Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar
Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar (born May 5, 1983 in Tehran) is an Iranian-born American citizen who confessed to intentionally hitting people with a car on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to "avenge the deaths of Muslims worldwide" and to "punish" the United States government. While no one was killed in the attack, nine people were injured (none seriously). Shortly after the attack, he turned himself in and was arrested. He currently awaits trial. Here is a list of quotes by Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar.
In response to the 911 operator asking why he did it:
March 05, 2006:
To police investigators:
March 06, 2006:
At his arraignment, when asked if he was trying to kill people, he said yes.
The local ABC network affiliate sent a request for an interview with Taheri-azar. On Friday, March 10, he responsed with a letter addressed to news anchor Amber Rupinta. In the letter he wrote:
Public statements
March 03, 2006:In response to the 911 operator asking why he did it:
- "To punish the government of the United States for their actions around the world." .
March 05, 2006:
To police investigators:
- [I did it to] "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world."
March 06, 2006:
At his arraignment, when asked if he was trying to kill people, he said yes.
The local ABC network affiliate sent a request for an interview with Taheri-azar. On Friday, March 10, he responsed with a letter addressed to news anchor Amber Rupinta. In the letter he wrote:
- In the name of Allah, the merciful the compassionate
- Dear Ms. Rupinta:
- I've included a visitor's application. I left a one page letter for the police in the bedroom of my apartment at 303 Smith Level Rd. A-34 but in brief;
- I live with the holy Koran as my constitution for right and wrong and definition of injustice.
- The Koran also spelled Quran is a scientific and mathematical miracle so there can be no doubt that it is from a supernatural source, i.e. Allah the creator and controller of all things. Those who follow the Koran, i.e. the truth, are members of one family, as the Koran states. Allah in the Koran gives permission for those who follow Allah to attack those who have waged war against them, with the expectation of eternal paradise in case of martyrdom and/or the living of one's life in obedience of all of Allah's commandments found throughout the Koran's 114 chapters.
- I've read all 114 chapters about 20 times since June of 2003 when I started reading the Koran. The U.S. government is responsible for the deaths and torture of countless followers of Allah, my brothers and sisters. My attack on Americans at UNC-CH March 3, was in retaliation for similar attacks orchestrated by the U.S. government on my fellow followers of Allah in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic territories. I did not act out of hatred for America but out of love for Allah instead. I live only to serve Allah by obeying all of his commandments of which I am aware by reading and learning the contents of the Koran.
- I would be glad to have an on-camera interview.
- Sincerely
- Mohammed Taheri-azar
Letter to the police
This is a transcript of the letter Mohammed Taheri-Azar left in his apartment for police to find:- In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate.
- To whom it may concern:
- I am writing this letter to inform you of my reasons for premeditating and attempting to murder citizens and residents of the United States of America on Friday, March 3, 2006 in the city of Chapel Hill, North Carolina by running them over with my automobile and stabbing them with a knife if the opportunities are presented to me by Allah.
- I did intend to use a handgun to murder the citizens and residents of Chapel Hill, North Carolina but the process of receiving a permit for a handgun in this city is highly restricted and out of my reach at the present, most likely due to my foreign nationality.
- I am a servant of Allah. I am 22 years of age and I was born in Tehran, Iran. My father, mother and older sister immigrated to the United States in 1985 when I was two years of age and I've lived in the United States ever since.
- I attended elementary, middle and high school in North Carolina and I was accepted into the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I began my college career in August 2001 and graduated in December 2005 with a bachelor's degree in psychology and philosophy with Allah's help.
- I do not wish to pursue my career as a student any further because I have no desire to amass the impermanent and temporary fame and material wealth this world has to offer. However I made the decision to continue my studies and to graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill so that the world will know that Allah's servants are very intelligent.
- Due to the killing of believing men and women under the direction of the United States government, I have decided to take advantage of my presence on United States soil on Friday, March 3, 2006 to take the lives of as many Americans and American sympathizers as I can in order to punish the United States for their immoral actions around the world.
- In the Qur'an, Allah states that the believing men and women have permission to murder anyone responsible for the killing of other believing men and women. I know that the Qur'an is a legitimate and authoritative holy scripture since it is completely validated by modern science and also mathematically encoded with the number 19 beyond human ability. After extensive contemplation and reflection, I have made the decision to exercise the right of violent retaliation that Allah has given me to the fullest extent to which I am capable at present.
- I have chosen the particular location on the University campus as my target since I know there is a high likelihood that I will kill several people before being killed myself or jailed and sent to prison if Allah wills. Allah's commandments are never to be questioned and all of Allah's commandments must be obeyed. Those who violate Allah's commandments and purposefully follow human fabrication and falsehood as their religion will burn in fire for eternity in accordance with Allah's will.
- Sincerely yours,
- Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar
Letter to The daily Tar Heel
G. Instructions and guidelines for fighting and killing in the cause of Allah- 1. Reasons for fighting in the Cause of Allah
- a) To stop persecution and oppression of Allah's Followers: .
- b) To release Anger and rage from Allah's followers' hearts: .
- c) To test Allah's followers' faith:
- d) To retaliate against enemies who attack first: .
- e) to prevent mishcief on earth: .
- f) To be rewarded by Allah: .
- 2. Obligation to fight: .
- 2.1. Disabled persons exempted: .
- 3. Rules for declaring Peace:
- 4. Methods of fighting in the cause of Allah
- 4.1 To inflict equal casualties on the enemies of Allah's followers as the enemy has inflicted: (2:178-179, , 42:39-42)
- 4.2. Cutting of limbs and crucifixion:
- 4.3. Beheading and removing fingers: .
- 4.4. Ambush (the method I chose on 3/3/2006): .
- 5. Additional relevant verses: (2:190-194, 2:216-218, 2:243-245, 3:141-142, 3:156-158, 3:167-175, 4:66, 4:74-78, 4:84, 4:95-96, 4:104, 5:54, 6:162, 8:12-16, 8:38-40, 8:52-62, 8:65-66, 8:72-75, 9:12-14, 9:19-21, 9:29, 9:36, 9:39, 9:44-45, 9:52, 9:81,9:56-58, 9:93-94, 9:100, 9:123, 16:110, 22:39-40, 22:58, 22:68, 26:227, 33:25, 22:26, 33:60-62, 47:20-21, 47:35, 48:16-22, 48:29, 49:10, 49:15, 57:10-11, 59:13-14, 61:4, 61:11-12, 73:20).