Maumoon Abdul Gayoom

Maumoon Abdul Gayoom is current President of the Republic of Maldives.

BBC World interview (2003)

Interview with Adam Mynott, as quoted in "Freedom of expression guaranteed by constitution in Maldives, Gayyoom tells BBC" in Maldives Culture (18 October 2003)

  • My main objective has been to raise the standard of living of the people, to achieve social and economic progress.

  • I think our human rights record is very good. ... there is no systematic human rights abuses in the Maldives, there are no arbitrary arrests and people are tried in open court and they have access to lawyers.

  • These people where inciting people to violence. That is not allowed in any country, in any democracy. You don't allow that in the United Kingdom, you don't allow that in the United States, or anywhere in the world.

  • Freedom of expression is guaranteed by our constitution.

  • When asked about why the opposition members were arrested, Gayyoom replied in a crazy manner "Violence, Violence, Violence"
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