, so they could evaluate us, as an experiment.
- [Desmond sighs and walks around the room]
- Locke: What?
- Desmond: What if you've got it backwards?
- Locke: "Backwards"?
- Desmond: What if the experiment wasn't on the two men in [The Swan] but on the two men in [The Pearl]?
- [Desmond is studying the print-out taken from The Pearl]
- Locke: What are you doing?
- Desmond: ... When did you come here?
- Locke: What?
- Desmond: The island. When did you come here? How long ago?
- Locke: Sixty, sixty-five days-
- Desmond: What was the date, what was the date?
- Locke: September 22nd. It was September 22nd.
- Desmond: I think I crashed your plane.
- Desmond: On that day, those numbers turned to hieroglyphics, and this whole place just starting shakin', and that screen- that screen filled up with 'SYSTEM FAILURE', see, here, 'SYSTEM FAILURE, SYSTEM FAILURE', September 22nd, 2004, the day your plane crashed, it's real, it's all bloody real now PUSH THE DAMN BUTTON!
- Desmond: [after Locke destroys the computer] You killed us. You killed us all.
- Locke: No. I just saved us all.
- Penelope: (written in a letter to Desmond) Because all we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her.
- Locke: [to Eko] I was wrong.
- "Henry Gale": [to Hurley on the fate of Jack, Kate and Sawyer] Your friends are coming home with us.
- Michael: Who are you people?
- "Henry Gale": We're the good guys, Michael.
- Portugese man 1: [Translated from Portugese. The man sees the computer alerting to an electromagnetic anomaly] What?
- Portugese man 2: How long has it been doing that?
- [First man goes over to the equipment and hurriedly looks through a book]
- Portugese man 2: That's it, isn't it? We missed it again...
- Portugese man 1: We didn't miss it!
- [An alarm starts beeping and the first man goes to a computer screen.]
- Portugese man 2: So it's not a false alarm this time?!
- Portugese man 1: Just shut up and call!!
- [On the other end, a woman answers the phone]
- Woman: Hello?
- Portugese man 2: Ms. Widmore? It's us. I think we found it.
- [Penelope Widmore looks shocked as the episode cuts to black]
A Tale of Two Cities [3.1]
- Adam: [On Stephen King's Carrie] It's not even literature, it's popcorn
- Amelia: And why isn't it literature, Adam, I'm dying to know?
- Adam: There's no metaphor. It's by-the-number religious hokem-pokem.
- Amelia: No metaphor?
- Adam: It's science fiction. Now I know why Ben isn't here.
- Juliet: Excuse me?
- Adam: I know the host picks the book but seriously, Julie, he wouldn't read this in the damn bathroom.
- Juliet: Well, Adam, I am the host and I do pick the book, and this is my favorite book. So I am absolutely thrilled that you can't stand it.
- [Amelia grins]
- Juliet: Silly me for sinking so low as to select something that Ben wouldn't like. Here I am thinking that free will still actually exists on this...
- [The room begins to shake violently]
- Ben: [Sees that Juliet holding the book, Carrie] So I guess I'm out of the book club.
- Tom: Hey, you got yourself a fish biscuit! How'd you do that?
- Sawyer: Figured out your complicated gizmos, thats how.
- Tom: It only took the bears two hours.
- [Sawyer contemplates briefly]
- Sawyer: How many of 'em were there?
- Ben: [referring to the handcuffs on the table] Sorry, I'm going to have to ask you to put those on, Kate.
- Kate: And if I don't?
- Ben: Then you don't get any coffee.
- Juliet: What do you do, Jack? What's your profession?
- Jack: I'm a repo man. You know, when people don't pay their bills I go into the bank and collect their possessions. I'm a people person so I really love it.
- Juliet: Are you married?
- Jack: No. I never saw the point. What about you? What's your job, besides making sandwiches?
- Juliet: Oh, I didn't make it. I just put the toothpicks in.
The Glass Ballerina [3.2]
- Ben: Your flight crashed on September 22 2004. Today is November 29. That means you've been on our island for 69 days, and, yes, we do have contact with the outside world, Jack. That's how we know that, during those 69 days, your fellow Americans re-elected George W. Bush, Christopher Reeve has passed away. Boston Red Sox won the World Series.
- [
Jack starts to laugh] - Ben: What?
- Jack: [still laughing] If you wanted me to believe this, you probably should've picked somebody else, besides the Red Sox.
- Ben: No, they were down, three games to none, against the Yankees in the league championship, and then they won eight straight.
- Jack: Sure, sure, of course they did.
- [Ben turns on a video of Game 4 of the World Series, in the bottom of the ninth.]
- Joe Buck: ...back to Foulke...Red Sox fans have longed to hear it! The Boston Red Sox are world champions! [Jack gets up, moves towards the glass screen, stops laughing and appears lost for words] The Red Sox celebrate in the middle of the diamond...
- Ben: [turns off video] That's home, Jack, right there, on the other side of that glass, and if you listen to me, you trust me, if you do what I tell you, when the time comes, I'll take you there. I will take you home.
- Pickett: Alright, here's the jig - see these rocks, here? That's where you two come in. [points to Kate] You're going to chop them loose. [points to Sawyer] And you're going to haul them out of here.
- Kate: You expect me to work in this dress?
- Pickett: Well, it's up to you? You can take it off if you want.
- Sawyer: [to Pickett, unconvincingly] How dare you?
- Sawyer: Are you having fun yet, Freckles?
- Kate: Quit staring at my ass.
- Sawyer: Give me something else to stare at.
- Kate: Why did she call you James?
- Sawyer: [sighs] 'Cus that's my name. Noticed somethin' else, too.
- [pauses, grins]
- Sawyer: You taste like strawberries.
- Kate: You taste like fish biscuits.
- Sun: Why are you lying to me, Sayid?
- Sayid: And what would you know about lying, Sun?
- Sun: You're putting our lives in danger.
- Sayid: I'm fairly certain our friends have been captured. There are tracks all over the dock. They're fresh -- as recent as yesterday.
- Sun: You said this dock was abandoned.
- Sayid: That would be part of the lying you mentioned.
- Sun: If they get past you, that means my husband is dead. And I won't care anymore.
- Sun: Stop! Or I'll shoot!
- Colleen: No you won't, Sun. I know you, Sun-Hwa Kwon. And I know you're not a killer. But despite what you may think, I'm not the enemy. We are not the enemy. But if you shoot me, that's exactly what we'll become. [takes a step closer to Sun]
- Sun: Stop! I will- I'll shoot you. [Sun shoots Colleen in the stomach]
Further Instructions [3.3]
- Charlie: So, where are Eko and Desmond? Are they off being mute and building structures as well?
- Charlie: What the sodding hell is a sweat lodge?
- Charlie: You're not taking drugs are you, John? I only ask because of the strict zero tolerance policy you've enacted, and I wouldn't want you to have to start punching yourself in the face.
- Charlie: You are aware John, that I detest you, aren't you? You do remember repeatedly punching me in the face and accusing me of using heroin when I was not.
- Charlie: Hairspray? Now, I hate to be the one to point this out to you...
- Locke: [smiling] It's not for me.
- Hurley: Bear? Is that you? Who's there?
- Desmond: You alone, brother?
- Hurley: Uh, yeah.
- Hurley: [seeing that Desmond's naked] Whoa! Dude! I'm not alone.
- Desmond: Beach camp's right over there. Can you get me some clothes?
- Hurley: What happened to yours?
- Desmond: I woke up in the jungle like this.
- Hurley: So, like, the hatch blew off your underwear?
- Desmond: Fine, you want to discuss this in great detail right now? Let's do it.
- Hurley: No, no, that's okay. I've got something in here. How do you feel about tie-dye?
- Boone: [as Locke tries to call out to Jack, Kate and Sawyer] There's nothing you can do for them yet. First you have to clean up your own mess.
- Boone: [to Locke, after he sees Eko's Jesus stick drenched in blood] They've got him, John. You don't have much time.
Every Man For Himself [3.4]
- Pickett: Do you love this guy?!
- Paulo: You play golf?
- Desmond: I'm Scottish. Cheers.
- Juliet: I'm a fertility doctor. I'm not used to death.
- Jack (after failing to save Colleen): Time of death... (realizes that there is no clock) She's gone.
- Sawyer: Did you just kill that bunny?
- Desmond: You've got a problem with your roof.
- Claire: What?
- Desmond: Look, maybe you should move down the beach for the night so we can fix it.
- Charlie: Whatcha doing brotha?
- Desmond: I was just offering to fix this roof here.
- Charlie: Roof? It's fine. If there's a problem, I'll fix it. I'm quite handy. I was building a church before Eko . . . exploded.
- Charlie: (about Desmond) I don't know, we're going to have to get that guy another button to push.
- Juliet: It doesn't work that way over here Jack, we make decisions together.
- Jack: Really? Because when I was holding that broken plate to your neck, he seemed happy to just let you die. It seemed like he made that decision alone.
- Ben: God, I hate needles.
- Ben: (to the bunny) Hippity-hop, let's move it.
- Ben: (about the heartrate monitor) If and when it beeps, you're gonna wanna relax yourself. Do some deep breathing. Some yoga.
- Ben: Good morning. Let's go for a walk.
- Sawyer: What, don't you read? It's from Of Mice and Men. You'd like it. Puppies get killed.
- Ben: A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. It don't make no difference who the guy is, as long as he's with ya. I tell ya, I tell ya a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick.
- Sawyer: What the hell are you talking about?
- Ben: It's from Of Mice and Men. Don't you read?
The Cost of Living [3.5]
- Nikki (from trailer): What is that?
- Eko: Yes, I am ready. I ask for no forgiveness, Father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. A small boy once asked me if I was a bad man. If I could answer him now, I would tell him that when I was a young boy, I killed a man to save my brother's life. I am not sorry for this. I am proud of this. I did not ask for the life I was given, but it was given nonetheless, and with it, I did my best.
- Yemi: (or at least the smoke monster in Yemi form, after a pause) You speak to me as if I was your brother.
- Ben: Do you believe in God?
- Jack: Do you?
- Ben: Two days after I found out that I had a fatal tumor on my spine, a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky. If that's not proof of God I don't know what is.
- Locke: Eko, what is it?
- [Eko dies]
- Sayid: What did he just say, John?
- Locke: He said--'We're next.'
I Do [3.6]
- Kevin: Police, open the door.
- Kate: [as 'Monica'] Uh. Everything's alright in here.
- Kevin: Ma'am, we have reason to believe someone could be dangerous could be in the motel. We've been conducting room-to-room service.
- Kate: [as 'Monica] I'm alone, officer.
- Kevin: Someone could be holding you at gunpoint, forcing you to say that. Please open the door.
- Kate: [as 'Monica] I don't think I should.
- Kevin: Ma'am, you have three seconds before I break this door down. 1.. 2..
- [Kate opens door.]
- Kevin: Wanna get it on?
- Jack: No, I think you misunderstood me. I didn't say I was gonna do it. I just wanted you to understand how you're gonna die.
- Kate: I can't leave without you!
- Jack: Yes, you can! Go!
- Kate: Jack, I can't!
- Jack: Go! Now!
- Kate: Jack, I can't!
- Jack: Kate, Dammit, RUN!
- [Episode ends]
Not in Portland [3.7]
- Edmund Burke: [on mobile phone] Because you're insufferable. And you're mean. Well, you asked me for the truth, Mom.
- Jack: Tell me
- Kate: Tell you?
- Jack: The first day on the beach, the day of the crash, the story that I told you. If you're safe, tell me.
- Tom: Do you think this is the best time?
- Jack: Shut up!
- Kate: You were doing surgery on a girl, and you messed up. You made a mistake. You tore something on her back, and all the nerves came loose. And you said the fear was so... real. And you didn't know what to do. So you counted to five.. [Kate starts to cry] And then you weren't afraid anymore. And then it was just gone. And you fixed her, you saved her.
- Jack: (after a pause) I need you to make me a promise, Kate.
- Kate: Jack-
- Jack: Promise me that you'll never come back here for me. Don't come back, Kate.
[Ben wakes up mid-surgery]
- Tom: Ben's awake...
- Juliet: How?
- Tom: Shephard said he's a spinal surgeon, not an anesthesiologist.
Flashes Before Your Eyes [3.8]
- Ms. Hawking: This is wrong. You don't buy the ring. You have second thoughts; you walk right out that door. So, come on, let's have it.
- Desmond: I don't know what you're on about.
- Ms. Hawking: You don't buy the ring, Desmond.
- Desmond: How do you know my name?
- Ms. Hawking: Well, I know your name as well as I know that you that don't ask Penny to marry you. In fact, you break her heart. Well, breaking her heart is, of course, what drives you in a few short years from now to enter that sailing race, to prove her father wrong, which brings you to the island where you spend the next 3 years of your life entering numbers into the computer until you are forced to turn that failsafe key. And if you don't do those things, Desmond David Hume, every single one of us is dead. So give me that sodding ring!
Stranger in a Strange Land [3.9]
- Isabelle: [about Jack's tattoo] He walks amongst us, but he is not one of us. That's what they say.
- Jack: That's what they say. It's not what they mean.
- Juliet: I hear you only liked them grilled.
- Jack [Smiles]: I missed the toothpicks too.
- [Juliet gives him the sandwich]
- Jack: Let me see.
- Juliet: Jack...
- Jack: They marked you? Let me see.
- [Juliet shows him her mark]
- Jack: If you would break off that aloe plant there...
- Juliet: It's ok, Jack.
- Jack: Please, please do it.
- [Juliet breaks off a piece, and Jack puts it on her back, their hands almost touching]
- Juliet: Why did you help me?
- Jack: He told you that you could leave the island. He told me the same thing. We're going to make sure he keepes his promise.
- Juliet: We're? How are we going to do that?
- Jack: Together.
Tricia Tanaka Is Dead [3.10]
- Charlie: So, when's it going to happen?
- Desmond: When's what going to happen?
- Charlie: Don't play stupid with me, brother.
- Desmond: I was drunk. If I said anything...
- Charlie: I have a right to know when I'm gonna die.
- Desmond: It doesn't work like that.
- Sawyer: Hey, Oliver Twist! Where the hell is my stuff?
- Charlie: What stuff?
- Sawyer: You know good and damn well what stuff. I had books, food, porno, bottle of scotch...
- Desmond: Apologies for the scotch, mate.
- Hurley: Dude, that beer's been sitting there since before Rocky 3. Maybe even 2. It's probably poisoned by now.
- Sawyer: [Indicates Roger's corpse] Skeletor seems to like it.
- [Sawyer is helping Jin practice speaking English]
- Sawyer: I'm sorry.
- Jin: I'm sorry.
- Sawyer: Okay, nice. Keep it coming.
- Jin: Uh, you were right.
- Sawyer: Okay. That's two. Hit me.
- Jin: Those pants don't make you look fat.
- Sawyer: Now you got it. Only three things a woman needs to hear.
- Sayid: Kate, if you were looking for help to find Jack, why didn't you ask us?
- Kate: Two reasons: you don't know where to look and you're not motivated. And I don't blame you. Why would you want to go on another trek across the island, risk more lives just to get Jack back?
- Locke: You're wrong.
- Kate: Oh, really? They why didn't you come after-
- Locke: Not about the motivation, just about knowing where to look. We got a compass bearing, and I'm pretty sure if we follow it, it'll lead us right to 'em.
- Kate: How?
- Sayid: Because of the way the sunlight hit Mr. Eko's stick when John was burying him.
- Sawyer: What's your problem, Jumbotron?
- Hurley: Shut up... Red... Neck... Man!
- Sawyer: [amused] Touché.
Enter 77 [3.11]
- [Kate and Sayid are inside the Flame station with Mikhail, who claims to be a member of the DHARMA Initiative; Mikhail is sewing Sayid's bullet injury and the cat is scratching the carpet]
- Mikhail: Будьте вежливы, они - мои гости, Надия.
- Sayid: What did you just say?
- Mikhail: I told Nadia to be polite, because you are my guests.
- Sayid: Nadia?
- Mikhail: After Nadia Comaneci. The greatest athlete the world has even known. We have the same birth date. [...mumbling] Now, excellent work if I say so myself.
- Sayid: Thank you, Mikhail.
- Mikhail: Perhaps, you can give me your forgiveness if I offer you some ice tea. I will also check on your friend.
- Sayid: What's wrong?
- Kate: Doesn't make any sense. Why would they let him stay here, with all this stuff, all this equipment?
- Sayid: Actually, it makes perfect sense.
- Kate: What are you talking about?
- Sayid: The reason they let him stay here is because he is not DHARMA. He is one of them.
- Kate: He shot you and you just let him-why are we still sitting here?
- Sayid: We are sitting here, Kate, because I am certain he is not alone.
Par Avion [3.12]
- [Kate, Sayid, and Locke are holding Mikhail prisoner]
- Locke: Remind me why we're keeping him alive.
- Sayid: What do you suggest? That we shoot him like a dog?
- Locke: No. I like dogs.
The Man from Tallahassee [3.13]
- Locke: The Man from Tallahassee? What is that some kind of code?
- Ben: No John, unfortunately we don't have a code for "there is a man in my closet holding a gun to my daughter's head". Although we obviously should.
- Ben: Would you mind helping me get into my chair. No tricks, I promise. I just want some dignity. You of all people should understand what means to want some dignity. Thank you. So tell me John, how do you plan on piloting our submarine. Its a complicated piece of machinery. You just don't press submerge.
- Locke: I'll figure something out. For all you know I was a commander in the Navy. Put your arm around my neck and I'll lift under your knees.
- Ben: What's in the pack, John? If you met Mikail that means you were at the communications station, which means you found the explosives. So you're not planning on piloting the submarine anywhere, you're planning to destroy it. I know you, John Locke.
- Locke: You don't know me at all.
- Ben: I know you were born in California. I know that you were raised in foster care. I know that you wasted a big part of your life in Tustin, pushing papers at a place that manufactures industrial boxes. I know that you spent the four years prior to arriving on this island in a wheelchair, and I know how you ended up in it.
- Jack: [To Kate] I will come back here for you.
- Locke: Where do you get electricity?
- Ben: We have two big hamsters running around in this giant wheel in our secret underground lair.
- Locke: Yeah, that's funny.
- Ben: I know you think you need to do this John, but if you blow up my submarine, I'll have a big problem with my people.
- Locke: Is that supposed to be an incentive not to blow it up?
- Ben: I was born on this island; not many of my people can say that. Most of them were recruited and brought here, and as much as they love this place, as much as they would do anything to defend it, they need to know that they can leave if they want to. The sub maintains that illusion.
- Locke: So you're lying to them?
- Ben: No... they're here because they want to be here. Some of them are just not ready to make a full commitment yet. But you John, you've already made that commitment. And now you have a choice, because if you stop and think, I can show you things. things I know that you want to see very badly. Let me put it so you'll understand: picture a box. You know something about boxes, don't you John? What if I told you that somewhere on this island there is a very large box and whatever you imagined, whatever you wanted to be in it, when you open that box, there it would be. What would you say about that John?
- Locke: I'd say that I hope that box is big enough for you to imagine up a new submarine.
- Ben: Why are you so angry John?
- Locke: Because you're cheating. You communicate with the outside world whenever you want to, you come and go as you please, you use electricity and running water and guns. You're a hypocrite. You don't deserve to be on this island. If you had any idea what this place was you wouldn't be putting chicken in your refrigerator.
- Ben: You have been on this island for 80 days, John. I have been here my entire life. So what makes you think you know this island better than I do?
- Locke: Because you're in the wheelchair, and I'm not.
- Anthony Cooper: I'm a con man, not a murderer.
Exposé [3.14]
- [Nikki's character Corvette in the TV show Exposé has been shot]
- Howard Zukerman: Brilliant, Nikki. As always. You know you don't need to die, we can bring you back next season.
- Nikki: How?
- Zukerman: She didn't necessarily die. We could say she was wearing a bullet-proof vest.
- [Nikki briefly opens her gown, revealing her character's skimpy costume]
- Zukerman: Or bullet-proof breast...
- Nikki: I'm just a guest star, and we all know what happens to guest stars.
- Nikki: Razzle Dazzle!
- Charlie: Sun? It was me.
- Sun: What?
- Charlie: It was me who took you. Not the Others. I wasn't myself, after Locke hit me. After he humiliated me. Sawyer told me I could get even by steal the guns. We just made it look like the Others. I didn't mean to hurt you.
- [Sun walks away]
- Charlie: I'm sorry....
- [Sawyer is digging Nikki and Paulo's grave when Sun is walking towards him]
- Sun: Charlie told me it was your idea to kidnap me.
- Sawyer: You're gonna tell Jin?
- Sun: No.
- Sawyer: Why not?
- Sun: Because then we have to dig another grave.
- [Sun puts the diamonds in Sawyer's hands]
- Sawyer: Why are you giving me these?
- Sun: Because they are worthless here.
- Sawyer: See. And I thought I was gonna get out of this....
- [He stops when Sun punches him in the face and walks away]
- Shannon: [to Boone] Stop flirting with random guys!
Left Behind [3.15]
- Sawyer: All right, let's do it.
- Hurley: Do what?
- Sawyer: I'm ready to do it. Make amends, change the vote. I don't want to be banished, okay?
- Hurley: Dude, you stink. What is that, fish? Did you try to gut one yourself? How did you not learn that by now? I mean, we've been here like, three months.
- Sawyer: Could we just do this?
- Hurley: Do what?
- Sawyer: Make nice.
- Hurley: Apologize for calling me all those names.
- Sawyer: I'm really sorry I called you rotund.
- Hurley: Really?
- Sawyer: You're worse than a girl!
- [Sawyer has just realized that Hurley has tricked him into being nice by telling him the survivors were voting to banish him]
- Sawyer: You son of a bitch. There wasn't ever going to be no vote.
- Hurley: Wasn't it nice, being nice?
- Sawyer: You tricked me into being decent? That's gotta be the lamest con in the history of cons!
- Hurley: Wasn't a con, dude. If you're going to be our temporary leader you need to do some damage control.
- Sawyer: Leader? What the hell are you smoking?
- Hurley: Jack's gone, Locke's gone, Kate and Sayid...you're all we got. Paulo and Nikki died. We all look to you. Then again, you tried to steal their diamonds, but we wanted to look to you. Look around. You made everyone happy. Just for today, they can eat boar, laugh, and forget that they're totally screwed. And you did that for 'em, dude. You.
- Sawyer: What if I don't want to be the leader?
- Hurley: Yeah, well, I don't think Jack wanted it either. Sucks for you, dude.
The Brig [3.19]
- Cooper: Guess I didn't raise no dummies.
- Sawyer: The hell's that mean?
- Cooper: It means that bald headed bastard outside the door is my son.
- Sawyer: Come again?
- Cooper: My son. As in I'm his father. You do speak English?
- Sawyer: How did you get here, to the Island?
- Cooper: Island? OK. I'm driving down I10 through Tallahassee when bam, somebody slams into the back of my car. I go right into the divider at seventy miles an hour, the next thing I know, the paramedics are strapping me to a gurney, stuffing me into the back of an ambulance and one of them actually smiles at me as he pops the IV in my arm. And then, nothing. Just, black. And the next thing I know I wake up in a dark room tied up, gag in my mouth, and when the door opens, I'm looking up at the same man I threw out a window, John Locke. My dead son.
- Sawyer: And he's dead cause you threw him out a window?
- Cooper: No he survived that. But it paralysed him, permanently. He's dead because the plane he was flying on crashed in the Pacific.
- Sawyer: Well I got bad news for ya pops, cause I was on that plane with your son. He sure as hell wasn't crippled. And we didn't crash in the Pacific, we crashed here on this Island.
- Cooper: You sure its an Island?
- Sawyer: Well what else is it?
- Cooper: Little hot for heaven isn't it?
- Sawyer: [Sarcastically] Oh OK, so we're dead?
- Cooper: They found your plane on the bottom of the ocean. One minute I'm in a car wreck and the next minute I'm in a pirate ship in the middle of the jungle. If this isn't hell friend, then where are we?
- Sawyer: Why did you throw Locke out a window?
- Cooper: He was becoming a nuisance. I conned him into giving me one of his kidneys. He never got over it.
- Sawyer: [Pauses] Conned?
- Cooper: Yes sir, conned.
- Sawyer: What's your name?
- Cooper: Hmm?
- Sawyer: Your name.
- Cooper: A conman goes by many names friend. I've been Alan Seward, Anthony Cooper, Ted MacLaren, Tom Sawyer, Louis Jackson, and Paul...
- Sawyer: Tom Sawyer.
- Cooper: I was young and Huck Finn was taken. And the ladies loved that one. Made me charming.
- Sawyer: Well how about that.
- Cooper: How about what?
- Sawyer: Sawyer's my name too
- Cooper: What's the matter with you?
- Sawyer: You ever been to Jasper, Alabama?
- Cooper: Why?
- Sawyer: Have you or haven't you?
- Cooper: Yeah I been to Jasper. Don't tell me I'm your daddy?
- Sawyer: No. You killed my daddy.
[Sawyer gets his letter out of his pocket – the one to Mr. Sawyer]
- Sawyer: Read it.
- Cooper: “Dear Mr Sawyer”. What is this?
- Sawyer: Just read it.
- Cooper: “You don't know who I am, but I know who you are. And I know what you done. You had sex with my mother, and then you stole my dad's money all away, so he got angry and he killed my mother, and then he killed himself” blah blah blah blah. So what? Is this supposed to be you, you wrote this letter? Hey wait a second. Did you take my name because you were on some kind of revenge kick?
- Sawyer: Keep reading.
- Cooper: Easy, easy, don't get all worked up. Look, I ran that con two dozen times. If your mother was one of the...
- Sawyer: Mary. Her name was Mary.
- Cooper: Mary from Jasper, Alabama. Yeah, I remember her. She practically begged me to take her thirty-eight thousand dollars and to rescue her from her sorry little life.
- Sawyer: You finish the letter.
- Cooper: Look, I only took her money. It ain't my fault your dad overreacted. If he pulled the old murder suicide then I'm sure he's down here somewhere. Er, maybe you could take this up with him...
- Sawyer: FINISH IT!!!
- Cooper: OK. OK.
[He rips up the letter into pieces, and Sawyer attacks him, choking him with the chains around the room]
- Sawyer: You wanna go to hell? You wanna go to hell!!
[Cooper chokes and Sawyer keeps pulling until he stops moving and kills him. He then releases him.]
The Man Behind the Curtain [3.20]
- Ben: We're here. You'll want to turn off your flashlight, John.
- Locke: Why?
- Ben: Jacob feels the same way about technology as you do. Once I open this door, there's no turning back. Are you sure this is what you want? So be it. Jacob, I'm here with John Locke. We're coming in now. Jacob, this is John. Don't you going to say hello, John?
- Locke: What?
- Ben: I told you he wouldn't.
- Locke: Who? What are you talking about?
- Ben: You can't see him?
- Locke: See who?
- Ben: Jacob. He's sitting right here in this chair. Yes, I know, but he insisted.
- Locke: What is this?
- Ben: You wanted the secrets of the island, well here they are. This is the man who can answer every single... I am not! He made me bring him here! Did you think that that was my... Sir, may I finish?!
- Locke: You're crazy.
- Ben: Excuse me?
- Locke: You don't know anything about the island, do you? You just made it all up.
- Ben: Jacob, please, I can't hear him if you're going to talk...
- Locke: Stop... Stop... Shut up! You're putting on a show for me! Or, do you... Do you really think there is someone there?
- Ben: I know there is someone there.
- Locke: You don't know anything.
- Ben: I'm sorry you feel that way, John. And I'm sorry that you're too limited to see.
- Locke: You're pathetic.
- Jacob: Help me.
- Locke: What did you just say?
- Ben: I didn't say anything.
- Locke: Oh yes you did. I heard you. You said...
- Ben: That's enough, you've had your fun!
- Locke: What was that?
- Ben: That was Jacob.
- Ben: What did you hear in there, John? What did Jacob say to you?
- Locke: He didn't say anything to me. You did.
- Ben: What are you talking about?
- Locke: There is no Jacob, Ben. I'm not going to be taken in by the little show you put on last night. You're a fraud. And it's time your people were told the truth. And this is not the way we came!
- Ben: I'm taking us back another way. I wanted to show you something first.
- Locke: I've seen enough.
- Ben: You know, John, you're not wrong. Some of the things I've told you, some of the things I've told everyone, are not true.
- Locke: Like what?
- Ben: Well, for starters, I wasn't born on this island.
- Locke: Then where did you come from?
- Ben: That's what I want to show you.
- Ben: This is where I came from, John. These are my people. The DHARMA Initiative. They came here seeking harmony, but they couldn't even coexist with the Island's original inhabitants. And when it became clear that one side had to go, one side had to be purged, I did what I had to do. I was one of the people that was smart enough to make sure that I didn't end up in that ditch, which makes me considerably smarter than you, John.
- [Ben shoots Locke and he falls in the mass grave]
- Ben: What did Jacob say to you?
- Locke: Why did you do this?
- Ben: Because you heard him. Now I need to know what he said.
- Locke: "Help me."
- Ben: John, I'm not going to ask you again! What did he say to you?
- Locke: He said... "help me."
- [Ben looks troubled, and flinches for a moment]
- Ben: Well I certainly hope he helps you, John.
Greatest Hits [3.21]
- Charlie: Anyone want to venture a guess as to what Jack is going to be showing us out in the middle of nowhere?
- Hurley: I don't know… stuff—probably secret stuff.
- Charlie: Why does everything have to be such a secret? How about some openness for a change?
- Hurley: We kept the parachute lady secret.
- Charlie: Ah, that's different.
- Claire: Different, how?
- Charlie: Well, because we weren't out there playing football with them.
- Jack: When Juliet told me they were coming, the first thing I thought was: where the hell are we going to hide this time? But hiding's pointless; they're just going to keep coming back, so I went out and I found some help. And for the past few days, she's been bringing dynamite back from the Black Rock. For the very first time, we know exactly what they want, when they're coming to get it and they have no idea. We're going to be waiting for them. So Juliet's going to mark the tents with the white rocks just like she was told to, but there's not going to be any pregnant women inside; there's going to be plenty of what we just used on that tree. So tomorrow night, we stop hiding, we stop running, we stop living in fear of them, because when they show up, we're going to blow them all to hell.
- Sawyer: What the hell are you doing here, Karl?
- Karl: They're… coming… my people…
- Sawyer: Sorry you came all this way for nothing, but we already know.
- Karl: Then why are you still here?
- Sawyer: 'Cause when your people show up here tomorrow night, we're going to be ready for 'em.
- Karl: Tomorrow? No. No, they're coming tonight. They're coming right now!
- Desmond: I'm sorry, brother, but this time - this time you have to die
- Jack: Better get going. Rousseau said it's about a day's walk up to the radio tower.
- Sayid: I'm not taking them up to the tower—you are.
- Jack: Excuse me?
- Sayid: You're not staying behind.
- Jack: This was my idea.
- Sayid: And I'm perfectly capable of executing it.
- Jack: I owe them!
- Sayid: What are you more concerned about: killing the Others or getting our people off this island? This afternoon you said you were our leader. It's time for you to act like one. Lead them to the radio tower, Jack and then take us all home.
- Sayid: Hey.
- Jack: Hey.
- Kate: So here we go again, huh?
- Jack: [Laughs.] Here we go again.
[Charlie's "greatest hits" written on a sheet of paper]:
5. The first time I heard myself on the radio.
4. Dad teaching me how to swim.
3. The Christmas Liam gave me the ring.
2. Woman outside Covent Garden calls me a hero.
1. The night I met you [Claire].
Through the Looking Glass [3.22]
- [Bernard is preparing to ambush the Others]
- [Locke has just killed Naomi]
The Beginning of the End [4.01]
- Hurley: I'm one of the Oceanic Six! I'm one of the Oceanic Six!
- Charlie: (written on his hand) THEY NEED YOU
- Abbadon: Mr Reyes. Hello. My name is Matthew Abaddon. I'm an attorney for Oceanic Airlines. Can we talk for a few minutes?
- Hurley: Ok.
- Abbadon: I'm here, Mr Reyes, because we heard about your recent (pauses) episode. Your arrest. Your incarceration here. Frankly we feel terrible about it. So, on behalf of Oceanic, I'd like to extend you an invitation for a little upgrade.
- Hurley: What kind of upgrade?
- Abbadon: To a facility where the paint isn't peeling off the walls. Where you'd have your own bathroom. You could see the ocean from there...
- Hurley: I don't wanna see the ocean.
- Abbadon: No problem.
- Hurley: Actually thanks, I'm, I'm fine right here.
- Abbadon: Are you fine Mr Reyes?
- Hurley: What do you mean?
- Abbadon: You're in a mental institution.
- Hurley: Who'd you say you were again? I'd like to see a business card.
- Abbadon: (Abaddon reaches into his pocket, and presents nothing)I must have left them at home.
- Hurley: Then we're done, dude. (Hurley gets up)
- Abbadon: Are they still alive?
- Hurley: (Pauses) What?
- Abbadon: You heard me.
- Hurley: Nurse. Nurse! Get out of here! You better get out of here! Help me. Help me, he's after me. No no no. That guy's after me. Help me. (Hurley looks over at Abbadon and he leaves)
- Kate: What are you doing?
- Sawyer: Same thing I've always done Kate: surviving.
- Jack: Do you ever miss?
- Hurley: Jack.
- Jack: Yeah, I was on my way back from a consult. Thought I'd drop by and pay you a visit. Horse?
- Hurley: You're on. So consult huh? Does that mean you're back doing surgical stuff? (Jack starts playing basketball with Hurley)
- Jack: Yeah. (Hurley shoots and scores. Jack shoots and misses) H
- Hurley: Reporters leaving you alone? (Hurley shoots and scores)
- Jack: Yeah. Still have to sign some autographs when I go out for coffee. Thinking about growing a beard. (He shoots and misses again)
- Hurley: You'd look weird with a beard, dude. That's H O. So, what are you really doing here, Jack?
- Jack: I was just checking on ya, seeing if everything was ok.
- Hurley: Checking to see if I was nuts, if I was gonna tell.
- Jack: Are you?
- Hurley: You're up.
- Jack: Nah, you win. I, er, I gotta run. It was great seeing you Hurley. (Jack starts to leave)
- Hurley: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I went with Locke. I should have stayed with you.
- Jack: Its water under the bridge, man.
- Hurley: I don't think we did the right thing, Jack. I think it wants us to come back.
- Jack: Hurley.
- Hurley: And its going to do everything it can...
- Jack: (Shouts) We're never going back!(Jack heads for the door)
- Hurley: Never say never, dude.
- Daniel Faraday: Are you Jack?
Confirmed Dead [4.02]
- Locke: Let's go.
- Sawyer: Why are you going East? Thought you said the Barracks were due South.
- Locke: Because, James, we have to make a little detour first.
- Sawyer: Detour to what?
- Locke: There's a cabin I have to go to.
- Hurley: I think the cabin was back that way.
- Locke: What did you say Hugo?
- Hurley: I er, thought you were talking about the airplane cabin.
(Locke stares at Hurley. So does Ben)
- Sawyer: Why are we wasting our time going to some shack anyway?
- Locke: Because we're supposed to.
- Sawyer: Right. Like you were supposed to throw a knife into that Naomi chick's back.
- Locke: Ahuh.
- Sawyer: You mind telling us who you're getting your orders from, Colonel Kurtz?
- Locke: I got em from Walt.
- Sawyer: What the hell do you mean you saw Walt? In a dream?
- Locke: No dream, it was Walt. Only, taller.
- Sawyer: Taller? What like a giant? OK, what exactly did Walt tell you?
- Locke: He said I had work to do. That I had to stop this woman, Naomi, from bringing the rest of her people here.
- Sawyer: What you didn't ask any follow-up questions?
- Locke: Ben had shot me and left me for dead, Walt saved my life, so I pretty much took him at his word.
- Sawyer: He shot you? Yet here you are fit as a fiddle tromping through the jungle.
(Locke shows Sawyer his wound)
- Locke: The bullet went in one side, came out the other. I'd probably be dead if I still had a kidney there. Anything else?
- Jack: You need to put the guns down.
- Miles: What?
- Jack: Put the guns down.
- Miles: Now why would I do that?
- Jack: Because our friends are out in the jungle right holding a gun at your head and his head, so I'm gonna forget about the misunderstanding, just put the guns down!
- Miles: Come on, how stupid do you think I-
- [Several shots ring out, and Juliet and Sayid come out the bushes with guns aimed at Miles and Daniel. Kate grabs Daniel's gun and aims it at him, but Miles continues to hold his]
- Jack: I don't know, Miles. How stupid are you?
- [Locke is about to execute Ben]
- Ben: John, listen. I have information that you need. I have answers.
- Locke: What is the monster?
- Ben: What?
- Locke: The black smoke, the monster! What is it?
- Ben: I don't know.
- [Locke loads his gun]
- Locke: Goodbye, Benjamin.
- Ben: Her name is Charlotte Lewis! [Charlotte looks shocked] Charlotte Staples Lewis. Born July 2, 1979, Essex, England. Parents David and Jeanette. Eldest of three, all girls. She was raised in Bromsgrove. Did her undergraduate studies at Kent. Took her PhD in cultural anthropology at Oxford. She's here with two other team members and a pilot. Their names are Daniel Faraday, Miles Straume, Frank Lapidus. [Charlotte continues to look shocked] Your instinct was right, John. These people are a threat.
The Economist [4.03]
- Sawyer: (to Ben): You ready to give us the name, Gizmo?
- Locke: He's not going to tell you who his spy is on their boat, James.
- Sawyer: Yeah, why not?
- Locke: Because that's the only thing keeping him alive.
- Sawyer: Well here's an idea: why don't we take a gun, point it to his big toe and send that little piggy to the market.[Ben looks slightly amused.]
- Sawyer: (continues) And if he still doesn't want to tell us, move on to the roast beef. Why don't we do that?
- Locke: Because then we'd have to carry him.
- Kate: Kinda sucks, huh?
- Jack: What's that?
- Kate: Being told not to come along. (Jack chuckles) Now you know what it feels like to be me.
- Jack: Does that mean I should wait twenty minutes and go anyway? (Both laugh.)
- Kate: (smiling) Touché.
- Sayid: Naomi, were you close to her?
- Miles: Nope. Met her on the boat.
- Sayid: You don't seem particularly affected by her death.
- Miles: Sure I'm affected. She was hot and I dug her accent.
- Kate: Nice.
- Sayid: And this woman, Charlotte. You don't really care about her, do you?
- Miles: Define care.
- Sayid: So much for camaraderie.
- Miles: Yeah, gee, who's the one going after one of their crash buddies with guns? Actually, I do care about Locke. Maybe you can tell me how he managed to split your happy little family in half.
- Sayid: (glances at Kate) There was a fundamental debate as to whether your people were coming to rescue us... or kill us.
- Miles: And which side did you land on?
- Sayid: I let you know when I decide.
The Constant [4.05]
- Daniel Faraday: I think Eloise's brain short-circuited. The jumps between the present and the future eventually, she eventually, she couldn't tell which was which. She had no anchor.
- Desmond: What do you mean, "anchor"?
- Daniel Faraday: Something familiar in both times. All this, see all this is all variables. It's random; it's chaotic. Every equation needs stability, something known. It's called a "constant." Desmond, you have no constant. When you go to the future nothing there is familiar. So if you want to stop this, then you need to find something there, something that you really, really care about, something that also exists back here in 1996.
- Desmond: This constant, can it be a person?
- Daniel Faraday: Yeah, maybe. But you have to make contact. Didn't you say you were out on a boat in the middle of nowhere? [Desmond picks up a phone and begins dialing] Uh, who are you calling?
- Desmond: Calling my bloody constant.
[on the phone]
- Desmond: I love you, Penny. I've always loved you. I'm so sorry. I love you.
- Penelope: I love you too.
- Desmond: I don't know where I am but,
- Penelope: I'll find you, Des,
- Desmond: I promise,
- Penelope: no matter what-
- Desmond: I'll come back to you.
- Penelope: I won't give up.
- Desmond: I promise.
- Penelope: I promise.
- Desmond, Penelope: I love you.
The Other Woman [4.06]
- Jack: You people had therapists?
- Juliet: It's very stressful being an Other, Jack.
- Juliet: You knew this would happen. You sent him out here because you knew this would happen. You wanted this! You wanted him to die! Why?
- Ben: Why? You're asking me why? After everything I did to get you here, after everything I've done to keep you here - how can you possibly not understand...that you're mine!
- Jack: Hey. Are you all right? [He touches Juliets face]
- Juliet: He wanted me to kill them. Ben. He sent Harper to tell me to kill them.
- Jack: How could he possibly tell you that?
- Juliet: I don't know! But he knew how to get to me. Don't you see? These people came here to wage war against Ben. And Ben's going to win. And when he does you don't want to be anywere near me.
- Jack: [Quietly]: Why not?
- Juliet: [Pause]: Because he thinks that I'm his. And he knows how I feel about you.
- [Jack walks up to Juliet, and kisses her]
- Jack: He knows where to find me.
- Ben: See you at dinner.
The Shape of Things to Come [4.09]
- Hurley: We're all gonna die.
- Sawyer: Calm down, Chicken Little. Sky ain't falling just yet.
- Hurley: This is exactly what he wants. To fight amongst ourselves. You're making a big mistake, dude.
- Locke: It's his to make, Hugo. Let's get on with it.
- Sawyer: Right. [pauses] I'm attacking Siberia. [The camera zooms out revealing that they are playing Risk. Sawyer and Hurley roll the dice, and Sawyer wins.] Sorry.
- Hurley: Can't believe you're just giving him Australia. Australia's the key to the whole game.
- Sawyer: Says you.
- Martin Keamy: Mr. Linus, these are my terms. You're gonna step out the front door, put your hands above your head, and you're gonna walk straight to me. Once I have you in my custody, I promise that no one else in that house will be harmed.
- Ben: You and I both know that once you have me there's nothing to stop you from killing everybody else on this island.
- Martin Keamy: What kind of guy do you think I am?
- Ben: Martin Christopher Keamy, former First Sergeant, United States Marine Corps. Served with distinction from 1996 to 2001, but since then you've worked with a number of mercenary organizations, specifically in Uganda. So I know exactly what kind of man you are, Mr. Keamy, and we can dispense with the formalities.
- [Ben tries to dissuade Keamy from killing Alex]
- Ben: She's not my daughter. I stole her as a baby from an insane woman. She's a pawn, nothing more. She means nothing to me. (pauses) I'm not coming out of his house. So if you want to kill her, go ahead and...
- [Keamy shoots Alex]
- [Just after Alex was killed while Ben watched]
- Ben: He changed the rules.
- [The survivors watch as the monster, which is much bigger than ever before and with lightning going though it, attacks the mercenaries at the tree line]
- Locke: [to Ben] What did you do?!
- Hurley: You just called that thing?!
- Jack: Are you ever gonna take us off this island?
- Daniel Faraday: No.
- [Ben has just broken into Charles Widmore's penthouse]
- Charles Widmore: Why are you here?
- Ben: I'm here, Charles, because you murdered my daughter.
- Charles Widmore: Don't stand there looking at me with those horrible eyes of yours, and lay the blame for the death of that poor girl on me, when we both know very well I didn't murder her at all, Benjamin. You did.
- Ben: No, that's not true.
- Charles Widmore: Yes, Benjamin, it is. You creep into my bedroom in the dead of night, like a rat, and have the audacity to pretend that you're the victim? I know who you are, boy, what you are. I know that everything you have you took from me. [pauses] So. Once again I ask you, why are you here?
- Ben: I'm here, Charles, to tell you that I'm going to kill your daughter. Penelope, is it? And once she's gone, once she's dead, then you'll understand how I feel, and you'll wish you hadn't changed the rules.
- Charles Widmore: You'll never find her. [Ben turns around and begins to walk away] That island's mine, Benjamin. It always was. It will be again.
- Ben: [Turns around] But you'll never find it.
- Charles Widmore: Then I suppose the hunt is on for both of us.
- Ben: I suppose it is. Sleep tight, Charles.
Something Nice Back Home [4.10]
- [Phone rings]
- Jack: - Hello?
- Jane (The Secretary): Dr. Shephard? Just confirming your 11:00 consult with Ms. Berenberg. It was moved up yesterday, and I know how you are with your calendar.
- Jack: Yeah. Yeah, I remember, Jane. I'll, um... I'll be in there.
- Jane (The Secretary): Thank you, doctor.
- Jack: All right. Bye.
- [Jack batters in one of Aaron's toy]
- Jack: Son of a bitch..
- Jack: A-rod...
- [...]:
- Jack: Mornin'.
- Kate: Morning yourself. I bought you a razor.
- Jack: What, you don't like the scruff?
- Kate: [Laughs softly] Razor's by the sink, Jack.
- [Jack picks a towel for her]
- [They kiss]
- Jack: [Reading to Aaron] "Alice took up the fan, and as the hall was very hot she kept fanning herself all the time she went on talking, dear, dear. How queer everything is today. And yesterday,things went on just as usual. I wonder if I've been changed in the night. Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? But if I'm not the same, the next question is, 'who in the world am I?' Aha, that's the great puzzle."
- Kate: You're a natural.
- Jack: Yeah?
- Kate: Yeah.
- Jack: My old man used to read me that story.
- Kate: Really?
- Jack: What?
- Kate: It's just... it's just sweet hearing you say nice things about your dad.
- Jack: I don't say nice things about my dad? Well, he was a good storyteller. I'll give him that.
- [He comes closer]
- Jack: You okay?
- Kate: Just,I...I love seeing you with him. I'm so glad you changed your mind. I'm so glad that you're here.
- Jack: Me too.
- [They kiss and run straight to the bedroom]
- Jack: Hey, Hurley.
- Hurley: Hey, Jack.
- Jack: Why aren't you taking your meds?
- Hurley: 'Cause we're dead... all of us. All the oceanic six. We're all dead. We never got off that island.
- Jack: Hurley... that is not true.
- Hurley: What'd you do today?
- Jack: What did I do today? I,uh... [Sighs] I woke up, took a shower. Uh, Kate and I fed the baby.
- Hurley: I thought you didn't want anything to do with Aaron.
- Jack: I changed my mind after the trial.
- Hurley: Living with Kate... taking care of Aaron... it all seems so perfect... just like heaven.
- Jack: Just because I'm happy doesn't mean that this isn't real, Hurley.
- Hurley: I was happy, too, Jack... for a while, anyway. Then I saw Charlie. He likes to sit with me on the bench out on the front lawn. It's pretty cool, actually.
- Jack: Okay. [Sighs] so what do the two of you talk about?
- Hurley: Well, yesterday, he told me you were gonna be coming by. He wanted me to give you a message.
- Jack: A message?
- Hurley: [Opens the drawer] He made me write it down so I wouldn't mess it up. "You're not supposed to raise him, Jack" Does that make any sense?
- Jack: No, that...doesn't make any sense.
- Hurley: Do you think he means Aaron?
- Jack: Take your meds, Hurley. Just take them.
- Hurley: Hey, Jack? Charlie said someone's gonna be visiting you, too. Soon.
- Kate: The tent's all set. Everything's ready.
- Juliet: Good. Thanks. Listen, I could use an extra pair of hands in there. You wanna help me out?
- Kate: Um, I don't...I don't think that's a good idea.
- Juliet: It's just holding a mirror. Jack wants to watch the surgery, "talk me through it."
- [Kate smiles]
- Juliet: What?
- Kate: I'm just surprised he's not taking it out of himself by now.
- [They see Jack walking]
- Juliet: Jack? What are you doin'?
- [Jack tries to walk without help]
- Jack: I don't need a stretcher. I can walk 50 feet.
- [Kate arrives]
- Kate: I'll help you.
- Juliet: They're gonna be back with the instruments soon. We need to be ready to go as soon as they get back. See you in there.
- [Kate helps Jack and they walk together]
- Kate: So it looks like I'm gonna be your nurse.
- Jack: Wouldn't be the first time.
- [Brief pause]
- [Sighs]
- Jack: Listen, um... if something happens to me...
- Kate: Shut up, Jack.
- [Jack smiles]
- Jack: Fair enough.
- Jack: Kate? Kate? Wake up, Kate.
- Kate: What time is it?
- Jack: It's late. I just got home.
- Kate: Were you working?
- Jack: No. I... I just...had to stop and get something. It just took a while.
- Kate: What's going on? What's wrong?
- Jack: The other night, when I was reading to Aaron, you said... that I was a natural. [Sighs] do you really... do you really think that I'm good at this?
- Kate: Yeah! You're good at this.
- Jack: [pauses] Will you marry me?
- Kate: [crying] Yes.
- [Jack pulls out a small box and shows the ring]
- Kate: Of course I will, Yes!
- [He wears it on her finger]
- [They hug]
- Jin: Charlotte.
- Charlotte: Yeah?
- Jin: I know you understand me.
- Charlotte: Pardon?
- Jin: I know you speak Korean. You smiled when sun and I talked about you and you were listening to us at the station.
- Charlotte: I'm sorry. Perhaps I can get your wife to translate...
- Jin: You know, if you continue to lie, I'm going to hurt your friend Daniel, I'm going to break his fingers one at a time, do you understand that?
- Charlotte: What do you want?
- Jin: When you helicopter comes for you, you're goning to take my wife off this island.
- Charlotte: What about you and the rest of your friends?
- Jin: Just get her on the helicopter.
- Kate: [On the phone]: Yeah, I'll just have the nanny stay for an extra couple hours. Jack's never home before 8:00. I could stay for at least an hour.
- [Kate sees Jack watching her]
- Kate: I-I gotta go. Jack's home. Yeah, okay. I'll call you later. Bye.
- [Kate hangs up]
- Kate: You scared me.
- Jack: [Smiles] Sorry. I thought you'd be in bed. [Brief pause] Who was that?
- Kate: That was Noreen.
- Jack: Noreen..
- Kate: She's one of the moms from the park.
- Kate: [Smiles] What?
- Jack: [Smiles] Nothing. I just...never heard you mention her before.
- Kate: Well, now you have.
- [She kisses him]
- Kate: I'll see you upstairs.
- Bernard: It went well. She did good. She said you could go back inside if you want to.
- Kate: Thank you
- Bernard: Okay.
- [Kate enters the tent]
- Juliet: He didn't lose that much blood. I got the appendix out and put everything back where it belongs, I think.
- Kate: Yeah. So, he's gonna be okay?
- Juliet: He should be fine. We just have to talk him into resting.
- Kate: Good luck with that!
- Juliet: I'm sorry I yelled at you.
- Kate: Don't worry about it. You had enough going on.
- [Pause]
- Juliet: You know, he kissed me.
- Kate: What?
- Juliet: The other day, when you came back from the other side of the island, Jack kissed me.
- Kate: Oh...
- Juliet: It was nice. But it wasn't for me. But it was for him. I'm pretty sure he was trying to prove something.
- Kate: Prove what?
- Juliet: That he doesn't love some else.
- [Pause]
- Kate: Thank you, Juliet. Thank you for saving his life.
- [Kate goes out of the tent]
- [Pause]
- Juliet: I know you're awake.
- [Jack opens his eyes]
- [Kate arrives at home]
- Kate: Hey you're home early. Where's Veronica?
- Jack: I sent her home. The baby's sleep.
- Kate: Good.
- [Ice cubes rattle]
- Jack: Why was she here?
- Kate: Sorry?
- Jack: The nanny. She only works till 4:00. I came home 6:00.
- Kate: I had to run some errands so... [Sets keys down] I asked her to stay a couple extra hours [Pauses] What's going on, Jack? Why are you home so early?
- Jack: I went to see Hurley.
- Kate: Today?
- Jack: Last Friday.
- Kate: Why didn't you tell me? I would've gone with you.
- [Jack laughs]
- Jack: Because he's crazy, Kate and I didn't wanna upset you. [Pauses] Where were you today?
- [Kate kneels in front of him]
- Kate: I'm gonna ask you... to trust me. Trust me and just leave it be.
- Jack: Where were you?
- Kate: Jack, don't.
- Jack: No, I heard you on the phone last night. Who were you talking to?
- Kate: Just let it go.
- Jack: No, no, I wanna know!
- Kate: No, Jack.
- Jack: I wanna know where you were. I wanna know who you were with.
- Kate: It doesn't matter, Jack. Please.
- Jack: No, TELL ME!
- [Kate starts to cry]
- Kate: I was doing something for him.
- Jack: For who?
- Kate: For Sawyer. I made him a promise...
- Jack: What?
- Kate: It doesn't matter. It has nothing to do with us!
- Jack: Then why won't you tell me?
- Kate: Because, because he wouldn't want me to.
- Jack: But he's not here, is he? No, no, he made his choice. He chose to stay.
- Jack: I'm the one who came back. I'm the one who's here. I'm the one who saved you.
- Kate: Jack -You can't, you can't do this. If you have problems, you need to figure them out. All right? 'Cause I can't have you like this around my son.
- Jack: Your son? You're not even related to him!
- Kate: [Gasps] Hey, sweet pea.
Cabin Fever [4.11]
- Locke: You ever wonder what happened to the Dharma Initiative, Hugo? There must have been at least a hundred of 'em living on this island. Manning the stations, building those homes, making all that ranch dressing that you like. And then, one day, they're all gone, they just disappear. You wanna know where we're going? [Walks over to the pit that contains the bodies of the Dharma Initiative] We're going to see them.
- Hurley: What happened to them?
- Locke: [Jerks his head at Ben] He did.
- [Locke, Ben, and Hurley are looking for Jacob's cabin]
- Locke: It should be about two hundred yards this way.
- Ben: You sure it's gonna be there, John?
- Locke: I'm sorry?
- Ben: The cabin. What if its moved, again?
- Locke: It hasn't moved, because I was told this is where it would be.
- Ben: I was told a lot of things too. That I was chosen, that I was special. I end up with a tumor on my spine and my daughter's blood all over my hands.
- Locke: I'm sorry those things happened to you, Ben.
- Ben: Those things had to happen to me. That was my destiny. But you'll understand soon enough that there are consequences to being chosen. Because destiny, John, is a fickle bitch.
There's No Place Like Home, Part 1 [4.12]
- [Jack, Kate, Sun, Hurley, Sayid, and Aaron are about to arrive in Honolulu and be questioned by the press]
- Jack: If we get any questions we don't wanna answer, or that we can't answer, let's just keep our mouths shut. [Everyone stares at him without saying anything] It's okay, they'll think that we're in shock.
- Sun: We are in shock, Jack.
- Jack: Well, then this should be easy.
- [Sayid has just arrived back at the beach in the Zodiac]
- Juliet: Sayid, where's Desmond?
- Sayid: He's fine, he's on the freighter. Listen, I'm going to start taking people back, six at a time. We have to go right now, before the helicopter gets back to the boat.
- Juliet: Why do we have to go to the boat before the chopper gets back?
- Sayid: Because the men on that helicopter have every intention of killing us all. [Juliet looks scared] What?
- Juliet: Jack and Kate just went running after it.
- [Locke, Ben and Hurley are looking at the armed men in the Orchid Station]
- Locke: I'm sorry Ben, but maybe I've missed the part where you explain what I'm supposed to do with the armed men inside.
- Ben: I'm gonna take care of 'em.
- Locke: And how the hell are you gonna do that?
- Ben: How many time I have to tell you, John? I always have a plan.
- [Hurley opens the box Ben hands to him and finds saltine crackers inside. He eats one.]
- Ben: You know those are 15 years old?
There's No Place Like Home, Part 2 [4.12]
- Jack: We have to go back! WE HAVE TO GO BACK!
- Kate: "We have to go back"? "We have to go back"?
- Jack: Now hold on--
- Kate: Who do you think you are?! You call me over and over again for two days straight, stoned on your pills! And then you show up here with an obituary for Jeremy Bentham. [Sighs] When he came to me and I heard what he had to say, I knew he was crazy. But you... you believed him.
- Jack: Yes.
- Kate: Him, of all people.
- Jack: Yes, Kate, I did, because he said that that was the only way that I could keep you safe--you and Aaron. [Kate slaps Jack]
- Kate: Don't you say his name. I still have to explain to him why you are not there to read to him, so don't you say his name!
- Jack: I'm sorry.
- Kate: I've spent the last three years trying to forget all the horrible things that happened on the day that we left. How dare you ask me to go back?
- Keamy: So tell me something, Ben. What is it that makes you so important, hmm? I'm curious. I'm curious as to why Mr. Widmore would pay me so much money just to come out here and capture you and bring you back alive.
- Ben: Charles Widmore tell you to kill my daughter?
- Sawyer: [Talking about John and Jack] What the hell they talking about in there anyway?
- Hurley: I don’t know. Leader stuff?
- Jack: What did you want to talk to me about, John?
- Locke: I want you to reconsider leaving the island, Jack. I would like you to stay.
- Jack: You’d like me to stay.
- Locke: Yeah. That’s right.
- Jack: You threw a knife into the back of an unarmed woman, you led half of our people across the island and got most of them killed.
- Locke: Well Jack, you put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger. I was hoping we could let bygones be bygones.
- Jack: And what am I supposed to do?! Oh, I think I remember- what was it that you said on the way out to the hatch? That crashing here was our destiny.
- Locke: You know, Jack, you know that you’re here for a reason! You know it. And if you leave this place, that knowledge is gonna eat you alive from the inside out… until you decide to come back.
- Jack: Goodbye John.
- Locke: You’re gonna have to lie.
- Jack: Excuse me?
- Locke: If you have to go, then you have to lie about everything, everything that happened since we got to the island. It’s the only way to protect it.
- Jack: It’s an island, John. No one needs to protect it.
- Locke: It’s not an island. It’s a place where miracles happen. And- and if you don’t believe that Jack, if you can’t believe that, just wait 'til you see what I’m about to do.
- Jack: There’s no such thing as miracles.
- Locke: Well... we’ll just have to see which one of us is right.
- Ben: Am I interrupting? [Jack turns around and points a gun at Ben] Nice to see you too, Jack.
- Ben: Couldn’t find the anthuriums, could you?
- Locke: I don’t know what they look like.
- Locke: Lie to them, Jack. If you do it half as well as you lie to yourself, they’ll believe you.
- Rose: Who told you you could eat those peanuts?
- Miles: May I eat these peanuts?
- Rose: I'm gonna keep my eye on you, shortie.
- Miles: I'm surprised you wanna leave.
- Charlotte: Sorry?
- Miles: It's just weird. You know, after all that time you spent trying to get back here.
- Charlotte: What do you mean, get back here?
- Miles: ...What do I mean?
- Locke: Is this the magic box?
- Ben: No, John, it's not.
- Locke: What is all this stuff for?
- Ben: Same things that all the Dharma stations are for: silly experiments.
- Edgar Halliwax: (The Orchid Orientation video) Hello, I'm Dr. Edgar Halliwax. And this is the orientation film for station six of the Dharma initiative. As you've no doubt surmised, station six or, "The Orchid", is not a botanical research unit. The unique properties of this island have created a kind of casimir effect allowing the Dharma Initiative to conduct unique experiments in both space and time. This is "The Vault". Constructed adjacent to a pocket of what we believe to be negatively charged "exotic matter". Great care must be taken to avoid leaving inorganic materials inside the chamber. The electromagnetic energy within the island can be highly volatile and unpredictable. Now for your own safety and the safety of those around you, metallic objects must never be placed within the vault. [Locke looks at Ben putting as many metallic objects in the vault as he can find] In our first demonstration, we will attempt to shift the test subject 100 milliseconds ahead in four-dimensional space. For the briefest of moments, the animal will seem to disappear, but in reality... [Tape begins rewinding itself]
- Locke: Is he talking about what I think he was talking about?
- Ben: If you mean time traveling bunnies, then yes.
- Locke: [As Ben and Locke see the elevator moving to take someone down into the station] You expecting someone?
- Ben: May I have my weapon back?
- Keamy: I know you're down here, Ben. Crouching in the dark, just waiting to take a shot at me. Well, you better aim for the head, Ben! You know, like your boyfriend who shot me in the back, like a coward! This body armor's, um, been known to take a bullet or two in it's time. But before you take your shot, Ben, let me tell you about this. [Raises his arm to show a device strapped to his arm, with a green light] See that? I took out a bit of a life insurance policy, Ben. It's a heart rate monitor, and it's connected to a radio transmitter, we call it a "Dead Man's Trigger", Ben. If my heart stops beating, it sends a little signal to the 500 pounds of C4 that I've got hardwired out there on the freighter. That'd kill a lot of innocent people, Ben. If you think I'm bluffing, need I remind you of, uh, how your daughter looked as she bled out? Face down on the grass?
- Ben: [After he bursts out of a locker, savagely beats Keamy with a nightstick and stabs him in the throat with his own knife] You killed my daughter! You killed my DAUGHTER!
- Locke: Ben, what did you do? You just killed everybody on that boat.
- Ben: So?
- Charlotte: I'm gonna stay, Daniel. For now, anyway.
- Daniel: Charlotte...there is no "for now". If you don't come with me for now, it could be forever.
- Charlotte: Nothing's forever.
- Daniel: Why?
- Charlotte: Would it make any sense if I told you I was still looking for where I was born?
- Daniel: N--no. [They laugh as they embrace and Charlotte kisses Faraday on the cheek]
- Charlotte: Good-bye, Daniel.
- Hurley: Sayid?
- Sayid: Hello, Hurley.
- Hurley: I think visiting hours are over, Dude.
- Sayid: This isn't a visit. I want you to come with me.
- Hurley: Come with you where?
- Sayid: Somewhere safe.
- Hurley: And why would I go anywhere with you? I haven't seen you in, like, forever.
- Sayid: Because circumstances have changed.
- Hurley: What circumstances?
- Sayid: Bentham's dead.
- Hurley: What?
- Sayid: Two days ago.
- Hurley: What happened?
- Sayid: They said it was suicide.
- Hurley: What do you mean, they "said" it was suicide? And why are you calling him "Bentham"? His name is--
- Sayid: Don't say it. We're being watched.
- Hurley: Dude, I've been having regular conversations with dead people. The last thing I need now is paranoia.
- Sayid: I just killed a man who's been perched outside this facility for the last week. I'm finding paranoia keeps me alive.
- Hurley: We're not going back, are we?
- Sayid: No. Just somewhere safe.
- Hurley: Okay then. Hold on a sec. Checkmate, Mr. Eko.
- Christian: You can go now, Michael.
- Michael: Who are you? [The freighter explodes]
- Sun: Excuse me. Mr. Widmore?
- Widmore: Yes.
- Sun: I'm Sun Kwon... Mr. Paik's daughter. I'm the managing director of Paik Industries.
- Widmore: Yes, of course. How is your father?
- Sun: Excellent, thank you.
- Widmore: Quite the golfer. I believe I owe him dinner after our last game.
- Sun: Are you really going to pretend that you don't know who I am?
- Widmore: I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, Ms. Kwon.
- Sun: Yes, you do know, Mr. Widmore... just like you know we've been lying all this time about where we were and what happened to us there. You and I have common interests. When you're ready to discuss them... [Sun hands Widmore her business card] Call me. As you know, we're not the only ones who left the island. [Sun walks away]
- Widmore: Ms. Kwon? Why would you want to help me?
- Ben: Sometimes good command decisions are compromised by bad emotional responses.
- Sawyer: Nice day for a swim.
- Juliet: What are you doing here?
- Sawyer: Decided to take a dip. Whatcha cebratin'? [Pointing at Juliet's bottle of rum]
- Juliet: I'm not celebrating. [Sawyer then sees the smoke of the freighter on the horizon]
- Sawyer: Is that our boat?
- Juliet: It was.
- Locke: Jacob told me what we had to do. You don't get to make all the decisions--
- Ben: He told you what to do, but he didn't tell you how because he wants me to suffer the consequences.
- Locke: What consequences?
- Ben: Whoever moves the island can never come back. So I'd like you to get on the elevator, John, and go back up. Richard and my people will be waiting 2 miles east of the Orchid.
- Locke: Waiting for me?
- Ben: Ready, willing and able to share what they know. And then they will follow your every word. Good-bye, John. I'm sorry I made your life so miserable. [Ben shakes Locke's hand for the last time and leaves]
- Locke: What do I tell 'em to do?
- Ben: You'll find your way, John. You always do.
- Richard: Hello, John. Welcome home.
- Ben: I hope you're happy now Jacob.
- Phone Call: [Played in reverse] The Island needs you. You have to go back before its too late.
- Claire: Don't bring him back, Kate. Don't you dare bring him back.
- Hurley: I can't believe he did it.
- Kate: Who did what?
- Hurley: Locke. He moved the island.
- Jack: No, he didn't.
- Hurley: Oh, really? 'Cause... one minute it was there, and the next it was gone, so... unless we, like, overlooked it, Dude, that's exactly what he did. But... if you've got another explanation, man, I'd love to hear it.
- Jack: How long till we'll hit land?
- Lapidus: Well, if the wind's not too brutal... eight, nine hours. (Drops plank) Just long enough to give you a nice, convincing sunburn.
- Jack: Well... it's been a pleasure, Frank. I hope we never see each other again.
- Lapidus: Roger that, Doc.
- Desmond: Are you sure about this, brother?
- Jack: Are you sure?
- Desmond: As long as I've got Penny... I'll be fine.
- Jack: Don't let him find you, Desmond. I'll see you in another life, brother.
- Desmond: Aye. I guess you will.
- Ben: Hello, Jack. [Ben startles Jack from behind him in the funeral home, while looking a "Jeremy Bentham's" body] Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Did he tell you that I was off the island?
- Jack: Yes, he did.
- Ben: When did you speak to him?
- Jack: About a month ago.
- Ben: And Kate?
- Jack: Yeah. Yeah, he came to see her, too.
- Ben: And what did he say to you?
- Jack: He told me... that after I left the island, some very bad things happened. And he told me that it was my fault for leaving. And he said that I had to come back.
- Ben: Yes, I heard that you've been flying on passenger planes... hoping that you'd crash. That's dark, Jack, very dark.
- Jack: Why are you here?
- Ben: I'm here to tell you that the island won't let you come alone. All of you have to go back.
- Jack: Are you... Sayid--I don't even know where Sayid is. Hurley... is insane. Sun blames me for... and then Kate... she won't even talk to me anymore.
- Ben: Perhaps I can help you with that. This is the way it has to be, Jack. It's the only way. You have to do it together, all of you.
- Jack: How?
- Ben: I have a few ideas. [Jack turns to leave] Jack... I said, all of you. We're gonna have to bring him, too.
[Both Jack and Ben look back down at the body, who is revealed to be John Locke]
Because You Left [5.01]
- Dharma Worker: There's an open chamber about twenty meters in behind the rock. There's something in there. And the only way to get it is to lay charges here and here, blast through it-
- Pierre Chang (From Orientation videos): Under no circumstances. This station is being built here because it's proximity to what we believe to be an almost limitless energy and that energy, once we can harness it correctly, it's going to allow us to manipulate time.
- Worker: Right... Okay, so what? We're gonna go back and kill Hitler?
- Pierre Chang: Don't be absurd. There are rules. Rules that can't be broken.
- Worker: So what do you want me to do?
- Pierre Chang: You're gonna do nothing. If you drill even one centimeter further, you risk releasing that energy. If that would've happened... God help us all.
(Jack stares at Locke's body, Ben comes up with a stretcher)
- Ben: Why don't you close that up now Jack? Come on, let's get him in the van, it's out back.
- Jack: Where are we taking him?
- Ben: We'll worry about that once we pick up Hugo.
- Jack: Hurley - is locked away in a mental institution.
- Ben: Which should make recruiting him considerably easier than the rest of your friends.
- Jack: They're not my friends anymore.
- Ben: Well that's the spirit...
- Jack: How did we get here...? How did all of this happened?
- Ben: It happened because you left, Jack... Now let's get started shall we?
(Ben closes Jeremy Bentham's coffin)
- Sawyer: First things first. Give me your shirt.
- Daniel: My shirt?
- Sawyer: Yeah.
- Daniel: I really think we have far more pressing matters then me giving you a shirt. How about we just keep moving, okay?
- Sawyer: How about we call a time out so you can tell us what the hell's going on?
- Daniel: How about you trust me?
- Sawyer: Trust you? I don't even know you!
- Daniel: We really do not have time for me to try to explain. You have no idea how difficult that would be for me to try to explain this-this phenomenon to a quantum physicist. That would be difficult. So for me to try to explain whatevers happened-
- [Sawyer slaps Daniel]
- Charlotte: Oy! What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?
- Sawyer: Shut it, ginger, or you're getting one too. Now talk.
- Daniel: This island... Think of the island like a record spinning on a turntable. Only now, that record is skipping. Whatever Ben Linus did down at the Orchard station... I think it may have... dislodged us.
- Miles: Dislodged us from what?
- Daniel: ... Time.
- Hurley: So when'd you become so paranoid?
- Sayid: If you'd spent the last two years doing the things I was doing, you'd be paranoid, too.
- Hurley: Oh, yeah? Paranoid like what? What kind of things?
- Sayid: I was working for Benjamin Linus.
- Hurley: Wait. He's on our side now?
- Sayid: Listen to me, Hurley. If you ever have the misfortune of running into him, whatever he tells you, just do the opposite.
- [At drive through]
- Hurley: Wanna fry?
- Sayid: No, thank you.
- Hurley: You know maybe if you ate more comfort food, you wouldn't have to go around shooting people.
- Hurley: So that dude you pocked outside Santa Rosa, who was he?
- Sayid: I don't care. He was armed and he was watching you. That made him an enemy.
- Hurley: You think he was going to kill me?
- Sayid: I'm not taking risks after Bentham died.
- Hurley: You mean Locke?
- Sayid: Yeah, I mean Locke.
- Hurley: I need a cool code name.
- Charlotte: Hey, you think he's looking for us?
- Miles: Who?
- Charlotte: Widmore
- Miles: It took him, like, 20 years to find this place the first time. I'll start holding my breath now.
- Dan (staring at the hatch crater): Is this the hatch?
- Sawyer: It was. Blown up, just like we left it.
- Dan: Okay. So when we are now... It's now after you and your people crashed on the island.
- Sawyer: You sayin' our camp is back on the beach again?
- Dan: It's possible, yeah.
- Sawyer: Good. I'm going back.
- Dan: Hey. No, no. (stoping him) It's pointless.
- Sawyer: More pointless than staring at a hole in the ground?
- Dan: We don't know when the next flash is coming. By the time you get back to the beach, the camp could be gone again.
- Sawyer: Yeah. But what if it ain't? Hell, what if the helicopter hasn't even taken off yet?
- Juliet: We could warn them. Stop them from ever flying to that boat.
- Dan: That is not the way it works.
- Sawyer: Who says?
- Dan: You cannot change anything. You can't. Even if you tried to, it wouldn't work.
- Sawyer: Why not?
- Dan: Time it's like a street, all right? We can move forward on that street, we can move in reverse, but we cannot ever create a new street. If we try to do anything different, we will fail every time. Whatever happened, happened.
- Richard: Next time we see each other, I'm not gonna recognize you, all right? You give me this.
(He gives Locke a compass)
- Locke: What is this?
- Richard: It's a compass.
- Locke: What does it do?
- Richard: It points north, John. Look, I wish I had time to be more sensitive about this because it's a lot to swallow, but you need to know it in order to do what you gotta do. So I'm just gonna say it, okay? The only way to save the island, John, is to get your people back here. The ones who left.
- Locke: Jack, Kate? But the chopper was headed for the boat. The boat...
- Richard: No, they're fine, John, and they're already home, so you have to convince them to come back.
- Locke: How... How am I supposed to do that?
- Richard: You're gonna have to die, John.
(The sky flashes again and Richard disappears)
- Dan (knocking at the hatch back door): Please, please, please. Let this work.
(The door opens, Desmond comes out and aims at Dan with a rifle)
- Dan: Don't shoot.
- Desmond: Then you'd best explain why you've been bangin' on my door for the last 20 minutes, brother.
- Dan: Desmond.
- Desmond (slowly lowering the rifle): Are you him?
- Dan: "Him"? Who?
- Desmond: My replacment.
- Dan: No, I'm not. (Desmond points the rifle at him again) I'm not. I'm not. I'm...
- Desmond: Do I know you?
- Dan: Yeah... in a way. But listen, that's not important. What is important, Desmond, is what I'm about to say to you. I need you to listen. You're the only person who can help us because, Desmond... The rules... The rules don't apply to you. You're special. You're uniquely and miraculously special.
- Desmond: What are you talking about?
(The sky begins to hum)
- Dan: Okay, listen to me. Listen! If the helicopter somehow made it off the island, if you got home...
- Desmond: What helicopter? What are you talking about?!
- Dan: Listen, I need you to listen, or people are gonna die. My name is Daniel Faraday, and right now me and everyone else you left behind. We're in serious danger. You're the only person who can help us. I need you to go back to Oxford University. Go back to where we met. I need you to go there and find my mother. Her name is...
(The sky flashes and Desmond wakes up in his bed)
- [As sky lights up for third time shift]
- Sawyer: Son of a-
- [Time shifts, shows it's daylight]
- Sawyer: Bitch...
The Lie [5.02]
- Hurley: Dude they'll find out.
- Jack: Not if we stick to the story.
- Sayid: I don't know, Jack. It could be a risk.
- Jack: It's the only way. We have to do this.
- Lapidus: You're still at it, huh?
- Jack: Look, we're running out of time. We've got to make a decision now. So are we all okay with this?
- Sayid: This is a decision that will affect the rest of our lives. I'm not taking it lightly.
- Jack: Kate?
- Kate: Yeah.
- Jack: Sun?
- [Sun nods]
- Jack: Frank?
- Lapidus: What?
- Jack: Sorry you got dragged into this, but we need to know that you're with us.
- Lapidus: Whatever you guys decide, I'll just roll with.
- Jack: Hurley, what about you?
- Hurley: I don't think we should lie dude.
- Jack: We need to protect the people that we left behind, Hurley.
- Hurley: How does lying protect them?
- Jack: It protects them from Charles Widmore. The guy hired a boatload of people to kill all of us. He faked the plane crash, and you think telling him the truth he's just gonna.. he's gonna leave them alone?
- Hurley: [To Penny] Look he's your dad right? Can't you just like.. call him off?
- Penny: There's no calling my father off.
- Hurley: But, he'll never find 'em. I mean the Island disappeared, we all saw it, it's gone... BLUP!
- Jack: You thing anyone's gonna believe that? Believe any of it? They're gonna think you're crazy.
- Hurley: Unless someone backs me up.
- [He looks at Sayid]
- Hurley: Sayid, come on. They'll think I'm nuts if I tell the truth but what if we all do? I mean if we can stick together, we can make 'em believe us. I don't wanna spend the rest of my life lying, do you?!
- Sayid: No, but I don't believe we have a better choice... I'm sorry Hurley but we have to lie.
- Hurley: You know what dude? I'm gonna remember this. And some day you're gonna need my help and I'm telling you right now... You're not getting it.
- [After being pulled over]
- Hurley: Okay, okay, okay. Just stay calm.
- [Cop knocks on window, Hurley rolls it down]
- Cop: What the hell where you thinking?
- Hurley:... Ana Lucia?
- Ana Lucia: You were driving like a maniac. And why'd you pull over?
- Hurley: I just... I thought...
- Ana Lucia: You didn't think. What if I were real? What if a real cop stopped you? They already have pictures of you covered in blood with a gun in your hand.
- Hurley: Actually, it's ketchup. We, uh, went to a drive-through and uh...
- Ana Lucia: Bro, you need to pull it together. You've got a lot of work to do.
- Hurley: I do?
- Ana Lucia: Let's start with the basics. First off, you need new clothes. Then, you need to go to a safe place and take Sayid to somebody you trust. You getting all this?
- Hurley: Yeah.
- Ana Lucia: Then get to it. And stay away from the cops. Do not get arrested.
- Hurley: Thanks, Ana Lucia.
- Ana Lucia: Oh, yeah... Libby says hi.
- Hurley: Okay. See, we did crash, but it was on this crazy island. And we waited for rescue, and there wasn't any rescue. And there was a smoke monster, and then there were other people on the island. We called them the Others, and they started attacking us. And we found some hatches, and there was a button you had to push every 108 minutes or... well, I was never really clear on that. But... the Others didn't have anything to do with the hatches. That was the DHARMA Initiative. The Others killed them, and now they're trying to kill us. And then we teamed up with the Others because some worse people were coming on a freighter. Desmond's girlfriend's father sent them to kill us. So we stole their helicopter and we flew it to their freighter, but it blew up. And we couldn't go back to the island because it disappeared, so then we crashed into the ocean, and we floated there for a while until a boat came and picked us up. And by then, there were six of us. That part was true. But the rest of the people... who were on the plane? They're still on that island.
- Ben: Hello, Hugo.
- Hurley: Ahh! [Throws Hot Pocket at him, misses and it hits wall] Get away from me. Get away!
- Ben: Hugo, I know you're in trouble. And I can assure you, I've taken care of everything. I have a car waiting for us out back. The police didn't see me come in. I can get you out of here.
- Hurley: No way, dude. Sayid warned me about you.
- Ben: I'm taking you to Sayid. He's with Jack. That's why I'm here, Hugo. Jack called me. How else would I know that they're together?
- Hurley: No. You're playing one of your mind games. They'd never trust you.
- Ben: In their defense, I'm not an easy person to trust. But they came around when they realized that we all want the same thing.
- Hurley: And what's that?
- Ben: To go back to the island. Come with us, Hugo. And this'll be over. You can stop hiding. You can stop worrying about the stories and the deceptions. If you come with me, you won't ever have to lie again. Please... Let me help you.
- Hurley: Never, dude.
- [Hurley turns and runs]
- Young Widmore: I want you to tell me everything or I'll cut off her other hand.
- Juliet: What?!
- Sawyer: Other?
- Young Widmore: The first one isn't negotiable. It's just to illustrate how serious I am.
- Carmen Reyes: Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?
Jughead [5.03]
- Richard: How do I know you weren’t sent here on some suicide mission? I’ll take you out to the bomb, and you’ll just detonate it.
- Dan: [pause] Because I'm in love with the woman sitting next to me. [Charlotte looks up in shock] And I would never...I would never do anything to hurt her.
- Sawyer: How'd you learn to speak Latin?
- Juliet: Others 101. It's the language of the enlightened.
- Sawyer: Enlightened, my ass.
- [Dan and Charlotte are sitting at a table]
- Charlotte: You didn't have to say that.
- Dan: Say what?
- Charlotte: [smiles] That you loved me. And I'm pretty sure that there are other ways you could have convinced him you weren't going to blow up the entire island.
- Dan: I said what I said because I meant it, Charlotte.
- Sawyer: Hate to break this up, but Heidi's taking the geek on a death march in the jungle.
The Little Prince [5.04]
- [Locke, Charlotte, Dan, Miles, Juliet, and Sawyer are in a longboat headed to the Orchid Station, being attacked by an unknown assailant. The sky lights up for a time shift]
- Sawyer: Thank you, Lord!
- [Time shift puts them in the middle of a thunderstorm]
- Sawyer: I take that back!
- Sawyer: I saw Kate.
- Juliet: What?
- Sawyer: Last night, in the jungle. Before the last flash. She was delivering Claire's baby.
- Juliet: But that was two months ago.
- Sawyer: Time travel's a bitch.
This Place Is Death [5.05]
- [Locke, Sawyer, Juliet, Miles and Jin finally reached "The Orchid"]
- Locke: We're here.
- Juliet: Thank God. What are the odds that we would end up in the same time as this thing?
- [Time shifts and "The Orchid" disappears]
- Sawyer: You just had to say somethin'.
- [Locke, Sawyer, Juliet, Miles and Jin finally find the well Charlotte talked about]
- Sawyer: You're going down there?
- Locke: Aha...
- Sawyer: What exactly are you hoping to find?
- Locke: A way off the Island.
- Sawyer: Expecting a subway!?
- Locke: [Smiling] Goodbye, James.
- Jin: Please, translate!
- Sawyer: You heard the man, translate!
- Miles: Dude, he's Korean. I'm from Encino.
- Charlotte: I've been here before.
- Dan: You've been...you've been here before?
- Charlotte: I grew up here. On the island. There was this thing, this DHARMA Initiative, and then I moved away with my mum. Just my mum, and I never saw my dad again. Then when I got back to England, I would ask my mum about this place, but she would say that it wasn't real, and that I'd made it up. That's why I became an anthropologist. To find this island again. It's what I've been searching for my whole life.
- Dan: Charlotte, why are you telling me this?
- Charlotte: Because I remember something now. When I was little, living here, there was this man, this crazy man. He really scared me. And he told me that I had to leave the island and never ever come back. He told me that if I came back to the island, I would die.
- Dan: Charlotte, I don't understand.
- Charlotte: Daniel! I think that man was you.
316 [5.06]
- [Jack looks into coach and sees other passengers]
- Jack: And the other people on this plane--what's gonna happen to them?
- Ben: Who cares?
- [Jack and Ben, in the 316 Ajira flight]
- Jack: [Nervous] How can you read?
- Ben: [Keeps reading] My mother taught me. [Pretty funny smile] I can read, Jack, because it beats what you are doing.
- Jack: What's that?
- Ben: Waiting for something to happen.
- Jack: And what is gonna happen?
- Ben: You tell me, Jack, you're the one that got to stay after school with Ms. Hawking.
- Jack: Did you know that Locke killed himself?
- Ben: No. No, I didn't.
- Jack: [Takes out the suicide note Locke left for him] They found this stuffed in his pocket... and I've been trying to get rid of it but it's like it's... following me. I know it sounds crazy but... it feels like John needs me to read it.
- Ben: Why don't you then? Is it because you're afraid?
- Jack: Afraid of what?
- Ben: Afraid that he blames you, that it's your fault he killed himself.
- Jack: Was it my fault?
- Ben: No, Jack, it wasn't your fault. Let me give you some privacy.
- [Ben changes his seat, and Jack reads the note: "Jack, I wish you had believed me. JL"]
- [Turbulences and a flash like those from the Island start]
- [Jack and Frank, who is the pilot of Ajira Flight 316]
- Frank: Well. Hello, Doc. Small world. What are you doing going to Guam?
- Jack: What are you doing here, Frank?
- Frank: Well, I picked this gig up about eight months ago. I fly this route all the time. Sometimes I take the big birds into New [looks up and sees Sayid]...Delhi. Is that Sayid? [sees Hurley] And Hurley. [sees Kate, then Sun] Wait a second...We're not going to Guam, are we?
- Jack: It's pretty crazy, huh?
- Kate: Which part?
- Jack: Hurley, Sayid and Ben on the same plane. How did they end up here?
- Kate: They bought a ticket.
- Jack: You don't think that it means something? That somehow we're all back together?
- Kate: We're on the same plane, Jack. Doesn't make us together.
The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham [5.07]
- Locke: What makes you think that I'm so special?
- Charles Widomore: Because you are.
- Ilana: Nobody remembers you being on the plane
- Locke: Well, I don't remember being on it either.
- Ilana: What do you remember?
- Locke: I remember a lot.
- Ilana: Like why you're dressed up so nice?
- Locke: No, but I can guess.
- Ilana: Please. Guess.
- Locke: I think this suit is what they were gonna bury me in.
- Ilana: Sorry?
- Locke: You asked what I remembered. I remember dying.
- [Locke is staring at injured and unconscious Ben]
- Ceasar: You know him?
- Locke: Yeah. He's the man who killed me.
- [The episode ends]
LaFleur [5.08]
- Jin: Daniel... No more flash?
- Dan: No. No more flash. The record is spinning again. We're just not on the song we wanna be on.
- Sawyer: I got good news and bad news. What you want first?
- Horace: Good news.
- Sawyer: You're a daddy. Bad news is you missed it.
- Horace: Oh, gosh. Amy... She had the baby?
- Sawyer: It's a boy.
- Horace: A boy?
- [Sawyer shakes his head "Yes"]
- Sawyer: Now how about you tell me... why you're too busy drinking and blowing up trees to see him be born?
- Horace: I was, uh... I was looking for a pair of socks, and all of mine were dirty, so I went to grab a pair of Amy's, and... I found this... In the back of her drawer.
- [He shows Sawyer Paul's necklace]
- Horace: It was Paul's.
- Sawyer: You got in a fight over a necklace?
- Horace: I know. But... It's only been three years, Jim. Just three years that he's been gone. Is that really long enough to get over someone?
- Sawyer: I had a thing for a girl once. And I had a shot at her, but I didn't take it. For a little while, I'd lay in bed every night, wondering if it was a mistake. Wondering if... I'd ever stop thinking about her. And now I can barely remember what she looks like. I mean, her face... it's.. She's just gone, and she ain't never coming back. So... Is three years long enough to get over someone? Absolutely.
Namaste [5.09]
- [Commercial airliner Ajura Airlines Flight 316 is flying through a night sky through some thick dark coloured clouds. Inside the plane; Jack, Ben, Kate, Hurley, Sayid and Sun all sit in first class waiting to be returned to the island. In the cockpit pilot Frank Lapidus is enerved by the situation after seeing Jack and all the rest of the Oceanic Six on board the plane. Sitting next to him is a co-pilot who is monitoring the planes dials]
- Co-Pilot: Do you want to hear something crazy?
- FRANK: Yeah. What’s that?
- Co-Pilot: Did you see the big guy; who got on in L.A.? Sitting in first class, curly hair, guitar case?
- Frank: What about him?
- Co-Pilot: He’s one of the Oceanic 6. The guy must have nerves of steel, man. He survives a full on commercial airliner crash now he’s flying over the same South Pacific.
- Frank: Yeah, well. Maybe he doesn’t believe lightning will strike twice in the same place.
- [The co-pilot smiles at Frank when suddenly a severe case of turbalance strikes the plane rocking it for several seconds. Frank appears nervous. A few seconds later the turbalance subsides. The co-pilot looks over at Frank]
- Co-Pilot: You all right there Frank?
- Frank: I’m just fine.
- [Following the crash of Flight 316, Frank leaves the cockpit and enters the first class seating area which is in pieces with seats and plane parts all over the place. Frank looks around, Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid are all gone. Sun gets up and she and Frank notice each other]
- Frank: Sun?!
- Sun: Frank.
- Frank: Sun. You alright?
- [Sun scans the cabin noticing the mess and that the rest of the Oceanic Six have disappeared]
- Sun: Oh my God! What happened?
- Frank: I don’t know.
- [Pause]
- Frank: Where’s everyone else? Jack? Kate? Hurley? Sayid? Where’d they all go?
- [Ben Linus suddenly appears behind Frank]
- Ben: They’re gone!
- Frank: Gone? Gone where?
- Ben: How would I know?
- [Having been reunited with Hurley, Kate and Jack at the end of Namaste, Sawyer speaks to the trio for the first time in three years]
- Hurley: [To Sawyer] You’re alive! DUDE! I can’t believe it!
- [Hurley embraces Sawyer, lifting him off the ground in the process]
- Sawyer: Ha, ha. Easy on the ribs their Kong.
- Hurley: Kong...I actually missed that.
- Sawyer: I missed you too Hugo.
- [Jack moves in to shake Sawyer's hand]
- Jack: Sawyer.
- Sawyer: Doc.
- [Kate approaches Sawyer and hugs him]
- Sawyer: Hi. Good to see you, Kate.
- Kate: You too, James.
- [Sawyer looks at the group]
- Sawyer: I can't believe it! You’re really here. Son of a bitch actually did it. [John] Locke said he was gonna bring you back, but...[looks around] where is he?
- Jack: [Bluntly] John’s dead.
- Sawyer: Dead? How?
- Jack: Doesn’t matter, he’s gone.
- Hurley: So what’s up with you guys in the old Dharma jump suits?
- [Sawyer turns to Jin]
- Sawyer: You didn’t tell them?
- [Jin now speaks perfect English]
- Jin: No. I was waiting for you.
- Kate: Tell us what?
- Sawyer: We’re in the Dharma Initiative.
- Jack: They came back to the Island?
- Sawyer: No, we came back. And so did you. [Pause] It’s Nineteen Seventy-seven...
- [While waiting in the North Valley for Sawyer to return to tell them what to do, Kate approaches Jack who is tapping his now broken wristwatch]
- Kate: So this woman who told you how to come back, did she mention that it would be thirty years ago?
- Jack: No! Nope, she left that part out.
- Kate: So what are we supposed to do now?
- Jack: I’m not sure yet.
- [In the North Valley, Sawyer retruns with clothes and instructions for Jack, Kate and Hurley. He gets out of the van]
- Sawyer: Alright listen. Y’all gonna be the second batch of recruits coming in off the sub. It should be pulling into port right about now so we ain’t got much time. [Looks at Jack] Nice suit, doc. Not exactly Island wear, try this.
- [Sawyer throws Jack some 1977 style clothes including a shirt and a pair of trousers]
- Jack: You want us to say we came in on the sub? How’s that going to work?
- Sawyer: Everyone gets knocked out before the trip, so no one meets each other until we process ‘em.
- Jack: Look. We need to find the rest of people from the plane.
- Sawyer: If there was a plane then Jin will find it. So we’ve got about ten minutes to make intake or you’ll be camping in the jungle for a long time. There isn’t another batch of recruits due in for six months.
- [Jack turns to Kate]
- Jack: Whaddya think?
- Kate: I think we should listen to Sawyer.
- Hurley: I vote for not camping too.
- Sawyer: Trust me doc. You'll do what I say then everything will be fine.
- [Brief pause. Jack nods in agreement]
- Sawyer: Ok then. Let’s move.
- [Sawyer followed by the other three get into the Dharma Minivan]
- [In his Dharma Minivan, Sawyer drives Hurley, Jack and Kate to the Barracks]
- Hurley: Ok. So, it’s Nineteen Seventy-seven?
- Sawyer: Yup.
- Hurley: And you guys are all members of the Dharma Initiative?
- Sawyer: Yup.
- Hurley: Well, you do realise those dudes get wiped out right? I mean I saw the pit where all the bodies got dumped.
- Sawyer: What about it?
- Hurley: Well; aren’t you gonna warn ‘em? Aren’t you gonna stop it from happening?
- Sawyer: I ain’t here to play Nostradamus to these people. Besides, Faraday’s got some interesting theories about what we can and can’t do here.
- [Jack leans into the conversation from the backseat]
- Jack: Did you say Faraday? He’s still here?
- Sawyer: Not any more!
- [After arriving back on the main island in 2007; Sun and Frank arrive at the Dharma Barracks. The place is derserted and falling apart. suddenly the wind picks up blowing the trees and errie whispers are heard. Sun and Frank turn to and look as the light in the Dharma processing building comes on. They exchange uneasy glances as the door creaks open to reveal Jack's father Christian Shepard]
- Christian: Hello.
- Frank: Who the hell are you?
- Christian: My name is Christian.
- Sun: I’m looking for my husband. His name is Jin Kwon. Do you know where he is?
- Christian: Follow me...
- [Christian re-enters the delapidated Dharma Processing Centre and Sun follows. A nervous Frank follows after Sun. Inside; Christian shines a torch on several pictures looking for one to show Sun]
- Sun: What is this place?
- Christian: Seventy two, Seventy six, Seventy eight...
- Sun: Where is my husband?
- Christian: Ah! Here we go. Seventy seven. [Removes the picture from the wall] He’s um, he’s with your friends.
- Sun: What are you talking about? What friends?
- [Christian walks over to Sun and Frank as the wind begins to blow strongly outside causing the door to open. He hands Sun the picture and shines the torch on it so that both Sun and Frank can see it]
- Christian: I’m sorry but you’ve got a bit of a journey ahead of you.
- [Sun looks at the picture. There is a banner labeled “New Recruits” hanging over a group of people including Jack, Kate and Hurley. They are wearing Dharma jump suits. Sun and Frank look at each other shocked and confused]
- [Having seen Sayid been arrested and locked up by Sawyer and Jin, Jack heads round to Sawyer's house to speak with him about the situation]
- Sawyer: What can I do for you, Jack?
- Jack: I don't even know where to start. Uh... How about with Sayid?
- Sawyer: I had no choice. He was running around in the jungle, got caught by my people. And seein' as how he can't tell the truth about how he got here, I had to improvise.
- Jack: Improvise?
- Sawyer: Aha. And for now, Sayid is safe, which is all that matters.
- Jack: So where do we go from here?
- Sawyer: I'm working on it.
- Jack: Really? Because it looked to me like you were reading a book.
- [Sawyer smiles]
- Sawyer: I heard once Winston Churchill read a book every night, even during the Blitz. He said it made him think better. It's how I like to run things. I think. I'm sure that doesn't mean that much to you, 'cause back when you were calling the shots, you pretty much just reacted. See, you didn't think, Jack, and as I recall, a lot of people ended up dead.
- Jack: I got us off the island.
- Sawyer: But here you are... Right back where you started. So I'm gonna go back to reading my book, and I'm gonna think 'cause that's how I saved your ass today. And that's how I'm gonna save Sayid's tomorrow. All you gotta do is go home, get a good night's rest. I do what I do
- [He leads Jack to the door and opens it]
- Sawyer: Now ain't that a relief?
- Jack: Yeah.
- [Jack leaves]
- [In the Dharma security facility security guard Phil is on duty. A teenage boy enters the room and approachs Phil at his desk]
- Young Ben: Hey Phil. I am just going to go in there and deliver him a sandwich.
- Phil: Alright.
- [The boy enters an adjacent room where Sayid is being held in a cell]
- Young Ben: Hello. I brought you a sandwich.
- [Sayid goes over to the cells railings and takes the paper bag containing the sandwich from young Ben]
- Sayid: Thank you.
- Young Ben: I didn't put any mustard on it, but if you want some, I can go and get some.
- [Sayid looks in the paper bag and then back to the boy]
- Sayid: This will be fine thank you.
- Young Ben: Are you a Hostile?
- Sayid: What do you think I am?
- Young Ben: What's your name?
- Sayid: My name is Sayid. What's yours?
- Younger Ben: I'm Ben.
- [Pause. It suddenly dawns on Sayid who the little boy infront of him is]
- Sayid: It's nice to meet you Ben...
The Variable [5.14]
- [There is a knock at Jack's house. Jack opens the door and Faraday bursts in with Miles]
- Faraday: Hey Jack, how did you get back? How did you do it, how did you get back to the island?
- Jack: Dan, wow....where have you been?
- Dan: I've been at Dharma Headquarters in Ann Arbor, I was doing some research, but whats more important right now, how did you get back here, to 1977?
- [Jack looks over at Miles]
- Jack: What's going on?
- Miles: Hey don't look at me, I just carried his luggage.
- Faraday: Jack. How?
- Jack: We were on a plane and then...
- Faraday: And who told you to get on that plane?
- Jack: As a matter of fact Daniel it was your mother.
- [Dan nods]
- Faraday: And how did she convince you Jack? Did she tell you it was your destiny?
- Jack: Yeah thats exactly what she said.
- Faraday: Well I got some bad news for you Jack, you don't belong here at all. She was wrong.
- [Sawyer holds a meeting to discuss what the survivors should do next before their true identities are discovered by Dharma. Suddenly there's a knock at the front door]
- Sawyer: Hold your horses, I'll be right there.
- [Sawyer picks up and cocks a handgun, placing it behind his back as he opens the door which he opens to reveal Dan and Miles]
- Faraday: Hey James.
- Sawyer: Welcome to the meeting Twitchy. Good to see you again. Come in, pound cake's in the kitchen, help yourself to the punch.
- [Dan enters the house. Miles starts to follow. Saywer pulls him to one side]
- Sawyer: Is he still crazy?
- Miles: It's on a whole new level man.
- Sawyer: [Sarcastically] Great!
- [In flashback to mid-late 2004, Faraday is being looked after by a carer in his flat while he is watching footage informing the public that the wreckage of Flight 815 has been found in the Sunda Trench]
- On TV: These pictures come from a research vessel off the coast of Indonesia...
- Faraday's Carer: How do want your eggs Dan?
- [Dan is crying at the footage being shown on the TV]
- Faraday's Carer: Dan whats the matter? Why are you so upset?
- Faraday: I don't know...
- [There is a knock at the door, Dan's carer goes to answer, Charles Widmore enters]
- Faraday's Carer: Hello come in. Can I get you a cup of tea?
- Charles Widmore: Thank you that would be nice.
- Faraday's Carer: Dan you have a visitor.
- [Faraday gets out of his chair and in a confused manner he shakes Widmore's hand]
- Charles Widmore: Hello Daniel.
- Faraday: [Almost in tears] Er...Hello. I'm sorry sir I don't remember...I have a condition that effects my memory and...
- Charles Widmore: Don't be embarrased Daniel, weve never met. I'm Charles Widmore.
- Faraday: Charles Widmore? Charles Widmore from my research grant?
- Charles Widmore: Yes.
- Faraday: Its nice to meet you at last, I kept meaning to come and see you but I got a bit...take a seat.
- Charles Widmore: Thank you.
- [They sit]
- Faraday: I just want you to know that I tested it on myself first. I would never hurt Teresa.
- Charles Widmore: It's alright Daniel I'm not here because of that. I want to offer you a new opportunity.
- Faraday: Really?
- Charles Widmore: Yes.
- [Dan stares back at the footage of the wreckage of 815 on the TV and starts to cry]
- Charles Widmore: Daniel. Whats making you so upset?
- Faraday: It's this plane crash. All those poor people...and their families. They're dead!
- Charles Widmore: What if I was to tell you Daniel that they're not dead. What if I told you that that plane they have found is an elaborate and expensive hoax.
- Faraday: How would you know that?
- Charles Widmore: I know Daniel because I'm the one that put it there.
- Faraday: Why would you tell me that?
- Charles Widmore: I told you Daniel because come tomorrow you're not likely to remember.
- [The pair continue to discuss the crash and Widmore offers Dan the chance to go to the island on the frighter]
- [Juliet and Sawyer are in their home packing in preparation to leave Dharma for the beach, Juliet packs and is slient. Sawyer stops her]
- Sawyer: You called it the minute those yahoos got here. I should have listened to you. You can say I told you so!
- Juliet: Maybe after we get to the beach.
- Sawyer: Hey. You still got my back?
- Juliet: You still got mine?
- [Faraday enters The Others/The Hostiles camp alone while Jack and Kate watch from behind some trees]
- Faraday: Nobody move. I only want to speak to Eloise. Where is Eloise? Come on! Where is she?
- Richard Alpert: I'm sorry but Elo..
- [Faraday points his handgun to Richards head]
- Richard Alpert: She's not hear right now. Do we know each other?
- Faraday: It doesn't matter. I need you to take me to Eloise.
- Richard Alpert: I already told you that she's not here, so why don't we just...
- Faraday: Wheres the bomb Richard?
- [Richard looks confused]
- Faraday: The Hydrogen Bomb I told your people to bury. Where is it?
- Richard Alpert: Listen to me, lower your gun and we'll talk ok? Nobody has to get hurt here. Just put the gun down.
- Faraday: I'm going to give you three seconds...One...
- Richard Alpert: Don't do this.
- Faraday: Two...Thr...
- [A gun goes off. Faraday looks down - He's been shot. Richard drops the mug he was holding and heads foward learning over a dying Faraday. As Dan falls it is revealed that he has been shot by his mother Eloise]
- Richard Alpert: Why did you do that?
- Eloise Hawking: He had a gun on you.
- Richard Alpert: He wasn't going to shoot me, Eloise.
- [A dying Faraday looks up at his young mother]
- Faraday: You knew... that's why you sent me back here... You knew!
- Eloise Hawking: Who are you?
- Faraday: I'm your.. son. [Faraday dies.]
Follow The Leader [5.15]
- [Miles, Jin and Hurley follow Sawyers plan and start to head out towards the beach. Suddenly they hear something. Jin and Miles raise their weapons, but notice that it's Miles' dad - Dr. Chang who has come to meet them. They lower their weapons]
- Miles: Dr. Chang? What are you doing here?
- Dr. Chang: I could ask you the same question. [Pause] Please I must know is what your friend Faraday said true? Are you from the future?
- [Hurley briefly glances over at Miles and Jin and then turns to Dr. Chang]
- Hurley: Dude that's ridiculous.
- Dr. Chang: Oh really. What year were you born?
- Hurley: Erm....1931.
- Dr. Chang: [Eyeing Hurley] You're 46?
- Hurley: Yeah.....Yes I am.
- Dr. Chang: That means you must have fought in the Korean War?
- Hurley: [nervous] There's no such thing...
- Dr. Chang: Who is the US President?
- Hurley: Ok, we're from the future.
- [Hurley turns to Miles and Jin]
- Hurley: Sorry dudes.
- [Richard Alpert sits in his tent fixing a model ship in what appears to be a large glass bottle. An Other enters his tent to inform him of John Locke's return]
- Other: Richard. He's back!
- Richard Alpert: Who?
- [They exit Richard's tent, coming up the beach is John Locke carrying a boar over his shoulders]
- John Locke: I brought dinner!
- Richard Alpert: [Confused and shocked] John?
- [Locke chucks the dead boar in the sand]
- John Locke: Hello Richard. It's been a while.
- Richard Alpert: It's...been three years. John what happened? Where were you?
- John Locke: I'll explain that on the way.
- Richard Alpert: On the way? On the way where?
- John Locke: It's going to be night soon and you and I have an errand to run and we don't have a lot of time. [Pause] What's wrong?
- Richard Alpert: There's something different about you.
- John Locke: I have a purpose now...
- [Ben and Sun watch on from afar as Locke talks to Richard in The Others camp]
- Sun: Who's that man that John's talking to?
- Ben: He's Richard Alpert. He's a kind of...advisor. And he has had that job for a very, very long time.
- [Sun takes off her rucksack and unzips it talking out the picture of the 1977 Dharma recruits in which Jack, Kate and Hurley feature. She drops the bag and heads into the camp, towards Richard and Locke]
- Ben: Sun? What are you...
- [Ben follows her]
- Sun: [To Richard] Where you here in 1977?
- Richard Alpert: Excuse me?
- [Sun shows Richard the photo]
- Sun: These people. Jack Shepard, Kate Austen and Hugo Reyes, they were here with my husband Jin Kwon. Were you here? Do you remember them? Any of them?
- Richard Alpert: Yes, I was here 30 years ago and yes I do remember these people. I remember meeting them very clearly because...I watched them all die.
- [Having been caught by the 1977 version of The Others. Jack and Kate sit alone in a tent and discuss Faraday's plan]
- Kate: Before we got captured you said that we had to put things back the way they were meant to be. What did you mean by that?
- Jack: If we can do what Faraday said our plane never crashes. Flight 815 lands in Los Angeles and everyone we lost since we got here, they'd all be alive.
- Kate: And what about us? We just go on living our lives because we never met.
- Jack: All the misery that we have been through would just wipe clean, like it never happened.
- Kate: It was NOT all misery!
- Jack: Enough of it was!
- Jack: Maybe I was wrong!
- Kate: No, you were right!
The Incident [5.16] and [5.17]
- [Jacob sits in a darkened room. He weaves something on a wooden wheel. He then heads outside and into the ocean to a fishing net and places the contents (a red herring) on a rock where he guts it and cooks it. He places it on a leaf to eat and sits back to watch as a wooden ship (presumably The Black Rock) approaches the island. Another man approaches Jacob and sits in the sand next to him]
- Man: Morning.
- Jacob: Morning.
- Man: Mind if I join you?
- Jacob: Please. You want some fish?
- Man: No thank you, I just ate.
- Jacob: I take it you're here because of the ship.
- Man: I am. How did they find the island?
- Jacob: You'll have to ask them when they get here.
- Man: I don't have to ask: you brought them here. Still trying to prove me wrong, aren't you?
- Jacob: You are wrong.
- Man: Am I? They come. They fight. They destroy. They corrupt. It always ends the same.
- Jacob: It only ends once. Everything that comes before is just progress.
- [Pause]
- Man: Do you have any idea how badly I want to kill you?
- Jacob: Yes.
- Man: One of these days, sooner or later, I'm going to find a loophole, my friend.
- Jacob: Well when you do, I'll be right here.
- Man: Always nice talking to you Jacob.
- Jacob: Nice talking to you, too.
- [The other man gets up ends heads off leaving Jacob alone on the beach. The camera pulls back to reveal that both men have been sat below the giant statue that is of a crocodile like figure]
- [In 1977; Juliet and Sawyer are on the Dharma Sub, they are joined by Kate and the sub leaves the island heading to the mainland]
- Kate: We have to get out of here.
- Sawyer: Out of here? We're underwater. What the hell are you doing here? How'd you get caught?
- Kate: I came back to get you.
- Sawyer: Came back to get me for what?
- Juliet: Where's Jack?
- Kate: Jack is... on his way to blow up a hydrogen bomb.
- Sawyer: Why the hell would he do that?
- Kate: Does it matter? We have to stop him.
- Sawyer: Sorry, I'm gonna pass.
- Kate: Did you hear what I just said?
- Sawyer: Yeah, I heard you. You just don't get it, Kate - we were happy in Dharmaville 'till you all showed up, and now that's all over...
- [Juliet smiles at Sawyer]
- Sawyer: So we're going to drink our OJ and take our chances in the real world. [Pause] And if Jack wants to blow up the island... good for Jack.
- [After arriving back on the island via a life-raft, Sawyer, Juliet and Kate encounter Rose and Bernard who have not been seen since 'The Lie']
- Sawyer: Did you not hear me shout "meet at the creek"?
- Bernard: There were flaming arrows raining down around us, killing everyone we knew - well sure, we heard you!
- Sawyer: Well we spent all sorts of time looking for you. I had Jin out searching the island grid-by-grid.
- Rose: Yeah, we know.
- Juliet: You know?
- Rose: Yeah sure, you lot joined up with Dharma.
- Sawyer: Well damn, I could have brought both of you in! Why didn't you find a way to tell us you were out here?
- Rose: Because we're retired.
- [Flashback to Hurley being released from prison following the events of 'The Lie.' He exits the prison and heads out to a taxi opening the door]
- Hurley: Sorry, I didn't see it was taken, dude.
- Jacob: Actually, I'm only going a few blocks, if you want to share...?
- Hurley: Cool. You sure?
- Jacob: Come on in.
- [Hurley gets into the taxi and sits on the backseat next to Jacob. As the taxi starts to move off, Hurley opens a package of Fruit Roll-Ups and offers some of it to Jacob]
- Hurley: You want some? It's cherry.
- Jacob: No, thanks.
- Hurley: So what were you in for?
- Jacob: Excuse me?
- Hurley: Jail? I was there because I shot three guys... well, I didn't really. I guess they figured it out. What about you?
- Jacob: I wasn't in jail.
- Hurley: Then what were you doing sitting outside the prison in a cab?
- Jacob: I was waiting for you, Hugo.
- [Jacob smiles at Hurley, who looks unnerved]
- Hurley: Oh?! [Pause] Then you must be dead.
- Jacob: I'm definitely not dead.
- Hurley: Then what do you want from me?
- Jacob: I want to know why you won't go back to the island.
- [Another long pause]
- Hurley: Because I am cursed.
- Jacob: Is that so?
- Hurley: Uh-huh. That's why the plane crashed, my friends died: Libby, Charlie. And now they visit me and I can't make it stop.
- Jacob: What if you weren't cursed? What if you were blessed?
- Hurley: How do you mean 'blessed'?
- Jacob: Well you get to talk to the people you've lost, seems like a pretty wonderful thing to me.
- Hurley: Sure it's wonderful apart from the part where I'm crazy.
- Jacob: I got some news for you, Hugo, and you're just going to have to take my word on this. You are not crazy.
- [Hurley looks nervous and confused]
- Hurley: Who are you, dude?
- Jacob [to taxi driver]: I'm just up here on the left.
- [The taxi stops. Jacob once again turns to Hurley]
- Jacob: Ajira Airways Flight 316 out of LAX leaves in 24 hours. All you have to do is be on that plane. It's your choice, Hugo. You don't have to do anything you don't want to.
- [Jacob touches Hurley on the shoulder and exits the taxi leaving a guitar case next to Hurley]
- Hurley: Wait! You forgot your guitar!
- [Jacob peers back into the taxi answers Hurley and then leaves]
- Jacob: It's not my guitar.
- Ilana: Which one of you is Ricardus?
- Richard: It's Richard, actually.
- Ilana: What lies in the shadow of the statue?
- Richard: Ille qui nos omnes servabit.
- Ilana: Richard...I'm Ilana. I have something you need to see. [to her crew] Open it up.
- [The Others cock their guns.]
- Richard: It--it's okay. It's okay. Let them.
- [Ilana's team turns over the crate. It contains John Locke's body.]
- Richard: [stunned] Where did you find him?
- Ilana: In the cargo hold of the plane we came here on...in a coffin.
- Sun: I don't understand. If this is Locke... who's in there?
- Jacob: Benjamin, whatever he's told you, I want you to understand one thing: you have a choice.
- Ben: What choice?
- Jacob: You can do what he asks, or you can go, leave us to discuss our... issues.
- Ben: Oh... so now, after all this time... you've decided to stop ignoring me. Thirty-five years I lived on this island, and all I ever heard was your name, over and over. Richard would bring me your instructions, all those slips of paper, all those lists... and I never questioned anything. I did as I was told. But when I dared to ask to see you myself, I was told, "You have to wait. You have to be patient." But when he asks to see you, he gets marched up here as if he was Moses. So why him? Hmm? What was it that was so wrong with me? What about me?
- Jacob: [sadly] What about you?
- Ben: ...Ah. Well... [He stabs Jacob twice in the chest and watches as he falls to the ground]
- Sawyer: Wait, Juliet, we've got to talk about this!
- Juliet: There's nothing to talk about, James. We have to let Jack do what he came here to do.
- Sawyer: Well maybe you should have told me about your change of heart before I brought him out to the jungle to kick his ass!
- Juliet: Would that have stopped you?
- Sawyer: No -
- Juliet: Well, then, I'm glad you got it out of your system.
- Sawyer: Hey! Ju - [He makes to grab her]
- Juliet: [She pulls away] No, James, don't you -
- Sawyer: [He backs off, shocked] ...I need you to tell me where all of this is coming from. One minute you're leading the Great Sub Escape and now you're on board with blowing up the damn island?!
- Juliet: I -
- Sawyer: I got a right to know why you changed your mind.
- Juliet: ...I changed my mind when I saw you look at her.
- Sawyer: I don't care who I looked at. I'm with you.
- Juliet: ...And you'd stay with me forever, if I let you, which is why... I will always love you. And we knew what we had was just for a little while, and - and just because we love each other doesn't mean that we're meant to be together, so if... if Jack can make it so that you guys never come here, then... he should.
- Sawyer: [upset] ...Why are you doing this, Juliet?
- Juliet: [sadly] I... if I never meet you... then I never have to lose you. [She leaves]