Mark Williams (radio host)
Mark Williams is an American journalist who works as a radio talk show host / columnist / television and Web commentator. He is based in Sacramento, California but appears on radio, mostly as a fill-in host, nationally.
In 2008 Williams became the Vice-Chairman of Our Country Deserves Better PAC and launched a 35 city "Stop Obama Tour". The organization produces and places television and radio advertising to promote conservative causes. In 2009 Williams and OCTB PAC produced and ran in New York City and Upstate New York a number of radio and televsion ads promoting Republican Assemblyman Jim Tedisco in his run for the NY 20th Congressional District.
The Mark Williams quotes:
In 2008 Williams became the Vice-Chairman of Our Country Deserves Better PAC and launched a 35 city "Stop Obama Tour". The organization produces and places television and radio advertising to promote conservative causes. In 2009 Williams and OCTB PAC produced and ran in New York City and Upstate New York a number of radio and televsion ads promoting Republican Assemblyman Jim Tedisco in his run for the NY 20th Congressional District.
The Mark Williams quotes:
- Cindy Sheehan's not interested in the memory of her son beyond venting her hatred of him and fury that he died an American Hero. She's only interested in using her son as a prop to advance her own hatred for America. ... Cindy Sheehan is on a mission to figuratively urinate on her son's grave and make his death stand for nothing.
- As quoted in "Truth Tour's" Williams: Sheehan "on a mission to figuratively urinate on her son's grave" by Joseph Brown in Media Matters (24 August 2005)
- The Left's experiment in training Americans to be passive and expect the government to do absolutely everything for them has been overwhelmingly successful in creating an infantile mindset, with the result being that in New Orleans and entire segment of the population, mostly black - the Left's guinea pigs in this endeavor — apparently no longer have the requisite brains and common sense to get out of the way of a Category 5 hurricane.
- On Hurricane Katrina (9 September 2005 CNN HN)
- He's a Ku Klux Klansman in blackface.
- On Kanye West (9 Septembeer 2005 CNN HN)
- This crazy little midget, y'know, Kim Mentally Ill, that runs North Korea is taking us to the cleaners. We need to find a CIA agent who can blend in and put a bullet in his brain.
- On North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Il
- A human rights near atrocity. We're watching the plantation owners swap out Africans for Latinos — no difference but for the lack of visible chains. Supporters of illegal immigration are really saying that they support the exploitation of the desperation of dark-skin people who speak a different language and who are desperate only by virtue of skin color. Been there, done that, fought a civil war over it. Here we go again.
- On illegal immigration into the US
- Yasser Arafat was a blood-soaked, sub-human, vile, reprehensible, murderous animal... If there is a crueler pile of camel manure than Palestine, and then it has got to be the total fiction of a Palestinian people.