Muhammad (c. 570 – 8 June 632) full name: Abu Qasim Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abd al-Muttalib Ibn Hashim was a political, military, and religious leader. Muslim religious belief holds that he is the Seal of the prophets, and that the Qur'an is the message of Allah revealed to him by the angel Jibreel (Gabriel). Archaic spellings of his name in English include: Mohammed, Muhammed, and Mahomet.
See also quotes from the Qur'an (القرآن) and Non-Islamic views of Muhammad.
See also quotes from the Qur'an (القرآن) and Non-Islamic views of Muhammad.
- Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever has no kindness has not faith.
- As quoted in Al-Islam (1926) by Khwajah Kamal al-Din, p. 47
- Variant translation: Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever hath not kindness hath not faith.
- As quoted in Prabuddha Bharata : or Awakened India, Vol. 44 (1939) published by Advaita Ashrama, p. 84
Sunni Hadith
- Note: Hadith ("Traditions") of the Prophet are those sayings attributed directly to him, and to Muslims they are second in importance only to the Qur'an. They are seen as explanations of the Quranic verses and the second source of legislation in Islamic jurisprudence.
- (Arranged alphabetically)
- Faith (Belief) consists of more than sixty branches (i.e. parts). And Haya (This term "Haya" covers a large number of concepts which are to be taken together; amongst them are self respect, modesty, bashfulness, and scruple, etc.) is a part of faith.
- Whoever possesses the following three qualities will have the sweetness (delight) of faith:
- 1. The one to whom Allah and His Apostle becomes dearer than anything else.
- 2. Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah's sake.
- 3. Who hates to revert to Atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the fire.
- Bukhari 1:15
- Allah's Apostle [Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)] said, "The deeds of anyone of you will not save you (from the (Hell) Fire)." They said, "Even you (will not be saved by your deeds), O Allah's Apostle?" He said, "No, even I (will not be saved) unless and until Allah bestows His Mercy on me. Therefore, do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately, and worship Allah in the forenoon and in the afternoon and during a part of the night, and always adopt a middle, moderate, regular course whereby you will reach your target (Paradise).
- The ink of scholars (used in writing) is weighed on the Day of Judgement with the blood of martyrs and the ink of scholars out-weighs the blood of martyrs.
- As quoted in Al-Jaami' al-Saghîr by Imam al-Suyuti, where it is declared a "weak Hadith".
- Variant translations:
- The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr.
- The Islamic Review, Vol. 22 (1934), p. 105, edited by Khwajah Kamal al-Din
- The ink of scholars will be weighed in the scale with the blood of martyrs.
- As quoted in Knowledge of God in Classical Sufism : Foundations of Islamic Mystical Theology (2004) by John Renard
- A Muslim asked: "Oh Apostle of God, who are your kin whom you have ordered us to obey?" He replied, "Ali (Blessings Peace Be Upon Him), Fatimah (Blessings Be Upon Her), and her two sons."
- al-Suyuti, Dur al-Manthur, vol.7, p.7 ; ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Tafsir al-Tabari, vol.5, p.16 ; al-Fakhr al-Razi, al-Tafsir, vol.7, p.406 ; ibn Hajar al-Haythami, al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, p.102 ; Muhibbuddin al-Tabari, Dhakha‘ir al-Uqba, p.25 ; al-Shablanji, Nur al-Absar, p.100.
- A prostitute was forgiven by Allah, because, passing by a panting dog near a well and seeing that the dog was about to die of thirst, she took off her shoe, and tying it with her head-cover she drew out some water for it. So, Allah forgave her because of that.
- Bukhari 4:538 This is an extraordinary hadith, because following the Sunnah of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) , prostitutes can be extremely despised figures among most Muslims, yet it expresses the idea that even someone working in one of the most despised of professions, in showing mercy to an animal, can merit the forgiveness of Allah, and the wise.
- The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Verily, Allah has revealed to me that you should adopt humility. So that no one may wrong another and no one may be disdainful and haughty towards another."
- Riyadh-us-Salaheen, Compiled By Al-Imam Abu Zakariya Yahya bin Sharaf An-Nawawi Ad-Dimashqi, Chapter 279, Hadith 1589 http://www.witness-pioneer.org/vil/hadeeth/riyad/17/chap279.htm
- Allah’s Messenger kissed Al-Hasan ibn `Ali while Al-Aqra` ibn Habis At-Tamim was sitting with him . Al-Aqra` said, “I have ten children and have never kissed one of them.” The Prophet cast a look at him and said, “Whoever is not merciful to others will not be treated mercifully.”
- Al-Bukhari
- Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people.
- Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, #473
- Allah's Apostle said, "Anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should not harm his neighbor, and anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should entertain his guest generously and anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should talk what is good or keep quiet.
- Avoid cruelty and injustice for, on the Day of Judgment, the same will turn into several darknesses; and guard yourselves against miserliness; for this has ruined nations who lived before you.
- Riyadh-us-Salaheen, Hadith 203
- By his good character, a believer will attain the degree of one who prays during the night and fasts during the day.
- Abu Dawood, Hadith 2233
- ...Do not betray, do not be excessive, do not kill a newborn child.
- Narrated in Saheeh Muslim, #1731, and Al-Tirmizi, #1408.
- Do not turn away a poor man...even if all you can give is half a date. If you love the poor and bring them near you...God will bring you near Him on the Day of Resurrection.
- Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1376
- (Each one) of you should save himself from the fire by giving even half of a date (in charity). And if you do not find a half date, then (by saying) a pleasant word (to your brethren).
- Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Hadith 394
- Fear Allah and treat your children [small or grown] fairly (with equal justice).
- Al-Bukhari and Muslim
- Five kinds of animals are mischief-doers and can be killed even in the Sanctuary: They are the rat, the scorpion, the kite, the crow and the rabid dog.
- Hadith - Bukhari 4:531, Narrated 'Aisha
- "God does not judge you according to your bodies and appearances, but He looks into your hearts and observes your deeds."
[The man asked] "Who is more entitled to be treated with the best companionship by me?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man said. "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man further said, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man asked for the fourth time, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your father."- Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:2
- "Happy is the man who avoids dissension, but how fine is the man who is afflicted and shows endurance."
- Sunah of Abu Dawood, Hadith 1996
- "He who builds a masjid in the way of Allah, God will build a house for him in the paradise."
- Sahih Muslim, Nr. 828; muslim-canada.org
- He who has been a ruler over ten people will be brought shackled on the Day of Resurrection, until the justice (by which he ruled) loosens his chains or tyranny brings him to destruction.
- Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1037
- "I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this," — putting his index and middle fingers together.
- Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 8 Book 73 Number 34
- I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for."
- Narrated by 'Umar bin Al-Khattab: Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 1, Number 1
- In the name of God, I put my trust in God. O God, I seek refuge in Thee lest I stray or be led astray or cause injustice or suffer injustice or do wrong or have wrong done to me!
- Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 2, Number 67b.
- It is better for a leader to make a mistake in forgiving than to make a mistake in punishing.
- Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1011
- It is a fine thing when a believer praises and thanks God if good comes to him, and praises God and shows endurance if smitten by affliction. The believer is rewarded for (every good action), even for the morsel he raises to his wife's mouth.
- Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 537
- It is better for any of you to carry a load of firewood on his own back than to beg from someone else.
- Riyadh-Us-Saleheen, Chapter 59, hadith 540
- Narrated Abu Qatadah: “The Messenger of Allah came towards us while carrying Umamah the daughter of Abi Al-`As (Prophet’s granddaughter) over his shoulder. He prayed, and when he wanted to bow, he put her down, and when he stood up he lifted her up.”
- Al-Bukhari
- Narrated Umm Khalid: I (the daughter of Khalid ibn Said) went to Allah’s Messenger with my father and I was wearing a yellow shirt. Allah’s Messenger said, “Sanah, Sanah!” (`Abdullah, the narrator, said that sanah meant “good” in the Ethiopian language). I then started playing with the seal of prophethood (between the Prophet’s shoulders) and my father rebuked me harshly for that. Allah’s Messenger said, “Leave her.” The Prophet, then, invoked Allah to grant her a long life thrice.
- Al-Bukhari
- O people! Your God is one and your forefather (Adam) is one. An Arab is not better than a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab, and a red (i.e. white tinged with red) person is not better than a black person and a black person is not better than a red person, except in piety.
- Narrated in Mosnad Ahmad, #22978.
- People, beware of injustice, for injustice shall be darkness on the Day of Judgment.
- Narrated in Mosnad Ahmad, #5798, and Saheeh Al-Bukhari, #2447.
- Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded.
- Righteousness is good morality, and wrongdoing is that which wavers in your soul and which you dislike people finding out about.
- An-Nawawi's "Forty Hadith," Hadith 27
- Seven kinds of people will be sheltered under the shade of God on the Day of Judgment...They are: a just ruler, a young man who passed his youth in the worship and service of God...one whose heart is attached to the mosque...two people who love each other for the sake of God...a man who is invited to sin...but declines, saying 'I fear God'...one who spends his charity in secret, without making a show...and one who remembers God in solitude so that his eyes overflow.
- Riyadh-us-Salaheen, Hadith 376
- Sometimes I enter prayer and I intend to prolong it, but then I hear a child crying, and I shorten my prayer thinking of the distress of the child's mother.
- Fiqh us-Sunnah, Volume 2, Number 51b
- The best among you are those who are best to their wives.
- Narrated in Ibn Majah, #1978, and Al-Tirmizi, #3895.
- The example of a believer is like a fresh tender plant; from whichever direction the wind blows, it bends the plant. But when the wind dies down, (it) straightens up again.
- Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 4, Number 1
- The first cases to be adjudicated between people on the Day of Judgment will be those of bloodshed [killing and injuring]
- Narrated in Saheeh Muslim, #1678, and Saheeh Al-Bukhari, #6533.
- The first to be summoned to Paradise on the Day of Resurrection will be those who praise God in prosperity and adversity.
- Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 730
- The Prophet said, “(It happens that) I start the prayer intending to prolong it, but on hearing the cries of a child, I shorten the prayer because I know that the cries of the child will incite its mother’s passions.”
- Al-Bukhari
- There is a reward for kindness to every living animal or human.
- Narrated in Saheeh Muslim, #2244, and Saheeh Al-Bukhari, #2466.
- "The whole earth has been made a mosque and pure for me."
- Bukhari, www.alislam.org
- "What is the best type of Jihad [struggle]?" He answered: "Speaking truth before a tyrannical ruler."
- Riyadh us-Saleheen Volume 1:195
- While a man was walking along a road, he became very thirsty and found a well. He lowered himself into the well, drank, and came out. Then [he saw] a dog protruding its tongue out with thirst. The man said: "This dog has become exhausted from thirst in the same way as I." He lowered himself into the well again and filled his shoe with water. He gave the dog some water to drink. He thanked God, and [his sins were] forgiven. The Prophet was then asked: "Is there a reward for us in our animals?" He said: "There is a reward in every living thing."
- Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 104
- Whoever killed a person having a treaty with the Muslims, shall not smell the smell of Paradise though its smell is perceived from a distance of forty years.
- Abu Huraira reported that a person came to Allah, 's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Who among the people is most deserving of a fine treatment from my hand? He said: Your mother. He again said: Then who (is the next one)? He said: Again it is your mother (who deserves the best treatment from you). He said: Then who (is the next one)? He (the Holy Prophet) said: Again, it is your mother. He (again) said: Then who? Thereupon he said: Then it is your father.
- Narrated in Saheeh Muslim, Book 032, Number 6180 http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/muslim/032.smt.html#032.6180
- Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: A woman was punished because she had kept a cat tied until it died, and (as a punishment of this offence) she was thrown into the Hell. She had not provided it with food, or drink, and had not freed her so that she could eat the insects of the earth.
- Narrated in Saheeh Muslim, Book 026, Number 5570 http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/muslim/026.smt.html#026.5570
- Verily Allah has enjoined goodness to everything; so when you kill, kill in a good way and when you slaughter, slaughter in a good way. So every one of you should sharpen his knife, and let the slaughtered animal die comfortably.
- Narrated in Saheeh Muslim, Book 021, Number 4810 http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/muslim/021.smt.html#021.4810
On the mourning of his grandson Husayn
- The Holy Prophet (AS) said: Surely, there exists in the hearts of the Mu'mineen, with respect to the martyrdom of Husain (A.S.), a heat that never subsides.
- Mustadrak al‑Wasail vol 10 pg. 318
- O' Fatimah! Every eye shall be weeping on the Day of Judgment except the eye which has shed tears over the tragedy of Husain (A.S.) for surely, that eye shall be laughing and shall be given the glad tidings of the bounties and comforts of Paradise.
- Bihar al‑Anwar, vol. 44 pg. 193.
- On the Day of Judgment, you shall intercede for the ladies and I shall intercede for the men; every person who has wept over the tragedy of Husain (A.S.), we shall take him by the hand and lead him into Paradise.
- Bihar al‑Anwar vol. 94 pg. 192,
- (On the Day of Judgment, a group would be seen in the most excellent and honourable of states. They would be asked if they were of the Angels or of the Prophets. In reply they would state): "We are‑neither Angels nor Prophets but of the indigent ones from the ummah of Muhammad (S.A.W.)". They would then be asked: "How then did you achieve this lofty and honourable status?" They would reply: "We did not perform very many good deeds nor did we pass all the days in a state of fasting or all the nights in a state of worship but yes, we used to offer our (daily) prayers (regularly) and whenever we used to hear the mention of Muhammad (S.A.W.), tears would roll down our cheeks".
- Mustadrak al‑Wasail, vol 10, pg. 318.
On the Qur'an
- “The one who recites the Qur’an and the one who listens to it have an equal share in the reward.”
- Mustadrakul Wasa’il, Volume 1, Page 293
- “The best of those amongst you is the one who learns the Qur’an and then teaches it to others.”
- Al-Amali of Shaykh at-Tusi, Volume 1, Page 5
- “Everything in existence prays for the forgiveness of the person who teaches the Qur’an - even the fish in the sea.”
- Usulul Kafi, Volume 3, Page 301
- “These hearts rust just as iron rusts; and indeed they are polished through the recitation of the Qur’an.”
- Irshadul Qulub; Page 78
- In his last testament to ‘Ali (peace be upon him), the Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) told him: “O’ ‘Ali! I advice you to recite the Qur’an in every state (which you may find yourself in).”
- Man La Yahdhuruhul Faqih, Volume 4, Page 188
- “Nothing is harder for Satan to bear than a person who recites the Qur’an by looking at the pages (of the Qur’an).”
- Thawabul A’mal, Page 231
- “Brighten up your houses through the recitation of the Qur’an, and do not make them (your homes) like graves, similar to what the Jews and Christians have done (by not performing the prayers and worship of God in their house and limiting this to the Synagogues and Churches).”
- Usulul Kafi, Volume 2, Page 610
- “One who recites ten verses (ayat) of the Qur’an every night will not be counted amongst the negligent ones (Ghafilin); and one who recites fifty verses (ayat) will be written as those who remember Allah (Dhakirin); and one who recites one hundred verses (ayat) will be written down as the obedient and worshipper of Allah (Qanitin).”
- Thawabul A’mal, Page 232
- “I advise you to recite the Qur’an and remember Allah much, for surely the Qur’an will remember you (do your dhikr) in the Heavens and it will be a Divine Light (nur) for you on the Earth.”
- Al-Khisal, Page 525
- “The superiority of the Qur’an over the rest of words, is like the superiority of Allah over His creations.”
- Mustadrak al-Wasa’il, Volume 4, Page 237
- “Whoever recites the first four verses of Suratul Baqarah, Ayatul Kursi (verse 255 of Suratul Baqarah) along with the two verses which follow it (verses 256 and 257 up to ‘Wa Hum Fiha Khalidun’), and the last three verses (of this same Surah) will not see any bad or sorrow in his life or his wealth; Satan will not come near him; and he will not forget the Qur’an.”
- Thawabul A’mal, Page 234
- “For every thing there is an embellishment (or a decoration), and the embellishment of the Qur’an is a good voice.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 92, Page 190
- “Surely this Qur’an is the rope of Allah, and a manifest Light (nur), and a beneficial cure. Therefore, busy yourselves with the recitation of it, for Allah - The Mighty and Glorious – grants the reward of ten good deeds to you for every letter which is recited.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 92, Page 19
- “Whenever the waves of calamities encompass you like the dark night, seek refuge with the Qur’an - for it is an intercessor whose intercession will be accepted. One who takes it as a guide, Allah will lead that person into Heaven; and whoever disregards it or goes against it, will be lead into the Hell fire.”
- Fadhlul Qur’an, Page 599
- “Recite the Qur’an in such a way that your hearts develop a love for it and your skin becomes softened by it. However as soon as your hearts become indifferent to it (meaning that the Qur’an has no effect on you), then stop reciting it.”
- Mustadrakul Wasa’il, Volume 4, Page 239
- “One who listens to the Qur’an (while it is being recited) will be kept away from the evils of this world; and one who recites the Qur’an will be kept away from the trials of the hereafter. And the person who listens to even one verse of the book of Allah - this is better (for him) than possessing a mansion of gold.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 92, Page 19
- “The number of levels (stages) in Heaven is (equivalent to) the number of verses in the Qur’an (6236). Thus, when a reciter of the Qur’an enters into Heaven, it will be said to him: ‘Go up one level for every verse that you can recite.’ Thus, no one will be in a higher level than the one who has memorized the entire Qur’an.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 92, Page 22
- “If you want ease and success in this world, the death of a martyr, to be saved on the Day of Loss, a shade on the Day of the burning Qiyamat, and guidance on the Day of going astray, then take lessons from the Qur’an. Surely it is the word of the Merciful, a protection from the Satan, and one of the most weightiest of things for the scale of (good) deeds (on the Day of Judgement).”
- Jami’ul Akhbar, Page 78
- “Surely the recitation of the Qur’an is an atonement for the sins, a covering (protection) from the Hell Fire, and a safety from the punishment. Mercy will descend upon the reciter, the Angels will seek forgiveness for him, Heaven will long for that person, and his Master (Allah) will be pleased with him.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 93, Page 17
- “The people of the Qur’an (those who recite and those who memorize the Qur’an) will be in the highest level (in Heaven) from amongst all of the people with the exception of the Prophets and Messengers. Thus, do not seek to degrade the people of the Qur’an, nor take away their rights, for surely they have been given a high rank by Allah.”
- Thawabul A’mal, Page 224
- “Place a portion (of goodness) from the Qur’an in your homes, for surely ease will come to the people of that house in which the Qur’an is read, goodness will increase, and the inhabitants (of that house) will be given excess bounties.”
- Wasa’ilush Shi’a, Volume 4, Page 85
On Prayer
- “The first thing that Allah made obligatory upon my Ummah was the five prayers; and the first thing from their acts of worship that shall be taken up will be the five prayers; and the first thing that they will be questioned about will be the five prayers.”
- Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18859
- “One who adheres to the five (daily) prayers diligently, they shall be a means of illumination and salvation for him on the Day of Judgment.”
- Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18862
- “The prayer of a person is (in reality) a light in his heart, so whoever desires, can illuminate his heart (by means of prayers).”
- Kanzul `Ummal, Volume7, Tradition 18973
- “The prayer is one of the (primary) dictates of religion, in it lies the pleasure of the Lord, the Mighty and the Glorious, and it is the conduct of the Prophets.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 231
- “The prayer is the standard of Islam. Whosoever loves prayers, and observes their limits, timings and methods, is a true believer.”
- Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18870
- “For every thing there is a face and the face of your religion is prayers. So see to it that none from amongst you damages and disfigures the face of his religion.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 209
- “Whenever the time of each prayer arrives, an Angel announces to the people: (O’ People!) Stand up and extinguish, with prayers, the fire which you have set alight for yourselves.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 209
- “The position of prayers with respect to religion is similar to that of the head with respect to the body.”
- Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18972
- “The example of the five (daily) prayers is like that of a clear-water river flowing in front of your houses in which a person washes himself five times a day – cleansing him from all dirt.”
- Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18931
- “The most beloved of deeds in the eyes of Allah are: offering prayers at the stipulated times; (then) goodness and kindness towards parents; (and then) Jihad in the way of Allah.”
- Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18897
- “One who considers the prayers to be insignificant and trivial is not from me. By Allah! He shall never come close to me at the pool of Kauthar.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 224
- “Do not destroy your prayers for verily one who destroys his prayers shall be resurrected in the company of Qarun, Haman and Fir`awn.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 202
- “Prayer is the pillar of your religion and one who intentionally forsakes his prayer has destroyed his religion. And one who does not guard the times of the prayers, shall be made to enter ‘Wayl’, which is a valley in Hell, as Allah, the Exalted, has said: “So woe to the praying ones, who are unmindful of their prayers.”
- Biharul Anwar,Volume 82, Page 202
- Do not abandon your prayers intentionally for surely the obligations of Allah and His Messenger cease to cover one who forsakes his prayers intentionally.”
- Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 19096
- “If a person abandons his prayer such that he neither desires its rewards nor fears its chastisement, for such a person I do not care if he dies a Jew, a Christian or a Magian.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 202
- The good deeds of one who, without any appropriate excuse does not offer his prayer until its time passes away, are annulled.” He then said: “The divide between a believer and disbelief is the abandonment of prayers.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 202
- “The name of one who forsakes his prayer intentionally is written upon The door of Hell from which he shall (eventually) enter.”
- Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 19090
On Hajj
- “A person who circumambulates this House (the Ka’bah) seven times and performs the two Rak’at Salat (of Tawaaf) in the best form possible will have his sins forgiven.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 49
- “Surely Allah has chosen four cities from amongst all others, just as He, the Noble and Grand has said (in the Noble Qur’an): “I swear by ‘the fig’ and ‘the olive’ and the ‘Mountain of Sinai’ and by this protected city.” ‘The fig’ is the city of Madinah; ‘The olive’ is the city of Baitul Maqdas (in Jerusalem); ‘The Mountain of Sinai’ is Kufah; and the protected city is Makkah.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 77
- “Perform the tawaaf of the House and rub your hand over the Corner which has the Hajr al-Aswad because this is the right hand of Allah on His Earth which He shakes with His creations.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 202
- “The water of Zamzam is a cure for whatever (ailment) it is taken for.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 245
- “The greatest sin of a person who goes to ‘Arafat and then leaves is to think that he has not been forgiven of his sins.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 248
- “A person seeing (visiting) my grave deserves my intercession. And a person who visits me after my death is like a person who visited me during my lifetime.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 334
- “Walimah is only in five occasions: in the ‘Urs, Khurs, ‘Idhar, Wikar and the Rikaz – ‘Urs is when a person gets married; and Khurs is when a child is born; and ‘Idhar is on the circumcision of a baby boy; and Wikar is when a person purchases a house; and Rikaz is when a person returns from Hajj.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 384
- “The person who seeks knowledge while in his youth is similar to the act of inscribing something upon a rock; while the person who seeks knowledge while he is old is similar to the act of writing something upon the water.”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 1, Page 222
- “A person shall arrive on the Day of Judgement and shall be in possession of good deeds in the measure of vastly accumulated clouds or towering mountains. (Witnessing them) he shall ask: ‘Oh My Lord! How can these be for me when I have not performed them?’ God shall reply: ‘This is your knowledge that you had taught and conveyed to the people, and which was acted upon after you had died.’ ”
- Biharul Anwar, Volume 2, Page 18