Marvin the Martian
Quotes from Hare-Way to the Stars with Bugs Bunny :
Other quotes;
- "At last, after 2,000 years of work, the Illudium PU-36 explosive space modulator"
- "The Earth? Oh, the Earth will be gone in just a few seconds. [...] I'm going to blow it up. It obstructs my view of Venus."
- "Where's the Kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Kaboom!"
- "Delays, Delays"
- "Oh dear, now I shall have to create more Martians."
- "Oh goody! My Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator!" < PU-36 explodes > "Well, back to the old drawing board."
Other quotes;
- "Being disintegrated makes me angry! Very angry, indeed!"
- "Oh, that is an interplanetary flying space saucer. We are returning to Mars in it." (Bugs looks visibly shaken) "Isn't it delightful?"
- (drives over Duck Dodger's Earth Flag) "I claim this planet in the name of Mars!" (looks at a clearly infuriated Dodgers) "Isn't that lovely?"
- "This insignificant planetoid has been found guilty of crimes against the universe."
- "Oh drat these computers, they're so naughty and so complex. I could pinch them!"
- "Earthlings have the worst sense of direction!"
- "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Your Airness, but if you don't find a fifth player, your team will forfeit the game."
- "A mission? I'm all a-tingle!"
- "There's nothing I enjoy more than frolicking in a room filled with empty plastic balls."
- "Wakey-wakey, friends. Time to wreak mayhem in the cause of evil."
- "Ugh, another delusional fan trying to emulate the famous trench scene. How many lives must that accursed film claim?!"
- Daffy: So, what do you think? Could today end our mutual hatred?
Marvin: Unlikely, Dodgers. Whether at war or peace, I shall always loathe you.
Daffy: You shall always love me?! Eeeew!
Marvin: I said loathe, you idiot! - "Oh, no, Your Majesty. I like [General Z-9] in a way. In an 'I can't wait to go to his funeral' way!"
- Queen Tyr'ahnee: "Need mouth-to-mouth resuscitation..."
Marvin: "YES, YOUR HIGHNESS!" - "Oh dear. Now I suppose I shall have to use force."
- "Oh! That wasn't a bit nice! You have made me very angry! Very angry indeed!" (pacing back and forth, huffing and seething in rage)
- "Oh poo!"
- "Gee whiz, that silly place irritates me so!"
- (After Bugs Bunny takes the Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator) "Oh dear, this is most inconvenient."
- "Delays, delays!" (in frustration after his plans are interrupted)
- "Well, back to the old drawing board." (in resignation after his plans are thwarted. On one occasion, he said "Back to the old electronic brain.")
- (after a rocket crashes into his observatory) "I'm not angry. Just terribly, terribly hurt."
- "Brace yourself for immediate disintegration."
- "There is a growing tendency to think of man as a rational thinking being, which is absurd. There is simply no evidence of any intelligence on the earth."