Modest Mouse

Modest Mouse is an American indie rock band, formed by guitarist Isaac Brock, drummer Jeremiah Green and bassist Eric Judy.


  • Travelling swallowing dramamine
    Feeling spaced breathing out listerine.

  • We kiss on the mouth but still cough down our sleeves

Custom Concern

  • message read on the bathroom wall,
    said "I don't feel at all like I fall,"
    and we're losing all touch,
    losing all touch
    building a desert


  • I might,
    And you might,
    But neither of us do, though,
    And neither of us will.
    Yesterday night I broke every bone in my jaw.
    Thought so hard it's the last thing I ever thought.

Lounge(Closing Time)

  • He don't remember.
    How it got there.
    It had a number
    Written on his forearm.
    It spelled disaster.

Novocain Stain

  • More housing developments go up
    Named after the things they replace
    So welcome to Minnow Brook
    And welcome to Shady Space
    And it all seems a little abrupt
    No I don't like this change of pace

Talking Shit About A Pretty Sunset

  • And I claim I'm not excited with my life any more
    So I blame this town, this job, these friends
    The truth is it's myself
    And I'm trying to understand myself
    And pinpoint who I am
    When I finally get it figured out
    I've changed the whole damn plan

  • Talking shit about a pretty sunset
    Blanketing opinions that I'll probably regret soon

  • Changed my mind so much I can't even trust it
    My mind changed me so much I can't even trust myself.

  • Looking kind of anxious in your cross armed stance
    Like a bad tempered prom queen at a homecoming dance.


  • Here's the soon to be anchor.
    Build bridges to nothing;
    you'll get nowhere.

  • Get too creative ordering our drinks and mine stinks, mine stinks.

  • Every kind-hearted banker, I don't think there is one.

  • Every governor's mother knows, that their bread is buttered by Sam.

Space Travel Is Boring

  • They gave her a mirror so she could talk to her face.
    She still got pretty lonely but that's just the case with time.
  • Looking out the window she can more than assume
    that you can't see air or time.

Make Everyone Happy/Mechanical Birds

  • I'd hate to see anybody thank you
    But I'd like to see you fail saying thank you, though.
  • I'm not sure who I am,
    But I know who I've been.

Beach Side Property

  • "Wow!" said the broken Californian down
    on the beach that used to be by the beach
  • Ground sure don't like the way it's treated so now
    it's moving back to the sea

Heart Cooks Brain

  • In this life that we call home
    The years go fast and the days go so slow

  • I'm trying to get my head clear I push things out through my mouth i get refilled through my ears.

  • We tore one down and erected another there
    The match of the century: Absence Versus Thin Air

  • My brain's the cliff and my heart's the bitter buffalo.

  • My brain's the weak heart and my heart's the long stairs.

  • My brain's the burger and my heart's the coal.

Bankrupt On Selling

  • Well, I'll go to college and I'll learn some big words,
    And I'll talk real loud,
    Goddamn right, I'll be heard.
    You'll remember that guy who said all those big words he must've
    Learned in college.

  • Well, all the apostles, they're sittin' in swings
    Saying, "I'd sell off my savior for a set of new rings
    And some sandles with the style of straps that cling best to the era."

Jesus Christ Was an Only Child

  • Working real hard to make internet cash
    Work your fingers to the bone sitting on your ass

Trailer Trash

  • Eating snowflakes with plastic forks,
    And a paper plate of course:
    You think of everything.
  • And it's been a long time
    which agrees with this watch of mine
    and I guess that I missed you
    and I'm sorry if I dissed you.
  • God damn, I hope I can pass high school means nothing

Teeth Like God's Shoeshine

  • Go to the grocery store, buy some new friends
    And find out the beginning, the end, and the best of it
    Do you need a lot of what you got to survive?

  • Oh, if you could compact your conscience
    Oh, and you might
    Oh, if you could bottle and sell it you might've done
    Oh, and you might
    Oh, if you could compact your conscience and sell it
    Save it for another time
    You know you might have to use it

  • Here's the man with teeth like God's shoeshine
    He sparkles
    Let's all have another orange julius
    Thick syrup standing in lines
    The malls are the soon to be ghost towns
    Well so long, farewell, goodbye

  • You can be ashamed to be so proud of what you've done,
    but not no one, not now, not ever anyone.

Cowboy Dan

  • Everytime you think you're walking you're just moving the ground
    Everytime you think you're talking you're just moving your mouth
    Everytime you think you're looking you're just looking...down

  • He drove to the desert, fired his rifle in the sky
    And said, "God if I have to die then you will have to die."

  • Well, Cowboy Dan's a major player in the cowboy scene
    He goes to the reservation drinks and gets mean
    I didn't move to the city, the city moved to me
    And I want out desperately

Out of Gas

  • I had a drink the other day
    Opinions were like kittens
    I was giving them away

Trucker's Atlas

  • I don't feel and it feels great
  • I'm going to Colorado
    to unload my head.
    I'm going to New York City
    and that's in New York, friends.

Doin' The Cockroach

  • You move your mouth
    You shake your tongue
    You vibrate my eardrums off
    You're saying words
    But you know I ain't listening
  • I was in heaven, I was in hell,
    believe in neither but fear them as well.
  • You're walking down the street
    Your face
    Your lips
    Your hips
    Your eyes
    They meet
    You're not hungry though

Styrofoam Boots/It's All Nice On Ice, Alright

  • Well, all's not well,
    But I'm told that it'll all be quite nice
    You'll be drowned in boots like mafia
    But your feet'll still float like Christ
    Well, I'll be damned,
    They were right.
    I'm drowning upside down
    My feet afloat like Christ

  • God takes care of himself,
    and you of you.

  • Well some guy comes in
    lookin' a bit like everyone I ever seen
    he moves just like crisco disco
    breath 100% Listerine,
    And he says looking at someone else
    but directing everything to me
    "Anytime anyone gets on their knees and prays,
    Well, it makes my telephone ring!" Well, I'll be damned.
    He said, "You were right, no one's running this whole thing."

Paper Thin Walls

  • It's been agreed the whole world stinks, so no one's taking showers anymore.

  • Everyones a voyuerist
    They're watching me watch them watch me right now.

  • Laugh hard, it's a long ways to the bank.

I Came As a Rat

  • I came as ice, I came as a whore
    I came as advice that came too short
    I came as gold, I came as crap
    I came clean and I came as a Rat

  • I came as a call, I came as flat
    I came too soon so I came back
    I came as flowers, I came as nice
    I came as dirt and I came as its price

  • It takes a long time, but God dies too,
    But not before he'll stick it to you.
    I don't know, but I been told
    You never die and you never grow old.

Alone down There

  • You can't see anything well.
    You ask me what size it is, not what I sell.

  • The Devil's apprentice, he gave me some credit.
    He fed me a line and I'll probably regret it.

A Different City

  • I wanna remember to remember to forget you forgot me.

  • They gave me a receipt that said I didn't buy nothing.


  • If I had a nickel,
    For every damn dime,
    I'd have half the time,
    Do you mind?

  • My Hell comes from inside,
    Comes from inside myself.
    Why... fight... this?

  • Everyone is afraid of their own lives.
    If you could be anything you want, I'd bet
    You'd be disappointed. Am I right?

  • It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember we're alive for the first time.
    It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember we're alive for the last time.
    It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember to live before you die.
    It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember that our lives are such a short time.
    It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember when it takes such a long time
    . It's hard to remember...

  • If you knew everything they thought, I bet that you'd wish that they'd just shut up.

  • My hell comes from inside, comes from inside myself. Why fight this?

Perfect Disguise

  • 'Cause you cocked your head to shoot me down,
    And I don't give a damn about you or this town
    No more.

  • 'You need me to fall down so you can climb up,
    Some fool ass ladder, well good luck I hope, I hope there is something better up there

3rd Planet

  • The 3rd Planet is sure that they're being watched
    By an eye in the sky that can't be stopped
    And when you get to the promised land,
    You're gonna shake that eye's hand.

  • Your heart felt good
    It was drippin' pitch and made of wood

  • And your hands and knees felt cold and wet on the grass to me
    Outside naked, shiverin' looking blue, from the cold sunlight that's reflected off the moon

  • And a third had just been found,
    Another ocean on the planet,
    given that our blood is just like the Atlantic,
    And how.

  • The Universe is shaped exactly like the earth
    If you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were

What People Are Made Of

  • By then it was too late and you wound up on an island of shells and bones that bodies had left.

  • And the one thing you taught me about human beings was this:
    They ain't made of nothin' but water and shit!

The Stars Are Projecters

The stars are projectors, yeah
Projectin' our minds down to this planet Earth
Everyone wants a double feature
They wanna be their own damn teacher, and how
All the stars are projectors, yeah
  • God is a woman and a woman is
    An animal that animal's man, and that's you

  • Well right wing, left wing, chicken wing!

It's built on findin' the easier ways through

Was there a need for creation?
That was hidden in a math equation
And that's this:

Wild Pack of Family Dogs

  • A wild pack of family dogs came runnin' through the yard one day
    My father got his gun, shot it up, they ran away ok

  • A wild pack of family dogs came runnin' through the yard
    And as my own dog ran away with them, I didn't say much of anything at all

  • A wild pack of family dogs came runnin' through the yard
    As my little sister played, the dogs took her away
    And I guess she was eaten up ok, yeah she was eaten up ok

  • My dad he quit his job today, well I guess he was fired but that's ok

Life Like Weeds

  • ...And in the places you go you'll see the place where you're from
    ...And in the faces you meet, you'll see the place where you'll die
    ...And on the day that you die, you'll see the people you met
    ...And in the faces you see, you'll see just who you've been

  • All this talking all the time and the air fills up, up, up
    Until there's nothing left to breathe
    Up until there's nothing left to speak
    Up into the better parts of space

Tiny Cities Made of Ashes

  • We're goin' down the road towards tiny cities made of ashes
    I'm gonna' hit you on the face, I'm gonna' punch you in your glasses. Oh no!
    I just got a message that said "Yeah, hell is freezin' over."
    I Got a phone call from the Lord sayin', "Hey boy get a sweater. Right now."
    So we're drinkin', drinkin', drinkin', drinkin', coca-coca-cola
    I can feel it rollin' right on down, oh right on down my throat

  • Does anybody know a way that a body could get away?

  • I'm wearin' myself a t-shirt that says "The world is my ashtray"
    Our hearts pump dust and our hairs all grey

Black Cadillacs

  • I didn't die and I ain't complainin', I ain't blamin' you.
    I didn't know that the words you said to me meant more to me than they ever could you.

  • We named our children after towns that we've never been to

  • I got the time, I got the hours, I got the days, I got the weeks.
    I could say to myself I've got the words but I can't speak.

  • It's true, we named our children after towns, that we've never been to, and it's true that the clouds just hung around, like black cadillacs outside the funeral, and we were laughing at the stars, while our feet clung tight to the ground, so pleased with ourselves for using so many verbs and nouns


  • Well all that icing and all that cake,
    I can't make it to your wedding, but I'm sure I'll be at your wake.
    You were talk, talk, talk, talkin' in circles that day,
    When you get to the point make sure that I'm still awake, okay?

  • If God controls the land and disease
    Keeps a watchful eye on me,
    If he's really so damn almighty,
    Well, my problem is I can't see
    Well, who would wanna be...
    Who would wanna be such a control freak?

  • If God takes life he's an Indian Giver.

  • Well see what you wanna see. You should see it all.
    Well take what you want from me. You deserve it all.
    Nine times out of ten our hearts just get dissolved.
    Well I want a better place or just a better way to fall.
    But one time out of ten, everything is perfect for us all.
    Well I want a better place or just a better way to fall.
    Here we go...

Bury Me With it

  • We were shootin' at a mound of dirt.
    Well nothing was broken, nothing was hurt.
    But I probably really should have been at work.

  • Well, the point was fast, but it was too blunt to miss.
    Life handed us a paycheck and we said, "we worked harder than this!"

  • We are humming birds who've lost the plot and we will not move...
    And there's good news for people who love bad news.

  • We were aimin' for the moon, we were shootin' for the stars
    But the kids were just shootin' at the buses and the cars!
    So don't drink the water, Don't you breath the air,
    And if it's gotten to that point then i have to declare
    PLEASE, Bury Me With It

Float On

  • I backed my car into a cop car the other day,
    Well he just drove on, sometimes life's okay.
    I ran my mouth off a bit too much, but what can I say,
    Well you just laughed it off, it was all okay.

  • All right all ready we'll all float on, we'll all float on

  • All right all ready we'll all float on, we'll all float okay

The World At Large

  • If the world's at large, why should I remain?

  • Went to the porch, to have a thought
    Got to the door and again I couldn't stop

  • Well uh-uh baby, I ain't got no plan
    We'll float on maybe would you understand?
    Gonna float on maybe would you undersand?
    Well float on maybe would you understand?

  • The days get shorter and the nights get cold.
    I like the autumn but this place is getting old.

  • The days get longer and the nights smell green.
    I guess it's not surprising but it's spring and I should leave.

  • I like songs about drifters- books about the same.
    They both seem to make me feel a little less insane

  • I know that starting over's not what life's about.
    But my thoughts were so loud i couldn't hear my mouth.

The View

  • If life's not beautiful without the pain,
    Well, I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again.
    Well, as life gets longer,
    Awful feels softer.
    Well, it feels pretty soft to me.
    And if it takes shit to make bliss,
    then i feel pretty blissfully.

The Ocean Breathes Salty

  • The more we move ahead, the more we're stuck in rewind.
    Well, I don't mind, I don't mind,
    How the Hell could I mind?

  • Well that is that and this is this.
    You tell me what you want and I'll tell you what you get.
    You get away from me. You get away from me.
    Collected my belongings and I left the jail.
    Well, thanks for the time, I needed to think a spell.
    I had to think a while. I had to think a while.

  • Well that is that and this is this.
    Will you tell me what you saw and I'll tell you what you missed, when the ocean met the sky.
    You missed when time and life shook hands and said goodbye.
    When the earth folded in on itself.
    And said "Good luck, for your sake I hope heaven and hell are really there, but I wouldn't hold my breath."
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

  • You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste the afterlife?

Satin In A Coffin

  • Now the blow's been softened
    Since we are our own damn coffins.
    Well, everybody's talkin' 'bout their short list,
    And everybody's talkin' 'bout death!
    You were layin' on the carpet
    Like you're satin in a coffin.
    You said, "Do you believe what you're sayin'?"
    "Yeah, right now, but not that often."
    Are you dead or are you sleepin'?
    Are you dead or are you sleepin'?
    Are you dead or are you sleepin'?
    God, I sure hope you are dead.

This Devil's Workday

  • I could buy myself a reason,I could sell myself a job,
    I could hang myself for treason, oh i am my own dear god Ah-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha

  • Gonna take this sack of puppies, Gonna set it out to freeze
    Gonna climb around on all fours 'til all the blood falls out my knees.

March Into The Sea

  • If food needed pleasing you'd suck all the seasoning off.

  • Bang your head like a gong cause you call it all wrong
    Move Your Tongue! Klang Klang, Klang Klang, Klang KLAAA-AAAAANG!

  • Drag me out of the sea and then teach me to breath
    Give me forced health 'til i wish death on myself
    Give me forced health 'til i wish death on myself Ah-ha-ha, Ah-Ha, Ah-ha, Ah-HAAaaAA!


  • Well it woulda' been, coulda' been worse than you would ever know.
    Oh, the dashboard melted, but we still have the radio.

  • Well, you told me about nowhere well it sounds like someplace I'd like to go.

  • Well, the windshield was broken but I love the fresh air you know.

  • I heard the world don't like us, it'll shake us just like we were a co-o-o-o-old.

  • We've yet to crash, but we shall might as well enjoy it.

  • I just wanted to catch the last laugh of the show.

  • Hard wired to conceive so much we had to stow it
    Even needs have needs
    Tiny giants made of tinier giants

  • The car was on blocks, but i was already where i want.

Fire It Up

  • Have a drink, you've had enough.

  • Oh we ate all of the oranges off the navels of our lovers
    Grabbed a book and read the cover.

  • It honestly was beautifully done
    Like trying to hide the daylight from the sun

  • It honestly was beautifully bold
    Like trying to save an ice cube from the cold


  • Far enough, far enough
    Wasn't far enough

  • It was always worth it, that's the part I seem to hide.

Parting Of The Sensory

  • This fit like clothes made out of wasps.
    Oh, fuck it, I guess I lost

  • Some day you will die and somehow something's going to steal your carbon.

  • A life long walk to the same exact spot.

  • We placed our chips in all the right spots, but still lost.

  • Someday something will die and somehow you'll figure out how often you will die.

Missed The Boat

  • Oh, and I laugh all the way to hell.
    Saying, "Yes, this is a fine promotion."

  • We've listened more to life's end gong
    Than the sound of life's sweet bliss

  • All our favorites were playing
    So we could shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.

  • We finally got it figured out that we had truly missed the boat.

  • Oh, and I know this of myself,
    I assume as much for other people.

Fly Trapped In A Jar

  • Well I hadn't noticed but the people really noticed that they didn't really want us around,
    So not a single one of us will ever leave town, here we go sir!

  • Our bodies were laid out,
    They were laid for fifteen yards,
    Well two feet above each of our heads was a fly trapped in a jar.

Little Motel

  • We treat mishaps like sinking ships
    and I know that I don't want to be out to drift.

  • Well I can see it in your eyes like I taste your lips
    and they both tell me that we're better than this.

  • I can see it in your eyes like I taste your lips
    and I'm very sorry.

  • It rained and its over a shooting star
    Landed directly on our broke down little car
    We fold and we had made a wish
    That we would be missed
    If one another just did not exist

  • That's what we're waiting for, aren't we?

Spitting Venom

  • Well we went downtown and we sat in the rain
    Well looking what direction and waiting for a train and thought over, it's all over.

  • So we carried all the groceries in while hauling out the trash.

  • Hold on to what you need
    We've got a knack for Fucked up History

  • I don't know who kept track, I didn't know there was a score
    But it looks like you're the winner,I ain't gonna play no more
    Its over...Game Over!

  • It takes more then one person to do exactly what's fair.

  • Cheer up baby, it wasn't always quite so bad
    for every bit of venom that came out
    the antidote was had

Interstate 8

  • You go out like a riptide
    You know that a ball has no sides
    you're an angel with an amber halo
    black hair and the Devil's pitchfork
    Wind up anger with an endless view of
    the ground's colorful patchwork
    How have you been?

  • I'm on a road shaped like a figure eight
    I'm going nowhere but I'm guaranteed to be late

Baby Blue Sedan

  • And it's hard to be humanly,
    And it's harder as anything else.
    And I'm lonesome when you're around.
    And I'm never lonesome when I'm by myself.

Never Ending Math Equation

  • Oh my god,
    I've got to, got to, got to, got to move on.
    Where do you move when what you're movin' from,
    Is yourself?

  • The universe works on a math equation that never even ever really even ends in the end...

  • And the plants and the animals eat each other.

Other People's Lives

  • Well, I'm fed up and I need to go
    Out of existence or just down the road

  • Other People's Lives seem more interestin'
    'cause they ain't mine.
  • Out of Gas, Out of road, out of car, out of everything at last.

All Nite Diner

  • The sign said triple-x,
    but they were talkin' 'bout root-beer.

  • This is what he said, "When I have sex,
    I'm always thinkin' 'bout the pavement
    So I can avoid premature ejaculation."
    I got up remembering to thank him
    Better things to do, so I'll start drinkin' now

Life of Arctic Sounds

  • I wrote my name on the sun!
    Hey, alright, I might be goddamned.
    A life of arctic sounds.
    Hey, alright, I might be goddamned.
    All the sad comedians...
    Hey, alright, I might be goddamned.

Workin' on Leavin' the Livin

  • I'm working on drinking I'm working on driving I'm working on driving my drinks.

Whenever You Breathe Out, I Breathe In (Positive Negative)

  • I didn't go to work for a month
    I didn't leave my bed for eight days straight
    I haven't hung out with anyone
    and if I did, I'd have nothin to say

Four Fingered Fisherman

  • It's weeds pulling weeds and you're blaming yourself
    OK, we're all indifferent in our own way.

Think long

  • Sit and think for a while and you'll realize that you just still die.
    If you're not thinking at all I'm not sure why you're alive.

Worms Vs. Birds

  • You can see that we don't have to get along.
    Self-pity me, so pitiful
    You can see that birds and worms do not agree.

Point A to Point B

  • Point A to point B, Oh I know
    lots of points with no points in between for me
    so lonely but never alone I know
    I'm at my house but i wish that I was at home.

Here It Comes

  • Make a point to make no sense
    Here it comes
    Speak about the future in the past tense
    Here it comes

You're the Good Things

  • You're the icing
    On the cake
    On the table
    At my wake.

Willful Suspension of Disbelief

  • You could keep diggin' down and down
    A thousand graves down,
    Without turnin' 'round or findin' Hell
    You find you're diggin' up again.
  • Every will, every will, every will
    oh every will is a suspension of disbelief.

3 Inch Horses, Two Faced Monsters

  • It looked like we were photographed
    At gunpoint, so I had to laugh.
  • I don't know, but I've been told;
    You'll never die and you'll never grow old.
  • I guessed you guessed that I'd catch hell,
    I guessed you guessed that I'd catch hell,
    I just caught a cold but now I'm feeling well.
  • You said 'I hope you'll live forever',
    'Don't you wish that on me'
    You said 'Don't be clever.'

Night On The Sun

  • Well, there's one thing to know about this town,
    It's 500 miles underground.
    and that's alright.

  • Well, there's one thing to know about this town,
    Not a person doesn't want me underground.
    and that's alright.

  • You're hopelessly hopeless, I hope so, for you.

Guilty Cocker Spaniels

  • The truth is stopped and the skyline rose,
    Exchanging comfort for more fashionable clothes

  • Guilty cocker spaniels eating table scraps,
    Well we rolled over, how our master clapped
    It felt so good, we wanted more of that

  • Blame me so blameless,
    Can we find a way to blame our way out

Autumn Beds

  • As sure as clocks are bleeding time,
    We'll show up early just to wait in line

  • As sure as lead sinks we're the same,
    We're just more laundry that they need to hang

  • We won't be sleeping, We won't be sleeping,
    We won't be sleeping, We won't be sleeping,
    We Won't be sleeping in our Autumn Beds

The Whale Song

  • I guess i am a scout, So i should find a way out
    So everyone could find a way out

  • They Keep us in, to pull us out,
    I'm rising up, wish i was sinking down.

  • I know i was a scout, I Should've found a way out,
    so everyone could find a way out

  • instead of seeing a neighbor out,
    god i wish i would've found a way out,
    It's the last time we were happy
    ever happy

Perpetual Motion Machine

  • We all try harder as the days run out

  • With your teeth to your lips and your hair to the ground,
    Well you hear the fish and they're making this sound

Satellite Skin

  • Well how the heck did you think you could beat them
    at the same time that you're tryin to be them?

  • Just to tell you i could not have seen
    through the gist of those unhappy happy accidents.

King Rat

  • Even Crooks have to pay the rent.

  • We took all that we could carry but we tried to carry more.

  • We choked on straight tap water
    Well, gonna have to try the real thing

  • We laughed about payin' rent
    cause the county jails, they're free

  • I went down like a rag doll
    as you would, Child
  • [...] I went down like a rag doll,
    shooken and shy

  • Lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky me again
    I hardly knew, i should use my feet again

I've Got It All (Most)

  • I can't hear you, I can't hear you talk about your dreams involving me. And I don't believe, I don't believe that they are any sort of prophecy at all.

  • I've got it all... most.

  • How consistent.
    How can some so consistently mess up as much as every instance.
    How can someone inconsistent mess up so consistently.
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