Mike Lange

Mike Lange is an ice hockey play-by-play broadcaster for the Pittsburgh Penguins of the NHL. He is known for colorful and bizarre expressions. His common sayings are referred to as "Langeisms." Lange was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame on November 12, 2001.

Sourced quotes

  • Scratch my back with a hacksaw!

  • "And ladies and gentlemen the kitchen is closed!"
    • "Eddie Spaghetti! The Story Behind Mike Lange-isms"
    • Mike Lange describing the call: "I went into a place to try and get something to eat and the lady very distinctly said to me, 'The kitchen is closed!' I said, 'Wow. There's the end, that's it, you can't eat any more, you haven't got a prayer.' I said, 'That's finality baby!'"

Langeisms Referring to the Stanley Cup as noted on Sports Center's Top 10 Mike Lange Signature calls.
  • Lord Stanley, Lord Stanley, get me the brandy!
  • ...And Lord Stanley, Scratch Their Names On Your Fabled Cup! The Pittsburgh Penguins are Stanley Cup Champions, 2009!
    • Stated when the Pens won the 2009 Stanley Cup
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