Munir Said Thalib

Munir Said Thalib known simply by his first name Munir, is Indonesia's most famous human rights and anti-corruption activist. The founder of the Kontras human rights organisation and laureate of the Right Livelihood Award, Munir was poisoned with arsenic in 2004 on a Garuda Indonesia airline flight from Jakarta to Amsterdam while travelling to Utrecht University to pursue a doctorate in international law and human rights.

Quotes About Munir

After Munir was assassinated, the Right Livelihood Foundation of Sweden, which had awarded him their prestigious 2000 prize for his work to gain civillian control over the Indonesian Military and expose military atrocities, issued this statement:
  • "Human rights in the sense of human solidarity has created a new universal and equal language going beyond racial, gender, ethnic or religious boundaries. That is why we consider it a doorway to dialogue for people of all socio-cultural groups and all ideologies."
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