Mona Sahlin

Mona Ingeborg Sahlin, née Andersson, (born March 9, 1957) is a Swedish politician and leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party (Socialdemokraterna) since March 17, 2007.


  • Swedes are so boring, we should get inspiration from the East. Islam could liven Sweden up.
    • Mona Sahlin, Euroturk, August 12, 2005.

  • I think that's what makes many Swedes jealous of immigrant groups. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that brings you together. And what do we have? We have Midsummer's Eve and such silly things.
    • Mona Sahlin in a speech to the Turkish youth organization Euroturk, March, 2002.

  • If you're a social democrat, then you think it's cool to pay taxes. For me, tax is the finest expression for what politics really is.
    • Mona Sahlin in Swedish television, September 8, 1994.

  • If two equally qualified persons apply for a job at a workplace with few immigrants, the one called Mohammed should get the job.
    • Mona Sahlin in an interview with the Swedish newspaper Göteborgs-Posten, October 22, 2000.

  • But that has nothing to do with ethnicity. Who's by the way Swedish and who's an immigrant?
    • Mona Sahlin answers a question about increased crime and immigration in the Ungt val (eng. Young Election/Choice) section of the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, March 15, 2002.

  • In other words, we have to stop this beaver woman before she's gnawn apart every welfare system we've got in our country.
    • Mona Sahlin about the leader of Centerpartiet, Maud Olofsson, in the Swedish radio program Ekot, September 10, 2006.


  • The unemployment strikes hardest and most clearly those who don't have a job.
    • As minister of sustainable development (samhällsbyggnadsminister).
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