Moby is an American techno musician living in Harlem, New York City.
- better a loving single parent family than a 'conventional' family wherein the parents hate each other and the father is a demagogue.
- "one problem with cultural conservatism," essay included with the compilation album I Like to Score (1997) http://www.manicomio.tv/abduzioni/oneproblem.html
- i got a phone call from ricky martin's management asking me if i'd like to do something with him in florida around the winter music conference. my answer is as follows: 'i would consider doing something with ricky martin if and only if he publicly apologizes for performing at george w's inauguration and if he confirms that when he danced next to george w. bush at the inauguration he could smell brimstone and that george w. bush is in fact the spawn of satan.' so if ricky martin goes on national television to confirm that george w. is the spawn of satan then i will perform with him. otherwise no deal. and only if we can do a cover of 'in a gadda-da-vida', but the simpsons version, 'in the garden of eden' (to which reverend lovejoy responds ""that sounds like rock and or roll""). and, by the way, i'm a pretty easygoing young-ish person, so if you ever see me walking down the street just stop me and say hello. we're all in the same boat. right? of course you'll have to make it past my phalanx of security guards who are all ex-nfl linebackers, and the cadre of dobermans, and the perma-moat that i wear that's filled with electric eels and vicious sea monkeys. so if you see me just come and say hi. i'm normal.
- "predictions", journal entry (2001-02-15) at Moby's website, moby.com
- ozzy osbourne used to snort ants.led zeppelin had sex with hookers on private planes.and i start an on-tour book club.because one can only snort so many ants and have so much sex before one starts to long for the comfort and companionship of a good book.
- "to Copenhagen. bumpy roads & ant colonies," journal entry (2002-10-07) at moby.com
- why can't a democrat get fired up about protecting the environment and enacting gun control legislation just as right wing republicans get fired up about making sure that children have access to assault weapons and banning 'the catcher in the rye' and 'harry potter'?
- "imo", journal entry (2002-12-28) at moby.com
- i'm actually kind of impressed by iraq's patience right now... i mean, look at it objectively. they've opened their doors to un inspectors, they're being bombed by british and american troops, american forces are massing at their borders, american diplomats are actively looking to assinate [sic] saddam hussein, etc. it almost seems like bush is doing everything he can to taunt saddam hussein. not just 'if you step over this line i will hit you', but 'if you step over this line while i put rats on your back and put butter on the floor and make fun of your mom and move the line then i will hit you, in fact i'll hit you even if you just stand there and do nothing.' it's painfully clear that iraq should not be allowed to have weapons of mass destruction. but it also seems painfully clear that the bush administration have no intention of finding a peaceful resolution to the situation in iraq.
- "troubled times", journal entry (2003-01-04) at moby.com
- it will be interesting to see what the long term fruits of our national apathy will be, cos so far they've been pretty foul.
- "?", journal entry (2003-01-20) at moby.com
- one simple word: ugh.is something still considered a conspiracy if it's played out right under our noses?
- "oil industry", journal entry (2003-01-21) at moby.com
- For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you're an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion.
Then you go to an anti-immigration website chat room and ask, "What's all this about George Bush proposing amnesty for illegal aliens?"
- Quoted in "Punk the prez? Moby's anti-Bush tricks" by George Rush and Joanna Rush Molloy, New York Daily News (2004-02-09)
- For Moby's comment on this news item, see "today's daily news", journal entry 2004-02-09 at moby.com
- you are a liar.
you are inept.
you are probably the worst president that the united states has ever had to endure.
you are not welcome in nyc.- Addressed to George W. Bush in "go home, gw", journal entry (2006-09-10) at moby.com
- Music is the heart of life, you can't live without it.
- The reason I'm a vegan is not because I love animals, but because I really hate plants.